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Home Functional Performance Mock Services API Monitoring Test Data
  • Introduction
  • Mock Service Service REST API
  • Tag REST API
  • Transaction API
  • Mock Service REST API
  • Mock Service Template REST API
  • Mock Service Location REST API
  • Mock Service Log REST API
  • Appendix
  • Introduction

    Welcome to the Mock Services section of the BlazeMeter API Reference! This reference provides information on accessing our API endpoints to automate the creation of mock services and transactions for your services.

    After verifying your application server is functioning as expected, you're ready to move on to simulating some tests. BlazeMeter CT's Mock Services allow you to test even when you don't have access to a full test environment. You can run a mock service to deploy transactions, which are typically a subset of transactions in a particular service.

    Once a mock service is created and running, you can associate it to your test, embed it in your test scripts, or provide it during test execution.

    This API reference uses the following conventions for your convenience:


    Your Account provides access to different levels of the API:

    The following figure illustrates the relationship between the components.

    Authorization Using Basic Authentication


    curl '' \
        --user 'api_key_id:api_key_secret'

    Response 200 OK

      "api_version": 4,
      "error": null,
      "result": {
        "id": 123456,
        "email": "",
        "access": 1522676762,
        "login": 1521724222,
        "firstName": "my",
        "lastName": "name",
        "timezone": 0,
        "enabled": true,
        "roles": [

    API Explorer: /user

    To use the BlazeMeter API, pass your BlazeMeter API key using Basic Authentication (Basic Auth) credentials. These credentials contain a Key ID and a Secret Key:


    For example: f817e22f1526b048799f75da:7641251982b983cfd92b5a25fa97cd3ee9e21920f21d8b14cd705831826935723f3033f0

    All API requests must be made over HTTPS. Calls made over plain HTTP will fail. API requests without authentication will also fail. In the code sample, replace 'api_key_id:api_key_secret' with your credentials.

    Create the API Key

    Use the linked BlazeMeter article to create your API key.

    Mock Service Service REST API

    Create a Service

    To create a Service in your Workspace, you need to know your Workspace identifier. The sample code uses a workspaceId of 123456. Use the actual ID value of your workspace.

    The response contains a Service identifier that you should note down. You will need the serviceID when you want to configure, deploy, or delete this Service later.

    Create a Service Minimum Configuration Sample

    curl '' \
        -X POST \
        -H 'accept: */*' \
        -H 'authorization: Basic Aa1Bb2Cc3Dd4Ee5Ff6Gg7Hh8Ii9Jj0Aa1Bb2Cc3Dd4Ee5Ff6' \
        -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
        -d '{ "description": "This service handles foo.", "name": "My Foo Service"}'

    The following parameters are the base parameters required to create Service.

    Create a Service Request Attributes

    Create a Service Minimum Configuration Sample POST Body (JSON)

      "description": "This service handles foo.",
      "name": "My Foo Service"

    Response 201 Created

      "apiVersion": 1,
      "error": null,
      "result": {
        "id": 1645,
        "name": "My Foo Service",
        "description": "This service handles foo.",
        "created": 1563897852,
        "updated": 1563897852,
        "createdBy": "",
        "updatedBy": ""
      "requestId": "ec0e40cf720bdbc4"


    Get All Services

    To get all Services of a Workspace, you need to know your Workspace identifier. The sample code uses a workspaceId of 123456. Use the actual ID value of your Workspace.

    Minimum Parameters for getting all Services

    Get All Services Minimum Configuration Sample

    curl '' \
        -X GET  \
        -H 'accept: */*' \
        -H 'authorization: Basic Aa1Bb2Cc3Dd4Ee5Ff6Gg7Hh8Ii9Jj0Aa1Bb2Cc3Dd4Ee5Ff6'

    The following parameters are the base parameters required to get all Services.

    Get All Services Request Attributes

    Response 200 OK

      "apiVersion": 1,
      "error": null,
      "result": [
          "id": 1619,
          "name": "Some Service",
          "description": null,
          "created": 1563893805,
          "updated": 1563893805,
          "createdBy": "",
          "updatedBy": ""
          "id": 1618,
          "name": "Some other Service",
          "description": "A service that serves as an example",
          "created": 1563893804,
          "updated": 1563893804,
          "createdBy": "",
          "updatedBy": ""
      "requestId": null,
      "limit": 5,
      "skip": 0,
      "total": 2


    Get Service by ID

    To get a Service of your Workspace, you need to know your Workspace identifier and the Service identifier. The sample code uses a serviceId of 123 and a workspaceId of 123456. Use the actual ID values of your Workspace and Service.

    Minimum Parameters for Getting a Service by its ID

    Get a Service Minimum Configuration Sample

    curl '' \
        -X GET \
        -H 'accept: */*' \
        -H 'authorization: Basic Aa1Bb2Cc3Dd4Ee5Ff6Gg7Hh8Ii9Jj0Aa1Bb2Cc3Dd4Ee5Ff6'

    The following parameters are the base parameters required to get a Service by its ID.

    Get a Service Request Attributes

    Response 201 Created

      "apiVersion": 1,
      "error": null,
      "result": {
        "id": 123,
        "name": "My Foo Service",
        "description": "This service handles foo.",
        "created": 1563897852,
        "updated": 1563897852,
        "createdBy": "",
        "updatedBy": ""
      "requestId": "d1cfe5c67b2ed26f"


    Update a Service

    To update the name and description of an existing Service in your Workspace, you need to know your Workspace identifier and the Service identifier. The sample code uses a serviceId of 123 and a workspaceId of 123456. Use the actual ID values of your Workspace and Service.

    Minimum Parameters for Updating a Service

    Update a Service Minimum Configuration Sample

    curl '' \
        -X PUT \
        -H 'accept: */*' \
        -H 'authorization: Basic Aa1Bb2Cc3Dd4Ee5Ff6Gg7Hh8Ii9Jj0Aa1Bb2Cc3Dd4Ee5Ff6' \
        -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
        -d '{ "description": "A service that handles foo", "id": 1645, "name": "My foo service"}'

    The following parameters are the base parameters required to update a Service.

    Update a Service Request Attributes

    Response 201 Created

      "apiVersion": 1,
      "error": null,
      "result": {
        "id": 123,
        "name": "My Foo Service",
        "description": "This service handles foo.",
        "created": 1563897852,
        "updated": 1563897852,
        "createdBy": "",
        "updatedBy": ""
      "requestId": "d1cfe5c67b2ed26f"


    Tag REST API

    You can categorize Mock Service Transactions and Services by applying Tags of your choice. These tags are available in searches and filters.

    Tag names can be provided in two ways:

    New tags are created if they are used in requests and do not exist yet.

    Create a Tag

    You can use tags when you search and filter Transactions or Services. The creation response contains a tag identifier that you should note down. You will need the tagID when you want to configure, deploy, or delete this tag later.

    New tags are also created if they are used in requests and do not exist yet.

    Create a Tag Minimum Configuration Sample

    curl '' \
       -X POST \
       -H 'accept: */*' \
       -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
       -d '{ "description": "payment service category", "name": "pay"}'

    The following parameters are the base parameters required to create a tag.

    Create a Tag Request Attributes

    Response 201 Created

      "apiVersion": 1,
      "error": null,
      "result": {
        "id": 888,
        "name": "pay",
        "description": "payment service category",
        "created": 1564147307,
        "updated": 1564147307,
        "createdBy": "",
        "updatedBy": ""
      "requestId": "acb25df0e22ec097"


    Get All Tags

    You can use tags when you search and filter Transactions or Services.

    Minimum Parameters for getting all tags

    Get All Tags Minimum Configuration Sample

    curl '' \
       -X GET \
       -H 'accept: */*'

    The following parameters are the base parameters required to get all tags.

    Get All Tags Request Attributes

    Response 200 OK

      "apiVersion": 1,
      "error": null,
      "result": [
          "id": 163,
          "name": "prod",
          "description": null,
          "created": 1563893805,
          "updated": 1563893805,
          "createdBy": "",
          "updatedBy": ""
          "id": 162,
          "name": "test",
          "description": null,
          "created": 1563893805,
          "updated": 1563893805,
          "createdBy": "",
          "updatedBy": ""
          "id": 203,
          "name": "dev",
          "description": "tag description",
          "created": 1563980513,
          "updated": 1563980513,
          "createdBy": "",
          "updatedBy": ""
      "requestId": null,
      "limit": 10,
      "skip": 0,
      "total": 3


    Get Tag by ID

    To get a tag, you need to know either the tag identifier or its name. The sample code uses a tagId of 888. Use the actual ID values of your tag.

    Minimum Parameters for Getting a Tag by ID

    Get Tag by ID Minimum Configuration Sample

    curl '' \
        -X GET \
        -H 'accept: */*'

    The following parameters are the base parameters required to get a tag by its ID.

    Get Tag by ID Request Attributes

    Response 200 OK

      "apiVersion": 1,
      "error": null,
      "result": {
        "id": 888,
        "name": "pay",
        "description": "payment service category",
        "created": 1563980513,
        "updated": 1563980513,
        "createdBy": "",
        "updatedBy": ""
      "requestId": "ee47a7b219e3a9e5"


    Get Tag by Name

    To get a tag, you need to know either the tag name or its identifier. The sample code uses a name of pay. Use the actual name of your tag.

    Minimum Parameters for Getting a Tag by Name

    Get Tag by Name Minimum Configuration Sample

    curl '' \
        -X GET \
        -H 'accept: */*'

    The following parameters are the base parameters required to get a tag by its name.

    Get Tag by Name Request Attributes

    Response 200 OK

      "apiVersion": 1,
      "error": null,
      "result": {
        "id": 288,
        "name": "pay",
        "description": "payment service category",
        "created": 1564147307,
        "updated": 1564147307,
        "createdBy": "",
        "updatedBy": ""
      "requestId": "ee47a7b219e3a9e5"


    Update a Tag

    To update the name or description of an existing tag, you need to know the tag identifier. The sample code uses a tagId of 888. Use the actual ID value of your tag.

    Minimum Parameters for Updating a Tag

    Update a Tag Minimum Configuration Sample

    curl '' \
       -X PUT \
       -H 'accept: */*' \
       -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
       -d '{ "description": "task tracker", "id": 888, "name": "tasks"}'

    The following parameters are the base parameters required to update a tag.

    Update a Tag Request Attributes

    Response 201 Created

      "apiVersion": 0,
      "error": "string",
      "limit": 0,
      "link": "string",
      "requestId": "string",
      "result": {
        "created": "2019-07-26T13:42:48.750Z",
        "createdBy": "",
        "description": "task tracker",
        "id": 888,
        "name": "tasks",
        "updated": "2019-07-26T13:42:48.750Z",
        "updatedBy": ""
      "skip": 0,
      "total": 0


    Delete Tag

    To delete a tag, you need to know the tag identifier. The sample code uses a tagId of 888. Use the actual ID value of your tag.

    Minimum Parameters for Deleting a Tag

    Delete a Tag Minimum Configuration Sample

    curl '' \
        -X DELETE \
        -H 'accept: */*'

    The following parameters are the base parameters required to delete a tag.

    Delete a Tag Request Attributes

    Response 200 OK



    Transaction API

    A Transaction is a request/response pair that is associated with a given Service. A Transaction contains one or more request patterns and hard-coded responses. You typically create a custom catalog of mock Transactions for each Service. When you create a Mock Service, you assign Transactions from your catalog to the Mock Service.

    Transaction Types (DSL)

    The dsl is the object that stores properties of Transactions. Supported dsl type keys are GENERIC_DSL, CODESV_DSL, WIREMOCK_DSL, HAR_DSL, SWAGGER2_DSL, SWAGGER3_DSL, TAURUS_RECORDING, RR_PAIR. For more information, see Adding Transactions.

    The easiest way to create a valid dsl for an API call is to create a Transaction in the web interface and copy and paste the response.

    Create Transaction

    To create a Transaction, you need to know your Workspace identifier and the Service identifier. The sample code uses a serviceId of 123 and a workspaceId of 123456. Use the actual ID values of your Workspace and Service.

    The response contains an identifier that you should note down. You will need this transactionID when you want to configure, deploy, or delete this Transaction later.

    Create a Transaction Minimum Configuration Sample

    curl '' \
      -X POST \
      -H 'accept: */*' \
      -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
      -d '{ "transactions": [ { "name": "Transaction from API", "description": "Transaction created by API", "tags": [ "my_tag" ], "dsl": { "priority": 0, "requestDsl": { "method": "POST", "url": { "key": "url", "matcherName": "equals_url", "matchingValue": "" }, "headers": [ { "key": "header1", "matcherName": "contains", "matchingValue": "value1" } ], "queryParams": [ { "key": "q1", "matcherName": "contains", "matchingValue": "q_value1" } ], "cookies": [ { "key": "cookie1", "matcherName": "contains", "matchingValue": "c_value1" } ], "credentials": { "username": "joe user", "password": "p455w0rd" }, "body": [ { "matcherName": "matches_json", "matchingValue": "JFsnbWVudSddWydpZCdd" } ] }, "responseDsl": { "status": 200, "statusMessage": "HTTP/1.1 200 OK", "headers": [ { "name": "Content-Type", "value": "text/plain; charset=UTF-8" } ], "binary": false, "content": "SGVsbG8gd29ybGQhCg==", "charset": "UTF-8" } } } ] }' 

    The following parameters are the base parameters required to create a Transaction.

    Create a Transaction Request Attributes

    Response 200 OK

      "apiVersion": 0,
      "error": "string",
      "limit": 0,
      "link": "string",
      "requestId": "string",
      "result": {
        "description": "string",
        "dsl": {
          "array": true,
          "bigDecimal": true,
          "bigInteger": true,
          "binary": true,
          "boolean": true,
          "containerNode": true,
          "double": true,
          "float": true,
          "floatingPointNumber": true,
          "int": true,
          "integralNumber": true,
          "long": true,
          "missingNode": true,
          "nodeType": "ARRAY",
          "null": true,
          "number": true,
          "object": true,
          "pojo": true,
          "short": true,
          "textual": true,
          "valueNode": true
        "id": 0,
        "link": "string",
        "name": "string",
        "serviceId": 0,
        "serviceName": "string",
        "tags": [
      "skip": 0,
      "total": 0


    Create Transaction From Sources

    To create a Transaction from a source file, you need to know your Workspace identifier and the Service identifier. The sample code uses a serviceId of 123 and a workspaceId of 123456. Use the actual ID values of your Workspace and Service.

    The creation response contains an identifier that you should note down. You will need the transactionID when you want to configure, deploy, or delete this Transaction later.

    Minimum Parameters for creating a Transaction

    Create a Transaction Minimum Configuration Sample

    curl '' \
       -X POST \
       -H 'accept: */*' \
       -H 'Content-Type: multipart/form-data' \
       -F 'serviceId=123' \
       -F 'verbose=true'

    The following parameters are the base parameters required to create a Transaction.

    Create a Transaction Request Attributes

    Response 200 OK

      "apiVersion": 0,
      "error": "string",
      "limit": 0,
      "link": "string",
      "requestId": "string",
      "result": [
          "description": "string",
          "dsl": {
              "priority": 1,
              "requestDsl": {
                "method": "GET",
                "host": "",
                "path": "",
                "url": {
                  "key": "url",
                  "matcherName": "equals_url",
                  "matchingValue": ""
                "headers": [],
                "queryParams": [],
                "cookies": [],
                "credentials": {},
                "body": []
              "responseDsl": {
                "status": 200,
                "statusMessage": "OK",
                "proxyUrl": "",
                "headers": [],
                "binary": false,
                "contentType": "json",
                "content": "",
                "charset": "UTF-8"
            } ,
          "id": 0,
          "link": "string",
          "name": "string",
          "serviceId": 123,
          "serviceName": "string",
          "tags": [
      "skip": 0,
      "total": 0


    Import Transactions

    Use this API to upload files of Transactions to lists of generic DSLs that can be used in BlazeMeter. Supported file formats are .json, .yml, .yaml, .har, .zip.

    Minimum Parameters for Importing Transactions

    Import Transactions Minimum Configuration Sample

    curl '' \
       -X POST \
       -H 'accept: */*' \
       -H 'Content-Type: multipart/form-data' \
       -F 'file=@my-swagger.json;type=text/json'

    The following parameters are the base parameters required to import Transactions.

    Import Transactions Request Attributes

    Response 200 OK

      "apiVersion": 0,
      "error": "string",
      "limit": 0,
      "link": "string",
      "requestId": "string",
      "result": [
          "nativeId": "string",
          "priority": 0,
          "requestDsl": {
            "body": [
                "key": "string",
                "matcherName": "string",
                "matchingValue": "string"
            "cookies": [
                "key": "string",
                "matcherName": "string",
                "matchingValue": "string"
            "credentials": {
              "password": "string",
              "username": "string"
            "headers": [
                "key": "string",
                "matcherName": "string",
                "matchingValue": "string"
            "host": "string",
            "method": "string",
            "path": "string",
            "queryParams": [
                "key": "string",
                "matcherName": "string",
                "matchingValue": "string"
            "url": {
              "key": "string",
              "matcherName": "string",
              "matchingValue": "string"
          "responseDsl": {
            "binary": true,
            "charset": "string",
            "content": "string",
            "contentType": "JSON",
            "headers": [
                "name": "string",
                "value": "string"
            "proxyUrl": "string",
            "status": 0,
            "statusMessage": "string"
      "skip": 0,
      "total": 0


    Get Transaction

    To get a Transaction, you need to know your Workspace identifier and the Transaction identifier. The sample code uses a transactionId of 77 and a workspaceId of 123456. Use the actual ID values of your Workspace and Mock Service template.

    Minimum Parameters for getting a Transaction

    Get a Transaction Minimum Configuration Sample

    curl '' \
        -X GET \
        -H 'accept: */*'

    The following parameters are the base parameters required to get a Transaction.

    Get a Transaction Request Attributes

    Response 200 OK

      "apiVersion": 0,
      "error": "string",
      "limit": 0,
      "link": "string",
      "requestId": "string",
      "result": {
        "description": "string",
        "dsl": {
              "priority": 1,
              "requestDsl": {
                "method": "GET",
                "host": "",
                "path": "",
                "url": {
                  "key": "url",
                  "matcherName": "equals_url",
                  "matchingValue": ""
                "headers": [],
                "queryParams": [],
                "cookies": [],
                "credentials": {},
                "body": []
              "responseDsl": {
                "status": 200,
                "statusMessage": "OK",
                "proxyUrl": "",
                "headers": [],
                "binary": false,
                "contentType": "json",
                "content": "",
                "charset": "UTF-8"
            } ,
        "id": 0,
        "link": "string",
        "name": "string",
        "serviceId": 0,
        "serviceName": "string",
        "tags": [
      "skip": 0,
      "total": 0


    Get All Transactions

    To get all Transactions within a Service, you need to know your Workspace identifier and the Service identifier. The sample code uses a serviceId of 123 and a workspaceId of 123456. Use the actual ID values of your Workspace and Service.

    You can filter Transactions by a (sub)string, Transaction name, Mock Service identifier, workspaceId, custom Tags, or Transaction type (dsl).

    Minimum Parameters for getting all Transactions

    Get All Transactions Minimum Configuration Sample

    curl '' \
        -X GET \
        -H 'accept: */*'

    The following parameters are the base parameters required to get all Transactions.

    Get All Transactions Request Attributes

    Response 200 OK

      "apiVersion": 0,
      "error": "string",
      "limit": 0,
      "link": "string",
      "requestId": "string",
      "result": [
          "description": "string",
          "dsl": {
              "priority": 1,
              "requestDsl": {
                "method": "GET",
                "host": "",
                "path": "",
                "url": {
                  "key": "url",
                  "matcherName": "equals_url",
                  "matchingValue": ""
                "headers": [],
                "queryParams": [],
                "cookies": [],
                "credentials": {},
                "body": []
              "responseDsl": {
                "status": 200,
                "statusMessage": "OK",
                "proxyUrl": "",
                "headers": [],
                "binary": false,
                "contentType": "json",
                "content": "",
                "charset": "UTF-8"
            } ,
          "id": 0,
          "link": "string",
          "name": "string",
          "serviceId": 123,
          "serviceName": "string",
          "tags": [
      "skip": 0,
      "total": 0


    Perform Bulk Operation Over Transactions

    To perform a bulk delete or tag operation over several Transactions in a Workspace, you need to know your Workspace identifier. The sample code uses a workspaceId of 123456. Use the actual ID value of your Workspace.

    Minimum Parameters for bulk operations

    Bulk Operations Minimum Configuration Sample

    curl '' \
      -X PATCH \
      -H 'accept: */*' \
      -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
      -d '{ "action": "DELETE", "tags": [ "some_category" ], "transactions": [ 0 ]}'

    The following parameters are the base parameters required to perform bulk operations.

    Bulk Operations Request Attributes

    Response 200 OK

      "body": {},
      "statusCode": "100 CONTINUE",
      "statusCodeValue": 0


    Update Transaction

    To update an existing Transaction in your Workspace, you need to know your Workspace identifier and the Transaction identifier. The sample code uses a transactionId of 77 and a workspaceId of 123456. Use the actual ID values of your workspace and Transaction.

    Minimum Parameters for Updating a Transaction

    The following parameters are the base parameters required to update a Transaction.

    Update a Transaction Request Attributes

    Update a Transaction Minimum Configuration Sample

    curl '' \
       -X PUT \
       -H 'accept: */*' \
       -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
       -d '{ "description": "string",
             "dsl": { \
                    "priority": 1, \
                    "requestDsl": { \
                      "method": "GET", \
                      "host": "", \
                      "path": "", \
                      "url": { \
                        "key": "url", \
                        "matcherName": "equals_url", \
                        "matchingValue": "" \
                      }, \
                      "headers": [], \
                      "queryParams": [], \
                      "cookies": [], \
                      "credentials": {}, \
                      "body": [] \
                    }, \
                    "responseDsl": { \
                      "status": 200, \
                      "statusMessage": "OK", \
                      "proxyUrl": "", \
                      "headers": [], \
                      "binary": false, \
                      "contentType": "json", \
                      "content": "", \
                      "charset": "UTF-8" \
                    } \
                  } \
             "id": 0, \
             "link": "string", \
             "name": "string", \
             "serviceId": 0, \
             "serviceName": "string", \
             "tags": [ "string" ]

    Response 201 Created

      "apiVersion": 0,
      "error": "string",
      "limit": 0,
      "link": "string",
      "requestId": "string",
      "result": {
        "created": "2019-07-24T16:07:03.541Z",
        "createdBy": "string",
        "createdDate": "string",
        "description": "string",
        "endpointPreference": "string",
        "harborId": "string",
        "httpEndpoint": "string",
        "httpsEndpoint": "string",
        "id": 0,
        "liveSystemHost": "string",
        "liveSystemPort": 0,
        "name": "string",
        "noMatchingRequestPreference": "string",
        "noMatchingRequestTxnId": 0,
        "serviceId": 0,
        "serviceName": "string",
        "shipId": "string",
        "status": "STOPPED",
        "thinkTime": 0,
        "mockServiceTransactions": [
        "updated": "2019-07-24T16:07:03.541Z",
        "updatedBy": "string"
      "skip": 0,
      "total": 0


    Delete Transaction

    To delete a Transaction, you need to know the Transaction identifier and your Workspace identifier. The sample code uses a transactionId of 888 and a workspaceId of 123456. Use the actual ID value of your Transaction.

    Minimum Parameters for Deleting a Transaction

    Delete a Transaction Minimum Configuration Sample

    curl '' \
        -X DELETE \
        -H 'accept: */*'

    The following parameters are the base parameters required to delete a Transaction.

    Delete a Transaction Request Attributes

    Response 200 OK

      "body": {},
      "statusCode": "100 CONTINUE",
      "statusCodeValue": 0


    Get All Conflicting Transactions

    To get all conflicting Transactions from a Service, you need to know your Workspace identifier. The sample code uses a workspaceId of 123456. Use the actual ID values of your Workspace and Service.

    Minimum Parameters for getting all conflicting Transactions

    Get All Conflicting Transactions Minimum Configuration Sample

    curl '' \
        -X GET \
        -H 'accept: */*'

    The following parameters are the base parameters required to get all conflicting Transactions.

    Get All Conflicting Transactions Request Attributes

    Response 200 OK

      "apiVersion": 0,
      "error": "string",
      "limit": 0,
      "link": "string",
      "requestId": "string",
      "result": {
        "additionalProp1": [
            "description": "string",
            "dsl": {
              "priority": 1,
              "requestDsl": {
                "method": "GET",
                "host": "",
                "path": "",
                "url": {
                  "key": "url",
                  "matcherName": "equals_url",
                  "matchingValue": ""
                "headers": [],
                "queryParams": [],
                "cookies": [],
                "credentials": {},
                "body": []
              "responseDsl": {
                "status": 200,
                "statusMessage": "OK",
                "proxyUrl": "",
                "headers": [],
                "binary": false,
                "contentType": "json",
                "content": "",
                "charset": "UTF-8"
            } ,
            "id": 0,
            "link": "string",
            "name": "string",
            "serviceId": 0,
            "serviceName": "string",
            "tags": [
        "additionalProp2": [
            "description": "string",
            "dsl": {
              "array": true,
              "bigDecimal": true,
              "bigInteger": true,
              "binary": true,
              "boolean": true,
              "containerNode": true,
              "double": true,
              "float": true,
              "floatingPointNumber": true,
              "int": true,
              "integralNumber": true,
              "long": true,
              "missingNode": true,
              "nodeType": "ARRAY",
              "null": true,
              "number": true,
              "object": true,
              "pojo": true,
              "short": true,
              "textual": true,
              "valueNode": true
            "id": 0,
            "link": "string",
            "name": "string",
            "serviceId": 0,
            "serviceName": "string",
            "tags": [
        "additionalProp3": [
            "description": "string",
            "dsl": {
              "array": true,
              "bigDecimal": true,
              "bigInteger": true,
              "binary": true,
              "boolean": true,
              "containerNode": true,
              "double": true,
              "float": true,
              "floatingPointNumber": true,
              "int": true,
              "integralNumber": true,
              "long": true,
              "missingNode": true,
              "nodeType": "ARRAY",
              "null": true,
              "number": true,
              "object": true,
              "pojo": true,
              "short": true,
              "textual": true,
              "valueNode": true
            "id": 0,
            "link": "string",
            "name": "string",
            "serviceId": 123,
            "serviceName": "string",
            "tags": [
      "skip": 0,
      "total": 0


    Mock Service REST API

    You can create a Mock Service that stands in for a live service for testing purposes.

    Create Mock Services

    To create a Mock Service in your workspace, you need to know your Workspace identifier. The sample code uses a workspaceId of 123456. Use the actual ID value of your Workspace.

    The response contains a Mock Service identifier that you should note down. You will need this serviceMockID when you want to configure, deploy, or delete this Mock Service later.

    Minimum Parameters for creating a Mock Service

    Create a Mock Service Minimum Configuration Sample

    curl '' \
      -X POST \
      -H 'accept: application/json;charset=UTF-8' \
      -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
      -d '{ "description": "string", "endpointPreference": "string", "harborId": "string", "id": 0, "type": "TRANSACTIONAL", "liveSystemHost": "string", "liveSystemPort": 0, "name": "string", "noMatchingRequestPreference": "string", "noMatchingRequestTxnId": 0, "serviceId": 123, "shipId": "string", "thinkTime": 0, "mockServiceTransactions": [ {"txnId":1, "priority":9} ]}'

    The following parameters are the base parameters required to create a Mock Service.

    Create a Mock Service Request Attributes

    Response 201 Created

      "apiVersion": 0,
      "error": "string",
      "errors": [
          "code": "string",
          "message": "string",
          "severity": "WARN"
      "limit": 0,
      "link": "string",
      "requestId": "string",
      "result": {
        "created": "2020-06-17T13:04:42.949Z",
        "createdBy": "string",
        "createdDate": "string",
        "description": "string",
        "endpointPreference": "string",
        "harborId": "string",
        "httpEndpoint": "string",
        "httpsEndpoint": "string",
        "id": 0,
        "isNew": true,
        "liveSystemHost": "string",
        "liveSystemPort": 0,
        "mockServiceTransactions": [
            "priority": 0,
            "txnId": 0
        "name": "string",
        "noMatchingRequestPreference": "string",
        "noMatchingRequestTxnId": 0,
        "replicas": 0,
        "serviceId": 0,
        "serviceName": "string",
        "shipId": "string",
        "status": "STOPPED",
        "thinkTime": 0,
        "type": "TRANSACTIONAL",
        "updated": "2020-06-17T13:04:42.949Z",
        "updatedBy": "string",
        "updatedDate": "string"
      "skip": 0,
      "total": 0


    Get All Mock Services

    To get all Mock Services, you need to know your Workspace identifier and the Service identifier. The sample code uses a serviceId of 123 and a workspaceId of 123456. Use the actual ID values of your Workspace and Service.

    You can filter by workspaceId and serviceId.

    Minimum Parameters for getting all Mock Services

    Get All Mock Services Minimum Configuration Sample

    curl '' \
        -X GET \
        -H 'accept: application/json;charset=UTF-8' \
        -H 'authorization: Basic Aa1Bb2Cc3Dd4Ee5Ff6Gg7Hh8Ii9Jj0Aa1Bb2Cc3Dd4Ee5Ff6'

    The following parameters are the base parameters required to get all Mock Services.

    Get All Mock Services Request Attributes

    Response 200 OK

      "apiVersion": 1,
      "error": null,
      "result": [
          "id": 1619,
          "name": "Some Service",
          "description": null,
          "created": 1563893805,
          "updated": 1563893805,
          "createdBy": "",
          "updatedBy": ""
          "id": 1618,
          "name": "Some other Service",
          "description": "A service that serves as an example",
          "created": 1563893804,
          "updated": 1563893804,
          "createdBy": "",
          "updatedBy": ""
      "requestId": null,
      "limit": 5,
      "skip": 0,
      "total": 2


    Get Mock Service

    To get a Mock Service, you need to know your Workspace identifier and the Mock Service identifier. The sample code uses a serviceMockId of 1234 and a workspaceId of 123456. Use the actual ID values of your Workspace and Mock Service.

    Minimum Parameters for Getting a Mock Service

    Get Mock Service Minimum Configuration Sample

    curl '' \
        -X GET \
        -H 'accept: application/json;charset=UTF-8'

    The following parameters are the base parameters required to get a Mock Service.

    Get Mock Service Request Attributes

    Response 200 OK

      "apiVersion": 0,
      "error": "string",
      "limit": 0,
      "link": "string",
      "requestId": "string",
      "result": {
        "created": "2019-07-24T16:06:01.427Z",
        "createdBy": "string",
        "createdDate": "string",
        "description": "string",
        "endpointPreference": "string",
        "harborId": "string",
        "httpEndpoint": "string",
        "httpsEndpoint": "string",
        "id": 0,
        "liveSystemHost": "string",
        "liveSystemPort": 0,
        "name": "string",
        "noMatchingRequestPreference": "string",
        "noMatchingRequestTxnId": 0,
        "serviceId": 0,
        "serviceName": "string",
        "shipId": "string",
        "status": "STOPPED",
        "thinkTime": 0,
        "mockServiceTransactions": [
        "updated": "2019-07-24T16:06:01.427Z",
        "updatedBy": "string"
      "skip": 0,
      "total": 0


    Update a Mock Service

    To update an existing Mock Service in your Workspace, you need to know your Workspace identifier and the Mock Service identifier. The sample code uses a serviceMockId of 1234 and a workspaceId of 123456. Use the actual ID values of your Workspace and Mock Service.

    Minimum Parameters for Updating a Mock Service

    Update a Mock Service Minimum Configuration Sample

    curl '' \
        -X PUT \
        -H 'accept: application/json;charset=UTF-8' \
        -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
        -d '{ "description": "string", \
              "endpointPreference": "string", \
              "harborId": "string", \
              "id": 0, \
              "liveSystemHost": "string", \
              "liveSystemPort": 0, \
              "name": "string", \
              "noMatchingRequestPreference": "string", \
              "noMatchingRequestTxnId": 0, \
              "serviceId": 0, \
              "shipId": "string", \
              "thinkTime": 0, \
              "mockServiceTransactions": [ 0 ]}'

    The following parameters are the base parameters required to update a Mock Service.

    Update a Mock Service Request Attributes

    Response 201 Created

      "apiVersion": 0,
      "error": "string",
      "limit": 0,
      "link": "string",
      "requestId": "string",
      "result": {
        "created": "2019-07-24T16:07:03.541Z",
        "createdBy": "string",
        "createdDate": "string",
        "description": "string",
        "endpointPreference": "string",
        "harborId": "string",
        "httpEndpoint": "string",
        "httpsEndpoint": "string",
        "id": 0,
        "liveSystemHost": "string",
        "liveSystemPort": 0,
        "name": "string",
        "noMatchingRequestPreference": "string",
        "noMatchingRequestTxnId": 0,
        "serviceId": 0,
        "serviceName": "string",
        "shipId": "string",
        "status": "STOPPED",
        "thinkTime": 0,
        "mockServiceTransactions": [
        "updated": "2019-07-24T16:07:03.541Z",
        "updatedBy": "string"
      "skip": 0,
      "total": 0


    Apply Template to Mock Service

    To apply an existing template to a Mock Service, you need to know your Workspace identifier and the Mock Service Template identifier. The sample code uses a serviceMockId of 1234, a serviceMockTemplateId of 8, and a workspaceId of 123456. Use the actual ID values of your Workspace and Mock Service template.

    Minimum Parameters for applying a Mock Service template

    Apply Mock Service Templates Minimum Configuration Sample

    curl '' \
        -X PATCH \
        -H "accept: application/json" \

    The following parameters are the base parameters required to update Mock Service templates.

    Apply Mock Service Template Request Attributes

    Response 200 OK

      "apiVersion": 0,
      "error": "string",
      "errors": [
          "code": "string",
          "message": "string",
          "severity": "ERROR"
      "limit": 0,
      "link": "string",
      "requestId": "string",
      "result": {
        "created": "2021-10-08T08:46:49.163Z",
        "createdBy": "string",
        "data": {
          "dataType": "CONFIGURATION"
        "ended": "2021-10-08T08:46:49.163Z",
        "errors": [
        "status": "FINISHED",
        "trackingId": "3fa85f64-5717-4562-b3fc-2c963f66afa6",
        "trackingUrl": "string",
        "updated": "2021-10-08T08:46:49.163Z",
        "updatedBy": "string",
        "warnings": [
      "skip": 0,
      "total": 0


    Delete Mock Services

    To delete a Mock Service, you need to know your Workspace identifier and the Mock Service identifier. The sample code uses a serviceMockId of 1234 and a workspaceId of 123456. Use the actual ID values of your Workspace and Mock Service.

    Minimum Parameters for Deleting a Mock Service

    Delete Mock Service Minimum Configuration Sample

    curl '' \
        -X DELETE \
        -H 'accept: application/json;charset=UTF-8'

    The following parameters are the base parameters required to delete a Mock Service.

    Delete Mock Service Request Attributes

    Response 200 OK

      "body": {},
      "statusCode": "100 CONTINUE",
      "statusCodeValue": 0


    Update Mock Service Properties

    To update properties of an existing Mock Service in your Workspace, you need to know your Workspace identifier and the Mock Service identifier. The sample code uses a serviceMockId of 1234 and a workspaceId of 123456. Use the actual ID values of your Workspace and Mock Service.

    Minimum Parameters for Updating Mock Service Properties

    Update a Service Minimum Configuration Sample

    curl '' \
        -X PATCH \
        -H 'accept: application/json;charset=UTF-8' \
        -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
        -d '{ "description": "string", \
              "endpointPreference": "string", \
              "harborId": "string", \
              "name": "string", \
              "serviceId": 0, \
              "shipId": "string", \
              "status": "STOPPED", \
              "mockServiceTransactions": [ 0 ]\

    The following parameters are the base parameters required to update Mock Service properties.

    Update Mock Service Properties Request Attributes

    Response 201 Created

      "apiVersion": 0,
      "error": "string",
      "limit": 0,
      "link": "string",
      "requestId": "string",
      "result": {
        "created": "2019-07-24T16:21:44.603Z",
        "createdBy": "string",
        "createdDate": "string",
        "description": "string",
        "endpointPreference": "string",
        "harborId": "string",
        "httpEndpoint": "string",
        "httpsEndpoint": "string",
        "id": 0,
        "liveSystemHost": "string",
        "liveSystemPort": 0,
        "name": "string",
        "noMatchingRequestPreference": "string",
        "noMatchingRequestTxnId": 0,
        "serviceId": 0,
        "serviceName": "string",
        "shipId": "string",
        "status": "STOPPED",
        "thinkTime": 0,
        "mockServiceTransactions": [
        "updated": "2019-07-24T16:21:44.603Z",
        "updatedBy": "string"
      "skip": 0,
      "total": 0


    Deploy Mock Services

    Use this request to deploy a container based on the Mock Service if it has not already been deployed.

    To deploy a Mock Service, you need to know your Workspace identifier and the Mock Service identifier. The sample code uses a serviceMockId of 1234 and a workspaceId of 123456. Use the actual ID values of your Workspace and Mock Service.

    Minimum Parameters for Deploying a Mock Service

    Deploy Mock Service Minimum Configuration Sample

    curl '' \
      -X GET \
      -H 'accept: application/json;charset=UTF-8'

    The following parameters are the base parameters required to deploy a Mock Service.

    Deploy Mock Service Request Attributes

    Response 200 OK

      "apiVersion": 0,
      "error": "string",
      "limit": 0,
      "link": "string",
      "requestId": "string",
      "result": {
        "trackingId": "string",
        "trackingUrl": "string"
      "skip": 0,
      "total": 0


    Change the Status of a Mock Service

    To stop a Mock Service, you need to know your Workspace identifier and the Mock Service identifier. The sample code uses a serviceMockId of 1234 and a workspaceId of 123456. Use the actual ID values of your Workspace and Mock Service.

    Minimum Parameters for Stopping a Mock Service

    Stop Mock Service Minimum Configuration Sample

    curl '' \
        -X GET \
        -H 'accept: application/json;charset=UTF-8' 

    The following parameters are the base parameters required to stop a Mock Service.

    Stop Mock Service Request Attributes

    Response 200 OK

      "apiVersion": 0,
      "error": "string",
      "limit": 0,
      "link": "string",
      "requestId": "string",
      "result": [],
      "skip": 0,
      "total": 0


    Configure and Deploy Mock Services

    To configure or deploy Mock Services, you need to know your Workspace identifier. The sample code uses a workspaceId of 123456. Use the actual ID value of your Workspace.

    Minimum Parameters for Configuring/Deploying Mocks

    Configure/deploy Mocks Minimum Configuration Sample

    curl '' \
        -X POST \
        -H 'accept: application/json;charset=UTF-8' \
        -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
        -d '{ "dependencies": \
                { "services": \
                    [ { "service": "PayPal", \
                        "mock-service": "PPRunner", \
                        "transactions": \
                            [ "getAccounts", "getBalances", "createAccount" ] \
                      }, \
                      { "service": "WesternUnion", \
                        "mock-service": "WURunner", \
                        "transaction-filter": \
                            { "tags": \
                                [ "dev", "stage" ] \
                            } \
                      }, \
                      { "service": "Facebook", \
                        "mock-service": "FBRunner", \
                        "mock-service-template": "FBRunnerTemplate" \
                      } \
                    ] \
                } \

    The following parameters are the base parameters required to configure/deploy Mock Services.

    Configure/Deploy Mocks Request Attributes

    Response 200 OK

      "apiVersion": 0,
      "error": "string",
      "limit": 0,
      "link": "string",
      "requestId": "string",
      "result": {
        "trackingId": "string",
        "trackingUrl": "string"
      "skip": 0,
      "total": 0


    Configure or Reconfigure Mock Services

    To configure or reconfigure an existing Mock Service, you need to know your Workspace identifier and the Mock Service identifier. The sample code uses a serviceMockId of 1234 and a workspaceId of 123456. Use the actual ID values of your Workspace and Mock Service.

    Minimum Parameters for Configuring a Mock Service

    Configure Mock Service Minimum Configuration Sample

    curl '' \
      -X GET \
      -H 'accept: application/json;charset=UTF-8'

    The following parameters are the base parameters required to configure a Mock Service.

    Configure Mock Service Request Attributes

    Response 200 OK

      "apiVersion": 0,
      "error": "string",
      "limit": 0,
      "link": "string",
      "requestId": "string",
      "result": {
        "trackingId": "string",
        "trackingUrl": "string"
      "skip": 0,
      "total": 0


    Verify Taurus Configuration Dependencies

    To validate Taurus configuration dependencies, you need to know your Workspace identifier. The sample code uses a workspaceId of 123456. Use the actual ID value of your Workspace.

    Minimum Parameters for Validation

    Validate Mock Services Minimum Configuration Sample

    curl '' \
        -X POST \
        -H 'accept: application/json;charset=UTF-8' \
        -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
        -d '{ "dependencies": \
                { "services": \
                    [ { "service": "PayPal", \
                        "mock-service": "PPRunner", \
                        "transactions": \
                            [ "getAccounts", "getBalances", "createAccount" ] \
                      }, \
                      { "service": "WesternUnion", \
                        "mock-service": "WURunner", \
                        "transaction-filter": \
                            { "tags": \
                                [ "dev", "stage" ] \
                            } \
                      }, \
                      { "service": "Facebook", \
                        "mock-service": "FBRunner", \
                        "mock-service-template": "FBRunnerTemplate" \
                      } \
                    ] \
                } \

    The following parameters are the base parameters required to validate Mock Services.

    Validate Mock Services Request Attributes

    Response 200 OK

      "apiVersion": 0,
      "error": "string",
      "limit": 0,
      "link": "string",
      "requestId": "string",
      "result": {
        "dependencies": {
          "array": true,
          "bigDecimal": true,
          "bigInteger": true,
          "binary": true,
          "boolean": true,
          "containerNode": true,
          "double": true,
          "float": true,
          "floatingPointNumber": true,
          "int": true,
          "integralNumber": true,
          "long": true,
          "missingNode": true,
          "nodeType": "ARRAY",
          "null": true,
          "number": true,
          "object": true,
          "pojo": true,
          "short": true,
          "textual": true,
          "valueNode": true
        "errors": [
        "warnings": [
      "skip": 0,
      "total": 0

    Attribute Description


    The Workspace identifier.


    Mock Service Template REST API

    Create Mock Service Template

    To create a Mock Service templates, you need to know your Workspace identifier and the Service identifier. The sample code uses a serviceId of 123 and a workspaceId of 123456. Use the actual ID values of your Workspace and Service.

    The response contains a template identifier that you should note down. You will need the ID when you want to configure, deploy, or delete this template later.

    Create Mock Service Templates Minimum Configuration Sample

    curl '' \
        -X POST \
        -H 'accept: */*' \
        -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
        -d '{ "created": "2019-07-25T13:20:53.808Z",  \
              "createdBy": "string",  \
              "description": "string",  \
              "liveSystemHost": "string",  \
              "liveSystemPort": 0,  \
              "name": "string",  \
              "noMatchingRequestPreference": "string",  \
              "noMatchingRequestTxnId": 0,  \
              "thinkTime": 0,  \
              "mockServiceTransactions": [ 0 ],  \
              "updated": "2019-07-25T13:20:53.808Z",  \
              "updatedBy": "string" \

    The following parameters are the base parameters required to create a Mock Service template.

    Create Mock Service Template Request Attributes

    Response 200 OK

      "apiVersion": 0,
      "error": "string",
      "limit": 0,
      "link": "string",
      "requestId": "string",
      "result": {
        "created": "2019-07-25T13:25:10.373Z",
        "createdBy": "string",
        "description": "string",
        "id": 0,
        "liveSystemHost": "string",
        "liveSystemPort": 0,
        "name": "string",
        "noMatchingRequestPreference": "string",
        "noMatchingRequestTxnId": 0,
        "serviceId": 0,
        "serviceName": "string",
        "thinkTime": 0,
        "mockServiceTransactions": [
        "updated": "2019-07-25T13:25:10.373Z",
        "updatedBy": "string"
      "skip": 0,
      "total": 0


    Get All Mock Service Templates

    To get all Mock Service templates, you need to know your Workspace identifier and the Service identifier. The sample code uses a serviceId of 123 and a workspaceId of 123456. Use the actual ID values of your Workspace and Service.

    You can filter templates by workspaceId.

    Minimum Parameters for getting all Mock Service templates

    Get All Mock Templates Minimum Configuration Sample

    curl '' \
        -X GET  \
        -H 'accept: */*'

    The following parameters are the base parameters required to get all Mock Service templates.

    Get All Mock Service Templates Request Attributes

    Response 200 OK

      "apiVersion": 0,
      "error": "string",
      "limit": 0,
      "link": "string",
      "requestId": "string",
      "result": [
          "created": "2019-07-25T13:25:10.347Z",
          "createdBy": "string",
          "description": "string",
          "id": 0,
          "liveSystemHost": "string",
          "liveSystemPort": 0,
          "name": "string",
          "noMatchingRequestPreference": "string",
          "noMatchingRequestTxnId": 0,
          "serviceId": 0,
          "serviceName": "string",
          "thinkTime": 0,
          "mockServiceTransactions": [
          "updated": "2019-07-25T13:25:10.347Z",
          "updatedBy": "string"
      "skip": 0,
      "total": 0


    Get Mock Service Template

    To get a Mock Service template, you need to know your Workspace identifier and the Mock Service Template identifier. The sample code uses a serviceMockTemplateId of 8 and a workspaceId of 123456. Use the actual ID values of your Workspace and Mock Service template.

    Minimum Parameters for getting a Mock Service template

    Get a Mock Service Template Minimum Configuration Sample

    curl '' \
        -X GET \
        -H 'accept: */*'

    The following parameters are the base parameters required to get a Mock Service template.

    Get a Mock Service Template Request Attributes

    Response 200 OK

      "apiVersion": 0,
      "error": "string",
      "limit": 0,
      "link": "string",
      "requestId": "string",
      "result": {
        "created": "2019-07-25T13:36:44.158Z",
        "createdBy": "string",
        "description": "string",
        "id": 0,
        "liveSystemHost": "string",
        "liveSystemPort": 0,
        "name": "string",
        "noMatchingRequestPreference": "string",
        "noMatchingRequestTxnId": 0,
        "serviceId": 0,
        "serviceName": "string",
        "thinkTime": 0,
        "mockServiceTransactions": [
        "updated": "2019-07-25T13:36:44.158Z",
        "updatedBy": "string"
      "skip": 0,
      "total": 0


    Update Mock Service Template

    To update a Mock Service template, you need to know your Workspace identifier and the Mock Service Template identifier. The sample code uses a serviceMockTemplateId of 8 and a workspaceId of 123456. Use the actual ID values of your Workspace and Mock Service template.

    Minimum Parameters for updating a Mock Service template

    Update Mock Service Templates Minimum Configuration Sample

    curl '' \
        -X PUT \
        -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
        -d '{ "created": "2019-07-25T13:41:28.547Z", \
              "createdBy": "string", \
              "description": "string", \
              "liveSystemHost": "string", \
              "liveSystemPort": 0, \
              "name": "string", \
              "noMatchingRequestPreference": "string", \
              "noMatchingRequestTxnId": 0, \
              "thinkTime": 0, \
              "mockServiceTransactions": [ 0 ], \
              "updated": "2019-07-25T13:41:28.547Z", \
              "updatedBy": "string" \

    The following parameters are the base parameters required to update Mock Service templates.

    Update Mock Service Template Request Attributes

    Response 200 OK

      "apiVersion": 0,
      "error": "string",
      "limit": 0,
      "link": "string",
      "requestId": "string",
      "result": {
        "created": "2019-07-25T13:45:01.191Z",
        "createdBy": "string",
        "description": "string",
        "id": 0,
        "liveSystemHost": "string",
        "liveSystemPort": 0,
        "name": "string",
        "noMatchingRequestPreference": "string",
        "noMatchingRequestTxnId": 0,
        "serviceId": 0,
        "serviceName": "string",
        "thinkTime": 0,
        "mockServiceTransactions": [
        "updated": "2019-07-25T13:45:01.191Z",
        "updatedBy": "string"
      "skip": 0,
      "total": 0


    Delete Mock Service Template

    To delete a Mock Service template, you need to know your Workspace identifier and the Mock Service Template identifier. The sample code uses a serviceMockTemplateId of 8 and a workspaceId of 123456. Use the actual ID values of your Workspace and Mock Service template.

    Minimum Parameters for deleting a Mock Service template

    Delete a Mock Service Template Minimum Configuration Sample

    curl '' \
        -X DELETE \
        -H 'accept: */*'

    The following parameters are the base parameters required to delete a Mock Service template.

    Delete a Mock Service Template Request Attributes

    Response 200 OK

      "apiVersion": 0,
      "error": "string",
      "limit": 0,
      "link": "string",
      "requestId": "string",
      "skip": 0,
      "total": 0


    Update Mock Service Template Properties

    To update the properties of a Mock Service template, you need to know your Workspace identifier and the Mock Service Template identifier. The sample code uses a serviceMockTemplateId of 8 and a workspaceId of 123456. Use the actual ID values of your Workspace and Mock Service template.

    Minimum Parameters for updating a Mock Service template

    Update Mock Service Templates Minimum Configuration Sample

    curl '' \
        -X PATCH \
        -H 'accept: */*' \
        -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
        -d '{ "description": "string", \
              "location": "string", \
              "name": "string",\
              "mockServiceTransactions": [ 0 ] \

    The following parameters are the base parameters required to update Mock Service templates.

    Update Mock Service Template Request Attributes

    Response 200 OK

      "apiVersion": 0,
      "error": "string",
      "limit": 0,
      "link": "string",
      "requestId": "string",
      "result": {
        "created": "2019-07-25T13:51:48.016Z",
        "createdBy": "string",
        "description": "string",
        "id": 0,
        "liveSystemHost": "string",
        "liveSystemPort": 0,
        "name": "string",
        "noMatchingRequestPreference": "string",
        "noMatchingRequestTxnId": 0,
        "serviceId": 0,
        "serviceName": "string",
        "thinkTime": 0,
        "mockServiceTransactions": [
        "updated": "2019-07-25T13:51:48.016Z",
        "updatedBy": "string"
      "skip": 0,
      "total": 0


    Mock Service Location REST API

    You can label Workspaces with a unique identifier for a cloud location or a private location, for example "cloud", "us-east-1", or "London".

    Get Location of a Workspace

    To get the location of your Workspace, you need to know your Workspace identifier. The sample code uses a workspaceId of 123456. Use the actual ID value of your Workspace.

    This call returns the Location identifier of your workspace.

    Minimum Parameters for Getting the Location of a Workspace

    Get Location Minimum Configuration Sample

    curl '' \
        -X GET \
        -H 'accept: application/json;charset=UTF-8'

    The following parameters are the base parameters required to get the location.

    Get Location Request Attributes

    Response 200 OK

        "apiVersion": 1,
        "error": null,
        "result": [
            "shipId": "1234567890abcd1234567890",
            "shipName": "Test Agent",
            "harborId": "0987654321abcd0987654321",
            "harborName": "My Private Location",
            "provider": "Private Locations"
        "requestId": "12345abcdef67890"


    Mock Service Log REST API

    Refresh the Logs of a Mock Service

    Before you can get a log of a Mock Service in the asset catalog, you must refresh the log. You need to know your Workspace identifier and the Mock Service identifier. The sample code uses a serviceMockId of 1234 and a workspaceId of 123456. Use the actual ID values of your Workspace and Mock Service.

    This call returns an async tracking object. After the tracking object reports that the logs of all instances (replicas) of a Mock Service have been refreshed, use the getter to get the most recent version of the log file of the mock service. The request returns the logId.

    Minimum Parameters for Refreshing the Log of a Mock Service

    Refresh Log of Mock Service Minimum Configuration Sample

    curl '' \
        -X POST \
        -H 'accept: */*' \
        -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
        -d '0'

    The following parameters are the base parameters required to refresh the Log of a Mock Service.

    Mock Service Logs Request Attributes

    Response 200 OK

      "apiVersion": 0,
      "error": "string",
      "limit": 0,
      "link": "string",
      "requestId": "string",
      "result": {
        "log": "string",
        "logId": 0,
        "serviceMockId": 1234,
        "trackingId": "string"
      "skip": 0,
      "total": 0


    Get a Log File of a Mock Service

    To get a log snapshot of all instances (replicas) of a Mock Service either as JSON or as GZIP file, you need to know the your Workspace identifier and the Mock Service identifier. The sample code uses a serviceMockId of 1234 and a workspaceId of 123456. Use the actual ID values of your Workspace and Mock Service.

    In order to get the latest logs, always call{workspaceId}/service-mocks/{serviceMockId}/log/refresh first.

    Minimum Parameters for Requesting a Log File of a Mock Service

    The following parameters are the base parameters required to request a log file of a Mock Service.

    Log File of Mock Service Request Attributes

    Request Log File of Mock Service Minimum Configuration Sample

    curl '{workspaceId}/service-mocks/{serviceMockId}/log' \
        -X GET \
        -H 'accept: application/json;charset=UTF-8'

    Response 200 OK



    Take a Log Snapshot of a Mock Service

    To request a log snapshot of a Mock Service, you need to know your Workspace identifier and the Mock Service identifier. The sample code uses a serviceMockId of 1234 and a workspaceId of 123456. Use the actual ID values of your Workspace and Mock Service.

    The request returns the logId.

    Minimum Parameters for Requesting a Log of a Mock Service

    Request Log of Mock Service Minimum Configuration Sample

    curl '' \
        -X GET \
        -H 'accept: */*' \
        -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
        -d '0'

    The following parameters are the base parameters required to request a Log of a Mock Service.

    Mock Service Logs Request Attributes

    Response 200 OK

      "apiVersion": 0,
      "error": "string",
      "limit": 0,
      "link": "string",
      "requestId": "string",
      "result": {
        "log": "string",
        "logId": 0,
        "serviceMockId": 1234,
        "trackingId": "string"
      "skip": 0,
      "total": 0

    Attribute Description


    The Mock Service identifier.




    The Workspace identifier.




    The Number of results per page.

    Update the Log Snapshot of a Mock Service

    To update a log snapshot of a Mock Service and save it to the asset catalog, you need to know the Log Identifier, Workspace identifier and the Mock Service identifier. The sample code uses a logID of 42, a serviceMockId of 1234 and a workspaceId of 123456. Use the actual ID values of your Log, Workspace, and Mock Service.

    To get the logID, take a log snapshot of the Mock Service.

    Minimum Parameters for Updating the Log of a Mock Service

    Update Log of Mock Service Minimum Configuration Sample

    curl '' \
        -X PUT \
        -H 'accept: */*' \
        -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
        -d 'string'

    The following parameters are the base parameters required to update the log of a Mock Service.

    Update Log of Mock Service Request Attributes

    Response 200 OK

      "apiVersion": 0,
      "error": "string",
      "limit": 0,
      "link": "string",
      "requestId": "string",
      "result": true,
      "skip": 0,
      "total": 0


    Get the Request ID of a Mock Service (Analytics)

    To retrieve log information for any Mock Service through our Analytics endpoint, you need the Request ID of the Mock Service. To get the Request ID, you need the Workspace identifier and the Mock Service identifier. The sample code uses a serviceMockId of 1234 and a workspaceId of 123456. Use the actual ID values of your Log, Workspace, and Mock Service. The response contains the requestId in the result id: {“result” : [ { “id” : 7777, ...} ] }.

    Minimum Parameters for Getting the Request ID of a Mock Service

    The following parameters are the base parameters required for getting the Request ID of a Mock Service.

    Get the Request ID of a Mock Service Request Attributes

    Get the Request ID of a Mock Service Minimum Configuration Sample

    curl '' \
        -X GET \
        -H 'accept: application/json;charset=UTF-8'

    Response 200 OK

      “apiVersion” : 1,
      “error” : null,
      “result” : [ {
        “id” : 7777,
        “serviceMockId” : 114193,
        “type” : “TRANSACTIONAL”,
        “transactionId” : null,
        “operation” : “GET”,
        “url” : “”,
        “timestamp” : 1681213707061,
        “arguments” : [ ],
        “matchType” : null,
        “matchTolerance” : null,
        “hasError” : false,
        “respondingTxn” : null,
        “matched” : false,
        “txnPriority” : null,
        “source” : “MOCK”,
        “liveTransactionCreated” : false,
        “hash” : null,
        “detailsHash” : null,
        “webHookName” : null,
        “webHookId” : null,
        “modelEntity” : null,
        “actionName” : null,
        “objectAction” : null
      }, {
        “id” : 1156936109,
        “serviceMockId” : 114193,
        “type” : “TRANSACTIONAL”,
        “transactionId” : 5763762,
        “operation” : “GET”,
        “url” : “”,
        “timestamp” : 1681213706737,
        “arguments” : [ ],
        “matchType” : null,
        “matchTolerance” : null,
        “hasError” : false,
        “respondingTxn” : null,
        “matched” : true,
        “txnPriority” : 10,
        “source” : “MOCK”,
        “liveTransactionCreated” : false,
        “hash” : null,
        “detailsHash” : null,
        “webHookName” : null,
        “webHookId” : null,
        “modelEntity” : null,
        “actionName” : null,
        “objectAction” : null
      } ],
      “requestId” : null


    Request the Analytics of a Mock Service

    You can retrieve inspection data for any Mock Service through our Analytics endpoint.

    To get more in-depth inspection data about the request and the response, you need to know the Request ID, Workspace identifier and the Mock Service identifier. The sample code uses a requestId of 7777, a serviceMockId of 1234 and a workspaceId of 123456. Use the actual ID values of your Log, Workspace, and Mock Service.

    Minimum Parameters for Getting the Analytics of a Mock Service

    The following parameters are the base parameters required to request inspection data of a Mock Service.

    Get the Analytics of a Mock Service Request Attributes

    Get the Analytics of a Mock Service Minimum Configuration Sample

    curl '' \
        -X GET \
        -H 'accept: application/json;charset=UTF-8'

    Response 200 OK

      "apiVersion" : 1,
      "error" : null,
      "result" : {
        "serviceMockId" : 114193,
        "type" : "TRANSACTIONAL",
        "stepDetails" : null,
        "matchingData" : null,
        "sessionData" : null,
        "requestBody" : "",
        "requestHeaders" : [ {
          "key" : "Host",
          "value" : ""
        }, {
          "key" : "X-Request-ID",
          "value" : "f3b9c1320xxxx219e4e369186852516d"
        }, ..., {
          "key" : "Accept-Encoding",
          "value" : "gzip, deflate, br"
        }, {
          "key" : "Accept-Language",
          "value" : "en-GB,en-US;q=0.9,en;q=0.8,cs;q=0.7"
        } ],
        "responseBody" : "Tm8gbWF0Y2ggRm91bmQ=",
        "responseHeaders" : [ ],
        "statusCode" : 404,
        "hash" : null,
        "filters" : null,
        "parameters" : null,
        "changedRowsCount" : null
      "requestId" : null



    This section contains additional details you may find useful as you progress in your use of the BlazeMeter Mock Service API beyond typical use cases.


    This section covers the various terms that are used throughout the Mock Service APIs.


    The dsl is the object that stores properties of Transactions.

    There are multiple sources we support and convert to DSL format to use them as request/response transactions:

    Supported dsl type keys are:

    For more information, see Adding Transactions.

    This appendix shows how to configure a dsl manually. The easiest way to create a valid dsl for an API call is to create a Transaction in the web interface and copy and paste the response.

    Example - Create a DSL object

    Create a dsl object Minimum Configuration Sample

      "priority": 0,
      "requestDsl": {
        "method": "POST",    
        "url": {
          "key": "url",
          "matcherName": "equals_url",
          "matchingValue": ""
        "headers": [
            "key": "header1",
            "matcherName": "contains",
            "matchingValue": "value1"
            "key": "header2",
            "matcherName": "matches",
            "matchingValue": "value2"
            "key": "header3",
            "matcherName": "equals",
            "matchingValue": "value3"
            "key": "header4",
            "matcherName": "not_matches",
            "matchingValue": "value4"
            "key": "header5",
            "matcherName": "equals_insensitive",
            "matchingValue": "value5"
            "key": "header6",
            "matcherName": "absent",
            "matchingValue": "header6"
        "queryParams": [
            "key": "q1",
            "matcherName": "contains",
            "matchingValue": "q_value1"
            "key": "q2",
            "matcherName": "matches",
            "matchingValue": "q_value2"
            "key": "q3",
            "matcherName": "equals",
            "matchingValue": "q_value3"
            "key": "q4",
            "matcherName": "not_matches",
            "matchingValue": "q_value4"
            "key": "q5",
            "matcherName": "equals_insensitive",
            "matchingValue": "q_value5"
            "key": "q6",
            "matcherName": "absent",
            "matchingValue": "q6"
        "cookies": [
            "key": "cookie1",
            "matcherName": "contains",
            "matchingValue": "c_value1"
            "key": "cookie2",
            "matcherName": "matches",
            "matchingValue": "c_value2"
            "key": "cookie3",
            "matcherName": "equals",
            "matchingValue": "c_value3"
            "key": "cookie4",
            "matcherName": "not_matches",
            "matchingValue": "c_value4"
            "key": "cookie5",
            "matcherName": "equals_insensitive",
            "matchingValue": "c_value5"
            "key": "cookie6",
            "matcherName": "absent",
            "matchingValue": "cookie6"
        "credentials": {
          "username": "joe user",
          "password": "p455w0rd"
        "body": [
            "matcherName": "matches_json",
            "matchingValue": "JFsnbWVudSddWydpZCdd"
      "responseDsl": {
        "status": 200,
        "statusMessage": "HTTP/1.1 200 OK",
        "headers": [
            "name": "Content-Type",
            "value": "text/plain; charset=UTF-8"
        "binary": false,
        "content": "ZXhhbXBsZSBwb3N0IHJlc3BvbnNl",
        "charset": "UTF-8"

    To create a dsl manually, use the following format:


    Bridge ID

    (EOL) This identifier was used in MAR-based Mock Services only.

    Harbor ID

    (EOL) This identifier was used in MAR-based Mock Services only.

    Location ID

    This is the unique identifier for a cloud location or a private location. It is used in the following APIs:

    It is found in the response of the following APIs:

    For another method for finding this value, see Get the Location Name.

    Log ID

    This is the unique identifier of a log. It is used in the following APIs:

    It is found in the response of the following APIs:

    Mock Service ID

    It is found in the response of the following APIs:

    Mock Service Template ID

    This is the unique identifier of a Template. It is used in the following APIs:

    It is found in the response of the following APIs:

    Registry ID

    (EOL) This identifier was used in MAR-based Mock Services only.

    Request ID

    This is the unique Mock Service Request identifier for a given Mock Service in a given Workspace.

    It is found in the response of the following API call in the result id: {“result” : [ { “id” : 7777, ...} ] }:

    It is used in the following APIs:

    Service ID

    This is the unique identifier of a Service. It is used in the following APIs:

    It is found in the response of the following APIs:

    Ship ID

    (EOL) This identifier was used in MAR-based Mock Services only.

    Tag ID

    This is the unique identifier of a tag. It is used in the following APIs:

    It is found in the response of the following APIs:

    Taurus UUID

    Transaction ID

    This is the unique identifier of a Transaction. It is used in the following APIs:

    It is found in the response of the following APIs:

    Workspace ID

    This is the unique identifier that identifies a Workspace. It is used in the following APIs:

    It is found in the response of the following APIs:

    For another method for finding this value, see Get Your Workspace ID.