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Home Functional Performance Mock Services API Monitoring Test Data
  • Introduction
  • Global Search
  • Accounts
  • Workspaces
  • Projects
  • Tests
  • Multi Tests
  • Tags
  • Test Runs
  • Test Results
  • Shared Folders
  • Credentials
  • Test Scheduler
  • Private Locations
  • Appendix
  • Introduction

    Welcome to the Performance section of the BlazeMeter API reference! This section will cover the APIs used for creating, updating, and running performance tests, as well as getting the test results, handling shared folders, scheduling tests, and creating private locations to run those tests.

    This API reference uses the following conventions for your convenience:


    Your Account provides access to different levels of the API:

    The following figure illustrates the relationship between the levels.


    Request Format

    All requests to the API are sent over HTTPS and use the following base URL:

    Test data related requests use the following base URL:

    Response Format

      "limit": ...,
      "skip": ...,
      "total": ...,
      "hidden": ...,
      "api_version": ...,
      "error": {...} or null,
      "result": {...} or [...]

    Responses are returned as JSON data in the format shown to the right. A description of the attributes can be found below:


    Reading the Attribute Tables

    Below is a list of the various tags that are present in the attribute tables and what they represent:

    Attribute Tag Description


    This indicates that this attribute is required for any POST requests


    This indicates that this attribute is not edittable (either through POST, PATCH, or PUT)

    Result List Only

    Indicates that this attribute appears for APIs that return lists

    Multi Test Only

    Indicates that this attribute is used for multi test or collection object only

    Test Only

    Indicates that this attribute is used for test object only

    Private Cloud Only

    Indicates that this attribute is only available to Private Cloud

    Shared Type Only

    Indicates that this attribute is only available to Shared private location type

    Legacy Only

    Indicates that this attribute is only available for legacy BlazeMeter users


    Indicates that this attribute cannot be used in conjunction with another Exclusive attribute

    Authorization Using Basic Authentication


    curl '' \
        --user 'api_key_id:api_key_secret'

    Response 200 OK

      "api_version": 4,
      "error": null,
      "result": {
        "id": 123456,
        "email": "",
        "access": 1522676762,
        "login": 1521724222,
        "firstName": "my",
        "lastName": "name",
        "timezone": 0,
        "enabled": true,
        "roles": [

    API Explorer: /user

    To use the BlazeMeter API, pass your BlazeMeter API key using Basic Authentication (Basic Auth) credentials. These credentials contain a Key ID and a Secret Key:


    For example: f817e22f1526b048799f75da:7641251982b983cfd92b5a25fa97cd3ee9e21920f21d8b14cd705831826935723f3033f0

    All API requests must be made over HTTPS. Calls made over plain HTTP will fail. API requests without authentication will also fail. In the code sample, replace 'api_key_id:api_key_secret' with your credentials.

    Create the API Key

    Use the linked BlazeMeter article to create your API key.

    Global Search

    This search API is the backend for the Advanced Search UI in the Performance tab. In BlazeMeter's microservice architecture, each service owns its own data, and there are relationships between entities from different services. This endpoint provides a straightforward way to run search queries against the whole data model.

    Search Globally

    API Explorer: /search

    Use this endpoint to search for entities such as accounts, workspaces, projects, users, tests, tags, and locations.

    To receive the most recent information which entities and fields are supported in the search, make a GET call to the Search Metadata endpoint: GET to download search-metadata.json. This file covers the list of searchable entities, their fields, and relationships:

    Search Request Attributes


    curl '' \
        -X POST \
        -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
        --user 'api_key_id:api_key_secret' \
        -d '{ "<em>attribute</em>": ["<em>value</em>"] }'

    Run a Search Search POST Body (JSON)

      "accountId": 12345,
      "entity": "test-union",
      "fields": [
      "workspaceId": null,
      "filters": {
        "$and": [
            "name": {
              "$ilike": "Nove"
      "ordering": [
          "updated": -1
      "skip": 0,
      "limit": 15


    Search Response Attributes

    Response 200 Created

      "accountId": 12345,
      "workspaceId": [
      "error": null,
      "limit": 15,
      "skip": 0,
      "total": 1,
      "result": [
          "owner": {
            "firstName": "Sasha",
            "lastName": "Miller",
            "displayName": "Sasha Miller",
            "id": 1000005
          "workspace": {
            "accountId": 12345,
            "name": "Workspace XYZ",
            "id": 12345
          "created": 1669390442,
          "tagIds": [],
          "locationIds": [
          "project": {
            "name": "Project ABC",
            "id": 12345,
            "workspaceId": 12345
          "testType": "taurus",
          "type": "test",
          "userId": 1600425,
          "tags": null,
          "duration": 1200,
          "numVirtualUsers": 20,
          "name": "East coast test November_25_4:34 PM",
          "locations": [
              "id": "us-east4-a",
              "name": "US East (Virginia)",
              "type": 0,
              "refId": "us-east4-a",
              "title": "US East (Virginia, Google)",
              "provider": "Google Cloud Platform",
              "workspaceIds": null
          "id": 11841279,
          "projectId": 12345,
          "updated": 1669390471,
          "numEngines": 1
      "api_version": 4,
      "request_id": "460d9b7978784"


    This section goes over how to handle account administration (i.e. changing user roles, enabling/disabling users, etc.).

    To run these APIs, you will need the accountId for the account you are wanting to handle the administration, and your user will need to have account admin access to run these APIs.

    Add User to Account

    Add User to Account

    curl '' \
        -X POST \
        -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
        --user 'api_key_id:api_key_secret' \
        -d '{"invitations":[{"inviteeEmail":"","attachAutomatically":true,"accountRoles":["standard"],"workspacesId":[123456],"workspacesRoles":["tester"]}]}'

    API Explorer: /accounts/{accountId}/invitations

    To add a user, you need the accountId of the account you want to add the user to and use an API key that has account admin access. For the sample code on the right, accountId 123456 has added user to the account automatically (skipping the invitation link process). To add a user to your account, replace the accountId 123456 with the accountId of your account, the workspaceId attribute with the workspaceId of your workspace. This user will be given the account role of Standard and the workspace role of Tester.

    Add User to Account Request Attributes

    Add User to Account Add User to Account POST Body (JSON)

      "invitations": [
          "inviteeEmail": "",
          "attachAutomatically": true,
          "accountRoles": [
          "workspacesId": [
          "workspacesRoles": [


    Add User to Account Response Attributes

    Response 201 Created

        "api_version": 4,
        "error": null,
        "result": [
                "id": "5dc096abb7103a3c3f284b15",
                "inviteeEmail": "",
                "token": "E0SC2x7U54bn",
                "accountRoles": [
                "workspacesRoles": [
                "attachAutomatically": true,
                "created": 1572902571,
                "updated": 1572902571,
                "accountId": 123456,
                "inviteeUserId": 234567,
                "invitedById": 123456,
                "workspacesId": [
                "accountName": "My Account",
                "acceptUrl": "",
                "rejectUrl": "",
                "invitingEmail": "",
                "invitingName": "Admin User"
        "request_id": "5dc096ab2c16d"


    List Account Invitations

    List Account Invitations

    curl '' \
        --user 'api_key_id:api_key_secret'

    API Explorer: /accounts/{accountId}/invitations

    To list the account invitations, you need the accountId of the account you want to get the list of invitations and use an API key that has account admin access. For the sample code on the right, a list of invitations for accountId 123456 is provided. To get a list of invitations for your account, replace the accountId 123456 with the accountId of your account.

    Add User to Account Response Attributes

    Response 200 OK

        "limit": 10,
        "skip": 0,
        "total": 1,
        "hidden": 0,
        "api_version": 4,
        "error": null,
        "result": [{
            "id": "5eea89603e7ad67f5d35cbf7",
            "inviteeEmail": "",
            "token": "4p8M0gseEpHr",
            "accountRoles": [
            "workspacesRoles": [
            "attachAutomatically": false,
            "created": 1592428896,
            "updated": 1592428896,
            "accountName": "Travis's Account",
            "acceptUrl": "",
            "rejectUrl": "",
            "invitingEmail": "",
            "invitingName": "Travis Lloyd",
            "workspaceNames": [
                "Default workspace"
        "request_id": "5eea8978ea87b"


    Account User List

    Account User List

    curl '' \
        --user 'api_key_id:api_key_secret'

    API Explorer: /accounts/{accountId}/users

    To return a list of the account users, an accountId is required. The sample code returns a list of users within accountId of 123456. Use the actual ID value for the account to return the list of the users in your account.

    Account User List Parameters


    Also see: Pagination

    Account User List Response Attributes

    Response 200 OK

        "limit": 10,
        "skip": 0,
        "total": 2,
        "hidden": 0,
        "api_version": 4,
        "error": null,
        "result": [
                "id": 123456,
                "email": "",
                "displayName": "Owner Name",
                "firstName": "Owner",
                "lastName": "Name",
                "login": 1573145246,
                "access": 1573227166,
                "roles": [
                "enabled": true,
                "lastAccess": 1573227166
                "id": 234567,
                "email": "",
                "displayName": "Standard Name",
                "firstName": "Standard",
                "lastName": "Name",
                "login": 1506347921,
                "access": 1520965347,
                "roles": [
                "enabled": false,
                "lastAccess": 1520965347,
                "type": "account"
        "request_id": "5dc58b956e81b"


    Update Account User

    Update Account User

    curl '' \
        -X PUT \
        -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
        --user 'api_key_id:api_key_secret' \
        -d '{"roles":["user_manager"],"enabled": false}'

    API Explorer: /accounts/{accountId}/users/{userId}

    To change a user's account role or disable or enable a user, an accountId and userId are required. The sample code changes the userId of 123456 account role within accountId of 123456 to user_manager and disables the user in the account. Use the actual ID value for the account and user you are wanting to change.

    Update Account User Request Attributes

    Update Account User Update Account User PUT Body (JSON)

      "roles": [
      "enabled": false


    Update Account User Response Attributes

    Response 200 OK

        "api_version": 4,
        "error": null,
        "result": {
            "id": 123456,
            "roles": [
            "enabled": false,
            "lastAccess": 1573229467,
            "type": "account",
            "displayName": "My Name",
            "login": 1573145246,
            "email": ""
        "request_id": "5dc5939bd8286"

    For a breakdown of the response attributes, see the Add User to Account Response Attributes section.

    Account Engine Utilization Report

    Account Engine Utilization Report

    curl '' \
        --user 'api_key_id:api_key_secret'

    API Explorer: /accounts/{accountId}/utilization-report

    To the engine utilizataion report for your account, you need the accountId of the account to get the engine utilizataion report and use an API key that has account admin access. For the sample code on the right, a the engine utilizataion report for accountId 123456 is provided. To get the engine utilizataion report for your account, replace the accountId 123456 with the accountId of your account.

    Account Engine Utilization Report Response Attributes

    Response 200 OK

      "api_version": 4,
      "error": null,
      "result": {
        "workspaces": [
            "id": 123456,
            "name": "Default workspace"
        "locations": {
          "us-west1-a": {
            "id": "us-west1-a",
            "name": "US West (Oregon, Google)",
            "engines": 1
          "harbor-5b0323b3c648be3b4c7b23c8": {
            "id": "harbor-5b0323b3c648be3b4c7b23c8",
            "name": "Example Private Location",
            "engines": 1
          "us-east1-b": {
            "id": "us-east1-b",
            "name": "US East (South Carolina, Google)",
            "engines": 1
      "request_id": "5eeb989011d5f"


    Terminate Masters in Account

    curl '' \
        -X POST \
        -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
        --user 'api_key_id:api_key_secret' \
        -d '{"dryRun": false}'

    API Explorer: /accounts/{accountId}/terminate-masters

    To terminate all running masters in an account, you need the accountId of the account and account admin access. For the sample code on the right, we are terminating all the running masters in accountId 123456. To terminate all the masters in your account, replace the accountId 123456 with the accountId of your account.

    Terminate Masters in Account Request Attributes

    Terminate Masters in Account Terminate Masters in Account POST Body (JSON)

      "dryRun": false


    Terminate Masters in Account Response Attributes

    Response 200 OK

        "api_version": 4,
        "error": null,
        "result": [
        "request_id": "5dc5a94bcc138"


    Customize Welcome Screen

    Customize Welcome Screen

    curl '' \
        -X PATCH \
        -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
        --user 'api_key_id:api_key_secret' \
        -d '{"welcomeScreenLinkText":"Please follow these instructions","welcomeScreenLinkUrl":"”}'

    The account Welcome screen is visible to any user that accepts an invitation to an account without being added to a workspace.

    You can customize the content of your Welcome screen, which disables BlazeMeter's default Welcome button and replaces the content with custom text and a hyperlink to a defined URL.

    Customize Welcome Screen Attributes

    Customize Welcome Screen Customize Welcome Screen PATCH Body (JSON)

      "welcomeScreenLinkText": "Please follow these instructions",
      "welcomeScreenLinkUrl": "”



    This section goes over how to handle workspace administration (i.e. changing user roles, enabling/disabling users, etc.) for your BlazeMeter workspace.

    To run these APIs, you will need the workspaceId for the workspace you are wanting to handle the administration, and your user will need to have workspace manager access to run these APIs.

    The Workspace Object

    The Workspace Object

        "api_version": 4,
        "error": null,
        "result": {
            "id": 123456,
            "name": "Default workspace",
            "userId": 123456,
            "created": 1488987561,
            "updated": 1573503519,
            "enabled": true,
            "dedicatedIpsEnabled": true,
            "privateLocationsEnabled": true,
            "owner": {
                "id": 123456,
                "email": "",
                "displayName": "My User"
            "membersCount": 7,
            "allowance": {
                "amount": 17678,
                "type": "credits"
            "accountId": 123456,
            "locations": [
                    "id": "harbor-5591335d8588531f5cde3a04",
                    "title": "Sandbox",
                    "name": "Sandbox",
                    "provider": "Sandbox",
                    "limits": {
                        "threadsPerEngine": 20,
                        "concurrency": 20,
                        "engines": 0,
                        "duration": 712
                    "capabilities": {
                        "dedicatedIps": false,
                        "isPrivileged": true
                    "sandbox": true,
                    "purposes": {
                        "load": true,
                        "functional": false,
                        "grid": false,
                        "serviceMock": false
                    "id": "us-east4-a",
                    "title": "US East (Virginia, Google)",
                    "name": "US East (Virginia)",
                    "provider": "Google Cloud Platform",
                    "limits": {
                        "threadsPerEngine": 1000,
                        "concurrency": 500000,
                        "engines": 1000,
                        "duration": 712
                    "capabilities": {
                        "dedicatedIps": true
                    "sandbox": false,
                    "purposes": {
                        "load": true,
                        "functional": false,
                        "grid": false,
                        "serviceMock": false
                    "id": "us-east1-b",
                    "title": "US East (South Carolina, Google)",
                    "name": "US East (South Carolina)",
                    "provider": "Google Cloud Platform",
                    "limits": {
                        "threadsPerEngine": 1000,
                        "concurrency": 500000,
                        "engines": 1000,
                        "duration": 712
                    "capabilities": {
                        "dedicatedIps": true
                    "sandbox": false,
                    "purposes": {
                        "load": true,
                        "functional": false,
                        "grid": false,
                        "serviceMock": false
                    "id": "us-west1-a",
                    "title": "US West (Oregon, Google)",
                    "name": "US West (Oregon)",
                    "provider": "Google Cloud Platform",
                    "limits": {
                        "threadsPerEngine": 1000,
                        "concurrency": 500000,
                        "engines": 1000,
                        "duration": 712
                    "capabilities": {
                        "dedicatedIps": true
                    "sandbox": false,
                    "purposes": {
                        "load": true,
                        "functional": false,
                        "grid": false,
                        "serviceMock": false
                    "id": "us-central1-a",
                    "title": "US Central (Iowa, Google)",
                    "name": "US Central (Iowa)",
                    "provider": "Google Cloud Platform",
                    "limits": {
                        "threadsPerEngine": 1000,
                        "concurrency": 500000,
                        "engines": 1000,
                        "duration": 712
                    "capabilities": {
                        "dedicatedIps": true
                    "sandbox": false,
                    "purposes": {
                        "load": true,
                        "functional": false,
                        "grid": false,
                        "serviceMock": false
                    "id": "northamerica-northeast1-a",
                    "title": "Canada East (Montreal, Google)",
                    "name": "Canada East (Montreal)",
                    "provider": "Google Cloud Platform",
                    "limits": {
                        "threadsPerEngine": 1000,
                        "concurrency": 500000,
                        "engines": 1000,
                        "duration": 712
                    "capabilities": {
                        "dedicatedIps": true
                    "sandbox": false,
                    "purposes": {
                        "load": true,
                        "functional": false,
                        "grid": false,
                        "serviceMock": false
                    "id": "europe-west2-a",
                    "title": "EU West (London, Google)",
                    "name": "EU West (London)",
                    "provider": "Google Cloud Platform",
                    "limits": {
                        "threadsPerEngine": 1000,
                        "concurrency": 500000,
                        "engines": 1000,
                        "duration": 712
                    "capabilities": {
                        "dedicatedIps": true
                    "sandbox": false,
                    "purposes": {
                        "load": true,
                        "functional": false,
                        "grid": false,
                        "serviceMock": false
                    "id": "europe-west3-a",
                    "title": "EU West (Frankfurt, Google)",
                    "name": "EU West (Frankfurt)",
                    "provider": "Google Cloud Platform",
                    "limits": {
                        "threadsPerEngine": 1000,
                        "concurrency": 500000,
                        "engines": 1000,
                        "duration": 712
                    "capabilities": {
                        "dedicatedIps": true
                    "sandbox": false,
                    "purposes": {
                        "load": true,
                        "functional": false,
                        "grid": false,
                        "serviceMock": false
                    "id": "europe-west1-b",
                    "title": "EU West (Belgium, Google)",
                    "name": "EU West (Belgium)",
                    "provider": "Google Cloud Platform",
                    "limits": {
                        "threadsPerEngine": 1000,
                        "concurrency": 500000,
                        "engines": 1000,
                        "duration": 712
                    "capabilities": {
                        "dedicatedIps": true
                    "sandbox": false,
                    "purposes": {
                        "load": true,
                        "functional": false,
                        "grid": false,
                        "serviceMock": false
                    "id": "europe-west4-b",
                    "title": "EU West (Netherlands, Google)",
                    "name": "EU West (Netherlands)",
                    "provider": "Google Cloud Platform",
                    "limits": {
                        "threadsPerEngine": 1000,
                        "concurrency": 500000,
                        "engines": 1000,
                        "duration": 712
                    "capabilities": {
                        "dedicatedIps": true
                    "sandbox": false,
                    "purposes": {
                        "load": true,
                        "functional": false,
                        "grid": false,
                        "serviceMock": false
                    "id": "asia-east1-a",
                    "title": "Asia East (Taiwan, Google)",
                    "name": "Asia East (Taiwan)",
                    "provider": "Google Cloud Platform",
                    "limits": {
                        "threadsPerEngine": 1000,
                        "concurrency": 500000,
                        "engines": 1000,
                        "duration": 712
                    "capabilities": {
                        "dedicatedIps": true
                    "sandbox": false,
                    "purposes": {
                        "load": true,
                        "functional": false,
                        "grid": false,
                        "serviceMock": false
                    "id": "asia-northeast1-a",
                    "title": "Asia Northeast (Japan, Google)",
                    "name": "Asia Northeast (Japan)",
                    "provider": "Google Cloud Platform",
                    "limits": {
                        "threadsPerEngine": 1000,
                        "concurrency": 500000,
                        "engines": 1000,
                        "duration": 712
                    "capabilities": {
                        "dedicatedIps": true
                    "sandbox": false,
                    "purposes": {
                        "load": true,
                        "functional": false,
                        "grid": false,
                        "serviceMock": false
                    "id": "asia-southeast1-a",
                    "title": "Asia Southeast (Singapore, Google)",
                    "name": "Asia Southeast (Singapore)",
                    "provider": "Google Cloud Platform",
                    "limits": {
                        "threadsPerEngine": 1000,
                        "concurrency": 500000,
                        "engines": 1000,
                        "duration": 712
                    "capabilities": {
                        "dedicatedIps": true
                    "sandbox": false,
                    "purposes": {
                        "load": true,
                        "functional": false,
                        "grid": false,
                        "serviceMock": false
                    "id": "asia-south1-a",
                    "title": "Asia South (Mumbai, Google)",
                    "name": "Asia South (Mumbai)",
                    "provider": "Google Cloud Platform",
                    "limits": {
                        "threadsPerEngine": 1000,
                        "concurrency": 500000,
                        "engines": 1000,
                        "duration": 712
                    "capabilities": {
                        "dedicatedIps": true
                    "sandbox": false,
                    "purposes": {
                        "load": true,
                        "functional": false,
                        "grid": false,
                        "serviceMock": false
                    "id": "australia-southeast1-a",
                    "title": "Australia (Sydney, Google)",
                    "name": "Australia (Sydney)",
                    "provider": "Google Cloud Platform",
                    "limits": {
                        "threadsPerEngine": 1000,
                        "concurrency": 500000,
                        "engines": 1000,
                        "duration": 712
                    "capabilities": {
                        "dedicatedIps": true
                    "sandbox": false,
                    "purposes": {
                        "load": true,
                        "functional": false,
                        "grid": false,
                        "serviceMock": false
                    "id": "southamerica-east1-a",
                    "title": "Brazil (Sao Paulo, Google)",
                    "name": "Brazil (Sao Paulo)",
                    "provider": "Google Cloud Platform",
                    "limits": {
                        "threadsPerEngine": 1000,
                        "concurrency": 500000,
                        "engines": 1000,
                        "duration": 712
                    "capabilities": {
                        "dedicatedIps": true
                    "sandbox": false,
                    "purposes": {
                        "load": true,
                        "functional": false,
                        "grid": false,
                        "serviceMock": false
                    "id": "asia-northeast2-a",
                    "title": "Japan (Osaka, Google)",
                    "name": "Japan (Osaka)",
                    "provider": "Google Cloud Platform",
                    "limits": {
                        "threadsPerEngine": 1000,
                        "concurrency": 500000,
                        "engines": 1000,
                        "duration": 712
                    "capabilities": {
                        "dedicatedIps": true
                    "sandbox": false,
                    "purposes": {
                        "load": true,
                        "functional": false,
                        "grid": false,
                        "serviceMock": false
                    "id": "us-west2-a",
                    "title": "US West (California, Google)",
                    "name": "US West (California)",
                    "provider": "Google Cloud Platform",
                    "limits": {
                        "threadsPerEngine": 1000,
                        "concurrency": 500000,
                        "engines": 1000,
                        "duration": 712
                    "capabilities": {
                        "dedicatedIps": true
                    "sandbox": false,
                    "purposes": {
                        "load": true,
                        "functional": false,
                        "grid": false,
                        "serviceMock": false
                    "id": "us-east-1",
                    "title": "US East (Virginia, AWS)",
                    "name": "US East (Virginia)",
                    "provider": "Amazon Web Services",
                    "limits": {
                        "threadsPerEngine": 1000,
                        "concurrency": 500000,
                        "engines": 1000,
                        "duration": 712
                    "capabilities": {
                        "dedicatedIps": true
                    "sandbox": false,
                    "purposes": {
                        "load": true,
                        "functional": false,
                        "grid": false,
                        "serviceMock": false
                    "id": "us-east-2",
                    "title": "US East (Ohio, AWS)",
                    "name": "US East (Ohio)",
                    "provider": "Amazon Web Services",
                    "limits": {
                        "threadsPerEngine": 1000,
                        "concurrency": 500000,
                        "engines": 1000,
                        "duration": 712
                    "capabilities": {
                        "dedicatedIps": true
                    "sandbox": false,
                    "purposes": {
                        "load": true,
                        "functional": false,
                        "grid": false,
                        "serviceMock": false
                    "id": "us-west-1",
                    "title": "US West (N.California, AWS)",
                    "name": "US West (N.California)",
                    "provider": "Amazon Web Services",
                    "limits": {
                        "threadsPerEngine": 1000,
                        "concurrency": 500000,
                        "engines": 1000,
                        "duration": 712
                    "capabilities": {
                        "dedicatedIps": true
                    "sandbox": false,
                    "purposes": {
                        "load": true,
                        "functional": false,
                        "grid": false,
                        "serviceMock": false
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                    "title": "US West (Oregon, AWS)",
                    "name": "US West (Oregon)",
                    "provider": "Amazon Web Services",
                    "limits": {
                        "threadsPerEngine": 1000,
                        "concurrency": 500000,
                        "engines": 1000,
                        "duration": 712
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                        "dedicatedIps": true
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                    "purposes": {
                        "load": true,
                        "functional": false,
                        "grid": false,
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                    "id": "ca-central-1",
                    "title": "Canada (Central, AWS)",
                    "name": "Canada (Central)",
                    "provider": "Amazon Web Services",
                    "limits": {
                        "threadsPerEngine": 1000,
                        "concurrency": 500000,
                        "engines": 1000,
                        "duration": 712
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                        "dedicatedIps": true
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                    "purposes": {
                        "load": true,
                        "functional": false,
                        "grid": false,
                        "serviceMock": false
                    "id": "eu-west-1",
                    "title": "EU West (Ireland, AWS)",
                    "name": "EU West (Ireland)",
                    "provider": "Amazon Web Services",
                    "limits": {
                        "threadsPerEngine": 1000,
                        "concurrency": 500000,
                        "engines": 1000,
                        "duration": 712
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                    "title": "EU West (London, AWS)",
                    "name": "EU West (London)",
                    "provider": "Amazon Web Services",
                    "limits": {
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                        "concurrency": 500000,
                        "engines": 1000,
                        "duration": 712
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                    "purposes": {
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                        "functional": false,
                        "grid": false,
                        "serviceMock": false
                    "id": "eu-west-3",
                    "title": "EU West (Paris, AWS)",
                    "name": "EU West (Paris)",
                    "provider": "Amazon Web Services",
                    "limits": {
                        "threadsPerEngine": 1000,
                        "concurrency": 500000,
                        "engines": 1000,
                        "duration": 712
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                    "purposes": {
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                    "id": "eu-central-1",
                    "title": "EU Central (Frankfurt, AWS)",
                    "name": "EU Central (Frankfurt)",
                    "provider": "Amazon Web Services",
                    "limits": {
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                        "concurrency": 500000,
                        "engines": 1000,
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                        "functional": false,
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                    "title": "Asia Pacific (Tokyo, AWS)",
                    "name": "Asia Pacific (Tokyo)",
                    "provider": "Amazon Web Services",
                    "limits": {
                        "threadsPerEngine": 1000,
                        "concurrency": 500000,
                        "engines": 1000,
                        "duration": 712
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                    "title": "Asia Pacific (Mumbai, AWS)",
                    "name": "Asia Pacific (Mumbai)",
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                    "limits": {
                        "threadsPerEngine": 1000,
                        "concurrency": 500000,
                        "engines": 1000,
                        "duration": 712
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                    "id": "ap-northeast-2",
                    "title": "Asia Pacific (Seoul, AWS)",
                    "name": "Asia Pacific (Seoul)",
                    "provider": "Amazon Web Services",
                    "limits": {
                        "threadsPerEngine": 1000,
                        "concurrency": 500000,
                        "engines": 1000,
                        "duration": 712
                    "capabilities": {
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                    "purposes": {
                        "load": true,
                        "functional": false,
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                    "id": "ap-southeast-1",
                    "title": "Asia Pacific (Singapore, AWS)",
                    "name": "Asia Pacific (Singapore)",
                    "provider": "Amazon Web Services",
                    "limits": {
                        "threadsPerEngine": 1000,
                        "concurrency": 500000,
                        "engines": 1000,
                        "duration": 712
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                    "id": "ap-southeast-2",
                    "title": "Australia (Sydney, AWS)",
                    "name": "Australia (Sydney)",
                    "provider": "Amazon Web Services",
                    "limits": {
                        "threadsPerEngine": 1000,
                        "concurrency": 500000,
                        "engines": 1000,
                        "duration": 712
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                    "purposes": {
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                    "title": "South America (Sao Paulo, AWS)",
                    "name": "South America (Sao Paulo)",
                    "provider": "Amazon Web Services",
                    "limits": {
                        "threadsPerEngine": 1000,
                        "concurrency": 500000,
                        "engines": 1000,
                        "duration": 712
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                    "title": "US East (Virginia, Azure)",
                    "name": "US East (Virginia)",
                    "provider": "Microsoft Azure",
                    "limits": {
                        "threadsPerEngine": 1000,
                        "concurrency": 500000,
                        "engines": 1000,
                        "duration": 712
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                    "id": "azure-east-us-2",
                    "title": "US East 2 (Virginia, Azure)",
                    "name": "US East 2 (Virginia)",
                    "provider": "Microsoft Azure",
                    "limits": {
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                        "engines": 1000,
                        "duration": 712
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                        "grid": false,
                        "serviceMock": false
                    "id": "azure-west-us-1",
                    "title": "US West (California, Azure)",
                    "name": "US West (California)",
                    "provider": "Microsoft Azure",
                    "limits": {
                        "threadsPerEngine": 1000,
                        "concurrency": 500000,
                        "engines": 1000,
                        "duration": 712
                    "capabilities": {
                        "dedicatedIps": false
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                    "purposes": {
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                        "serviceMock": false
                    "id": "azure-west-us-2",
                    "title": "US West 2 (Washington, Azure)",
                    "name": "US West 2 (US West 2)",
                    "provider": "Microsoft Azure",
                    "limits": {
                        "threadsPerEngine": 1000,
                        "concurrency": 500000,
                        "engines": 1000,
                        "duration": 712
                    "capabilities": {
                        "dedicatedIps": false
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                    "purposes": {
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                        "grid": false,
                        "serviceMock": false
                    "id": "azure-us-west-central",
                    "title": "US West Central (Wyoming, Azure)",
                    "name": "US West Central (US West Central)",
                    "provider": "Microsoft Azure",
                    "limits": {
                        "threadsPerEngine": 1000,
                        "concurrency": 500000,
                        "engines": 1000,
                        "duration": 712
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                    "id": "azure-central-us-1",
                    "title": "US Central (Iowa, Azure)",
                    "name": "US Central (Iowa)",
                    "provider": "Microsoft Azure",
                    "limits": {
                        "threadsPerEngine": 1000,
                        "concurrency": 500000,
                        "engines": 1000,
                        "duration": 712
                    "capabilities": {
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                    "purposes": {
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                        "grid": false,
                        "serviceMock": false
                    "id": "azure-north-central-us-1",
                    "title": "US North Central (Illinois, Azure)",
                    "name": "US North Central (Illinois)",
                    "provider": "Microsoft Azure",
                    "limits": {
                        "threadsPerEngine": 1000,
                        "concurrency": 500000,
                        "engines": 1000,
                        "duration": 712
                    "capabilities": {
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                        "functional": false,
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                    "name": "US South Central (Texas)",
                    "provider": "Microsoft Azure",
                    "limits": {
                        "threadsPerEngine": 1000,
                        "concurrency": 500000,
                        "engines": 1000,
                        "duration": 712
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                    "name": "Canada East (Quebec City)",
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                    "limits": {
                        "threadsPerEngine": 1000,
                        "concurrency": 500000,
                        "engines": 1000,
                        "duration": 712
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                    "purposes": {
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                    "id": "azure-central-ca",
                    "title": "Canada Central (Toronto, Azure)",
                    "name": "Canada Central (Toronto)",
                    "provider": "Microsoft Azure",
                    "limits": {
                        "threadsPerEngine": 1000,
                        "concurrency": 500000,
                        "engines": 1000,
                        "duration": 712
                    "capabilities": {
                        "dedicatedIps": false
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                    "purposes": {
                        "load": true,
                        "functional": false,
                        "grid": false,
                        "serviceMock": false
                    "id": "azure-west-europe-1",
                    "title": "EU West (Netherlands, Azure)",
                    "name": "EU West (Netherlands)",
                    "provider": "Microsoft Azure",
                    "limits": {
                        "threadsPerEngine": 1000,
                        "concurrency": 500000,
                        "engines": 1000,
                        "duration": 712
                    "capabilities": {
                        "dedicatedIps": false
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                    "purposes": {
                        "load": true,
                        "functional": false,
                        "grid": false,
                        "serviceMock": false
                    "id": "azure-north-europe-1",
                    "title": "EU North (Ireland, Azure)",
                    "name": "EU North (Ireland)",
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                    "limits": {
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                        "duration": 712
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                        "serviceMock": false
                    "id": "azure-eu-west-3",
                    "title": "UK West (Cardiff, Azure)",
                    "name": "UK West (Cardiff)",
                    "provider": "Microsoft Azure",
                    "limits": {
                        "threadsPerEngine": 1000,
                        "concurrency": 500000,
                        "engines": 1000,
                        "duration": 712
                    "capabilities": {
                        "dedicatedIps": false
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                    "purposes": {
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                        "functional": false,
                        "grid": false,
                        "serviceMock": false
                    "id": "azure-eu-west-2",
                    "title": "UK South (London, Azure)",
                    "name": "UK South (London)",
                    "provider": "Microsoft Azure",
                    "limits": {
                        "threadsPerEngine": 1000,
                        "concurrency": 500000,
                        "engines": 1000,
                        "duration": 712
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                        "dedicatedIps": false
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                        "functional": false,
                        "grid": false,
                        "serviceMock": false
                    "id": "azure-japan-east-1",
                    "title": "Japan East (Tokyo, Azure)",
                    "name": "Japan East (Tokyo, Saitama)",
                    "provider": "Microsoft Azure",
                    "limits": {
                        "threadsPerEngine": 1000,
                        "concurrency": 500000,
                        "engines": 1000,
                        "duration": 712
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                    "name": "Japan West (Osaka)",
                    "provider": "Microsoft Azure",
                    "limits": {
                        "threadsPerEngine": 1000,
                        "concurrency": 500000,
                        "engines": 1000,
                        "duration": 712
                    "capabilities": {
                        "dedicatedIps": false
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                        "load": true,
                        "functional": false,
                        "grid": false,
                        "serviceMock": false
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                    "title": "Korea Central (Seoul, Azure)",
                    "name": "Korea Central (Seoul)",
                    "provider": "Microsoft Azure",
                    "limits": {
                        "threadsPerEngine": 1000,
                        "concurrency": 500000,
                        "engines": 1000,
                        "duration": 712
                    "capabilities": {
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                        "functional": false,
                        "grid": false,
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                    "id": "azure-ap-northeast-2",
                    "title": "Korea South (Busan, Azure)",
                    "name": "Korea South (Busan)",
                    "provider": "Microsoft Azure",
                    "limits": {
                        "threadsPerEngine": 1000,
                        "concurrency": 500000,
                        "engines": 1000,
                        "duration": 712
                    "capabilities": {
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                        "duration": 712
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                    "purposes": {
                        "load": true,
                        "functional": false,
                        "grid": false,
                        "serviceMock": false
                    "id": "azure-southeast-asia-1",
                    "title": "Southeast Asia (Singapore, Azure)",
                    "name": "Southeast Asia (Singapore)",
                    "provider": "Microsoft Azure",
                    "limits": {
                        "threadsPerEngine": 1000,
                        "concurrency": 500000,
                        "engines": 1000,
                        "duration": 712
                    "capabilities": {
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                    "purposes": {
                        "load": true,
                        "functional": false,
                        "grid": false,
                        "serviceMock": false
                    "id": "azure-central-asia-1",
                    "title": "Central India (Pune, Azure)",
                    "name": "Central India (Pune)",
                    "provider": "Microsoft Azure",
                    "limits": {
                        "threadsPerEngine": 1000,
                        "concurrency": 500000,
                        "engines": 1000,
                        "duration": 712
                    "capabilities": {
                        "dedicatedIps": false
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                    "purposes": {
                        "load": true,
                        "functional": false,
                        "grid": false,
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                    "id": "azure-central-asia-2",
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                    "limits": {
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                        "engines": 1000,
                        "duration": 712
                    "capabilities": {
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                    "purposes": {
                        "load": true,
                        "functional": false,
                        "grid": false,
                        "serviceMock": false
                    "id": "azure-central-asia-3",
                    "title": "South India (Chennai, Azure)",
                    "name": "South India (Chennai)",
                    "provider": "Microsoft Azure",
                    "limits": {
                        "threadsPerEngine": 1000,
                        "concurrency": 500000,
                        "engines": 1000,
                        "duration": 712
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                        "dedicatedIps": false
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                    "purposes": {
                        "load": true,
                        "functional": false,
                        "grid": false,
                        "serviceMock": false
                    "id": "azure-east-au-1",
                    "title": "Australia East (New South Wales, Azure)",
                    "name": "Australia East (New South Wales)",
                    "provider": "Microsoft Azure",
                    "limits": {
                        "threadsPerEngine": 1000,
                        "concurrency": 500000,
                        "engines": 1000,
                        "duration": 712
                    "capabilities": {
                        "dedicatedIps": false
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                    "purposes": {
                        "load": true,
                        "functional": false,
                        "grid": false,
                        "serviceMock": false
                    "id": "azure-southeast-au-1",
                    "title": "Australia Southeast (Victoria, Azure)",
                    "name": "Australia Southeast (Victoria)",
                    "provider": "Microsoft Azure",
                    "limits": {
                        "threadsPerEngine": 1000,
                        "concurrency": 500000,
                        "engines": 1000,
                        "duration": 712
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                    "purposes": {
                        "load": true,
                        "functional": false,
                        "grid": false,
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                    "id": "azure-brazil-south-1",
                    "title": "Brazil South (Sao Paulo, Azure)",
                    "name": "Brazil South (Sao Paulo)",
                    "provider": "Microsoft Azure",
                    "limits": {
                        "threadsPerEngine": 1000,
                        "concurrency": 500000,
                        "engines": 1000,
                        "duration": 712
                    "capabilities": {
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                    "purposes": {
                        "load": true,
                        "functional": false,
                        "grid": false,
                        "serviceMock": false
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                    "title": "Functional Testing Default Location",
                    "name": "Functional Testing Default Location",
                    "provider": "Public Locations",
                    "limits": {
                        "threadsPerEngine": 300,
                        "concurrency": 300,
                        "engines": 0,
                        "duration": 712
                    "capabilities": {
                        "dedicatedIps": false,
                        "isPrivileged": true
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                    "purposes": {
                        "load": false,
                        "functional": true,
                        "grid": false,
                        "serviceMock": false
                    "id": "harbor-59464ffd67f3bf63cb7b23c9",
                    "title": "US East (S. Carolina) - Functional Test",
                    "name": "US East (S. Carolina) - Functional Test",
                    "provider": "Public Locations",
                    "limits": {
                        "threadsPerEngine": 300,
                        "concurrency": 300,
                        "engines": 0,
                        "duration": 712
                    "capabilities": {
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                        "isPrivileged": true
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                    "purposes": {
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                        "functional": true,
                        "grid": false,
                        "serviceMock": false
                    "id": "harbor-59465fcde4d6a240d97b23c6",
                    "title": "US West (Los Angeles) - Functional Test",
                    "name": "US West (Los Angeles) - Functional Test",
                    "provider": "Public Locations",
                    "limits": {
                        "threadsPerEngine": 300,
                        "concurrency": 300,
                        "engines": 0,
                        "duration": 712
                    "capabilities": {
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                        "isPrivileged": true
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                    "purposes": {
                        "load": false,
                        "functional": true,
                        "grid": false,
                        "serviceMock": false
                    "id": "harbor-594662d6e6e960aedb7b23c7",
                    "title": "US West (Oregon) - Functional Test",
                    "name": "US West (Oregon) - Functional Test",
                    "provider": "Public Locations",
                    "limits": {
                        "threadsPerEngine": 300,
                        "concurrency": 300,
                        "engines": 0,
                        "duration": 712
                    "capabilities": {
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                        "isPrivileged": true
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                    "purposes": {
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                        "functional": true,
                        "grid": false,
                        "serviceMock": false
                    "id": "harbor-5946677fe4d6a21adb7b23c8",
                    "title": "Canada (Montreal) - Functional Test",
                    "name": "Canada (Montreal) - Functional Test",
                    "provider": "Public Locations",
                    "limits": {
                        "threadsPerEngine": 300,
                        "concurrency": 300,
                        "engines": 0,
                        "duration": 712
                    "capabilities": {
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                    "purposes": {
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                        "functional": true,
                        "grid": false,
                        "serviceMock": false
                    "id": "harbor-59466cb1e4d6a296e37b23c8",
                    "title": "EU West (Belgium) - Functional Test",
                    "name": "EU West (Belgium) - Functional Test",
                    "provider": "Public Locations",
                    "limits": {
                        "threadsPerEngine": 300,
                        "concurrency": 300,
                        "engines": 0,
                        "duration": 712
                    "capabilities": {
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                        "isPrivileged": true
                    "sandbox": false,
                    "purposes": {
                        "load": false,
                        "functional": true,
                        "grid": false,
                        "serviceMock": false
                    "id": "harbor-59466f1b67f3bfebe27b23c7",
                    "title": "EU West (Frankfurt) - Functional Test",
                    "name": "EU West (Frankfurt) - Functional Test",
                    "provider": "Public Locations",
                    "limits": {
                        "threadsPerEngine": 300,
                        "concurrency": 300,
                        "engines": 0,
                        "duration": 712
                    "capabilities": {
                        "dedicatedIps": false,
                        "isPrivileged": true
                    "sandbox": false,
                    "purposes": {
                        "load": false,
                        "functional": true,
                        "grid": false,
                        "serviceMock": false
                    "id": "harbor-5946708a65e00138e57b23c6",
                    "title": "EU West (London) - Functional Test",
                    "name": "EU West (London) - Functional Test",
                    "provider": "Public Locations",
                    "limits": {
                        "threadsPerEngine": 300,
                        "concurrency": 300,
                        "engines": 0,
                        "duration": 712
                    "capabilities": {
                        "dedicatedIps": false,
                        "isPrivileged": true
                    "sandbox": false,
                    "purposes": {
                        "load": false,
                        "functional": true,
                        "grid": false,
                        "serviceMock": false
                    "id": "harbor-59467342e4d6a205e67b23c6",
                    "title": "Asia Pacific (Singapore) - Functional Test",
                    "name": "Asia Pacific (Singapore) - Functional Test",
                    "provider": "Public Locations",
                    "limits": {
                        "threadsPerEngine": 300,
                        "concurrency": 300,
                        "engines": 0,
                        "duration": 712
                    "capabilities": {
                        "dedicatedIps": false,
                        "isPrivileged": true
                    "sandbox": false,
                    "purposes": {
                        "load": false,
                        "functional": true,
                        "grid": false,
                        "serviceMock": false
                    "id": "harbor-5946756fe4d6a204e37b23c6",
                    "title": "Australia (Sydney) - Functional Test",
                    "name": "Australia (Sydney) - Functional Test",
                    "provider": "Public Locations",
                    "limits": {
                        "threadsPerEngine": 300,
                        "concurrency": 300,
                        "engines": 0,
                        "duration": 712
                    "capabilities": {
                        "dedicatedIps": false,
                        "isPrivileged": true
                    "sandbox": false,
                    "purposes": {
                        "load": false,
                        "functional": true,
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                    "limits": {
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                        "serviceMock": false
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                    "title": "Example Private Location",
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                    "provider": "Private Locations",
                    "limits": {
                        "threadsPerEngine": 1000,
                        "concurrency": 1000,
                        "engines": 0,
                        "duration": 712
                    "capabilities": {
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                        "load": true,
                        "functional": true,
                        "grid": true,
                        "serviceMock": true
                    "id": "harbor-5b0f166208e9cb973d7b23c8",
                    "title": "Recreate Issues",
                    "name": "Recreate Issues",
                    "provider": "Private Locations",
                    "limits": {
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                        "engines": 0,
                        "duration": 712
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                    "name": "Staging Env ONLY",
                    "provider": "Private Locations",
                    "limits": {
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                        "engines": 0,
                        "duration": 712
                    "capabilities": {
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                        "load": true,
                        "functional": true,
                        "grid": true,
                        "serviceMock": true
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                    "title": "Customer Reproduction",
                    "name": "Customer Reproduction",
                    "provider": "Private Locations",
                    "limits": {
                        "threadsPerEngine": 300,
                        "concurrency": 300,
                        "engines": 0,
                        "duration": 712
                    "capabilities": {
                        "dedicatedIps": false,
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                    "sandbox": false,
                    "purposes": {
                        "load": true,
                        "functional": false,
                        "grid": false,
                        "serviceMock": false
                    "id": "harbor-5b87fb556b8abfea7d7b23ca",
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                    "name": "Console-Engine Communication",
                    "provider": "Private Locations",
                    "limits": {
                        "threadsPerEngine": 1000,
                        "concurrency": 1000,
                        "engines": 0,
                        "duration": 712
                    "capabilities": {
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                        "load": true,
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                        "engines": 0,
                        "duration": 712
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                    "purposes": {
                        "load": true,
                        "functional": true,
                        "grid": true,
                        "serviceMock": true
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                    "title": "Kubernetes Instance",
                    "name": "Kubernetes Instance",
                    "provider": "Private Locations",
                    "limits": {
                        "threadsPerEngine": 300,
                        "concurrency": 300,
                        "engines": 0,
                        "duration": 712
                    "capabilities": {
                        "dedicatedIps": false,
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                    "sandbox": false,
                    "purposes": {
                        "load": true,
                        "functional": true,
                        "grid": true,
                        "serviceMock": true
                    "id": "harbor-5d23ad18d6baf85cdc41e686",
                    "title": "Keybank Kube Test",
                    "name": "Keybank Kube Test",
                    "provider": "Private Locations",
                    "limits": {
                        "threadsPerEngine": 1000,
                        "concurrency": 1000,
                        "engines": 0,
                        "duration": 712
                    "capabilities": {
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                    "purposes": {
                        "load": true,
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                        "grid": true,
                        "serviceMock": true
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                    "title": "New K8s",
                    "name": "New K8s",
                    "provider": "Private Locations",
                    "limits": {
                        "threadsPerEngine": 300,
                        "concurrency": 300,
                        "engines": 0,
                        "duration": 712
                    "capabilities": {
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                    "purposes": {
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                    "id": "harbor-5d2e4f9ef54f63a700650266",
                    "title": "argaerg",
                    "name": "argaerg",
                    "provider": "Private Locations",
                    "limits": {
                        "threadsPerEngine": 1000,
                        "concurrency": 1000,
                        "engines": 0,
                        "duration": 712
                    "capabilities": {
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                        "isPrivileged": true
                    "sandbox": false,
                    "purposes": {
                        "load": true,
                        "functional": false,
                        "grid": false,
                        "serviceMock": false
                    "id": "harbor-5d2e4fbb611274a61b066a93",
                    "title": "10+ Agents",
                    "name": "10+ Agents",
                    "provider": "Private Locations",
                    "limits": {
                        "threadsPerEngine": 300,
                        "concurrency": 300,
                        "engines": 0,
                        "duration": 712
                    "capabilities": {
                        "dedicatedIps": false,
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                    "sandbox": false,
                    "purposes": {
                        "load": true,
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                    "id": "harbor-5d2e50105b444da11c733e24",
                    "title": "aergaesrgsegrt",
                    "name": "aergaesrgsegrt",
                    "provider": "Private Locations",
                    "limits": {
                        "threadsPerEngine": 1000,
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                        "engines": 0,
                        "duration": 712
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                        "serviceMock": true
                    "id": "harbor-5d2e5019265d90a75c668184",
                    "title": "fjhm,ghj,ghk,g,",
                    "name": "fjhm,ghj,ghk,g,",
                    "provider": "Private Locations",
                    "limits": {
                        "threadsPerEngine": 1000,
                        "concurrency": 1000,
                        "engines": 0,
                        "duration": 712
                    "capabilities": {
                        "dedicatedIps": false,
                        "isPrivileged": true
                    "sandbox": false,
                    "purposes": {
                        "load": true,
                        "functional": true,
                        "grid": true,
                        "serviceMock": true
                    "id": "harbor-5d2e501faef4bda5292a90e3",
                    "title": ",fhj,ghjk,ghj,",
                    "name": ",fhj,ghjk,ghj,",
                    "provider": "Private Locations",
                    "limits": {
                        "threadsPerEngine": 1000,
                        "concurrency": 1000,
                        "engines": 0,
                        "duration": 712
                    "capabilities": {
                        "dedicatedIps": false,
                        "isPrivileged": true
                    "sandbox": false,
                    "purposes": {
                        "load": true,
                        "functional": true,
                        "grid": true,
                        "serviceMock": true
                    "id": "harbor-5d2e502649f49db05b1b127b",
                    "title": "sdfghsdrygthsdrgyt",
                    "name": "sdfghsdrygthsdrgyt",
                    "provider": "Private Locations",
                    "limits": {
                        "threadsPerEngine": 1000,
                        "concurrency": 1000,
                        "engines": 0,
                        "duration": 712
                    "capabilities": {
                        "dedicatedIps": false,
                        "isPrivileged": true
                    "sandbox": false,
                    "purposes": {
                        "load": true,
                        "functional": true,
                        "grid": true,
                        "serviceMock": true
                    "id": "harbor-5d2e502d5b444d9e20588a14",
                    "title": "gnthmfthnmghm",
                    "name": "gnthmfthnmghm",
                    "provider": "Private Locations",
                    "limits": {
                        "threadsPerEngine": 1000,
                        "concurrency": 1000,
                        "engines": 0,
                        "duration": 712
                    "capabilities": {
                        "dedicatedIps": false,
                        "isPrivileged": true
                    "sandbox": false,
                    "purposes": {
                        "load": true,
                        "functional": true,
                        "grid": true,
                        "serviceMock": true
                    "id": "harbor-5e0e68b9568b27689176f3b4",
                    "title": "Shared",
                    "name": "Shared",
                    "provider": "Private Locations",
                    "limits": {
                        "threadsPerEngine": 300,
                        "concurrency": 300,
                        "engines": 0,
                        "duration": 712
                    "capabilities": {
                        "dedicatedIps": false,
                        "isPrivileged": true
                    "sandbox": false,
                    "purposes": {
                        "load": true,
                        "functional": false,
                        "grid": true,
                        "serviceMock": true
                    "id": "harbor-5e7e5a9d28320500d25dc3f3",
                    "title": "Docker 13.1 :(",
                    "name": "Docker 13.1 :(",
                    "provider": "Private Locations",
                    "limits": {
                        "threadsPerEngine": 300,
                        "concurrency": 300,
                        "engines": 0,
                        "duration": 712
                    "capabilities": {
                        "dedicatedIps": false,
                        "isPrivileged": true
                    "sandbox": false,
                    "purposes": {
                        "load": false,
                        "functional": false,
                        "grid": true,
                        "serviceMock": false
                    "id": "harbor-5e866d5f63d06209a46e9425",
                    "title": "GUI Functional Location",
                    "name": "GUI Functional Location",
                    "provider": "Private Locations",
                    "limits": {
                        "threadsPerEngine": 300,
                        "concurrency": 300,
                        "engines": 0,
                        "duration": 712
                    "capabilities": {
                        "dedicatedIps": false,
                        "isPrivileged": true
                    "sandbox": false,
                    "purposes": {
                        "load": false,
                        "functional": false,
                        "grid": true,
                        "serviceMock": false
                    "id": "harbor-5ab3c64ec8589f914c7b25db",
                    "title": "US East (Virginia) - Functional GUI Test",
                    "name": "US East (Virginia) - Functional GUI Test",
                    "provider": "Public Locations",
                    "limits": {
                        "threadsPerEngine": 300,
                        "concurrency": 300,
                        "engines": 0,
                        "duration": 712
                    "capabilities": {
                        "dedicatedIps": false,
                        "isPrivileged": true
                    "sandbox": false,
                    "purposes": {
                        "load": false,
                        "functional": false,
                        "grid": true,
                        "serviceMock": false
                    "id": "harbor-5d25f94f9950ce73cd105f53",
                    "title": "EU West (London) - Functional GUI Test",
                    "name": "EU West (London) - Functional GUI Test",
                    "provider": "Public Locations",
                    "limits": {
                        "threadsPerEngine": 300,
                        "concurrency": 300,
                        "engines": 0,
                        "duration": 712
                    "capabilities": {
                        "dedicatedIps": false,
                        "isPrivileged": true
                    "sandbox": false,
                    "purposes": {
                        "load": false,
                        "functional": false,
                        "grid": true,
                        "serviceMock": false
                    "id": "harbor-5d25f95f206f10730f21f1b4",
                    "title": "US West (Oregon) - Functional GUI Test",
                    "name": "US West (Oregon) - Functional GUI Test",
                    "provider": "Public Locations",
                    "limits": {
                        "threadsPerEngine": 300,
                        "concurrency": 300,
                        "engines": 0,
                        "duration": 712
                    "capabilities": {
                        "dedicatedIps": false,
                        "isPrivileged": true
                    "sandbox": false,
                    "purposes": {
                        "load": false,
                        "functional": false,
                        "grid": true,
                        "serviceMock": false
            "activeMember": {
                "id": 123456,
                "email": "",
                "displayName": "My User",
                "roles": [
                "enabled": true,
                "access": 1592422761
        "request_id": "5eea716988414"


    Create a Workspace

    Create a Workspace

    curl '' \
        -X POST \
        -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
        --user 'api_key_id:api_key_secret' \
        -d '{"dedicatedIpsEnabled": true, "enabled": true, "name": "New Workspace", "privateLocationsEnabled": true, "accountId": 123456}'

    API Explorer: /workspaces

    To create a workspace:

    1. Create the workspace object with a POST to the workspaces endpoint (see sample code).
    2. Capture the workspaceId returned as id from the response.

    Create a Workspace Request Attributes

    Create a Workspace Create a Workspace POST Body (JSON)

      "dedicatedIpsEnabled": true,
      "enabled": true,
      "name": "New Workspace",
      "privateLocationsEnabled": true,
      "accountId": 123456


    Create a Workspace Response Attributes

    Response 201 Created

        "api_version": 4,
        "error": null,
        "result": {
            "id": 123456,
            "name": "My New Workspace",
            "userId": 123456,
            "created": 1599742832,
            "updated": 1599742832,
            "enabled": true,
            "dedicatedIpsEnabled": true,
            "privateLocationsEnabled": true,
            "owner": {
                "id": 123456,
                "email": "",
                "displayName": "My Name"
            "membersCount": 1,
            "allowance": {
                "amount": 10,
                "type": "credits"
            "accountId": 123456,
            "features": {
                "webdriver": true,
                "multi": true,
                "multi-location": true,
                "multiLocation": true,
                "dedicatedIps": true,
                "privateLocations": true,
                "functionalTest": true,
                "mobileRecorder": true,
                "disableResultsEmail": true,
                "privilegedFlagToggle": false,
                "pivotsReport": true,
                "externalFunctionalMobileTest": true,
                "proxyRecorderForPrivateCloud": false,
                "userExperienceTestingPrivateCloud": false,
                "disableV4URLTest": false,
                "disableOTC": true,
                "ignoreNTCValidationFailed": false,
                "secureV4Image": false,
                "disableNTCAutoSave": false,
                "jupyterNotebook": false,
                "V4PCOriginalTestConfig": false,
                "enableJetlagPipeline": false,
                "disableJetlagPipeline": false,
                "disableJetpackPipeline": false,
                "disableJetlagPipelineForPrivateCloud": false,
                "daggerAsDefaultReportForPrivateCloud": false,
                "isGridTestChargeEnabled": false,
                "keyboardShortcuts": true,
                "disableAccountHarborBatchProvisioning": false,
                "testScheduler": false,
                "privateCloudScheduler": false,
                "v4MasterCommandsForPrivateCloud": false,
                "v4MasterCommandsRpsForPrivateCloud": false,
                "rootlessCraneImages": false,
                "stagingAccount": false,
                "anchorServices": false,
                "JPMCProdBanner": false,
                "hideChromeExtensionButton": false,
                "enableFunctionalGuiForPrivateCloud": false,
                "craneNetworkModeHost": false,
                "cloudResourceUsageReport": true,
                "keycloakForPrivateCloud": false,
                "mockServicesForPrivateCloud": false,
                "ardForPrivateCloud": false,
                "devTest": false,
                "functionalGuiBuilder": false,
                "ard": true,
                "objectRepository": true,
                "showReportHistoryIdColumn": false,
                "redirectAllTabsToRunscope": false,
                "skipCheckScenariosLimit": false,
                "sendDataToGooglePipeline": false,
                "ardBeta": true,
                "ardLegacy": false,
                "tdm": true,
                "enableContainerReplicas": false,
                "gridWindows": false,
                "enableSecrets": true,
                "queueTest": true,
                "queueFunctionalTest": true,
                "blazeVSE": false,
                "telemetryLegacySKU": true,
                "upstreamProxy": false,
                "enableTestYamlEdit": true,
                "useSelenium4": true,
                "slowPipeline": false,
                "disableSlowPipeline": false,
                "taurusV4": false,
                "functionalApi": true,
                "apiTestMaker": false,
                "skipCheckV4SessionsLimit": true,
                "v4Jetpack": true,
                "functionalGui": true,
                "enableNTCMockServicesPanel": true,
                "runscope": true,
                "functionalGuiLivestream": true,
                "gridMultipleIterations": true,
                "functionalTestSuite": true,
                "allowWindowsOpl": true,
                "newTest": true,
                "enableNewMultiTest": true,
                "redirectV4": true,
                "userExperienceTesting": true
            "plan": {
                "id": "MYPLAN",
                "name": "MYPLAN",
                "type": "credits",
                "totalCredits": 18000,
                "concurrency": 500000,
                "engines": 1000,
                "isMetered": true,
                "duration": 712,
                "reportRetention": -1,
                "threadsPerEngine": 1000,
                "threadsPerMediumEngine": 1000,
                "createdAt": 1488987563445,
                "updatedAt": 1584375825359,
                "isSandBox": false,
                "trial": {
                    "end": null
                "isFreeTier": false,
                "isTrial": false,
                "paymentServiceType": "stripe",
                "unlimitedTestingUpTo": 0,
                "maxWorkspaces": 999,
                "multiLocation": true,
                "maxParallelTests": -1,
                "leftFunctional": 100,
                "quantityFunctional": 100,
                "maxConcurrentBrowsers": -1,
                "maxConcurrentMockServices": -1,
                "mockServicesExpiration": -1,
                "mockServicesMaxReplicas": -1
            "expiration": null,
            "credits": 17639,
            "billing": {
                "defaultPaymentSource": null,
                "city": "",
                "companyName": "",
                "country": "",
                "email": "",
                "fullName": "",
                "phoneNumber": "",
                "postcode": "",
                "street": "",
                "vat": ""
        "request_id": "5f5a23709ab5e"

    See The Workspace Object for the details on the response attributes.

    Workspaces List

    Workspaces List

    curl '' \
        --user 'api_key_id:api_key_secret'

    API Explorer: /workspaces

    To return a list of the workspaces, an accountId is required. The sample code returns a list of workspaces within accountId of 123456. Use the actual ID value for the account to return the list of the workspaces in your account.

    Workspace List Parameters


    Also see: Pagination and Sorting

    Workspaces List Response Attributes

    Response 200 OK

        "limit": 10,
        "skip": 0,
        "total": 2,
        "hidden": 0,
        "api_version": 4,
        "error": null,
        "result": [
                "id": 234567,
                "name": "Another Workspace",
                "userId": 123456,
                "created": 1544563474,
                "updated": 1544563474,
                "enabled": true,
                "dedicatedIpsEnabled": true,
                "privateLocationsEnabled": true,
                "owner": {
                    "id": 123456,
                    "email": "",
                    "displayName": "My User"
                "membersCount": 1,
                "allowance": {
                    "amount": 17568,
                    "type": "credits"
                "accountId": 123456
                "id": 123456,
                "name": "Default workspace",
                "userId": 123456,
                "created": 1488987561,
                "updated": 1572904019,
                "enabled": true,
                "dedicatedIpsEnabled": true,
                "privateLocationsEnabled": true,
                "owner": {
                    "id": 123456,
                    "email": "",
                    "displayName": "My User"
                "membersCount": 6,
                "allowance": {
                    "amount": 17568,
                    "type": "credits"
                "accountId": 123456
        "request_id": "5dc5bb21cda8d"

    To see a breakdown of the attributes, please see The Workspace Object section.

    Workspace Details

    Workspace Details

    curl '' \
        --user 'api_key_id:api_key_secret'

    API Explorer: /workspaces/{workspaceId}

    To return the details of a workspace, a workspaceId is required. The sample code returns the details of the workspace with workspaceId of 123456. Use the actual ID value for the workspace to return the detail of your workspace.

    Workspace Details Response Attributes

    Response 200 OK

        "api_version": 4,
        "error": null,
        "result": {
            "id": 123456,
            "name": "Default workspace",
            "userId": 123456,
            "created": 1488987561,
            "updated": 1573503519,
            "enabled": true,
            "dedicatedIpsEnabled": true,
            "privateLocationsEnabled": true,
            "owner": {
                "id": 123456,
                "email": "",
                "displayName": "My User"
            "membersCount": 7,
            "allowance": {
                "amount": 17678,
                "type": "credits"
            "accountId": 123456,
            "locations": [
                    "id": "harbor-5591335d8588531f5cde3a04",
                    "title": "Sandbox",
                    "name": "Sandbox",
                    "provider": "Sandbox",
                    "limits": {
                        "threadsPerEngine": 20,
                        "concurrency": 20,
                        "engines": 0,
                        "duration": 712
                    "capabilities": {
                        "dedicatedIps": false,
                        "isPrivileged": true
                    "sandbox": true,
                    "purposes": {
                        "load": true,
                        "functional": false,
                        "grid": false,
                        "serviceMock": false
                    "id": "us-east4-a",
                    "title": "US East (Virginia, Google)",
                    "name": "US East (Virginia)",
                    "provider": "Google Cloud Platform",
                    "limits": {
                        "threadsPerEngine": 1000,
                        "concurrency": 500000,
                        "engines": 1000,
                        "duration": 712
                    "capabilities": {
                        "dedicatedIps": true
                    "sandbox": false,
                    "purposes": {
                        "load": true,
                        "functional": false,
                        "grid": false,
                        "serviceMock": false
                    "id": "us-east1-b",
                    "title": "US East (South Carolina, Google)",
                    "name": "US East (South Carolina)",
                    "provider": "Google Cloud Platform",
                    "limits": {
                        "threadsPerEngine": 1000,
                        "concurrency": 500000,
                        "engines": 1000,
                        "duration": 712
                    "capabilities": {
                        "dedicatedIps": true
                    "sandbox": false,
                    "purposes": {
                        "load": true,
                        "functional": false,
                        "grid": false,
                        "serviceMock": false
                    "id": "us-west1-a",
                    "title": "US West (Oregon, Google)",
                    "name": "US West (Oregon)",
                    "provider": "Google Cloud Platform",
                    "limits": {
                        "threadsPerEngine": 1000,
                        "concurrency": 500000,
                        "engines": 1000,
                        "duration": 712
                    "capabilities": {
                        "dedicatedIps": true
                    "sandbox": false,
                    "purposes": {
                        "load": true,
                        "functional": false,
                        "grid": false,
                        "serviceMock": false
                    "id": "us-central1-a",
                    "title": "US Central (Iowa, Google)",
                    "name": "US Central (Iowa)",
                    "provider": "Google Cloud Platform",
                    "limits": {
                        "threadsPerEngine": 1000,
                        "concurrency": 500000,
                        "engines": 1000,
                        "duration": 712
                    "capabilities": {
                        "dedicatedIps": true
                    "sandbox": false,
                    "purposes": {
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                        "functional": false,
                        "grid": false,
                        "serviceMock": false
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                    "title": "Canada East (Montreal, Google)",
                    "name": "Canada East (Montreal)",
                    "provider": "Google Cloud Platform",
                    "limits": {
                        "threadsPerEngine": 1000,
                        "concurrency": 500000,
                        "engines": 1000,
                        "duration": 712
                    "capabilities": {
                        "dedicatedIps": true
                    "sandbox": false,
                    "purposes": {
                        "load": true,
                        "functional": false,
                        "grid": false,
                        "serviceMock": false
                    "id": "europe-west2-a",
                    "title": "EU West (London, Google)",
                    "name": "EU West (London)",
                    "provider": "Google Cloud Platform",
                    "limits": {
                        "threadsPerEngine": 1000,
                        "concurrency": 500000,
                        "engines": 1000,
                        "duration": 712
                    "capabilities": {
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                    "name": "EU West (Frankfurt)",
                    "provider": "Google Cloud Platform",
                    "limits": {
                        "threadsPerEngine": 1000,
                        "concurrency": 500000,
                        "engines": 1000,
                        "duration": 712
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                    "purposes": {
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                    "title": "EU West (Belgium, Google)",
                    "name": "EU West (Belgium)",
                    "provider": "Google Cloud Platform",
                    "limits": {
                        "threadsPerEngine": 1000,
                        "concurrency": 500000,
                        "engines": 1000,
                        "duration": 712
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                        "concurrency": 500000,
                        "engines": 1000,
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                    "name": "Asia East (Taiwan)",
                    "provider": "Google Cloud Platform",
                    "limits": {
                        "threadsPerEngine": 1000,
                        "concurrency": 500000,
                        "engines": 1000,
                        "duration": 712
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                    "name": "Asia Northeast (Japan)",
                    "provider": "Google Cloud Platform",
                    "limits": {
                        "threadsPerEngine": 1000,
                        "concurrency": 500000,
                        "engines": 1000,
                        "duration": 712
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                    "title": "Asia South (Mumbai, Google)",
                    "name": "Asia South (Mumbai)",
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                    "limits": {
                        "threadsPerEngine": 1000,
                        "concurrency": 500000,
                        "engines": 1000,
                        "duration": 712
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                        "dedicatedIps": true
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                    "purposes": {
                        "load": true,
                        "functional": false,
                        "grid": false,
                        "serviceMock": false
                    "id": "australia-southeast1-a",
                    "title": "Australia (Sydney, Google)",
                    "name": "Australia (Sydney)",
                    "provider": "Google Cloud Platform",
                    "limits": {
                        "threadsPerEngine": 1000,
                        "concurrency": 500000,
                        "engines": 1000,
                        "duration": 712
                    "capabilities": {
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                    "purposes": {
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                        "functional": false,
                        "grid": false,
                        "serviceMock": false
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                    "title": "Brazil (Sao Paulo, Google)",
                    "name": "Brazil (Sao Paulo)",
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                        "engines": 1000,
                        "duration": 712
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                        "functional": false,
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                    "id": "asia-northeast2-a",
                    "title": "Japan (Osaka, Google)",
                    "name": "Japan (Osaka)",
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                    "limits": {
                        "threadsPerEngine": 1000,
                        "concurrency": 500000,
                        "engines": 1000,
                        "duration": 712
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                    "name": "US West (California)",
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                    "limits": {
                        "threadsPerEngine": 1000,
                        "concurrency": 500000,
                        "engines": 1000,
                        "duration": 712
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                    "purposes": {
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                        "functional": false,
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                    "title": "US East (Virginia, AWS)",
                    "name": "US East (Virginia)",
                    "provider": "Amazon Web Services",
                    "limits": {
                        "threadsPerEngine": 1000,
                        "concurrency": 500000,
                        "engines": 1000,
                        "duration": 712
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                    "title": "US East (Ohio, AWS)",
                    "name": "US East (Ohio)",
                    "provider": "Amazon Web Services",
                    "limits": {
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                        "concurrency": 500000,
                        "engines": 1000,
                        "duration": 712
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                        "serviceMock": false
                    "id": "us-west-1",
                    "title": "US West (N.California, AWS)",
                    "name": "US West (N.California)",
                    "provider": "Amazon Web Services",
                    "limits": {
                        "threadsPerEngine": 1000,
                        "concurrency": 500000,
                        "engines": 1000,
                        "duration": 712
                    "capabilities": {
                        "dedicatedIps": true
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                    "purposes": {
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                    "id": "us-west-2",
                    "title": "US West (Oregon, AWS)",
                    "name": "US West (Oregon)",
                    "provider": "Amazon Web Services",
                    "limits": {
                        "threadsPerEngine": 1000,
                        "concurrency": 500000,
                        "engines": 1000,
                        "duration": 712
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                    "purposes": {
                        "load": true,
                        "functional": false,
                        "grid": false,
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                    "title": "Canada (Central, AWS)",
                    "name": "Canada (Central)",
                    "provider": "Amazon Web Services",
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                        "threadsPerEngine": 1000,
                        "concurrency": 500000,
                        "engines": 1000,
                        "duration": 712
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                        "functional": false,
                        "grid": false,
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                    "title": "EU West (Ireland, AWS)",
                    "name": "EU West (Ireland)",
                    "provider": "Amazon Web Services",
                    "limits": {
                        "threadsPerEngine": 1000,
                        "concurrency": 500000,
                        "engines": 1000,
                        "duration": 712
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                        "functional": false,
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                    "title": "EU West (London, AWS)",
                    "name": "EU West (London)",
                    "provider": "Amazon Web Services",
                    "limits": {
                        "threadsPerEngine": 1000,
                        "concurrency": 500000,
                        "engines": 1000,
                        "duration": 712
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                    "purposes": {
                        "load": true,
                        "functional": false,
                        "grid": false,
                        "serviceMock": false
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                    "title": "EU West (Paris, AWS)",
                    "name": "EU West (Paris)",
                    "provider": "Amazon Web Services",
                    "limits": {
                        "threadsPerEngine": 1000,
                        "concurrency": 500000,
                        "engines": 1000,
                        "duration": 712
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                        "functional": false,
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                    "title": "EU Central (Frankfurt, AWS)",
                    "name": "EU Central (Frankfurt)",
                    "provider": "Amazon Web Services",
                    "limits": {
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                        "engines": 1000,
                        "duration": 712
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                    "purposes": {
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                        "functional": false,
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                    "title": "Asia Pacific (Tokyo, AWS)",
                    "name": "Asia Pacific (Tokyo)",
                    "provider": "Amazon Web Services",
                    "limits": {
                        "threadsPerEngine": 1000,
                        "concurrency": 500000,
                        "engines": 1000,
                        "duration": 712
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                    "purposes": {
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                        "functional": false,
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                    "title": "Asia Pacific (Mumbai, AWS)",
                    "name": "Asia Pacific (Mumbai)",
                    "provider": "Amazon Web Services",
                    "limits": {
                        "threadsPerEngine": 1000,
                        "concurrency": 500000,
                        "engines": 1000,
                        "duration": 712
                    "capabilities": {
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                    "purposes": {
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                        "functional": false,
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                    "id": "ap-northeast-2",
                    "title": "Asia Pacific (Seoul, AWS)",
                    "name": "Asia Pacific (Seoul)",
                    "provider": "Amazon Web Services",
                    "limits": {
                        "threadsPerEngine": 1000,
                        "concurrency": 500000,
                        "engines": 1000,
                        "duration": 712
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                    "purposes": {
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                        "serviceMock": false
                    "id": "ap-southeast-1",
                    "title": "Asia Pacific (Singapore, AWS)",
                    "name": "Asia Pacific (Singapore)",
                    "provider": "Amazon Web Services",
                    "limits": {
                        "threadsPerEngine": 1000,
                        "concurrency": 500000,
                        "engines": 1000,
                        "duration": 712
                    "capabilities": {
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                    "purposes": {
                        "load": true,
                        "functional": false,
                        "grid": false,
                        "serviceMock": false
                    "id": "ap-southeast-2",
                    "title": "Australia (Sydney, AWS)",
                    "name": "Australia (Sydney)",
                    "provider": "Amazon Web Services",
                    "limits": {
                        "threadsPerEngine": 1000,
                        "concurrency": 500000,
                        "engines": 1000,
                        "duration": 712
                    "capabilities": {
                        "dedicatedIps": true
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                    "purposes": {
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                        "functional": false,
                        "grid": false,
                        "serviceMock": false
                    "id": "sa-east-1",
                    "title": "South America (Sao Paulo, AWS)",
                    "name": "South America (Sao Paulo)",
                    "provider": "Amazon Web Services",
                    "limits": {
                        "threadsPerEngine": 1000,
                        "concurrency": 500000,
                        "engines": 1000,
                        "duration": 712
                    "capabilities": {
                        "dedicatedIps": true
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                        "functional": false,
                        "grid": false,
                        "serviceMock": false
                    "id": "azure-east-us-1",
                    "title": "US East (Virginia, Azure)",
                    "name": "US East (Virginia)",
                    "provider": "Microsoft Azure",
                    "limits": {
                        "threadsPerEngine": 1000,
                        "concurrency": 500000,
                        "engines": 1000,
                        "duration": 712
                    "capabilities": {
                        "dedicatedIps": false
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                    "purposes": {
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                        "serviceMock": false
                    "id": "azure-east-us-2",
                    "title": "US East 2 (Virginia, Azure)",
                    "name": "US East 2 (Virginia)",
                    "provider": "Microsoft Azure",
                    "limits": {
                        "threadsPerEngine": 1000,
                        "concurrency": 500000,
                        "engines": 1000,
                        "duration": 712
                    "capabilities": {
                        "dedicatedIps": false
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                    "purposes": {
                        "load": true,
                        "functional": false,
                        "grid": false,
                        "serviceMock": false
                    "id": "azure-west-us-1",
                    "title": "US West (California, Azure)",
                    "name": "US West (California)",
                    "provider": "Microsoft Azure",
                    "limits": {
                        "threadsPerEngine": 1000,
                        "concurrency": 500000,
                        "engines": 1000,
                        "duration": 712
                    "capabilities": {
                        "dedicatedIps": false
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                    "purposes": {
                        "load": true,
                        "functional": false,
                        "grid": false,
                        "serviceMock": false
                    "id": "azure-west-us-2",
                    "title": "US West 2 (Washington, Azure)",
                    "name": "US West 2 (US West 2)",
                    "provider": "Microsoft Azure",
                    "limits": {
                        "threadsPerEngine": 1000,
                        "concurrency": 500000,
                        "engines": 1000,
                        "duration": 712
                    "capabilities": {
                        "dedicatedIps": false
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                    "purposes": {
                        "load": true,
                        "functional": false,
                        "grid": false,
                        "serviceMock": false
                    "id": "azure-us-west-central",
                    "title": "US West Central (Wyoming, Azure)",
                    "name": "US West Central (US West Central)",
                    "provider": "Microsoft Azure",
                    "limits": {
                        "threadsPerEngine": 1000,
                        "concurrency": 500000,
                        "engines": 1000,
                        "duration": 712
                    "capabilities": {
                        "dedicatedIps": false
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                    "purposes": {
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                        "functional": false,
                        "grid": false,
                        "serviceMock": false
                    "id": "azure-central-us-1",
                    "title": "US Central (Iowa, Azure)",
                    "name": "US Central (Iowa)",
                    "provider": "Microsoft Azure",
                    "limits": {
                        "threadsPerEngine": 1000,
                        "concurrency": 500000,
                        "engines": 1000,
                        "duration": 712
                    "capabilities": {
                        "dedicatedIps": false
                    "sandbox": false,
                    "purposes": {
                        "load": true,
                        "functional": false,
                        "grid": false,
                        "serviceMock": false
                    "id": "azure-north-central-us-1",
                    "title": "US North Central (Illinois, Azure)",
                    "name": "US North Central (Illinois)",
                    "provider": "Microsoft Azure",
                    "limits": {
                        "threadsPerEngine": 1000,
                        "concurrency": 500000,
                        "engines": 1000,
                        "duration": 712
                    "capabilities": {
                        "dedicatedIps": false
                    "sandbox": false,
                    "purposes": {
                        "load": true,
                        "functional": false,
                        "grid": false,
                        "serviceMock": false
                    "id": "azure-south-central-us-1",
                    "title": "US South Central (Texas, Azure)",
                    "name": "US South Central (Texas)",
                    "provider": "Microsoft Azure",
                    "limits": {
                        "threadsPerEngine": 1000,
                        "concurrency": 500000,
                        "engines": 1000,
                        "duration": 712
                    "capabilities": {
                        "dedicatedIps": false
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                    "purposes": {
                        "load": true,
                        "functional": false,
                        "grid": false,
                        "serviceMock": false
                    "id": "azure-east-ca",
                    "title": "Canada East (Quebec City, Azure)",
                    "name": "Canada East (Quebec City)",
                    "provider": "Microsoft Azure",
                    "limits": {
                        "threadsPerEngine": 1000,
                        "concurrency": 500000,
                        "engines": 1000,
                        "duration": 712
                    "capabilities": {
                        "dedicatedIps": false
                    "sandbox": false,
                    "purposes": {
                        "load": true,
                        "functional": false,
                        "grid": false,
                        "serviceMock": false
                    "id": "azure-central-ca",
                    "title": "Canada Central (Toronto, Azure)",
                    "name": "Canada Central (Toronto)",
                    "provider": "Microsoft Azure",
                    "limits": {
                        "threadsPerEngine": 1000,
                        "concurrency": 500000,
                        "engines": 1000,
                        "duration": 712
                    "capabilities": {
                        "dedicatedIps": false
                    "sandbox": false,
                    "purposes": {
                        "load": true,
                        "functional": false,
                        "grid": false,
                        "serviceMock": false
                    "id": "azure-west-europe-1",
                    "title": "EU West (Netherlands, Azure)",
                    "name": "EU West (Netherlands)",
                    "provider": "Microsoft Azure",
                    "limits": {
                        "threadsPerEngine": 1000,
                        "concurrency": 500000,
                        "engines": 1000,
                        "duration": 712
                    "capabilities": {
                        "dedicatedIps": false
                    "sandbox": false,
                    "purposes": {
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                        "functional": false,
                        "grid": false,
                        "serviceMock": false
                    "id": "azure-north-europe-1",
                    "title": "EU North (Ireland, Azure)",
                    "name": "EU North (Ireland)",
                    "provider": "Microsoft Azure",
                    "limits": {
                        "threadsPerEngine": 1000,
                        "concurrency": 500000,
                        "engines": 1000,
                        "duration": 712
                    "capabilities": {
                        "dedicatedIps": false
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                    "purposes": {
                        "load": true,
                        "functional": false,
                        "grid": false,
                        "serviceMock": false
                    "id": "azure-eu-west-3",
                    "title": "UK West (Cardiff, Azure)",
                    "name": "UK West (Cardiff)",
                    "provider": "Microsoft Azure",
                    "limits": {
                        "threadsPerEngine": 1000,
                        "concurrency": 500000,
                        "engines": 1000,
                        "duration": 712
                    "capabilities": {
                        "dedicatedIps": false
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                    "purposes": {
                        "load": true,
                        "functional": false,
                        "grid": false,
                        "serviceMock": false
                    "id": "azure-eu-west-2",
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                    "name": "UK South (London)",
                    "provider": "Microsoft Azure",
                    "limits": {
                        "threadsPerEngine": 1000,
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                        "engines": 1000,
                        "duration": 712
                    "capabilities": {
                        "dedicatedIps": false
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                    "purposes": {
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                        "functional": false,
                        "grid": false,
                        "serviceMock": false
                    "id": "azure-japan-east-1",
                    "title": "Japan East (Tokyo, Azure)",
                    "name": "Japan East (Tokyo, Saitama)",
                    "provider": "Microsoft Azure",
                    "limits": {
                        "threadsPerEngine": 1000,
                        "concurrency": 500000,
                        "engines": 1000,
                        "duration": 712
                    "capabilities": {
                        "dedicatedIps": false
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                    "purposes": {
                        "load": true,
                        "functional": false,
                        "grid": false,
                        "serviceMock": false
                    "id": "azure-japan-west-1",
                    "title": "Japan West (Osaka, Azure)",
                    "name": "Japan West (Osaka)",
                    "provider": "Microsoft Azure",
                    "limits": {
                        "threadsPerEngine": 1000,
                        "concurrency": 500000,
                        "engines": 1000,
                        "duration": 712
                    "capabilities": {
                        "dedicatedIps": false
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                    "purposes": {
                        "load": true,
                        "functional": false,
                        "grid": false,
                        "serviceMock": false
                    "id": "azure-ap-northeast-1",
                    "title": "Korea Central (Seoul, Azure)",
                    "name": "Korea Central (Seoul)",
                    "provider": "Microsoft Azure",
                    "limits": {
                        "threadsPerEngine": 1000,
                        "concurrency": 500000,
                        "engines": 1000,
                        "duration": 712
                    "capabilities": {
                        "dedicatedIps": false
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                    "purposes": {
                        "load": true,
                        "functional": false,
                        "grid": false,
                        "serviceMock": false
                    "id": "azure-ap-northeast-2",
                    "title": "Korea South (Busan, Azure)",
                    "name": "Korea South (Busan)",
                    "provider": "Microsoft Azure",
                    "limits": {
                        "threadsPerEngine": 1000,
                        "concurrency": 500000,
                        "engines": 1000,
                        "duration": 712
                    "capabilities": {
                        "dedicatedIps": false
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                    "purposes": {
                        "load": true,
                        "functional": false,
                        "grid": false,
                        "serviceMock": false
                    "id": "azure-east-asia-1",
                    "title": "East Asia (Hong Kong, Azure)",
                    "name": "East Asia (Hong Kong)",
                    "provider": "Microsoft Azure",
                    "limits": {
                        "threadsPerEngine": 1000,
                        "concurrency": 500000,
                        "engines": 1000,
                        "duration": 712
                    "capabilities": {
                        "dedicatedIps": false
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                    "purposes": {
                        "load": true,
                        "functional": false,
                        "grid": false,
                        "serviceMock": false
                    "id": "azure-southeast-asia-1",
                    "title": "Southeast Asia (Singapore, Azure)",
                    "name": "Southeast Asia (Singapore)",
                    "provider": "Microsoft Azure",
                    "limits": {
                        "threadsPerEngine": 1000,
                        "concurrency": 500000,
                        "engines": 1000,
                        "duration": 712
                    "capabilities": {
                        "dedicatedIps": false
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                    "purposes": {
                        "load": true,
                        "functional": false,
                        "grid": false,
                        "serviceMock": false
                    "id": "azure-central-asia-1",
                    "title": "Central India (Pune, Azure)",
                    "name": "Central India (Pune)",
                    "provider": "Microsoft Azure",
                    "limits": {
                        "threadsPerEngine": 1000,
                        "concurrency": 500000,
                        "engines": 1000,
                        "duration": 712
                    "capabilities": {
                        "dedicatedIps": false
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                    "purposes": {
                        "load": true,
                        "functional": false,
                        "grid": false,
                        "serviceMock": false
                    "id": "azure-central-asia-2",
                    "title": "West India (Mumbai, Azure)",
                    "name": "West India (Mumbai)",
                    "provider": "Microsoft Azure",
                    "limits": {
                        "threadsPerEngine": 1000,
                        "concurrency": 500000,
                        "engines": 1000,
                        "duration": 712
                    "capabilities": {
                        "dedicatedIps": false
                    "sandbox": false,
                    "purposes": {
                        "load": true,
                        "functional": false,
                        "grid": false,
                        "serviceMock": false
                    "id": "azure-central-asia-3",
                    "title": "South India (Chennai, Azure)",
                    "name": "South India (Chennai)",
                    "provider": "Microsoft Azure",
                    "limits": {
                        "threadsPerEngine": 1000,
                        "concurrency": 500000,
                        "engines": 1000,
                        "duration": 712
                    "capabilities": {
                        "dedicatedIps": false
                    "sandbox": false,
                    "purposes": {
                        "load": true,
                        "functional": false,
                        "grid": false,
                        "serviceMock": false
                    "id": "azure-east-au-1",
                    "title": "Australia East (New South Wales, Azure)",
                    "name": "Australia East (New South Wales)",
                    "provider": "Microsoft Azure",
                    "limits": {
                        "threadsPerEngine": 1000,
                        "concurrency": 500000,
                        "engines": 1000,
                        "duration": 712
                    "capabilities": {
                        "dedicatedIps": false
                    "sandbox": false,
                    "purposes": {
                        "load": true,
                        "functional": false,
                        "grid": false,
                        "serviceMock": false
                    "id": "azure-southeast-au-1",
                    "title": "Australia Southeast (Victoria, Azure)",
                    "name": "Australia Southeast (Victoria)",
                    "provider": "Microsoft Azure",
                    "limits": {
                        "threadsPerEngine": 1000,
                        "concurrency": 500000,
                        "engines": 1000,
                        "duration": 712
                    "capabilities": {
                        "dedicatedIps": false
                    "sandbox": false,
                    "purposes": {
                        "load": true,
                        "functional": false,
                        "grid": false,
                        "serviceMock": false
                    "id": "azure-brazil-south-1",
                    "title": "Brazil South (Sao Paulo, Azure)",
                    "name": "Brazil South (Sao Paulo)",
                    "provider": "Microsoft Azure",
                    "limits": {
                        "threadsPerEngine": 1000,
                        "concurrency": 500000,
                        "engines": 1000,
                        "duration": 712
                    "capabilities": {
                        "dedicatedIps": false
                    "sandbox": false,
                    "purposes": {
                        "load": true,
                        "functional": false,
                        "grid": false,
                        "serviceMock": false
                    "id": "harbor-58d3b97ff132adc0347b23c6",
                    "title": "Functional Testing Default Location",
                    "name": "Functional Testing Default Location",
                    "provider": "Public Locations",
                    "limits": {
                        "threadsPerEngine": 300,
                        "concurrency": 300,
                        "engines": 0,
                        "duration": 712
                    "capabilities": {
                        "dedicatedIps": false,
                        "isPrivileged": true
                    "sandbox": false,
                    "purposes": {
                        "load": false,
                        "functional": true,
                        "grid": false,
                        "serviceMock": false
                    "id": "harbor-59464ffd67f3bf63cb7b23c9",
                    "title": "US East (S. Carolina) - Functional Test",
                    "name": "US East (S. Carolina) - Functional Test",
                    "provider": "Public Locations",
                    "limits": {
                        "threadsPerEngine": 300,
                        "concurrency": 300,
                        "engines": 0,
                        "duration": 712
                    "capabilities": {
                        "dedicatedIps": false,
                        "isPrivileged": true
                    "sandbox": false,
                    "purposes": {
                        "load": false,
                        "functional": true,
                        "grid": false,
                        "serviceMock": false
                    "id": "harbor-59465fcde4d6a240d97b23c6",
                    "title": "US West (Los Angeles) - Functional Test",
                    "name": "US West (Los Angeles) - Functional Test",
                    "provider": "Public Locations",
                    "limits": {
                        "threadsPerEngine": 300,
                        "concurrency": 300,
                        "engines": 0,
                        "duration": 712
                    "capabilities": {
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                    "purposes": {
                        "load": false,
                        "functional": true,
                        "grid": false,
                        "serviceMock": false
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                    "title": "US West (Oregon) - Functional Test",
                    "name": "US West (Oregon) - Functional Test",
                    "provider": "Public Locations",
                    "limits": {
                        "threadsPerEngine": 300,
                        "concurrency": 300,
                        "engines": 0,
                        "duration": 712
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                        "grid": false,
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                    "title": "Canada (Montreal) - Functional Test",
                    "name": "Canada (Montreal) - Functional Test",
                    "provider": "Public Locations",
                    "limits": {
                        "threadsPerEngine": 300,
                        "concurrency": 300,
                        "engines": 0,
                        "duration": 712
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                        "dedicatedIps": false,
                        "isPrivileged": true
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                        "load": false,
                        "functional": true,
                        "grid": false,
                        "serviceMock": false
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                    "title": "EU West (Belgium) - Functional Test",
                    "name": "EU West (Belgium) - Functional Test",
                    "provider": "Public Locations",
                    "limits": {
                        "threadsPerEngine": 300,
                        "concurrency": 300,
                        "engines": 0,
                        "duration": 712
                    "capabilities": {
                        "dedicatedIps": false,
                        "isPrivileged": true
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                    "purposes": {
                        "load": false,
                        "functional": true,
                        "grid": false,
                        "serviceMock": false
                    "id": "harbor-59466f1b67f3bfebe27b23c7",
                    "title": "EU West (Frankfurt) - Functional Test",
                    "name": "EU West (Frankfurt) - Functional Test",
                    "provider": "Public Locations",
                    "limits": {
                        "threadsPerEngine": 300,
                        "concurrency": 300,
                        "engines": 0,
                        "duration": 712
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                        "load": false,
                        "functional": true,
                        "grid": false,
                        "serviceMock": false
                    "id": "harbor-5946708a65e00138e57b23c6",
                    "title": "EU West (London) - Functional Test",
                    "name": "EU West (London) - Functional Test",
                    "provider": "Public Locations",
                    "limits": {
                        "threadsPerEngine": 300,
                        "concurrency": 300,
                        "engines": 0,
                        "duration": 712
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                        "dedicatedIps": false,
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                    "purposes": {
                        "load": false,
                        "functional": true,
                        "grid": false,
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                    "title": "Asia Pacific (Singapore) - Functional Test",
                    "name": "Asia Pacific (Singapore) - Functional Test",
                    "provider": "Public Locations",
                    "limits": {
                        "threadsPerEngine": 300,
                        "concurrency": 300,
                        "engines": 0,
                        "duration": 712
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                        "dedicatedIps": false,
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                    "purposes": {
                        "load": false,
                        "functional": true,
                        "grid": false,
                        "serviceMock": false
                    "id": "harbor-5946756fe4d6a204e37b23c6",
                    "title": "Australia (Sydney) - Functional Test",
                    "name": "Australia (Sydney) - Functional Test",
                    "provider": "Public Locations",
                    "limits": {
                        "threadsPerEngine": 300,
                        "concurrency": 300,
                        "engines": 0,
                        "duration": 712
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                    "purposes": {
                        "load": false,
                        "functional": true,
                        "grid": false,
                        "serviceMock": false
                    "id": "harbor-5946770be6e960e5e57b23cf",
                    "title": "Asia Pacific (Seoul) - Functional Test",
                    "name": "Asia Pacific (Seoul) - Functional Test",
                    "provider": "Public Locations",
                    "limits": {
                        "threadsPerEngine": 300,
                        "concurrency": 300,
                        "engines": 0,
                        "duration": 712
                    "capabilities": {
                        "dedicatedIps": false,
                        "isPrivileged": true
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                    "purposes": {
                        "load": false,
                        "functional": true,
                        "grid": false,
                        "serviceMock": false
                    "id": "harbor-5b0323b3c648be3b4c7b23c8",
                    "title": "Example Private Location",
                    "name": "Example Private Location",
                    "provider": "Private Locations",
                    "limits": {
                        "threadsPerEngine": 1000,
                        "concurrency": 1000,
                        "engines": 0,
                        "duration": 712
                    "capabilities": {
                        "dedicatedIps": false,
                        "isPrivileged": true
                    "sandbox": false,
                    "purposes": {
                        "load": true,
                        "functional": true,
                        "grid": true,
                        "serviceMock": true
                    "id": "harbor-5b0f166208e9cb973d7b23c8",
                    "title": "Recreate Issues",
                    "name": "Recreate Issues",
                    "provider": "Private Locations",
                    "limits": {
                        "threadsPerEngine": 300,
                        "concurrency": 300,
                        "engines": 0,
                        "duration": 712
                    "capabilities": {
                        "dedicatedIps": false,
                        "isPrivileged": true
                    "sandbox": false,
                    "purposes": {
                        "load": false,
                        "functional": false,
                        "grid": true,
                        "serviceMock": false
                    "id": "harbor-5b77157469770195257b23c6",
                    "title": "Staging Env ONLY",
                    "name": "Staging Env ONLY",
                    "provider": "Private Locations",
                    "limits": {
                        "threadsPerEngine": 1000,
                        "concurrency": 1000,
                        "engines": 0,
                        "duration": 712
                    "capabilities": {
                        "dedicatedIps": false,
                        "isPrivileged": true
                    "sandbox": false,
                    "purposes": {
                        "load": true,
                        "functional": true,
                        "grid": true,
                        "serviceMock": true
                    "id": "harbor-5b86c7f5e86da28c337b23c6",
                    "title": "Customer Reproduction",
                    "name": "Customer Reproduction",
                    "provider": "Private Locations",
                    "limits": {
                        "threadsPerEngine": 300,
                        "concurrency": 300,
                        "engines": 0,
                        "duration": 712
                    "capabilities": {
                        "dedicatedIps": false,
                        "isPrivileged": true
                    "sandbox": false,
                    "purposes": {
                        "load": true,
                        "functional": false,
                        "grid": false,
                        "serviceMock": false
                    "id": "harbor-5b87fb556b8abfea7d7b23ca",
                    "title": "Console-Engine Communication",
                    "name": "Console-Engine Communication",
                    "provider": "Private Locations",
                    "limits": {
                        "threadsPerEngine": 1000,
                        "concurrency": 1000,
                        "engines": 0,
                        "duration": 712
                    "capabilities": {
                        "dedicatedIps": false,
                        "isPrivileged": true
                    "sandbox": false,
                    "purposes": {
                        "load": true,
                        "functional": true,
                        "grid": true,
                        "serviceMock": true
                    "id": "harbor-5c8973ed0568ed07f368e1f7",
                    "title": "CI-Test",
                    "name": "CI-Test",
                    "provider": "Private Locations",
                    "limits": {
                        "threadsPerEngine": 300,
                        "concurrency": 300,
                        "engines": 0,
                        "duration": 712
                    "capabilities": {
                        "dedicatedIps": false,
                        "isPrivileged": true
                    "sandbox": false,
                    "purposes": {
                        "load": true,
                        "functional": true,
                        "grid": true,
                        "serviceMock": true
                    "id": "harbor-5c94ea930b63ac5fb64ab073",
                    "title": "Kubernetes Instance",
                    "name": "Kubernetes Instance",
                    "provider": "Private Locations",
                    "limits": {
                        "threadsPerEngine": 300,
                        "concurrency": 300,
                        "engines": 0,
                        "duration": 712
                    "capabilities": {
                        "dedicatedIps": false,
                        "isPrivileged": true
                    "sandbox": false,
                    "purposes": {
                        "load": true,
                        "functional": true,
                        "grid": true,
                        "serviceMock": true
                    "id": "harbor-5d23ad18d6baf85cdc41e686",
                    "title": "Keybank Kube Test",
                    "name": "Keybank Kube Test",
                    "provider": "Private Locations",
                    "limits": {
                        "threadsPerEngine": 1000,
                        "concurrency": 1000,
                        "engines": 0,
                        "duration": 712
                    "capabilities": {
                        "dedicatedIps": false,
                        "isPrivileged": true
                    "sandbox": false,
                    "purposes": {
                        "load": true,
                        "functional": true,
                        "grid": true,
                        "serviceMock": true
                    "id": "harbor-5d2cecc61391a8f318703bd5",
                    "title": "New K8s",
                    "name": "New K8s",
                    "provider": "Private Locations",
                    "limits": {
                        "threadsPerEngine": 300,
                        "concurrency": 300,
                        "engines": 0,
                        "duration": 712
                    "capabilities": {
                        "dedicatedIps": false,
                        "isPrivileged": true
                    "sandbox": false,
                    "purposes": {
                        "load": true,
                        "functional": true,
                        "grid": false,
                        "serviceMock": true
                    "id": "harbor-5d2e4f9ef54f63a700650266",
                    "title": "argaerg",
                    "name": "argaerg",
                    "provider": "Private Locations",
                    "limits": {
                        "threadsPerEngine": 1000,
                        "concurrency": 1000,
                        "engines": 0,
                        "duration": 712
                    "capabilities": {
                        "dedicatedIps": false,
                        "isPrivileged": true
                    "sandbox": false,
                    "purposes": {
                        "load": true,
                        "functional": false,
                        "grid": false,
                        "serviceMock": false
                    "id": "harbor-5d2e4fbb611274a61b066a93",
                    "title": "10+ Agents",
                    "name": "10+ Agents",
                    "provider": "Private Locations",
                    "limits": {
                        "threadsPerEngine": 300,
                        "concurrency": 300,
                        "engines": 0,
                        "duration": 712
                    "capabilities": {
                        "dedicatedIps": false,
                        "isPrivileged": true
                    "sandbox": false,
                    "purposes": {
                        "load": true,
                        "functional": true,
                        "grid": true,
                        "serviceMock": true
                    "id": "harbor-5d2e50105b444da11c733e24",
                    "title": "aergaesrgsegrt",
                    "name": "aergaesrgsegrt",
                    "provider": "Private Locations",
                    "limits": {
                        "threadsPerEngine": 1000,
                        "concurrency": 1000,
                        "engines": 0,
                        "duration": 712
                    "capabilities": {
                        "dedicatedIps": false,
                        "isPrivileged": true
                    "sandbox": false,
                    "purposes": {
                        "load": true,
                        "functional": true,
                        "grid": true,
                        "serviceMock": true
                    "id": "harbor-5d2e5019265d90a75c668184",
                    "title": "fjhm,ghj,ghk,g,",
                    "name": "fjhm,ghj,ghk,g,",
                    "provider": "Private Locations",
                    "limits": {
                        "threadsPerEngine": 1000,
                        "concurrency": 1000,
                        "engines": 0,
                        "duration": 712
                    "capabilities": {
                        "dedicatedIps": false,
                        "isPrivileged": true
                    "sandbox": false,
                    "purposes": {
                        "load": true,
                        "functional": true,
                        "grid": true,
                        "serviceMock": true
                    "id": "harbor-5d2e501faef4bda5292a90e3",
                    "title": ",fhj,ghjk,ghj,",
                    "name": ",fhj,ghjk,ghj,",
                    "provider": "Private Locations",
                    "limits": {
                        "threadsPerEngine": 1000,
                        "concurrency": 1000,
                        "engines": 0,
                        "duration": 712
                    "capabilities": {
                        "dedicatedIps": false,
                        "isPrivileged": true
                    "sandbox": false,
                    "purposes": {
                        "load": true,
                        "functional": true,
                        "grid": true,
                        "serviceMock": true
                    "id": "harbor-5d2e502649f49db05b1b127b",
                    "title": "sdfghsdrygthsdrgyt",
                    "name": "sdfghsdrygthsdrgyt",
                    "provider": "Private Locations",
                    "limits": {
                        "threadsPerEngine": 1000,
                        "concurrency": 1000,
                        "engines": 0,
                        "duration": 712
                    "capabilities": {
                        "dedicatedIps": false,
                        "isPrivileged": true
                    "sandbox": false,
                    "purposes": {
                        "load": true,
                        "functional": true,
                        "grid": true,
                        "serviceMock": true
                    "id": "harbor-5d2e502d5b444d9e20588a14",
                    "title": "gnthmfthnmghm",
                    "name": "gnthmfthnmghm",
                    "provider": "Private Locations",
                    "limits": {
                        "threadsPerEngine": 1000,
                        "concurrency": 1000,
                        "engines": 0,
                        "duration": 712
                    "capabilities": {
                        "dedicatedIps": false,
                        "isPrivileged": true
                    "sandbox": false,
                    "purposes": {
                        "load": true,
                        "functional": true,
                        "grid": true,
                        "serviceMock": true
                    "id": "harbor-5e0e68b9568b27689176f3b4",
                    "title": "Shared",
                    "name": "Shared",
                    "provider": "Private Locations",
                    "limits": {
                        "threadsPerEngine": 300,
                        "concurrency": 300,
                        "engines": 0,
                        "duration": 712
                    "capabilities": {
                        "dedicatedIps": false,
                        "isPrivileged": true
                    "sandbox": false,
                    "purposes": {
                        "load": true,
                        "functional": false,
                        "grid": true,
                        "serviceMock": true
                    "id": "harbor-5e7e5a9d28320500d25dc3f3",
                    "title": "Docker 13.1 :(",
                    "name": "Docker 13.1 :(",
                    "provider": "Private Locations",
                    "limits": {
                        "threadsPerEngine": 300,
                        "concurrency": 300,
                        "engines": 0,
                        "duration": 712
                    "capabilities": {
                        "dedicatedIps": false,
                        "isPrivileged": true
                    "sandbox": false,
                    "purposes": {
                        "load": false,
                        "functional": false,
                        "grid": true,
                        "serviceMock": false
                    "id": "harbor-5e866d5f63d06209a46e9425",
                    "title": "GUI Functional Location",
                    "name": "GUI Functional Location",
                    "provider": "Private Locations",
                    "limits": {
                        "threadsPerEngine": 300,
                        "concurrency": 300,
                        "engines": 0,
                        "duration": 712
                    "capabilities": {
                        "dedicatedIps": false,
                        "isPrivileged": true
                    "sandbox": false,
                    "purposes": {
                        "load": false,
                        "functional": false,
                        "grid": true,
                        "serviceMock": false
                    "id": "harbor-5ab3c64ec8589f914c7b25db",
                    "title": "US East (Virginia) - Functional GUI Test",
                    "name": "US East (Virginia) - Functional GUI Test",
                    "provider": "Public Locations",
                    "limits": {
                        "threadsPerEngine": 300,
                        "concurrency": 300,
                        "engines": 0,
                        "duration": 712
                    "capabilities": {
                        "dedicatedIps": false,
                        "isPrivileged": true
                    "sandbox": false,
                    "purposes": {
                        "load": false,
                        "functional": false,
                        "grid": true,
                        "serviceMock": false
                    "id": "harbor-5d25f94f9950ce73cd105f53",
                    "title": "EU West (London) - Functional GUI Test",
                    "name": "EU West (London) - Functional GUI Test",
                    "provider": "Public Locations",
                    "limits": {
                        "threadsPerEngine": 300,
                        "concurrency": 300,
                        "engines": 0,
                        "duration": 712
                    "capabilities": {
                        "dedicatedIps": false,
                        "isPrivileged": true
                    "sandbox": false,
                    "purposes": {
                        "load": false,
                        "functional": false,
                        "grid": true,
                        "serviceMock": false
                    "id": "harbor-5d25f95f206f10730f21f1b4",
                    "title": "US West (Oregon) - Functional GUI Test",
                    "name": "US West (Oregon) - Functional GUI Test",
                    "provider": "Public Locations",
                    "limits": {
                        "threadsPerEngine": 300,
                        "concurrency": 300,
                        "engines": 0,
                        "duration": 712
                    "capabilities": {
                        "dedicatedIps": false,
                        "isPrivileged": true
                    "sandbox": false,
                    "purposes": {
                        "load": false,
                        "functional": false,
                        "grid": true,
                        "serviceMock": false
            "activeMember": {
                "id": 123456,
                "email": "",
                "displayName": "My User",
                "roles": [
                "enabled": true,
                "access": 1592422761
        "request_id": "5eea716988414"

    See The Workspace Object for the details on the response attributes.

    Add User to Workspace

    Add User to Workspace

    curl '' \
        -X POST \
        -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
        --user 'api_key_id:api_key_secret' \
        -d '{"usersIds":[352749],"roles": ["manager"]}'

    API Explorer: /workspaces/{workspaceId}/users

    To add a user to a workspace, you need the workspaceId of the workspace you want to add the user to and use an API key that has account admin access or a workspace manager role. For the sample code on the right, workspaceId 123456 has added user to the workspace with the workspace manager role.

    Add User to Workspace Request Attributes

    The following JSON sample provides a more readable version of the content contained in the above curl example. This example represents the attributes and values contained in the -d flag of the curl example.

    Add User to Workspace Add User to Workspace POST Body (JSON)

        "usersIds": [
        "roles": [


    Add User to Workspace Response Attributes

    Response 201 Created

        "api_version": 4,
        "error": null,
        "result": [
                "id": 123456,
                "roles": [
                "enabled": true,
                "lastAccess": 1573503678,
                "type": "workspace",
                "memberId": {
                    "$oid": "5dc9c2be4b5cab1c82345bb3"
                "displayName": "Standard Manager",
                "firstName": "Standard",
                "lastName": "Manager",
                "login": 1570322423,
                "email": "",
                "access": 1573503678
        "request_id": "5dc9c2be0ae5a"


    Workspace User List

    Workspace User List

    curl '' \
        --user 'api_key_id:api_key_secret'

    API Explorer: /workspaces/{workspaceId}/users

    To return a list of the workspace users, a workspaceId is required. The sample code returns a list of workspace users within workspaceId of 123456. Use the actual ID value for the workspace to return the list of the workspace users in your workspace.

    Workspace User List Parameters


    Also see: Pagination

    Workspace User List Response Attributes

    Response 200 OK

        "limit": 10,
        "skip": 0,
        "total": 2,
        "hidden": 0,
        "api_version": 4,
        "error": null,
        "result": [
                "id": 123456,
                "email": "",
                "displayName": "Admin User",
                "firstName": "Admin",
                "lastName": "User",
                "login": 1573488679,
                "access": 1573501903,
                "roles": [
                "enabled": true,
                "lastAccess": 1573501903
                "id": 234567,
                "email": "",
                "displayName": "Standard User",
                "firstName": "Standard",
                "lastName": "User",
                "login": 1506347921,
                "access": 1516906397,
                "roles": [
                "enabled": false,
                "lastAccess": 1516906397,
                "type": "workspace"
        "request_id": "5dc9bdef0a561"


    Update Workspace User

    Update Workspace User

    curl '' \
        -X PUT \
        -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
        --user 'api_key_id:api_key_secret' \
        -d '{"roles":["viewer"],"enabled": false}'

    API Explorer: /workspaces/{workspaceId}/users/{userId}

    To change a user's workspace role and disable or enable an user in the workspace, a workspaceId and an userId are required. The sample code changes the workspace role of userId of 123456 within workspaceId of 123456 to viewer and disables the user. Use the actual ID value for the workspace and user you are wanting to change.

    Update Workspace User Request Attributes

    The following JSON sample provides a more readable version of the content contained in the above curl example. This example represents the attributes and values contained in the -d flag of the curl example.

    Update Workspace User Update Workspace User PUT Body (JSON)

      "roles": [
      "enabled": false


    Update Workspace User Response Attributes

    Response 200 OK

        "api_version": 4,
        "error": null,
        "result": {
            "id": 123456,
            "roles": [
            "enabled": false,
            "lastAccess": 1573506574,
            "type": "workspace",
            "displayName": "Viewer User",
            "login": 1562944843,
            "email": ""
        "request_id": "5dc9ce0e3076d"

    For a breakdown of the response attributes, see the Add User to Workspace Response Attributes section.

    Remove Managers from Workspace

    Remove Managers from Workspace

    curl '' \
        -X POST \
        -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
        -d '{"managersIds":[654321]}'

    API Explorer: /workspaces/{workspaceId}/delete-managers

    To remove managers from a workspace, replace the workspaceId 123456 with the workspaceId of your workspace, and provide the Manager IDs of the managers to remove.

    Remove Managers from Workspace Request Attributes

    Remove Managers from Workspace Remove Managers from Workspace POST Body (JSON)

      "managersIds": [


    Response 204 No Content

    Terminate Masters in Workspace

    Terminate Masters in Workspace

    curl '' \
        -X POST \
        -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
        --user 'api_key_id:api_key_secret' \
        -d '{"dryRun": false}'

    API Explorer: /workspaces/{workspaceId}/terminate-masters

    To terminate all running masters in a workspace, you need the workspaceId of the workspace. For the sample code on the right, we are terminating all the running masters in workspaceId 123456. To terminate all the masters in your workspace, replace the workspaceId 123456 with the workspaceId of your workspace.

    Terminate Masters in Workspace Request Attributes

    Terminate Masters in Workspace Terminate Masters in Workspace POST Body (JSON)

      "dryRun": false


    Terminate Masters in Workspace Response Attributes

    Response 201 Created

        "api_version": 4,
        "error": null,
        "result": [
        "request_id": "5dc5a94bcc138"


    Delete Logs

    Delete Master Logs

    curl '' \
        -X POST \
        -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
        -d '{"masterIds":[234567]}'

    API Explorer: /workspaces/{workspaceId}/delete-logs

    To remove logs for a given master, replace the workspaceId.

    Delete Master Logs Request Attributes

    Delete Master Logs Delete Master Logs POST Body (JSON)

      "masterIds": [


    Response 204 No Content


    This section goes over how to handle project administration (i.e. creating a project, deleting a project, etc.) for your BlazeMeter project.

    To run many of these APIs, you will need the projectId for the project you are wanting to handle.

    The Project Object

    The Project Object

        "api_version": 4,
        "error": null,
        "result": {
            "id": 123456,
            "name": "Default project",
            "userId": 123456,
            "description": null,
            "created": 1488987563,
            "updated": 1488987563,
            "workspaceId": 123456,
            "testsCount": 417
        "request_id": "5eea8ecd9eace"


    Create a Project

    Create a Project

    curl '' \
        -X POST \
        -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
        --user 'api_key_id:api_key_secret' \
        -d '{"name": "V4 Create Test Through API", "description": "A description", "workspaceId": 123456}'

    API Explorer: /projects

    To create a project:

    1. Create the project object with a POST to the projects endpoint (see sample code).
    2. Capture the projectId returned as id from the response.

    Create a Project Request Attributes

    Create a Project Create a Project POST Body (JSON)

        "name": "V4 Create Test Through API",
        "description": "A description",
        "workspaceId": 123456


    Create a Project Response Attributes

    Response 201 Created

        "api_version": 4,
        "error": null,
        "result": {
            "id": 123456,
            "name": "V4 Create Test Through API",
            "userId": 123456,
            "description": "A description",
            "created": 1488987563,
            "updated": 1488987563,
            "workspaceId": 123456,
            "testsCount": 388

    See The Project Object for the details on the response attributes.

    Projects List

    Projects List

    curl '' \
        --user 'api_key_id:api_key_secret'

    API Explorer: /projects

    To return a list of the projects, a workspaceId or an accountId is required. The sample code returns a list of projects within workspaceId of 123456. Use the actual ID value for the workspace to return the list of the projects in your workspace.

    Projects List Parameters


    Also see: Pagination and Sorting

    Projects List Response Attributes

    Response 200 OK

        "limit": 10,
        "skip": 0,
        "total": 2,
        "hidden": 0,
        "api_version": 4,
        "error": null,
        "result": [
                "id": 234567,
                "name": "New Project",
                "userId": 234567,
                "description": "Tests using new project",
                "created": 1489672823,
                "updated": 1489672823,
                "workspaceId": 123456,
                "testsCount": 126
                "id": 123456,
                "name": "Default project",
                "userId": 123456,
                "description": null,
                "created": 1488987563,
                "updated": 1488987563,
                "workspaceId": 123456,
                "testsCount": 388
        "request_id": "5dc9d8bd366b4"

    See The Project Object for the details on the response attributes.

    Project Details

    Project Details

    curl '' \
        --user 'api_key_id:api_key_secret'

    API Explorer: /projects/{projectId}

    To return the details of a project, a projectId is required. The sample code returns the details of the project with projectId of 123456. Use the actual ID value for the project to return the detail of your project.

    Project Details Response Attributes

    Response 200 OK

        "api_version": 4,
        "error": null,
        "result": {
            "id": 167798,
            "name": "Default project",
            "userId": 344260,
            "description": null,
            "created": 1488987563,
            "updated": 1488987563,
            "workspaceId": 123429
        "request_id": "5eea991e547ca"

    See The Project Object for the details on the response attributes.

    Update a Project

    Update a Project

    curl '' \
        -X PATCH \
        -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
        --user 'api_key_id:api_key_secret' \
        -d '{"name":"New Test Name For API"}'

    API Explorer: /projects/{projectId}

    To update a project, use PATCH to change the provided configuration for a given project (you need to know the projectId). The sample code updates a test with an ID of 123456 (the 123456 is contained in the URL) with a new test name New Test Name For API, a new description of This is my description, and a new workspaceId of 234567.

    If you do not know the projectId of the project to update, use List Projects to return a list of your created projects.

    Update a Project Request Attributes

    Update a Project Update a Project Sample PATCH Body (JSON)

        "name": "New Test Name For API",
        "description": "This is my description",
        "workspaceId": 234567


    Update a Project Response Attributes

    Response 200 OK

        "api_version": 4,
        "error": null,
        "result": {
            "id": 123456,
            "name": "New Test Name For API",
            "userId": 123456,
            "description": "This is my description",
            "created": 1488987563,
            "updated": 1488987563,
            "workspaceId": 234567,
            "testsCount": 388

    See The Project Object for the details on the response attributes.

    Delete a Project

    Delete a Project

    curl '' \
        -X DELETE \
        --user 'api_key_id:api_key_secret'

    Response 204 No content

    API Explorer: /projects/{projectId}

    To delete a project, DELETE its ID (you need to know the projectId). The sample code deletes a project with an ID of 123456. Use the projectId of the actual project to delete in place of the 123456.

    If you do not know the ID of the project to delete, use the List Projects section to return a list of your created projects.

    Delete a Project Parameters


    Terminate Masters in Projects

    Terminate Masters in Projects

    curl '' \
        -X POST \
        -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
        --user 'api_key_id:api_key_secret' \
        -d '{"dryRun": false}'

    API Explorer: /projects/{projectId}/terminate-masters

    To terminate all running masters in a project, you need the projectId of the project. For the sample code on the right, we are terminating all the running masters in projectId 123456. To terminate all the masters in your project, replace the projectId 123456 with the projectId of your project.

    Terminate Masters in Project Request Attributes

    Terminate Masters in Project Terminate Masters in Project POST Body (JSON)

      "dryRun": false


    Terminate Masters in Project Response Attributes

    Response 201 Created

        "api_version": 4,
        "error": null,
        "result": [
        "request_id": "5dc5a94bcc138"



    When you create a test, you are creating a test object configured with specific parameters.

    Once you have created a test and have uploaded any required files, you can start the test, which will create a master for control and reporting.

    You will also need the location id to point your test configuration to the correct location(s) you want your test to run in.

    As we are heavily integrated with Taurus, the test override configurations will display similarly to the Taurus execution section. If you are familiar with the YAML or JSON formatting of these configuration files, you can easily translate that knowledge to our API configurations.

    The Test Object

    The Test Object

        "api_version": 4,
        "error": null,
        "result": {
            "id": 1234567,
            "isNewTest": true,
            "lastRunTime": 1598556724,
            "name": "Full Test Example",
            "description": "A Full Test Settings Example",
            "userId": 123456,
            "creatorClientId": "gui",
            "overrideExecutions": [{
                "concurrency": 20,
                "executor": "jmeter",
                "holdFor": "19m",
                "locations": {
                    "us-east4-a": 10,
                    "us-east1-b": 10
                "locationsPercents": {
                    "us-east4-a": 50,
                    "us-east1-b": 50
                "rampUp": "1m",
                "steps": 0,
                "throughput": 10
            "executions": [{
                    "concurrency": 20,
                    "usersNotConfigured": false,
                    "holdFor": "19m",
                    "durationIsNotConfigured": false,
                    "rampUp": "1m",
                    "steps": 0,
                    "throughput": 10,
                    "locations": {
                        "us-east4-a": 10,
                        "us-east1-b": 10
                    "locationsPercents": {
                        "us-east4-a": 50,
                        "us-east1-b": 50
                    "executor": "jmeter",
                    "scenario": "default-scenario-1234567"
                    "concurrency": 1,
                    "holdFor": "1200s",
                    "executor": "selenium",
                    "executionSource": "endUserExperience",
                    "scenario": "End User Experience for Full Test Example"
            "hasThreadGroupsToOverride": false,
            "hasNonRegularThreadGroup": false,
            "shouldSendReportEmail": true,
            "dependencies": {
                "data": [],
                "services": [{
                    "service": "BlazeDemo",
                    "mock-service": "Entries Mock Service",
                    "mock-service-template": "Blazedemo Entries Template"
            "created": 1598555261,
            "updated": 1598555574,
            "projectId": 123456,
            "lastUpdatedById": 123456,
            "configuration": {
                "type": "taurus",
                "dedicatedIpsEnabled": true,
                "javaVersion": "11",
                "canControlRampup": false,
                "targetThreads": 500,
                "executionType": "taurusCloud",
                "enableJMeterProperties": true,
                "enableHostsOverride": true,
                "enableFailureCriteria": true,
                "enableNetworkEmulation": true,
                "enableMockServices": true,
                "enableTestData": false,
                "enableLoadConfiguration": true,
                "scriptType": "jmeter",
                "threads": 500,
                "filename": "Dummy.jmx",
                "testMode": "script",
                "extraSlots": 0,
                "plugins": {
                    "remoteControl": [{
                        "key": "newProperty",
                        "value": "aValue"
                    "hosts": [{
                        "hostname": "",
                        "ip": ""
                    "newrelic": [
                    "jmeter": {
                        "version": "5.3",
                        "consoleArgs": "",
                        "enginesArgs": ""
                    "network": {
                        "preset": "Custom",
                        "latency": 30,
                        "bandwidth": 300000,
                        "packetloss": 5
                    "thresholds": {
                        "thresholds": [{
                                "field": "responseTime.avg",
                                "label": "ALL",
                                "op": "gt",
                                "stopTestOnViolation": false,
                                "value": "1500",
                                "isEmpty": false
                                "field": "responseTime.max",
                                "label": "ALL",
                                "op": "gt",
                                "stopTestOnViolation": true,
                                "value": "3000",
                                "isEmpty": false
                        "ignoreRampup": true,
                        "fromTaurus": false,
                        "slidingWindow": true
                    "dynaTrace": {
                        "enabled": true,
                        "method": "fullIntegration",
                        "profiles": [
                        "profilesId": null
                    "cloudWatch": {
                        "newIntegration": true,
                        "profiles": [
                    "caApm": {
                        "enabled": true,
                        "method": "fullIntegration",
                        "profiles": [
                    "appDynamics": [
                    "newRelicInsights": {
                        "credentialsId": "5e93107b5de79a699662d5c4",
                        "profiles": [
                    "userExperience": {
                        "enabled": true,
                        "pages": [{
                            "label": "Homepage",
                            "url": ""
        "request_id": "5f491a49667ae"


    Create a Test

    API Explorer: /tests

    To create a test:

    1. Create the test object with a POST to the test endpoint (see sample code).
    2. Capture the testId returned as id from the response.
    3. Upload test assets (such as scripts, data files or YAML Taurus configuration files) by using the testId and the code explained in the Upload or Update Asset Files section.

    Create a Test Request Attributes

    The following parameters are the base parameters required to create a test. See the Test Attributes for a complete list of parameters.

    Create a Test

    curl '' \
        -X POST \
        -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
        --user 'api_key_id:api_key_secret' \
        -d '{"name": "V4 Create Test Through API", "configuration": {"type": "taurus", "filename": "DemoTest.jmx", "testMode": "script", "scriptType": "jmeter"}}'

    The following JSON sample provides a more readable version of the content contained in the above curl example. This example represents the attributes and values contained in the -d flag of the curl example.

    Create a Test Create a Test POST Body (JSON)

        "name": "Minimum_Required_Configuration_Sample",
        "configuration": {
            "type": "taurus",
            "filename": "DemoTest.jmx",
            "testMode": "script",
            "scriptType": "jmeter"


    Create a Test Response Attributes

    Response 201 Created

        "api_version": 4,
        "error": null,
        "result": {
            "id": 1234567,
            "name": "Minimum_Required_Configuration_Sample",
            "isNewTest": true,
            "userId": 123456,
            "created": 1551391783,
            "updated": 1551391783,
            "creatorClientId": "api",
            "overrideExecutions": [],
            "shouldSendReportEmail": true,
            "projectId": 123456,
            "lastUpdatedById": 123456,
            "configuration": {
                "type": "taurus",
                "executionType": "taurusCloud",
                "filename": "DemoTest.jmx",
                "testMode": "script",
                "scriptType": "jmeter"

    For the full details of all the attributes for the Perforomace Test, you can visit The Test Object.

    Upload or Update Asset Files

    Upload or Update Asset Files

    curl '' \
        -X POST \
        -F 'file=@/my/path/to/MyTest.jmx' \
        --user 'api_key_id:api_key_secret'

    API Explorer: /tests/{testId}/files

    To upload a file asset to a test, POST the file to the testId (you need to know the testId of the created test). Use the following template for the file path and name:

    curl -X POST -F 'file=@path to file/file.ext' ...

    The sample code uploads a file (@/my/path/to/MyTest.jmx) to a test with an ID of 1234567. Replace @/my/path/to/MyText.jmx with the actual path and file name and 1234567 with your testId.

    To update the contents of an uploaded file, repeat the same operation (upload the updated file using the same file name).

    Upload or Update Asset Files Response Attributes

    Response 201 Created

        "api_version": 4,
        "error": null,
        "result": {
            "id": 1234567,
            "isNewTest": true,
            "name": "Typical Configuration Sample",
            "userId": 123456,
            "creatorClientId": "api",
            "overrideExecutions": [
                    "executor": "jmeter",
                    "holdFor": "19m",
                    "rampUp": "1m",
                    "concurrency": 20,
                    "locations": {
                        "us-east-1": 20
                    "locationsPercents": {
                        "us-east-1": 100
                    "steps": 0
            "executions": [
                    "concurrency": 20,
                    "holdFor": "19m",
                    "rampUp": "1m",
                    "steps": 0,
                    "locations": {
                        "us-east-1": 20
                    "locationsPercents": {
                        "us-east-1": 100
                    "executor": "jmeter",
                    "scenario": "default-scenario"
            "shouldSendReportEmail": true,
            "created": 1551635668,
            "updated": true,
            "configuration": {
                "type": "taurus",
                "executionType": "taurusCloud",
                "filename": "MyTest.jmx",
                "testMode": "script",
                "scriptType": "jmeter"

    For the all the supported attributes, see the The Test Object.

    File Naming Requirements

    Make sure your file names:

    For example: The file name my_file_no_4.csv – is good. The file name m$ file& – is bad.

    Limitations on File Content

    BlazeMeter cannot read files containing non-ASCII characters. You must remove all non-ASCII characters from your files before uploading and starting a test.

    File Size

    BlazeMeter has a file size limit of 50 MB per file that can be uploaded. You can upload multiple files of up to 50 MB each, as needed.

    Impact of Uploaded Files on Start Time

    The number and size of uploaded test file assets impacts the start time of the test:

    List Test Files

    List Test Files

    curl '' \
        --user 'api_key_id:api_key_secret'

    API Explorer: /tests/{testId}/files

    To return a list of files in a test, a testId is required. The sample code returns a list of files for the test with testId of 1234567. Use the actual ID values for the test to return the list of its files.

    List Test Files Parameters


    List Test Files Response Attributes

    Response 200 OK

        "api_version": 4,
        "error": null,
        "result": [
                "lastModified": 1592485932,
                "name": "demoblaze.yml",
                "size": 146,
                "link": "",
                "linkExpire": 1592748483
        "request_id": "5eee18439c6ed"


    Delete Asset File

    Delete Asset File

    curl '' \
        -X POST \
        -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
      --user 'api_key_id:api_key_secret' \
      -d '{"fileName":"MyTest.jmx"}'

    API Explorer: /tests/{testId}/delete-file

    To delete an uploaded file from a created test, you need to know the testId and the filename. The sample code deletes the file (MyTest.jmx) from the test with an ID of 1234567. Replace MyTest.jmx with the actual file name and 1234567 with your testId.

    Delete Asset File Request Attributes

    Delete Asset File Delete Asset File Sample POST Body (JSON)

        "fileName": "MyTest.jmx"


    Delete Asset File Response Attributes

    Response 200 OK

        "api_version": 4,
        "error": null,
        "result": true

    The result attribute will be true if the data file was deleted successfully.

    Update a Test

    Update a Test

    curl '' \
        -X PATCH \
        -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
        --user 'api_key_id:api_key_secret' \
        -d '{"name":"New Test Name For API"}'

    API Explorer: /tests/{testId}

    To update a test, use PATCH to replace the provided parameter values for a test specified by its testId. The ID is assigned when you Create a Test. If you do not know the testId, use List Tests to return a list of all your existing tests to identify the ID.

    The sample code shown here updates a test with an ID of 1234567 (the 1234567 is contained in the URL) and it replaces the old parameter "name" with a new name value. Another common example would be to update the "configuration" parameter, or the "dependencies" parameter which contains test data.

    See the Test Object for the attributes that you can modify.

    Update a Test Request Attributes

    Update a Test Update a Test PATCH Body (JSON)

        "name": "New Test Name For API"


    Update a Test Response Attributes

    Response 200 OK

        "api_version": 4,
        "error": null,
        "result": {
            "id": 1234567,
            "isNewTest": true,
            "name": "New Test Name For API",
            "userId": 123456,
            "creatorClientId": "api",
            "overrideExecutions": [
                    "executor": "jmeter",
                    "holdFor": "19m",
                    "rampUp": "1m",
                    "concurrency": 20,
                    "locations": {
                        "us-east-1": 20
                    "locationsPercents": {
                        "us-east-1": 100
                    "steps": 0
            "executions": [
                    "concurrency": 20,
                    "holdFor": "19m",
                    "rampUp": "1m",
                    "steps": 0,
                    "locations": {
                        "us-east-1": 20
                    "locationsPercents": {
                        "us-east-1": 100
                    "executor": "jmeter",
                    "scenario": "default-scenario-6654357"
            "hasThreadGroupsToOverride": false,
            "hasNonRegularThreadGroup": false,
            "shouldSendReportEmail": true,
            "dependencies": {},
            "created": 1551635668,
            "updated": 1551717656,
            "projectId": 123456,
            "lastUpdatedById": 123456,
            "configuration": {
                "type": "taurus",
                "executionType": "taurusCloud",
                "filename": "MyTest.jmx",
                "testMode": "script",
                "scriptType": "jmeter"
        "test": {
            "id": 1234567,
            "isNewTest": true,
            "name": "New Test Name For API",
            "userId": 123456,
            "creatorClientId": "api",
            "overrideExecutions": [
                    "executor": "jmeter",
                    "holdFor": "19m",
                    "rampUp": "1m",
                    "concurrency": 20,
                    "locations": {
                        "us-east-1": 20
                    "locationsPercents": {
                        "us-east-1": 100
                    "steps": 0
            "executions": [
                    "concurrency": 20,
                    "holdFor": "19m",
                    "rampUp": "1m",
                    "steps": 0,
                    "locations": {
                        "us-east-1": 20
                    "locationsPercents": {
                        "us-east-1": 100
                    "executor": "jmeter",
                    "scenario": "default-scenario-6654357"
            "shouldSendReportEmail": true,
            "dependencies": {},
            "created": 1551635668,
            "updated": 1551717656,
            "projectId": 123456,
            "lastUpdatedById": 123456,
            "configuration": {
                "type": "taurus",
                "executionType": "taurusCloud",
                "filename": "MyTest.jmx",
                "testMode": "script",
                "scriptType": "jmeter"

    For the all the supported attributes, see the The Test Object.

    List Tests

    List Tests

    curl '' \
        -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
        --user 'api_key_id:api_key_secret'

    API Explorer: /tests

    To return a list of created tests, either a projectId or a workspaceId, and a type attribute is required. The sample code returns a list for items with a projectId of 123456 and a workspaceId of 123456 and a type of functionalApi. Use the actual ID values for the project or workspace and one of the type values (should use taurus (performance tests)) to return the list of its tests.. Use the actual ID values for the project or workspace to return the list of its tests.

    You can return a list specifying either a projectId, a workspaceId, or both and a type. The returned list contains each test details that fit the criteria provided.

    List Tests Paramaters


    Also see: Pagination and Sorting

    List Tests Response Attributes

    Response 200 OK

        "limit": 10,
        "skip": 0,
        "total": 1,
        "hidden": 0,
        "api_version": 4,
        "error": null,
        "result": [
                "id": 1234567,
                "name": "New Test Name For API Documentation",
                "isNewTest": true,
                "userId": 123456,
                "created": 1551635668,
                "updated": 1551717656,
                "creatorClientId": "api",
                "overrideExecutions": [
                        "executor": "jmeter",
                        "holdFor": "19m",
                        "rampUp": "1m",
                        "concurrency": 20,
                        "locations": {
                            "us-east-1": 20
                        "locationsPercents": {
                            "us-east-1": 100
                        "steps": 0
                "executions": [
                        "concurrency": 20,
                        "holdFor": "19m",
                        "rampUp": "1m",
                        "steps": 0,
                        "locations": {
                            "us-east-1": 20
                        "locationsPercents": {
                            "us-east-1": 100
                        "executor": "jmeter",
                        "scenario": "default-scenario-6654357"
                "shouldSendReportEmail": true,
                "projectId": 123456,
                "lastUpdatedById": 123456,
                "configuration": {
                    "type": "taurus",
                    "executionType": "taurusCloud",
                    "filename": "MyTest.jmx",
                    "testMode": "script",
                    "scriptType": "jmeter"

    For the all the supported attributes, see the The Test Object.

    Test Details

    Test Details

    curl '' \
        --user 'api_key_id:api_key_secret'

    API Explorer: /tests/{testId}

    To return the details of a specific test, a testId is required. The sample code returns details for a testId of 1234567. Use the actual ID value of your test.

    Test Details API Functional Test Response Attributes

    Response 200 OK

        "limit": 10,
        "skip": 0,
        "total": 1,
        "hidden": 0,
        "api_version": 4,
        "error": null,
        "result": [
                "id": 1234567,
                "name": "My Test Name",
                "isNewTest": true,
                "userId": 123456,
                "created": 1551635668,
                "updated": 1551717656,
                "creatorClientId": "api",
                "overrideExecutions": [
                        "executor": "jmeter",
                        "holdFor": "19m",
                        "rampUp": "1m",
                        "concurrency": 20,
                        "locations": {
                            "us-east-1": 20
                        "locationsPercents": {
                            "us-east-1": 100
                        "steps": 0
                "executions": [
                        "concurrency": 20,
                        "holdFor": "19m",
                        "rampUp": "1m",
                        "steps": 0,
                        "locations": {
                            "us-east-1": 20
                        "locationsPercents": {
                            "us-east-1": 100
                        "executor": "jmeter",
                        "scenario": "default-scenario-6654357"
                "hasThreadGroupsToOverride": false,
                "hasNonRegularThreadGroup": false,
                "shouldSendReportEmail": true,
                "dependencies": [],
                "tags": [
                    "id": 158037,
                    "label": "Dummy"
                "shouldRemoveJmeter": true,
                "projectId": 123456,
                "lastUpdatedById": 123456,
                "configuration": {
                    "type": "taurus",
                    "dedicatedIpsEnabled": false,
                    "canControlRampup": false,
                    "targetThreads": 500,
                    "executionType": "taurusCloud",
                    "enableFailureCriteria": false,
                    "enableMockServices": false,
                    "enableLoadConfiguration": true,
                    "scriptType": "jmeter",
                    "threads": 500,
                    "filename": "dummy_errors.jmx",
                    "testMode": "script",
                    "extraSlots": 0,
                    "plugins": {
                        "jmeter": {
                          "version": "auto",
                          "consoleArgs": "",
                          "enginesArgs": ""
                        "thresholds": {
                          "thresholds": [],
                          "ignoreRampup": false,
                          "fromTaurus": false,
                          "slidingWindow": false

    For the all the supported attributes, see the The Test Object.

    Duplicate a Test

    Duplicate a Test

    curl ''

    API Explorer: /tests/{testId}/duplicate

    To duplicate a test suite, a testId is required. The sample code duplicates the test suite with the testId of 1234567. Use the actual ID value for the test suite to return the detail of that test suite.

    Duplicate a Test Response Attributes

    Response 201 Created

        "api_version": 4,
        "error": null,
        "result": {
            "id": 2345678,
            "isNewTest": true,
            "lastRunTime": 1599568309,
            "name": "Assertions in V4 - Copy",
            "userId": 123456,
            "creatorClientId": "gui",
            "overrideExecutions": [
                    "concurrency": 10,
                    "executor": "jmeter",
                    "locations": {
                        "us-east4-a": 10
                    "locationsPercents": {
                        "us-east4-a": 100
                    "rampUp": "1m",
                    "steps": 0,
                    "holdFor": "59m",
                    "throughput": 10
            "executions": [
                    "concurrency": 10,
                    "usersNotConfigured": false,
                    "holdFor": "59m",
                    "durationIsNotConfigured": false,
                    "rampUp": "1m",
                    "steps": 0,
                    "throughput": 10,
                    "locations": {
                        "us-east4-a": 10
                    "locationsPercents": {
                        "us-east4-a": 100
                    "executor": "jmeter",
                    "scenario": "default-scenario-123456"
            "hasThreadGroupsToOverride": false,
            "shouldSendReportEmail": false,
            "dependencies": [],
            "created": 1599840080,
            "updated": 1599840080,
            "projectId": 123456,
            "configuration": {
                "type": "taurus",
                "dedicatedIpsEnabled": false,
                "canControlRampup": false,
                "targetThreads": 300,
                "executionType": "taurusCloud",
                "enableJMeterProperties": true,
                "enableFailureCriteria": true,
                "enableMockServices": false,
                "enableLoadConfiguration": true,
                "scriptType": "jmeter",
                "threads": 300,
                "filename": "my-script.jmx",
                "testMode": "script",
                "extraSlots": 0,
                "plugins": {
                    "remoteControl": [
                            "key": "myProperty",
                            "value": "aValue"
                    "jmeter": {
                        "version": "auto",
                        "consoleArgs": "",
                        "enginesArgs": ""
                    "thresholds": {
                        "thresholds": [
                                "field": "responseTime.percentile.90",
                                "label": "200 and successfull assertion",
                                "op": "gt",
                                "stopTestOnViolation": true,
                                "value": "2000",
                                "isEmpty": false
                                "field": "responseTime.avg",
                                "label": "I don't exixt",
                                "op": "lt",
                                "stopTestOnViolation": false,
                                "value": "44",
                                "isEmpty": false
                        "ignoreRampup": true,
                        "fromTaurus": false,
                        "slidingWindow": true
                    "userExperience": {
                        "enabled": false,
                        "pages": [
                                "label": "Home",
                                "url": ""
        "request_id": "5f5b9f50963a4"

    For the all the supported attributes, see the The Test Object.

    Delete a Test

    Delete a Test

    curl '' \
        -X DELETE \
        --user 'api_key_id:api_key_secret'

    Response 204 No content

    API Explorer: /tests/{testId}

    To delete a test, DELETE its ID (you need to know the testId). The sample code deletes a test with an ID of 1234567. Use the testId of the actual test to delete in place of the 1234567.

    If you do not know the ID of the test to delete, use the List Tests section to return a list of your created tests.

    Response codes associated with deleting a test include 204 (if the test was successfully deleted) and 404 (if the testId does not exist).

    Multi Tests

    When you create a multi test, you are creating a multi-test and collection object configured with specific parameters.

    Once you have created a multi test, added tests to the multi test, and have uploaded any required data files, you can start the test, which will create a master for control and reporting.

    You will also need the location id to point your test configuration to the correct location(s) you want each test in the multi test to run.

    The Multi Test Object

    The Multi Test Object

        "api_version": 4,
        "error": null,
        "result": {
            "id": 12345678,
            "name": "A Full Test Settings Example",
            "description": "A Full Test Settings Example",
            "collectionType": "multiV4",
            "userId": 123456,
            "items": [],
            "oldVersionId": null,
            "lastRunTime": 1598556724,
            "draftId": null,
            "filesToSplit": [
            "dataFiles": [
            "creatorClientId": "gui",
            "testsForExecutions": [
                    "testId": 1234567,
                    "executions": [
                            "concurrency": 20,
                            "usersNotConfigured": false,
                            "holdFor": "19m",
                            "durationIsNotConfigured": false,
                            "rampUp": "1m",
                            "steps": 0,
                            "throughput": 10,
                            "locations": {
                                "us-east1-b": 10,
                                "us-west1-a": 10
                            "locationsPercents": {
                                "us-east1-b": 50,
                                "us-west1-a": 50
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                            "testId": 1234567,
                            "scenario": "default-scenario-1234567"
                            "concurrency": 1,
                            "holdFor": "1200s",
                            "executor": "selenium",
                            "testId": 1234567,
                            "executionSource": "endUserExperience",
                            "scenario": "End User Experience for Full Test Example"
                    "overrideExecutions": [
                            "concurrency": 20,
                            "serversCount": null,
                            "holdFor": "19m",
                            "rampUp": "1m",
                            "steps": 0,
                            "throughput": 10,
                            "locations": {
                                "us-east1-b": 10,
                                "us-west1-a": 10
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                                "us-east1-b": 50,
                                "us-west1-a": 50
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                            "holdFor": "19m",
                            "durationIsNotConfigured": false,
                            "rampUp": "1m",
                            "iterations": 50,
                            "steps": 0,
                            "throughput": 10,
                            "locations": {
                                "us-east4-a": 20
                            "locationsPercents": {
                                "us-east4-a": 100
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                            "testId": 2345678,
                            "scenario": "default-scenario-2345678"
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                            "holdFor": "1200s",
                            "executor": "selenium",
                            "testId": 2345678,
                            "executionSource": "endUserExperience",
                            "scenario": "End User Experience for Full Test Example 2"
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                            "serversCount": null,
                            "iterations": 50,
                            "rampUp": "1m",
                            "steps": 0,
                            "throughput": 10,
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                                "us-east4-a": 20
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                                "us-east4-a": 100
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            "migratedToTestId": null,
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                    "description": "A Full Test Settings Example",
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                            "locations": {
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                                "us-east1-b": 10
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                                "us-east4-a": 50,
                                "us-east1-b": 50
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                            "steps": 0,
                            "throughput": 10
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                            "steps": 0,
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                            "holdFor": "1200s",
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                    "updated": 1598555574,
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                                        "label": "Homepage",
                                        "url": ""
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                    "name": "Full Test Example 2",
                    "description": "A Full Test Settings Example 2",
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                            "name": "End User Experience for Full Test Example 2",
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                    "properties": [
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                                    "value": "aValue"
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                            "locations": [
                            "scenarios": [
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                                    "value": 20
                            "locations": [
                            "scenarios": [
                    "jetpackLabels": [
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                            "name": "Dummy Sampler 19-5"
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                            "name": "Dummy Sampler 16-3"
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                            "name": "Dummy Sampler 5-4"
                            "id": "ddb1b74c3f9f21baac105072fbd95e879a946f47e23e40d7c00565a99acacd7d",
                            "name": "Dummy Sampler 8-5"
                            "id": "8d2c3b33df4519ef590751a725db1ab4f2d8af63f0230ecb8dfa04395b49142c",
                            "name": "Dummy Sampler 1-3"
                            "id": "92e28a957dd25ee6126ecfc56053a3b417867e254777bacf91ddf35b016fd8d7",
                            "name": "Dummy Sampler 18-3"
                            "id": "598fe62bc04988ae02ee66948b62ce5cb51aea16cfcd790e398f3b176b125543",
                            "name": "Dummy Sampler 8-3"
                            "id": "6db63263206a77caf33733fa38cca9daa3af616ee02fa331cdf4ef08ff07c20c",
                            "name": "Dummy Sampler 10-1"
                            "id": "05370c567029cd96cdd248188806f0f9ea114277ed0ec1fab4b616964dfbba7f",
                            "name": "Dummy Sampler 10-3"
                            "id": "778b52e53a9424f23a05b4702455800f338e8990d5cfdf01606ea25eb1d6dcfc",
                            "name": "Dummy Sampler 9-2"
                            "id": "9ac8a6ff734a9691570e63eb3cb383c3b8b2b78560756c5048e22f995fe9cd98",
                            "name": "Dummy Sampler 16-1"
                            "id": "91132961357b44bcca8cd41ab98e51ea52bb79635a6fbd2ed846793db5327960",
                            "name": "Dummy Sampler 8-2"
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                            "id": "cbd50211d966c8460e31be9a0622aa1ef614c10626c86013edee4b8ffe995d63",
                            "name": "Dummy Sampler 3-2"
                            "id": "63424082d2caf18377d1d0511fe9b11bf6362eea1802c95f08352edc3c8a7a9f",
                            "name": "Dummy Sampler 20-3"
                            "id": "90a45f6678302659a4ba252cf7169c76663c4a08bd73331b00a6ecd630e8ec03",
                            "name": "Dummy Sampler 8-1"
                            "id": "04493fa0833a77105483f32fe2a32e1baca420ea9d6cda52e876010f91b2e087",
                            "name": "Dummy Sampler 6-3"
                            "id": "a33853e884ae4a2f332974875b8f8f0a4521c8c28112e9910b52680582f72dbb",
                            "name": "Dummy Sampler 7-1"
                            "id": "c646927269709fd3d09c9119fcc5b759e9e02ee703d22b8380ef4ed9bdbd1496",
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                            "id": "68a3bd366768242345da1609c8d2b826eef695feb2dcd7533e752830396f2438",
                            "name": "Dummy Sampler 15-5"
                            "id": "877e982d386229478e921a65cbbaa84fb1c14e58d5754216372ea07f79fffcce",
                            "name": "Dummy Sampler 4-1"
                            "id": "6a8331f28925eae87d618fa2a7d34044c8a4640e7f08850d0888737d9e79734d",
                            "name": "Dummy Sampler 5-5"
                            "id": "84a5f2ae39aaf71778af767f85d70e725c24816cd0a9f7f8bdb65945e6730250",
                            "name": "Dummy Sampler 14-2"
                            "id": "426b8776c5aea18236671c2031b79e03e36ae61e9525274ff37c4abd8cbf402a",
                            "name": "Dummy Sampler 4-3"
                            "id": "d26beb176d6172083f44e386db016ffe202064b9473b565dec7faed943579b99",
                            "name": "Dummy Sampler 4-4"
                            "id": "fa5901c964290213a727630018d745079de4d55b2951913a6fd29db41cf020b8",
                            "name": "Dummy Sampler 11-3"
                            "id": "5421f70a20a4cc21671898f969227cf0f7945d8bb64748fe24e97ad8ee12a4bd",
                            "name": "Dummy Sampler 3-3"
                            "id": "b5c7aed7cd2a308523e7d2847b7815909e864b2fd9c4ea88b00d35adb2ecdfd7",
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                            "id": "3c62fe114a84758fc274ef77eeda9ba81e0c0de495ff2786da892245ca25d8a4",
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                            "id": "6be96150c1e953e08a3a1911d9db6ce1f36946840832ea4d3367c781fd2ac6c0",
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                            "id": "c5f2e3537e2b7f2fa204abf63de8bc339036b7eee0f9fcb7168995cf3842a04d",
                            "name": "Dummy Sampler 2-5"
                            "id": "e934b78602eea603ed22388d47aa3090ec643c8dcd604a1ded0f21e8b97f84d3",
                            "name": "Dummy Sampler 5-2"
                            "id": "83acc6011cbf9ab77ebbc1926e0efb3d38891f39b5df0a92f730d9e7ebd54677",
                            "name": "Dummy Sampler 12-3"
                            "id": "8ad90e3eac6ba9a4919c58e925e99cedf15e897827778da751f5db68a56330bf",
                            "name": "Dummy Sampler 19-3"
                            "id": "0afba9498eb0587a5be28586c9fa0111de1bf3475dbe9618ec75e4f46814de56",
                            "name": "Dummy Sampler 2-1"
                            "id": "4e55dd94b0687148f4d3fb819da192caf00af1da9ab4e794922ecee2eb9bcca4",
                            "name": "Dummy Sampler 3-5"
                            "id": "07f8cd6ee5c77a7e8ed1430254f701d6fec3ef0aed713d34816734877b8bc086",
                            "name": "Dummy Sampler 4-2"
                            "id": "d0dd6e4b1eddc8042df773895be292546b71244763b6dbe5f456888d759a0636",
                            "name": "Dummy Sampler 10-2"
                            "id": "aca092e4f1a598ba2ce9fe4d9fbbaeb48be4eee63bff89fd222a38d2d4375871",
                            "name": "Dummy Sampler 12-1"
                            "id": "de5a49b6043c130e9fd482dfff6e039106c712db6471cf1f41f17b702ae1560b",
                            "name": "Dummy Sampler 6-2"
                            "id": "86922481745cf212fa85c1ee4b740df8546a853464a982eb3042dde4ce191fc4",
                            "name": "Dummy Sampler 14-3"
                            "id": "5a212f0d83b87585c312053aa3d9356faedcd7c83e2e862856bfab3bb352ddb3",
                            "name": "Dummy Sampler 9-4"
                            "id": "166a88b346c9a3c8c051c6b0cd33a3b3a889a75e66c9baf7307583705d335cd4",
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                            "id": "687b26024f35d0e43abbe63c1ebf07ab893c27adec485a65868efd1745d35dac",
                            "name": "Dummy Sampler 12-2"
                            "id": "c013b818a253f344d1109bebece47c68eefb8a09e7614ad6665a53faf52bcc5b",
                            "name": "Dummy Sampler 8-4"
                            "id": "9917793e35334cc9e0ac8dddda32974caf006a34f1c0fc53915c07ec45165b42",
                            "name": "Dummy Sampler 12-4"
                            "id": "b8053a39eb9f4fc919b5d9ba0307a4f2c8a06609269bbc1bbb83c3ad39282978",
                            "name": "Dummy Sampler 13-4"
                            "id": "b9709d6c6edcba4fe3e44175285d35afd81a7d3a1eb3e3805ea3b48b6dcb789a",
                            "name": "Dummy Sampler 12-5"
                            "id": "ae6e735e39c6f1728918082eb5ff2cc38533fb2d99acb4cce25b591dd7c24aec",
                            "name": "Dummy Sampler 13-3"
                            "id": "2eeb16c4592db1dfb1968c839da1470319dc2e8115d762d88a0f3c3939af3db8",
                            "name": "Dummy Sampler 14-4"
                            "id": "4829ecac0001f3438346a69f721931d4dc9dc0fe4422bb6d89cc645c9020496d",
                            "name": "Dummy Sampler 15-3"
                            "id": "c5537625bcad55ff83d5d77458e4ebed42d6af21c6838cebf978cc417b921cc2",
                            "name": "Dummy Sampler 17-1"
                            "id": "2c4c77b439900407b286f4eb33b7160d476a16af900ca18a654ad7e061e47217",
                            "name": "Dummy Sampler 10-5"
                            "id": "470dd9efd4931dfb53a09dc548a601a71d3440016927b2122649463e5549da52",
                            "name": "Dummy Sampler 20-5"
                            "id": "73aa5e01278dab139d90c1e9aa23c990382944709cceac06d10cd65a4b831d7f",
                            "name": "Dummy Sampler 6-5"
                            "id": "140a676f713f0eb2bf0fae3b90a60962710215f0bb019a8b66ad7647877ea552",
                            "name": "Dummy Sampler 18-1"
                            "id": "1567863ec25cafbcb2096f6df70fd9a09795f54e3320d567cbfb15745c3f75b0",
                            "name": "Dummy Sampler 17-2"
                            "id": "3077351f2d30ec1d9ae04ffe650bd48c170f285b605f6361d35fe062a3ee49b3",
                            "name": "Dummy Sampler 17-3"
                            "id": "6c27df800121d70a8bd7b1e5d44e6b6df537c7701cc3a1e6fe4360f24e313814",
                            "name": "Dummy Sampler 20-4"
                            "id": "214d463309bc94e927761a111c2fb2f8a71d68d385a04de41953d654c78fe730",
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                            "id": "ce873b3e1ee8b6cb68b054d5183a477074921c18e8b76b32ed7b131a666160b1",
                            "name": "Dummy Sampler 18-2"
                            "id": "585ee62293662d8e2c161c2621efe4e4b7d8e7cd8de5d19699ee943fb7e0d4f9",
                            "name": "Dummy Sampler 2-2"
                            "id": "dee07183c003946de4025ba7254aae42ba735fd3c0c5c16ed25e3f7781afaf42",
                            "name": "Dummy Sampler 17-4"
                            "id": "5a89b5ddc9ad089d0710d21a353cef4aceae32986d878b9fba63caa078413c7d",
                            "name": "Dummy Sampler 18-4"
                            "id": "462afc6b4bd64d9c36b76647a73f0d6804d2040bf0144eb120eb0a62271161aa",
                            "name": "Dummy Sampler 13-1"
                            "id": "a84e1865e6521543fe19aebb2a17880758c3eedd3862d77406ced6ba32173471",
                            "name": "Dummy Sampler 17-5"
                            "id": "604f26d4fd943ca3f9151b787861fb38418981ebde5c1d895eccc0c27dee1bc8",
                            "name": "Dummy Sampler 20-1"
                            "id": "f2259feb82136c0a9e7741a26064a9dc481b4eba05aec62255a7e6730c3ef58a",
                            "name": "Dummy Sampler 20-2"
                            "id": "6cd919cc493c050f18cf5a51b011072cdb16aa89128ce77082698447ceebf736",
                            "name": "Dummy Sampler 19-1"
                            "id": "37bb60ebb0d33cff3b0781173dd81565132d5f8765ddda7c28300665f78aff77",
                            "name": "Dummy Sampler 19-2"
                            "id": "a2d3f40bbbd4ca65daa242eaeca2473f35dcc1b594f2c047fb8941df1131a3be",
                            "name": "Dummy Sampler 19-4"
                    "dependencies": [
                            "services": [
                                    "service": "BlazeDemo",
                                    "mock-service": "Entries Mock Service",
                                    "mock-service-template": "Blazedemo Entries Template"
                    "env": "",
                    "enableFailureCriteria": {
                        "1234567": true,
                        "2345678": true
                    "enableLoadConfiguration": true,
                    "created": 1598556695,
                    "updated": 1598558701,
                    "thresholds": [
                            "thresholds": [
                                    "field": "responseTime.avg",
                                    "label": "ALL",
                                    "op": "gt",
                                    "stopTestOnViolation": false,
                                    "value": "1500",
                                    "isEmpty": false
                                    "field": "responseTime.max",
                                    "label": "ALL",
                                    "op": "gt",
                                    "stopTestOnViolation": true,
                                    "value": "3000",
                                    "isEmpty": false
                            "ignoreRampup": true,
                            "fromTaurus": false,
                            "slidingWindow": true,
                            "testId": 1234567
                            "thresholds": [
                                    "field": "responseTime.avg",
                                    "label": "ALL",
                                    "op": "gt",
                                    "stopTestOnViolation": false,
                                    "value": "1500",
                                    "isEmpty": false
                                    "field": "responseTime.max",
                                    "label": "ALL",
                                    "op": "gt",
                                    "stopTestOnViolation": true,
                                    "value": "3000",
                                    "isEmpty": false
                            "ignoreRampup": true,
                            "fromTaurus": false,
                            "slidingWindow": true,
                            "testId": 2345678
        "request_id": "5f4819c52ed93"


    Create a Multi Test

    API Explorer: /multi-tests

    To create a multi test:

    1. Create the multi-test object with a POST to the test endpoint (see sample code).
    2. Capture the collectionId returned as id from the response.
    3. Add tests to multi test by using the collectionId, which is explained in the Add Tests to Multi Test section.
    4. Edit the test configurations for individual test, which is explained in the Edit Tests in Multi Test section.
    5. Upload data files by using the collectionId and the code explained in the Upload or Update Data Files section.

    See Update a Multi Test for more information.

    Create A Multi Test Request Attributes

    Create a Multi Test

    curl '' \
        -X POST \
        -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
        --user 'api_key_id:api_key_secret' \
        -d '{"collectionType": "multiV4","name": "Minimum Configuration","projectId": 123456}'

    Create a Multi Test Create a Multi Test POST Body (JSON)

      "collectionType": "multiV4",
      "name": "My Multi Test",
      "projectId": 123456


    Create a Multi Test Response Attributes

    Response 201 Created

        "api_version": 4,
        "error": null,
        "result": {
            "id": 12345678,
            "name": "My Multi Test",
            "collectionType": "multiV4",
            "userId": 123456,
            "created": 1552063283,
            "updated": 1552063283,
            "creatorClientId": "api",
            "shouldSendReportEmail": true,
            "projectId": 123456,
            "filesToSplit": [],
            "dataFiles": []

    For the full details of all the attributes for the GUI Functional Test, you can visit The Multi Test Object.

    Add Tests to Multi Test

    Add Tests to Multi Test

    curl '' \
        -X POST \
        -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
        --user 'api_key_id:api_key_secret' \
        -d '["1234567", "2345678"]'

    API Explorer /collections/{collectionId}/add-tests-executions

    To add tests to a multi test, you need to provide a list of testIds to be added. The sample code to the right is adding 2 tests (testId 1234567 and 2345678) to the multi test with collectionId of 12345678. Replace the testIds for each test you want to include (as strings) and replace collectionId 12345678 with the collectionId of your multi test.

    Add Tests to Multi Test Request Attributes

    Add Tests to Multi Test Add Tests to Multi Test POST Body (JSON)



    Add Tests to Multi Test Response Attributes

    Response 200 OK

        "api_version": 4,
        "error": null,
        "result": {
            "id": 12345678,
            "name": "My Multi Test",
            "description": null,
            "collectionType": "multiV4",
            "userId": 123456,
            "items": [],
            "oldVersionId": null,
            "lastRunTime": null,
            "draftId": null,
            "filesToSplit": [],
            "dataFiles": [],
            "creatorClientId": "api",
            "testsForExecutions": [
                    "testId": 1234567,
                    "executions": [
                            "concurrency": 20,
                            "holdFor": "19m",
                            "rampUp": "1m",
                            "steps": 0,
                            "locations": {
                                "us-east-1": 20
                            "locationsPercents": {
                                "us-east-1": 100
                            "executor": "jmeter",
                            "testId": 1234567,
                            "scenario": "default-scenario-1234567"
                    "overrideExecutions": [
                            "concurrency": 20,
                            "executor": "jmeter",
                            "holdFor": "19m",
                            "locations": {
                                "us-east-1": 20
                            "locationsPercents": {
                                "us-east-1": 100
                            "rampUp": "1m",
                            "steps": 0
                    "testId": 2345678,
                    "executions": [
                            "concurrency": 20,
                            "holdFor": "19m",
                            "rampUp": "1m",
                            "steps": 0,
                            "locations": {
                                "us-east-1": 20
                            "locationsPercents": {
                                "us-east-1": 100
                            "executor": "jmeter",
                            "testId": 2345678,
                            "scenario": "default-scenario-2345678"
                    "overrideExecutions": [
                            "concurrency": 20,
                            "executor": "jmeter",
                            "holdFor": "19m",
                            "locations": {
                                "us-east-1": 20
                            "locationsPercents": {
                                "us-east-1": 100
                            "rampUp": "1m",
                            "steps": 0
            "migratedFromTestCollectionId": null,
            "migratedToTestId": null,
            "v4MigratedDate": null,
            "underMigration": null,
            "shouldSendReportEmail": true,
            "created": 1552063283,
            "updated": 1552068365,
            "note": null,
            "projectId": 123456,
            "lastUpdatedById": null,
            "kpiTrackingData": null,
            "tests": [
                    "id": 1234567,
                    "isNewTest": true,
                    "lastRunTime": 1552060161,
                    "name": "New Dummy Test V4 2",
                    "userId": 123456,
                    "creatorClientId": "gui",
                    "overrideExecutions": [
                            "concurrency": 20,
                            "executor": "jmeter",
                            "holdFor": "19m",
                            "locations": {
                                "us-east-1": 20
                            "locationsPercents": {
                                "us-east-1": 100
                            "rampUp": "1m",
                            "steps": 0
                    "executions": [
                            "concurrency": 20,
                            "holdFor": "19m",
                            "rampUp": "1m",
                            "steps": 0,
                            "locations": {
                                "us-east-1": 20
                            "locationsPercents": {
                                "us-east-1": 100
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                            "scenario": "default-scenario-6426953"
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                    "created": 1542289535,
                    "updated": 1552060217,
                    "configuration": {
                        "type": "taurus",
                        "canControlRampup": false,
                        "targetThreads": 500,
                        "executionType": "taurusCloud",
                        "scriptType": "jmeter",
                        "threads": 500,
                        "filename": "Dummy.jmx",
                        "testMode": "",
                        "plugins": {
                            "jmeter": {
                                "version": "auto"
                            "thresholds": {
                                "thresholds": [],
                                "ignoreRampup": false,
                                "slidingWindow": false
                    "fileErrors": []
                    "id": 2345678,
                    "isNewTest": true,
                    "lastRunTime": 1552060161,
                    "name": "Parallel Controller Script V4",
                    "userId": 123456,
                    "creatorClientId": "gui",
                    "overrideExecutions": [
                            "concurrency": 20,
                            "executor": "jmeter",
                            "holdFor": "19m",
                            "locations": {
                                "us-east-1": 20
                            "locationsPercents": {
                                "us-east-1": 100
                            "rampUp": "1m",
                            "steps": 0
                    "executions": [
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                            "rampUp": "1m",
                            "steps": 0,
                            "locations": {
                                "us-east-1": 20
                            "locationsPercents": {
                                "us-east-1": 100
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                            "scenario": "default-scenario-6490190"
                    "shouldSendReportEmail": false,
                    "created": 1545324446,
                    "updated": 1552060219,
                    "configuration": {
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                        "scriptType": "jmeter",
                        "threads": 500,
                        "filename": "DummyParallelControllerGenerateParent.jmx",
                        "testMode": "",
                        "plugins": {
                            "jmeter": {
                                "version": "auto"
                            "thresholds": {
                                "thresholds": [],
                                "ignoreRampup": false,
                                "slidingWindow": false
                    "fileErrors": []
            "masters": []

    For the full details of all the attributes for the GUI Functional Test, you can visit The Multi Test Object.

    Edit Tests in Multi Test

    Edit Tests in Multi Test

    curl '' \
        -X PUT \
        -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
        --user 'api_key_id:api_key_secret' \
        -d '{"index":0,"overrideExecutions":[{"concurrency":10,"executor":"jmeter","holdFor":"19m","locations":{"us-east-1":10},"locationsPercents":{"us-east-1":100},"rampUp":"1m","steps":0,"locationsWeighted":null}]}'

    API Explorer /collections/{collectionId}/override-tests-executions

    To edit a test in a multi test, you need to provide the index of the test you want to change and setting the overrideExecutions values to the desired values. You will need to know where in the list of tests the test you want to edit resides in using either the Add Tests to Multi Test response or List Multi Tests.

    The sample code to the right is changing the number of users for the first test in the multi test with collectionId of 12345678. Replace the values for each attribute in the test you want to change and replace collectionId 12345678 with the collectionId of your multi test.

    Edit Tests in Multi Test Request Attributes

    Edit Tests in Multi Test Edit Tests in Multi Test POST Body (JSON)

      "index": 0,
      "overrideExecutions": [
          "concurrency": 10,
          "executor": "jmeter",
          "holdFor": "19m",
          "locations": {
            "us-east-1": 10
          "locationsPercents": {
            "us-east-1": 100
          "rampUp": "1m",
          "steps": 0


    Edit Tests in Multi Test Response Attributes

    Response 200 OK

        "api_version": 4,
        "error": null,
        "result": {
            "id": 12345678,
            "name": "My Multi Test",
            "description": null,
            "collectionType": "multiV4",
            "userId": 123456,
            "items": [],
            "oldVersionId": null,
            "lastRunTime": null,
            "draftId": null,
            "filesToSplit": [],
            "dataFiles": [],
            "creatorClientId": "api",
            "testsForExecutions": [
                    "testId": 1234567,
                    "executions": [
                            "concurrency": 10,
                            "holdFor": "19m",
                            "rampUp": "1m",
                            "steps": 0,
                            "locations": {
                                "us-east-1": 10
                            "locationsPercents": {
                                "us-east-1": 100
                            "executor": "jmeter",
                            "testId": 1234567,
                            "scenario": "default-scenario-1234567"
                    "overrideExecutions": [
                            "concurrency": 10,
                            "executor": "jmeter",
                            "holdFor": "19m",
                            "locations": {
                                "us-east-1": 10
                            "locationsPercents": {
                                "us-east-1": 100
                            "rampUp": "1m",
                            "steps": 0,
                            "locationsWeighted": null
                    "testId": 2345678,
                    "executions": [
                            "concurrency": 20,
                            "holdFor": "19m",
                            "rampUp": "1m",
                            "steps": 0,
                            "locations": {
                                "us-east-1": 20
                            "locationsPercents": {
                                "us-east-1": 100
                            "executor": "jmeter",
                            "testId": 2345678,
                            "scenario": "default-scenario-2345678"
                    "overrideExecutions": [
                            "concurrency": 20,
                            "executor": "jmeter",
                            "holdFor": "19m",
                            "locations": {
                                "us-east-1": 20
                            "locationsPercents": {
                                "us-east-1": 100
                            "rampUp": "1m",
                            "steps": 0
            "migratedFromTestCollectionId": null,
            "migratedToTestId": null,
            "v4MigratedDate": null,
            "underMigration": null,
            "shouldSendReportEmail": true,
            "created": 1552063283,
            "updated": 1552077214,
            "note": null,
            "projectId": 123456,
            "lastUpdatedById": null,
            "kpiTrackingData": null,
            "tests": [
                    "id": 1234567,
                    "isNewTest": true,
                    "lastRunTime": 1552060161,
                    "name": "New Dummy Test V4 2",
                    "userId": 123456,
                    "creatorClientId": "gui",
                    "overrideExecutions": [
                            "concurrency": 20,
                            "executor": "jmeter",
                            "holdFor": "19m",
                            "locations": {
                                "us-east-1": 20
                            "locationsPercents": {
                                "us-east-1": 100
                            "rampUp": "1m",
                            "steps": 0
                    "executions": [
                            "concurrency": 20,
                            "holdFor": "19m",
                            "rampUp": "1m",
                            "steps": 0,
                            "locations": {
                                "us-east-1": 20
                            "locationsPercents": {
                                "us-east-1": 100
                            "executor": "jmeter",
                            "scenario": "default-scenario-1234567"
                    "shouldSendReportEmail": false,
                    "created": 1542289535,
                    "updated": 1552060217,
                    "configuration": {
                        "type": "taurus",
                        "canControlRampup": false,
                        "targetThreads": 500,
                        "executionType": "taurusCloud",
                        "scriptType": "jmeter",
                        "threads": 500,
                        "filename": "Dummy.jmx",
                        "testMode": "",
                        "plugins": {
                            "jmeter": {
                                "version": "auto"
                            "thresholds": {
                                "thresholds": [],
                                "ignoreRampup": false,
                                "slidingWindow": false
                    "fileErrors": []
                    "id": 2345678,
                    "isNewTest": true,
                    "lastRunTime": 1552060161,
                    "name": "Parallel Controller Script V4",
                    "userId": 123456,
                    "creatorClientId": "gui",
                    "overrideExecutions": [
                            "concurrency": 20,
                            "executor": "jmeter",
                            "holdFor": "19m",
                            "locations": {
                                "us-east-1": 20
                            "locationsPercents": {
                                "us-east-1": 100
                            "rampUp": "1m",
                            "steps": 0
                    "executions": [
                            "concurrency": 20,
                            "holdFor": "19m",
                            "rampUp": "1m",
                            "steps": 0,
                            "locations": {
                                "us-east-1": 20
                            "locationsPercents": {
                                "us-east-1": 100
                            "executor": "jmeter",
                            "scenario": "default-scenario-2345678"
                    "shouldSendReportEmail": false,
                    "created": 1545324446,
                    "updated": 1552060219,
                    "configuration": {
                        "type": "taurus",
                        "canControlRampup": false,
                        "targetThreads": 500,
                        "executionType": "taurusCloud",
                        "scriptType": "jmeter",
                        "threads": 500,
                        "filename": "DummyParallelControllerGenerateParent.jmx",
                        "testMode": "",
                        "plugins": {
                            "jmeter": {
                                "version": "auto"
                            "thresholds": {
                                "thresholds": [],
                                "ignoreRampup": false,
                                "slidingWindow": false
                    "fileErrors": []
            "masters": []

    For the full details of all the attributes for the GUI Functional Test, you can visit The Multi Test Object.

    Delete a Test in Multi Test

    Delete a Test in Multi Test

    curl '' \
        -X POST \
        -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
        --user 'api_key_id:api_key_secret' \
        -d '{"index": 1}'

    API Explorer /collections/{collectionId}/remove-tests-executions

    To remove a test from a multi test, you need to provide the index value of the test you want to remove. In the example to the right, the index value provided was 1, which references the second test in the multi test with the collectionId of 12345678, is deleted from the multi test.

    Delete a Test in Multi Test Request Attributes

    Delete a Test in Multi Test Delete a Test in Multi Test POST Body (JSON)

      "index": 1


    Delete a Test in Multi Test Response Attributes

    Response 200 OK

        "api_version": 4,
        "error": null,
        "result": {
            "id": 12345678,
            "name": "My Multi Test",
            "description": null,
            "collectionType": "multiV4",
            "userId": 123456,
            "items": [],
            "oldVersionId": null,
            "lastRunTime": null,
            "draftId": null,
            "filesToSplit": [],
            "dataFiles": [],
            "creatorClientId": "api",
            "testsForExecutions": [
                    "testId": 1234567,
                    "executions": [
                            "concurrency": 10,
                            "holdFor": "19m",
                            "rampUp": "1m",
                            "steps": 0,
                            "locations": {
                                "us-east-1": 10
                            "locationsPercents": {
                                "us-east-1": 100
                            "executor": "jmeter",
                            "testId": 1234567,
                            "scenario": "default-scenario-1234567"
                    "overrideExecutions": [
                            "concurrency": 10,
                            "executor": "jmeter",
                            "holdFor": "19m",
                            "locations": {
                                "us-east-1": 10
                            "locationsPercents": {
                                "us-east-1": 100
                            "rampUp": "1m",
                            "steps": 0,
                            "locationsWeighted": null
            "migratedFromTestCollectionId": null,
            "migratedToTestId": null,
            "v4MigratedDate": null,
            "underMigration": null,
            "shouldSendReportEmail": true,
            "created": 1552063283,
            "updated": 1552081344,
            "note": null,
            "projectId": 167798,
            "lastUpdatedById": null,
            "kpiTrackingData": null,
            "tests": [
                    "id": 6426953,
                    "isNewTest": true,
                    "lastRunTime": 1552060161,
                    "name": "New Dummy Test V4 2",
                    "userId": 344260,
                    "creatorClientId": "gui",
                    "overrideExecutions": [
                            "concurrency": 20,
                            "executor": "jmeter",
                            "holdFor": "19m",
                            "locations": {
                                "us-east-1": 20
                            "locationsPercents": {
                                "us-east-1": 100
                            "rampUp": "1m",
                            "steps": 0
                    "executions": [
                            "concurrency": 20,
                            "holdFor": "19m",
                            "rampUp": "1m",
                            "steps": 0,
                            "locations": {
                                "us-east-1": 20
                            "locationsPercents": {
                                "us-east-1": 100
                            "executor": "jmeter",
                            "scenario": "default-scenario-6426953"
                    "shouldSendReportEmail": false,
                    "created": 1542289535,
                    "updated": 1552060217,
                    "configuration": {
                        "type": "taurus",
                        "canControlRampup": false,
                        "targetThreads": 500,
                        "executionType": "taurusCloud",
                        "scriptType": "jmeter",
                        "threads": 500,
                        "filename": "Dummy.jmx",
                        "testMode": "",
                        "plugins": {
                            "jmeter": {
                                "version": "auto"
                            "thresholds": {
                                "thresholds": [],
                                "ignoreRampup": false,
                                "slidingWindow": false
                    "fileErrors": []
            "masters": []

    For the full details of all the attributes for the GUI Functional Test, you can visit The Multi Test Object.

    Upload or Update Data Files

    To upload or update an asset file, first get a signed URL, and then use it to upload the file.

    If you are a private cloud user, please see this link for the steps for uploading data files to a multi test.

    Get Signed URL

    Upload or Update Data Files Get Signed URL

    curl '' \
        -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
        --user 'api_key_id:api_key_secret'

    Response 200 OK

        "api_version": 4,
        "error": null,
        "result": ""

    API Explorer: /collections/{collectionId}/s3/sign

    First, use the collectionId and fileName to get a signed URL, which will later be used to upload the specified file to the test. The sample code returns a URL for a collectionId of 10027459 and a fileName of colors.csv. Replace colors.csv with the actual file name, and 10027459 with your collectionId.

    Upload File to Signed URL

    Upload or Update Data Files Upload File to Signed URL

    curl '' \
        -X PUT \
        -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
        --data-binary '@/my/path/to/colors.csv'

    Response 200 OK

    Once you have obtained the signed URL (from the result attribute of Get Signed URL section), construct a PUT request with the file as your body. Use the following template for the file path and name:

    'file=@*path to file*/*file*.*ext*'

    In the example to the right, replace @/my/path/to/colors.csv with the actual path and file name.

    To update the contents of an uploaded file, repeat the same two-step operation (GET signed url, PUT the file in the signed url given). Be sure to upload the updated file using the same file name.

    Data File Requirements

    The file naming requirements, limitations on file content, file size and impact of uploaded files on start time remain the same as the single test.

    List Data Files

    List Data Files

    curl '' \
        --user 'api_key_id:api_key_secret'

    API Explorer: /multi-tests/{collectionId}/files

    To return a list of files in a test, a collectionId is required. The sample code returns a list of files for the test with collectionId of 12345678. Use the actual ID values for the test to return the list of its files.

    List Data Files Parameters


    List Data Files Response Attributes

    Response 200 OK

        "api_version": 4,
        "error": null,
        "result": [
                "lastModified": 1598555803,
                "name": "colors.csv",
                "size": 84,
                "link": "",
                "linkExpire": 1599159344
        "request_id": "5f4feaafd80aa"


    Delete Data Files

    Delete Data Files

    curl '' \
        -X POST \
        -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
        --user 'api_key_id:api_key_secret' \
        -d '{"fileName":"colors.csv"}'

    API Explorer: /collections/{collectionId}/delete-file

    To delete a data file from a multi test, you need to send the fileName of the file you want to remove from the multi test. In the sample code to the right, we are wanting to delete the colors.csv file, so the fileName value needs to match colors.csv. This will then delete the colors.csv file from collectionId 12345678.

    You should set the collectionId with your multi test's ID and the fileName colors.csv should be replaced with a file that exists in your multi test.

    Delete Data Files Request Attributes

    Delete Data Files Delete Data Files POST Body (JSON)

      "fileName": "colors.csv"


    Delete Data Files Attributes

    Response 200 OK

        "api_version": 4,
        "error": null,
        "result": true

    The result attribute will be true if the data file was deleted successfully.

    Update a Multi Test

    Update a Multi Test

    curl '' \
        -X PUT \
        -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
        --user 'api_key_id:api_key_secret' \
        -d '{"description": "This is an update."}'

    API Explorer: /collections/{collectionId}

    To update a multi test, use PUT to change the provided configuration for a given test (you need to know the collectionId). The sample code updates a multi test with an ID of 12345678 (the 12345678 is contained in the URL) with a new description, This is an update.. The sample code updates the test created in the Create a Multi Test section.

    If you do not know the collectionId of the test to update, use List Multi Tests to return a list of your created tests.

    See the Multi Test Object for all parameters that you can modify.

    Update a Multi Test Request Attributes

    Update a Multi Test Update a Multi Test PUT Body (JSON)

      "description": "This is an update."


    Update a Multi Test Response Attributes

    Response 200 OK

        "api_version": 4,
        "error": null,
        "result": {
            "id": 12345678,
            "name": "My Multi Test",
            "description": "This is an update.",
            "collectionType": "multiV4",
            "userId": 123456,
            "items": [],
            "oldVersionId": null,
            "lastRunTime": null,
            "draftId": null,
            "filesToSplit": [],
            "dataFiles": [],
            "creatorClientId": "api",
            "testsForExecutions": [
                    "testId": 1234567,
                    "executions": [
                            "concurrency": 10,
                            "holdFor": "19m",
                            "rampUp": "1m",
                            "steps": 0,
                            "locations": {
                                "us-east-1": 10
                            "locationsPercents": {
                                "us-east-1": 100
                            "executor": "jmeter",
                            "testId": 1234567,
                            "scenario": "default-scenario-1234567"
                    "overrideExecutions": [
                            "concurrency": 10,
                            "executor": "jmeter",
                            "holdFor": "19m",
                            "locations": {
                                "us-east-1": 10
                            "locationsPercents": {
                                "us-east-1": 100
                            "rampUp": "1m",
                            "steps": 0,
                            "locationsWeighted": null
                    "testId": 2345678,
                    "executions": [
                            "concurrency": 20,
                            "holdFor": "19m",
                            "rampUp": "1m",
                            "steps": 0,
                            "locations": {
                                "us-east-1": 20
                            "locationsPercents": {
                                "us-east-1": 100
                            "executor": "jmeter",
                            "testId": 2345678,
                            "scenario": "default-scenario-2345678"
                    "overrideExecutions": [
                            "concurrency": 20,
                            "executor": "jmeter",
                            "holdFor": "19m",
                            "locations": {
                                "us-east-1": 20
                            "locationsPercents": {
                                "us-east-1": 100
                            "rampUp": "1m",
                            "steps": 0
            "migratedFromTestCollectionId": null,
            "migratedToTestId": null,
            "v4MigratedDate": null,
            "underMigration": null,
            "shouldSendReportEmail": true,
            "created": 1552063283,
            "updated": 1552084407,
            "note": null,
            "projectId": 123456,
            "lastUpdatedById": null,
            "kpiTrackingData": null,
            "tests": [
                    "id": 1234567,
                    "isNewTest": true,
                    "lastRunTime": 1552060161,
                    "name": "New Dummy Test V4 2",
                    "userId": 123456,
                    "creatorClientId": "gui",
                    "overrideExecutions": [
                            "concurrency": 20,
                            "executor": "jmeter",
                            "holdFor": "19m",
                            "locations": {
                                "us-east-1": 20
                            "locationsPercents": {
                                "us-east-1": 100
                            "rampUp": "1m",
                            "steps": 0
                    "executions": [
                            "concurrency": 20,
                            "holdFor": "19m",
                            "rampUp": "1m",
                            "steps": 0,
                            "locations": {
                                "us-east-1": 20
                            "locationsPercents": {
                                "us-east-1": 100
                            "executor": "jmeter",
                            "scenario": "default-scenario-1234567"
                    "shouldSendReportEmail": false,
                    "created": 1542289535,
                    "updated": 1552060217,
                    "configuration": {
                        "type": "taurus",
                        "canControlRampup": false,
                        "targetThreads": 500,
                        "executionType": "taurusCloud",
                        "scriptType": "jmeter",
                        "threads": 500,
                        "filename": "Dummy.jmx",
                        "testMode": "",
                        "plugins": {
                            "jmeter": {
                                "version": "auto"
                            "thresholds": {
                                "thresholds": [],
                                "ignoreRampup": false,
                                "slidingWindow": false
                    "fileErrors": []
                    "id": 2345678,
                    "isNewTest": true,
                    "lastRunTime": 1552060161,
                    "name": "Parallel Controller Script V4",
                    "userId": 123456,
                    "creatorClientId": "gui",
                    "overrideExecutions": [
                            "concurrency": 20,
                            "executor": "jmeter",
                            "holdFor": "19m",
                            "locations": {
                                "us-east-1": 20
                            "locationsPercents": {
                                "us-east-1": 100
                            "rampUp": "1m",
                            "steps": 0
                    "executions": [
                            "concurrency": 20,
                            "holdFor": "19m",
                            "rampUp": "1m",
                            "steps": 0,
                            "locations": {
                                "us-east-1": 20
                            "locationsPercents": {
                                "us-east-1": 100
                            "executor": "jmeter",
                            "scenario": "default-scenario-2345678"
                    "shouldSendReportEmail": false,
                    "created": 1545324446,
                    "updated": 1552060219,
                    "configuration": {
                        "type": "taurus",
                        "canControlRampup": false,
                        "targetThreads": 500,
                        "executionType": "taurusCloud",
                        "scriptType": "jmeter",
                        "threads": 500,
                        "filename": "DummyParallelControllerGenerateParent.jmx",
                        "testMode": "",
                        "plugins": {
                            "jmeter": {
                                "version": "auto"
                            "thresholds": {
                                "thresholds": [],
                                "ignoreRampup": false,
                                "slidingWindow": false
                    "fileErrors": []
            "masters": []

    For the all the supported attributes, see the The Multi Test Object.

    List Multi Tests

    List Multi Tests

    curl '' \
        -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
        --user 'api_key_id:api_key_secret'

    API Explorer: /multi-tests

    To return a list of created multi tests, a projectId or a workspaceId is required. The sample code returns a list for items with a projectId of 123456 and a workspaceId of 123456. Use the actual ID values for the project or workspace to return the list of its multi tests.

    You can return a list specifying either a projectId, a workspaceId, or both. The returned list contains each test's collectionId (shows up as id in the response) and configuration.

    List Multi Test Parameters


    Also see: Pagination and Sorting

    List Multi Tests Response Attributes

    Response 200 OK

        "limit": 10,
        "skip": 0,
        "total": 103,
        "hidden": 0,
        "api_version": 4,
        "error": null,
        "result": [
                "id": 12345678,
                "name": "My Multi Test",
                "collectionType": "multiV4",
                "userId": 123456,
                "items": [],
                "created": 1552063283,
                "updated": 1552084407,
                "creatorClientId": "api",
                "testsForExecutions": [
                        "testId": 1234567,
                        "executions": [
                                "concurrency": 10,
                                "holdFor": "19m",
                                "rampUp": "1m",
                                "steps": 0,
                                "locations": {
                                    "us-east-1": 10
                                "locationsPercents": {
                                    "us-east-1": 100
                                "executor": "jmeter",
                                "testId": 1234567,
                                "scenario": "default-scenario-1234567"
                        "overrideExecutions": [
                                "concurrency": 10,
                                "executor": "jmeter",
                                "holdFor": "19m",
                                "locations": {
                                    "us-east-1": 10
                                "locationsPercents": {
                                    "us-east-1": 100
                                "rampUp": "1m",
                                "steps": 0,
                                "locationsWeighted": null
                        "testId": 2345678,
                        "executions": [
                                "concurrency": 20,
                                "holdFor": "19m",
                                "rampUp": "1m",
                                "steps": 0,
                                "locations": {
                                    "us-east-1": 20
                                "locationsPercents": {
                                    "us-east-1": 100
                                "executor": "jmeter",
                                "testId": 2345678,
                                "scenario": "default-scenario-2345678"
                        "overrideExecutions": [
                                "concurrency": 20,
                                "executor": "jmeter",
                                "holdFor": "19m",
                                "locations": {
                                    "us-east-1": 20
                                "locationsPercents": {
                                    "us-east-1": 100
                                "rampUp": "1m",
                                "steps": 0
                "shouldSendReportEmail": true,
                "projectId": 123456,
                "filesToSplit": [],
                "dataFiles": []

    For the all the supported attributes, see the The Multi Test Object.

    Multi Test Details

    Multi Test Details

    curl '' \
        --user 'api_key_id:api_key_secret'

    API Explorer: /multi-tests/{collectionId}

    To return the details of a specific multi test, a collectionId is required. The sample code returns the multi test details for a collectionId of 12345678. Use the actual ID value for the test suite to return the detail of that multi test.

    Multi Test Details Parameters


    Multi Test Details Response Attributes

    Response 200 OK

        "api_version": 4,
        "error": null,
        "result": {
            "id": 12345678,
            "name": "A Full Test Settings Example",
            "description": "A Full Test Settings Example",
            "collectionType": "multiV4",
            "userId": 123456,
            "items": [],
            "oldVersionId": null,
            "lastRunTime": 1598556724,
            "draftId": null,
            "filesToSplit": [
            "dataFiles": [
            "creatorClientId": "gui",
            "testsForExecutions": [
                    "testId": 1234567,
                    "executions": [
                            "concurrency": 20,
                            "usersNotConfigured": false,
                            "holdFor": "19m",
                            "durationIsNotConfigured": false,
                            "rampUp": "1m",
                            "steps": 0,
                            "throughput": 10,
                            "locations": {
                                "us-east1-b": 10,
                                "us-west1-a": 10
                            "locationsPercents": {
                                "us-east1-b": 50,
                                "us-west1-a": 50
                            "executor": "jmeter",
                            "testId": 1234567,
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                            "id": "6a8331f28925eae87d618fa2a7d34044c8a4640e7f08850d0888737d9e79734d",
                            "name": "Dummy Sampler 5-5"
                            "id": "84a5f2ae39aaf71778af767f85d70e725c24816cd0a9f7f8bdb65945e6730250",
                            "name": "Dummy Sampler 14-2"
                            "id": "426b8776c5aea18236671c2031b79e03e36ae61e9525274ff37c4abd8cbf402a",
                            "name": "Dummy Sampler 4-3"
                            "id": "d26beb176d6172083f44e386db016ffe202064b9473b565dec7faed943579b99",
                            "name": "Dummy Sampler 4-4"
                            "id": "fa5901c964290213a727630018d745079de4d55b2951913a6fd29db41cf020b8",
                            "name": "Dummy Sampler 11-3"
                            "id": "5421f70a20a4cc21671898f969227cf0f7945d8bb64748fe24e97ad8ee12a4bd",
                            "name": "Dummy Sampler 3-3"
                            "id": "b5c7aed7cd2a308523e7d2847b7815909e864b2fd9c4ea88b00d35adb2ecdfd7",
                            "name": "ALL"
                            "id": "3c62fe114a84758fc274ef77eeda9ba81e0c0de495ff2786da892245ca25d8a4",
                            "name": "Dummy Sampler 7-4"
                            "id": "6be96150c1e953e08a3a1911d9db6ce1f36946840832ea4d3367c781fd2ac6c0",
                            "name": "Dummy Sampler 1-1"
                            "id": "c5f2e3537e2b7f2fa204abf63de8bc339036b7eee0f9fcb7168995cf3842a04d",
                            "name": "Dummy Sampler 2-5"
                            "id": "e934b78602eea603ed22388d47aa3090ec643c8dcd604a1ded0f21e8b97f84d3",
                            "name": "Dummy Sampler 5-2"
                            "id": "83acc6011cbf9ab77ebbc1926e0efb3d38891f39b5df0a92f730d9e7ebd54677",
                            "name": "Dummy Sampler 12-3"
                            "id": "8ad90e3eac6ba9a4919c58e925e99cedf15e897827778da751f5db68a56330bf",
                            "name": "Dummy Sampler 19-3"
                            "id": "0afba9498eb0587a5be28586c9fa0111de1bf3475dbe9618ec75e4f46814de56",
                            "name": "Dummy Sampler 2-1"
                            "id": "4e55dd94b0687148f4d3fb819da192caf00af1da9ab4e794922ecee2eb9bcca4",
                            "name": "Dummy Sampler 3-5"
                            "id": "07f8cd6ee5c77a7e8ed1430254f701d6fec3ef0aed713d34816734877b8bc086",
                            "name": "Dummy Sampler 4-2"
                            "id": "d0dd6e4b1eddc8042df773895be292546b71244763b6dbe5f456888d759a0636",
                            "name": "Dummy Sampler 10-2"
                            "id": "aca092e4f1a598ba2ce9fe4d9fbbaeb48be4eee63bff89fd222a38d2d4375871",
                            "name": "Dummy Sampler 12-1"
                            "id": "de5a49b6043c130e9fd482dfff6e039106c712db6471cf1f41f17b702ae1560b",
                            "name": "Dummy Sampler 6-2"
                            "id": "86922481745cf212fa85c1ee4b740df8546a853464a982eb3042dde4ce191fc4",
                            "name": "Dummy Sampler 14-3"
                            "id": "5a212f0d83b87585c312053aa3d9356faedcd7c83e2e862856bfab3bb352ddb3",
                            "name": "Dummy Sampler 9-4"
                            "id": "166a88b346c9a3c8c051c6b0cd33a3b3a889a75e66c9baf7307583705d335cd4",
                            "name": "Dummy Sampler 13-5"
                            "id": "687b26024f35d0e43abbe63c1ebf07ab893c27adec485a65868efd1745d35dac",
                            "name": "Dummy Sampler 12-2"
                            "id": "c013b818a253f344d1109bebece47c68eefb8a09e7614ad6665a53faf52bcc5b",
                            "name": "Dummy Sampler 8-4"
                            "id": "9917793e35334cc9e0ac8dddda32974caf006a34f1c0fc53915c07ec45165b42",
                            "name": "Dummy Sampler 12-4"
                            "id": "b8053a39eb9f4fc919b5d9ba0307a4f2c8a06609269bbc1bbb83c3ad39282978",
                            "name": "Dummy Sampler 13-4"
                            "id": "b9709d6c6edcba4fe3e44175285d35afd81a7d3a1eb3e3805ea3b48b6dcb789a",
                            "name": "Dummy Sampler 12-5"
                            "id": "ae6e735e39c6f1728918082eb5ff2cc38533fb2d99acb4cce25b591dd7c24aec",
                            "name": "Dummy Sampler 13-3"
                            "id": "2eeb16c4592db1dfb1968c839da1470319dc2e8115d762d88a0f3c3939af3db8",
                            "name": "Dummy Sampler 14-4"
                            "id": "4829ecac0001f3438346a69f721931d4dc9dc0fe4422bb6d89cc645c9020496d",
                            "name": "Dummy Sampler 15-3"
                            "id": "c5537625bcad55ff83d5d77458e4ebed42d6af21c6838cebf978cc417b921cc2",
                            "name": "Dummy Sampler 17-1"
                            "id": "2c4c77b439900407b286f4eb33b7160d476a16af900ca18a654ad7e061e47217",
                            "name": "Dummy Sampler 10-5"
                            "id": "470dd9efd4931dfb53a09dc548a601a71d3440016927b2122649463e5549da52",
                            "name": "Dummy Sampler 20-5"
                            "id": "73aa5e01278dab139d90c1e9aa23c990382944709cceac06d10cd65a4b831d7f",
                            "name": "Dummy Sampler 6-5"
                            "id": "140a676f713f0eb2bf0fae3b90a60962710215f0bb019a8b66ad7647877ea552",
                            "name": "Dummy Sampler 18-1"
                            "id": "1567863ec25cafbcb2096f6df70fd9a09795f54e3320d567cbfb15745c3f75b0",
                            "name": "Dummy Sampler 17-2"
                            "id": "3077351f2d30ec1d9ae04ffe650bd48c170f285b605f6361d35fe062a3ee49b3",
                            "name": "Dummy Sampler 17-3"
                            "id": "6c27df800121d70a8bd7b1e5d44e6b6df537c7701cc3a1e6fe4360f24e313814",
                            "name": "Dummy Sampler 20-4"
                            "id": "214d463309bc94e927761a111c2fb2f8a71d68d385a04de41953d654c78fe730",
                            "name": "Dummy Sampler 16-2"
                            "id": "ce873b3e1ee8b6cb68b054d5183a477074921c18e8b76b32ed7b131a666160b1",
                            "name": "Dummy Sampler 18-2"
                            "id": "585ee62293662d8e2c161c2621efe4e4b7d8e7cd8de5d19699ee943fb7e0d4f9",
                            "name": "Dummy Sampler 2-2"
                            "id": "dee07183c003946de4025ba7254aae42ba735fd3c0c5c16ed25e3f7781afaf42",
                            "name": "Dummy Sampler 17-4"
                            "id": "5a89b5ddc9ad089d0710d21a353cef4aceae32986d878b9fba63caa078413c7d",
                            "name": "Dummy Sampler 18-4"
                            "id": "462afc6b4bd64d9c36b76647a73f0d6804d2040bf0144eb120eb0a62271161aa",
                            "name": "Dummy Sampler 13-1"
                            "id": "a84e1865e6521543fe19aebb2a17880758c3eedd3862d77406ced6ba32173471",
                            "name": "Dummy Sampler 17-5"
                            "id": "604f26d4fd943ca3f9151b787861fb38418981ebde5c1d895eccc0c27dee1bc8",
                            "name": "Dummy Sampler 20-1"
                            "id": "f2259feb82136c0a9e7741a26064a9dc481b4eba05aec62255a7e6730c3ef58a",
                            "name": "Dummy Sampler 20-2"
                            "id": "6cd919cc493c050f18cf5a51b011072cdb16aa89128ce77082698447ceebf736",
                            "name": "Dummy Sampler 19-1"
                            "id": "37bb60ebb0d33cff3b0781173dd81565132d5f8765ddda7c28300665f78aff77",
                            "name": "Dummy Sampler 19-2"
                            "id": "a2d3f40bbbd4ca65daa242eaeca2473f35dcc1b594f2c047fb8941df1131a3be",
                            "name": "Dummy Sampler 19-4"
                    "dependencies": [
                            "services": [
                                    "service": "BlazeDemo",
                                    "mock-service": "Entries Mock Service",
                                    "mock-service-template": "Blazedemo Entries Template"
                    "env": "",
                    "enableFailureCriteria": {
                        "1234567": true,
                        "2345678": true
                    "enableLoadConfiguration": true,
                    "created": 1598556695,
                    "updated": 1598558701,
                    "thresholds": [
                            "thresholds": [
                                    "field": "responseTime.avg",
                                    "label": "ALL",
                                    "op": "gt",
                                    "stopTestOnViolation": false,
                                    "value": "1500",
                                    "isEmpty": false
                                    "field": "responseTime.max",
                                    "label": "ALL",
                                    "op": "gt",
                                    "stopTestOnViolation": true,
                                    "value": "3000",
                                    "isEmpty": false
                            "ignoreRampup": true,
                            "fromTaurus": false,
                            "slidingWindow": true,
                            "testId": 1234567
                            "thresholds": [
                                    "field": "responseTime.avg",
                                    "label": "ALL",
                                    "op": "gt",
                                    "stopTestOnViolation": false,
                                    "value": "1500",
                                    "isEmpty": false
                                    "field": "responseTime.max",
                                    "label": "ALL",
                                    "op": "gt",
                                    "stopTestOnViolation": true,
                                    "value": "3000",
                                    "isEmpty": false
                            "ignoreRampup": true,
                            "fromTaurus": false,
                            "slidingWindow": true,
                            "testId": 2345678
        "request_id": "5f4819c52ed93"

    For the all the supported attributes, see the The Multi Test Object.

    Duplicate a Multi Test

    Duplicate a Multi Test

    curl '' \
        -X POST \
        -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
        --user 'api_key_id:api_key_secret'

    API Explorer: /multi-tests/{collectionId}/duplicate

    To duplicate a test suite, a collectionId is required. The sample code duplicates the test suite with the collectionId of 12345678. Use the actual ID value for the test suite to return the detail of that test suite.

    Duplicate a Multi Test Response Attributes

    Response 201 Created

        "api_version": 4,
        "error": null,
        "result": {
            "id": 23456789,
            "name": "A Full Test Settings Example - Copy",
            "description": "A Full Test Settings Example",
            "collectionType": "multiV4",
            "userId": 123456,
            "items": [],
            "lastRunTime": 1598556724,
            "filesToSplit": [
            "dataFiles": [
            "creatorClientId": "gui",
            "testsForExecutions": [
                    "testId": 1234567,
                    "executions": [
                            "concurrency": 20,
                            "usersNotConfigured": false,
                            "holdFor": "19m",
                            "durationIsNotConfigured": false,
                            "rampUp": "1m",
                            "steps": 0,
                            "throughput": 10,
                            "locations": {
                                "us-east4-a": 10,
                                "us-east1-b": 10
                            "locationsPercents": {
                                "us-east4-a": 50,
                                "us-east1-b": 50
                            "executor": "jmeter",
                            "testId": 1234567,
                            "scenario": "default-scenario-1234567"
                            "concurrency": 1,
                            "holdFor": "1200s",
                            "executor": "selenium",
                            "testId": 1234567,
                            "executionSource": "endUserExperience",
                            "scenario": "End User Experience for Full Test Example"
                    "overrideExecutions": null,
                    "enableLoadConfiguration": true
                    "testId": 2345678,
                    "executions": [
                            "concurrency": 20,
                            "usersNotConfigured": false,
                            "holdFor": "19m",
                            "durationIsNotConfigured": false,
                            "rampUp": "1m",
                            "iterations": 50,
                            "steps": 0,
                            "throughput": 10,
                            "locations": {
                                "us-east4-a": 20
                            "locationsPercents": {
                                "us-east4-a": 100
                            "executor": "jmeter",
                            "testId": 2345678,
                            "scenario": "default-scenario-2345678"
                            "concurrency": 1,
                            "holdFor": "1200s",
                            "executor": "selenium",
                            "testId": 2345678,
                            "executionSource": "endUserExperience",
                            "scenario": "End User Experience for Full Test Example 2"
                    "overrideExecutions": [
                            "concurrency": 20,
                            "serversCount": null,
                            "iterations": 50,
                            "rampUp": "1m",
                            "steps": 0,
                            "throughput": 10,
                            "locations": {
                                "us-east4-a": 20
                            "locationsPercents": {
                                "us-east4-a": 100
                    "enableLoadConfiguration": true
            "shouldSendReportEmail": true,
            "created": 1599161013,
            "updated": 1599161013,
            "projectId": 123456,
            "lastUpdatedById": 123456
        "request_id": "5f5142b5af38b"

    For the full details of all the attributes for the test suite (multi-test), you can visit The Multi Test Object.

    Delete a Multi Test

    Delete a Multi Test

    curl '' \
        -X DELETE \
        --user 'api_key_id:api_key_secret'

    Response 204 No content

    API Explorer: /multi-tests/{collectionId}

    To delete a multi test, DELETE its ID (you need to know the collectionId). The sample code deletes a test with an ID of 12345678. Use the collectionId of the actual test to delete in place of the 12345678.

    If you do not know the ID of the test to delete, use the List Multi Tests section to return a list of your created tests.

    Response codes associated with deleting a test include 204 (if the test was successfully deleted) and 404 (if the collectionId does not exist).


    You can categorize Performance Tests by applying tags (labels) of your choice. These tags are available in searches and filters. You can add tags to tests and reports to easily index data for search and to aggregate data based on the tags. Use tags to tie tests to a specific release, application, API, and so on, or to identify the same test in different projects.

    Tags are shared across tests in one workspace, and they are workspace-specific. Only workspace managers can rename and delete tags. If a tag is deleted, it is removed from all tests and reports. Tag names are not case-sensitive and must be unique. By default, reports will inherit the tags of the related test.

    New tags are created if they are used in requests and do not exist yet. If the name is not unique, you'll get a 400 response instead.

    Create a Tag

    You can use tags when you search and filter Performance tests. The creation response contains a tag identifier that you should note down. You will need the tagID when you want to configure, deploy, or delete this tag later. New tags are also created if they are used in requests and do not exist yet, otherwise it returns 400.

    The sample code creates a tag named "workdays" in workspaceId 123456 and the tag is created with a tagId of 888. Use the actual ID value for your workspace.

    Create a Tag Minimum Configuration Sample

    curl '' \
      -X 'POST' \
      -H 'accept: application/json' \
      -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
      -d '{  "label" : "workdays"  }

    The following parameters are the base parameters required to create a tag.

    Create a Tag Request Attributes

    Response 201 Created

      "api_version": 4,
      "error": null,
      "result": {
        "id": 888,
        "label": "workdays",
        "createdDate": 1658942673,
        "createdBy": "",
        "workspace": 123456
      "request_id": "62e174d163ec9"


    Get All Tags

    This call returns a list of all tags defined in workspace. and their tagIDs. You use tags when you search and filter Performance tests.

    To return the list of tags available in a workspace, you need to provide a workspaceId. The sample code uses a workspaceId of 123456. Use the actual ID value of your workspace.

    Minimum Parameters for getting all tags

    Get All Tags Minimum Configuration Sample

    curl '​​/123456​/tags' \
       -X GET \
       -H 'accept: */*'

    The following parameters are the base parameters required to get all tags.

    Get All Tags Request Attributes

    Response 200 OK

        "limit": 10,
        "skip": 0,
        "total": 3,
        "hidden": 0,
        "api_version": 4,
        "error": null,
        "result": [
                "label": "workdays",
                "workspace": 123456,
                "uses": 7,
                "id": 158037,
                "createdDate": 1652115221,
                "createdBy": ""
                "label": "holidays",
                "workspace": 123456,
                "uses": 3,
                "id": 149381,
                "createdDate": 1651059628,
                "createdBy": ""
                "label": "weekends",
                "workspace": 123456,
                "uses": 0,
                "id": 110312,
                "createdDate": 1646214177,
                "createdBy": ""
        "request_id": "62e17949e3f5e"


    Update Tags

    To update which tags are assigned to a test, you need to know the testId (in this example, 1234567), the tagId of the tag that you want to add (in this example 888), and the current tagIDs of the test, in this example 1234.

    Use the actual ID value of your tag and test: Use the Get All Tags API to see the list of tagIDs to identify the ID of the tag you want to add. Next, use the List Tests API to find your testId. Finally, use Test Details API to see the current tag list of the test, and add the new ID to the list. Provide the full array of desired tags, not just the ones that you want to add.

    Minimum Parameters for Updating Tags

    Update Tags Minimum Configuration Sample

    curl '' \
       -X PATCH \
       -H 'accept: */*' \
       -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
       -d '{"tags":[1234, 888]}'

    The following parameters are the base parameters required to update a tag.

    Update a Tag Request Attributes

    Response 201 Created

      "api_version": 4,
      "error": null,
      "result": {
        "id": 1234567,
        "isNewTest": true,
        "name": "July_13_12:55 PM",
        "userId": 352756,
        "creatorClientId": "gui",
        "overrideExecutions": [ ],
        "executions": [ ],
        "hasThreadGroupsToOverride": false,
        "hasNonRegularThreadGroup": false,
        "shouldSendReportEmail": true,
        "dependencies": [],
        "tags": [
            "id": 1234,
            "label": "demo"
            "id": 888,
            "label": "Dummy"
        "shouldRemoveJmeter": true,
        "created": 1657731344,
        "updated": 1658944762,
        "projectId": 494347,
        "lastUpdatedById": 1609533,
        "configuration": {
          "type": "taurus",
          "dedicatedIpsEnabled": false,
          "canControlRampup": false,
          "targetThreads": 500,
          "executionType": "taurusCloud",
          "enableFailureCriteria": false,
          "enableMockServices": false,
          "enableLoadConfiguration": true,
          "scriptType": "jmeter",
          "threads": 500,
          "filename": "dummy_errors.jmx",
          "testMode": "script",
          "extraSlots": 0,
          "plugins": {
            "jmeter": {
              "version": "auto",
              "consoleArgs": "",
              "enginesArgs": ""
            "thresholds": {
              "thresholds": [],
              "ignoreRampup": false,
              "fromTaurus": false,
              "slidingWindow": false
        "subscribers": [
      "request_id": "62e17cfa53674",
      "test": {
        "id": 11268687,
        "isNewTest": true,
        "name": "July_13_12:55 PM",
        "userId": 352756,
        "creatorClientId": "gui",
        "overrideExecutions": [ ],
        "executions": [ ],
        "hasThreadGroupsToOverride": false,
        "hasNonRegularThreadGroup": false,
        "shouldSendReportEmail": true,
        "dependencies": [],
        "tags": [
            "id": 1234,
            "label": "demo"
            "id": 888,
            "label": "Dummy"
        "shouldRemoveJmeter": true,
        "created": 1657731344,
        "updated": 1658944762,
        "projectId": 494347,
        "lastUpdatedById": 1609533,
        "configuration": {
          "type": "taurus",
          "dedicatedIpsEnabled": false,
          "canControlRampup": false,
          "targetThreads": 500,
          "executionType": "taurusCloud",
          "enableFailureCriteria": false,
          "enableMockServices": false,
          "enableLoadConfiguration": true,
          "scriptType": "jmeter",
          "threads": 500,
          "filename": "dummy_errors.jmx",
          "testMode": "script",
          "extraSlots": 0,
          "plugins": {
            "jmeter": {
              "version": "auto",
              "consoleArgs": "",
              "enginesArgs": ""
            "thresholds": {
              "thresholds": [],
              "ignoreRampup": false,
              "fromTaurus": false,
              "slidingWindow": false
        "subscribers": [


    Delete Tag

    To delete a tag, you need to know the tag identifier. The sample code uses a tagId of 888 and a workspaceId of 123456. Use the actual ID value of your tag and workspace.

    Minimum Parameters for Deleting a Tag

    Delete a Tag Minimum Configuration Sample

    curl '​/123456/tags​/888' \
        -X DELETE \
        -H 'accept: */*'

    The following parameters are the base parameters required to delete a tag.

    Delete a Tag Request Attributes

    Response 200 OK



    Test Runs

    When you start a test, a master (or test report) will be created using a unique masterId for that test run. The masters endpoints provide control, status, and results for all test runs.

    A single master will reference the results for a single test or multi test.

    The Master Object

    The Master Object

        "api_version": 4,
        "error": null,
        "result": {
            "id": 12345678,
            "name": "Full Test Example",
            "userId": 123456,
            "publicToken": "i4QiExnJ7Sz6RXsmeJWmKGoq4mZEepU9k5ZPSDwnLlQVn8PF19",
            "ended": 1599076624,
            "lastUpdate": 1599075313,
            "delayedStartReady": true,
            "runnerUserId": 123456,
            "charges": [],
            "maxUsers": 20,
            "created": 1599075175,
            "updated": 1599077683,
            "reportStatus": "pass",
            "note": "This is a note",
            "passed": true,
            "parallelTestsInWorkspace": 1,
            "parallelTestsInAccount": 1,
            "isPrivateData": false,
            "creatorClientId": "gui",
            "executorClientId": "gui",
            "secondsPerLabelDoc": 60,
            "labelsCollectionSuffix": "_17_12",
            "isDebugRun": false,
            "locations": [
            "scenariosMapping": [
                    "id": "62efbba7487d22dc23663844121493c09a1ac48b71c4a30d6c30cc97610c7ece",
                    "name": "default-scenario-1234567",
                    "test": "Full Test Example",
                    "isEndUserExperience": false
                    "id": "a554ead1bb83b8a545cd841054cb3d0cb346b92b0a5b813652002a4d1a6e7485",
                    "name": "End User Experience for Full Test Example",
                    "test": "Full Test Example",
                    "isEndUserExperience": true
            "executions": [
                    "concurrency": 20,
                    "usersNotConfigured": false,
                    "holdFor": "19m",
                    "durationIsNotConfigured": false,
                    "rampUp": "1m",
                    "steps": 0,
                    "throughput": 10,
                    "locations": {
                        "us-east4-a": 10,
                        "us-east1-b": 10
                    "locationsPercents": {
                        "us-east4-a": 50,
                        "us-east1-b": 50
                    "executor": "jmeter",
                    "scenario": "default-scenario-1234567"
                    "concurrency": 1,
                    "holdFor": "1200s",
                    "durationIsNotConfigured": false,
                    "executor": "selenium",
                    "executionSource": "endUserExperience",
                    "scenario": "End User Experience for Full Test Example"
            "useV4Pipeline": true,
            "isSelenium": false,
            "hasMonitoringData": true,
            "rpsCompatible": false,
            "remoteControlCompatible": true,
            "hasDaggerData": true,
            "hasData": true,
            "shouldUseDaggerReport": true,
            "properties": [
                    "pairs": [
                            "key": "newProperty",
                            "value": "aValue"
                    "testId": 1234567,
                    "locations": [
                    "scenarios": [
                    "pairs": [
                            "key": "blazemeter.throughput",
                            "value": 10
                    "locations": [
                    "scenarios": [
            "dependencies": [
                    "services": [
                            "service": "BlazeDemo",
                            "mock-service": "Entries Mock Service",
                            "mock-service-template": "Blazedemo Entries Template"
            "testId": 1234567,
            "projectId": 123456,
            "sessionsId": [
            "thumbnailUrl": null,
            "hasErrorsPerInterval": true,
            "sessions": [
            "jetpackLabels": [
                    "id": "5a212f0d83b87585c312053aa3d9356faedcd7c83e2e862856bfab3bb352ddb3",
                    "name": "Dummy Sampler 9-4"
                    "id": "2c4c77b439900407b286f4eb33b7160d476a16af900ca18a654ad7e061e47217",
                    "name": "Dummy Sampler 10-5"
                    "id": "99ee3d9fd98eac61d70ba85d8171b972356efa76fe998b762727607bfa44774a",
                    "name": "Dummy Sampler 4-5"
                    "id": "b5c7aed7cd2a308523e7d2847b7815909e864b2fd9c4ea88b00d35adb2ecdfd7",
                    "name": "ALL"
                    "id": "426b8776c5aea18236671c2031b79e03e36ae61e9525274ff37c4abd8cbf402a",
                    "name": "Dummy Sampler 4-3"
                    "id": "de5a49b6043c130e9fd482dfff6e039106c712db6471cf1f41f17b702ae1560b",
                    "name": "Dummy Sampler 6-2"
                    "id": "868ec8f6c10315c31b1c48a07ce3087f7af4c33cbbca2af9f1137e99a87528ad",
                    "name": "Dummy Sampler 10-4"
                    "id": "ecaf89656817ae7dd9c8cc7c9124dfe2af0e7ee8b6c72c62731ca597245e6df5",
                    "name": "Dummy Sampler 3-4"
                    "id": "d26beb176d6172083f44e386db016ffe202064b9473b565dec7faed943579b99",
                    "name": "Dummy Sampler 4-4"
                    "id": "5421f70a20a4cc21671898f969227cf0f7945d8bb64748fe24e97ad8ee12a4bd",
                    "name": "Dummy Sampler 3-3"
                    "id": "0f8344b783b59a723f7b49f7ec569f4c0c4fd860bd3ef1cdf5d8ac8f8b1b5cb5",
                    "name": "Dummy Sampler 1-4"
                    "id": "66c400f522edc78b20cc31742ef1ee72de8e9bd652f119da0a9e619bdcfd5f10",
                    "name": "Dummy Sampler 7-2"
                    "id": "4e55dd94b0687148f4d3fb819da192caf00af1da9ab4e794922ecee2eb9bcca4",
                    "name": "Dummy Sampler 3-5"
                    "id": "6a8331f28925eae87d618fa2a7d34044c8a4640e7f08850d0888737d9e79734d",
                    "name": "Dummy Sampler 5-5"
                    "id": "877e982d386229478e921a65cbbaa84fb1c14e58d5754216372ea07f79fffcce",
                    "name": "Dummy Sampler 4-1"
                    "id": "c5f2e3537e2b7f2fa204abf63de8bc339036b7eee0f9fcb7168995cf3842a04d",
                    "name": "Dummy Sampler 2-5"
                    "id": "e934b78602eea603ed22388d47aa3090ec643c8dcd604a1ded0f21e8b97f84d3",
                    "name": "Dummy Sampler 5-2"
                    "id": "3c62fe114a84758fc274ef77eeda9ba81e0c0de495ff2786da892245ca25d8a4",
                    "name": "Dummy Sampler 7-4"
                    "id": "76b730928743456b46da5cc919aab783cc9780ee49267ab1ea37af9002c48002",
                    "name": "Dummy Sampler 3-1"
                    "id": "774a039661eb7bbf98665e4d3d28d897de8287e38c190400d8eae2a81dbead99",
                    "name": "Dummy Sampler 9-5"
                    "id": "c21cc688dc79cc813588c83720a676308b5713747f01bab1b9ded2729ae87a2e",
                    "name": "Dummy Sampler 9-3"
                    "id": "0656cd0ee5501a550338a725de214239f39aaa90b30cf9d0231f71a01c8f6a2e",
                    "name": "Dummy Sampler 1-2"
                    "id": "585ee62293662d8e2c161c2621efe4e4b7d8e7cd8de5d19699ee943fb7e0d4f9",
                    "name": "Dummy Sampler 2-2"
                    "id": "48fb09b24a0ba3106d2a69267c586cd72b46a6690601cfe981e11dfb364be295",
                    "name": "Dummy Sampler 2-4"
                    "id": "855c41608c960154b1a940db88eb07a6e2ebd670ae17bcf1c9949089645569b1",
                    "name": "Dummy Sampler 7-3"
                    "id": "6ee11a45e8d1a5ff876fbdc353222498de95de841cb4ac54e977507fe117ba37",
                    "name": "Dummy Sampler 1-5"
                    "id": "e1b1583297ba88ea9692c62e653f9e05a117c296d425d28921b0ea0ade936118",
                    "name": "Dummy Sampler 2-3"
                    "id": "c646927269709fd3d09c9119fcc5b759e9e02ee703d22b8380ef4ed9bdbd1496",
                    "name": "Dummy Sampler 5-1"
                    "id": "e6ea544605da60c4de5d5d1c3a47a28c532c6c1e4f58c5747def5224b31eb3e9",
                    "name": "Dummy Sampler 6-1"
                    "id": "0afba9498eb0587a5be28586c9fa0111de1bf3475dbe9618ec75e4f46814de56",
                    "name": "Dummy Sampler 2-1"
                    "id": "c07913d9d35b4071bbf32ceade632e424e173ba0eb616adf5749f613f5596c87",
                    "name": "Dummy Sampler 5-3"
                    "id": "04493fa0833a77105483f32fe2a32e1baca420ea9d6cda52e876010f91b2e087",
                    "name": "Dummy Sampler 6-3"
                    "id": "90a45f6678302659a4ba252cf7169c76663c4a08bd73331b00a6ecd630e8ec03",
                    "name": "Dummy Sampler 8-1"
                    "id": "a33853e884ae4a2f332974875b8f8f0a4521c8c28112e9910b52680582f72dbb",
                    "name": "Dummy Sampler 7-1"
                    "id": "cbd50211d966c8460e31be9a0622aa1ef614c10626c86013edee4b8ffe995d63",
                    "name": "Dummy Sampler 3-2"
                    "id": "6be96150c1e953e08a3a1911d9db6ce1f36946840832ea4d3367c781fd2ac6c0",
                    "name": "Dummy Sampler 1-1"
                    "id": "503a51d46af9a41c84f14c6c0d58bf93c5f28da66fd71356fa6ccd8cdf062b2e",
                    "name": "Dummy Sampler 6-4"
                    "id": "482d2e3c84148a2a549ce24722c15ca49b9fbe0a7b8ecfe9b9600f21f47f2f26",
                    "name": "Dummy Sampler 5-4"
                    "id": "07f8cd6ee5c77a7e8ed1430254f701d6fec3ef0aed713d34816734877b8bc086",
                    "name": "Dummy Sampler 4-2"
                    "id": "d0dd6e4b1eddc8042df773895be292546b71244763b6dbe5f456888d759a0636",
                    "name": "Dummy Sampler 10-2"
                    "id": "73aa5e01278dab139d90c1e9aa23c990382944709cceac06d10cd65a4b831d7f",
                    "name": "Dummy Sampler 6-5"
                    "id": "91132961357b44bcca8cd41ab98e51ea52bb79635a6fbd2ed846793db5327960",
                    "name": "Dummy Sampler 8-2"
                    "id": "598fe62bc04988ae02ee66948b62ce5cb51aea16cfcd790e398f3b176b125543",
                    "name": "Dummy Sampler 8-3"
                    "id": "47687360da0c21b9b8c24a330319e5106eb2212f5ef4d93a4f566cb15284cf81",
                    "name": "Dummy Sampler 7-5"
                    "id": "05370c567029cd96cdd248188806f0f9ea114277ed0ec1fab4b616964dfbba7f",
                    "name": "Dummy Sampler 10-3"
                    "id": "c013b818a253f344d1109bebece47c68eefb8a09e7614ad6665a53faf52bcc5b",
                    "name": "Dummy Sampler 8-4"
                    "id": "6db63263206a77caf33733fa38cca9daa3af616ee02fa331cdf4ef08ff07c20c",
                    "name": "Dummy Sampler 10-1"
                    "id": "8d2c3b33df4519ef590751a725db1ab4f2d8af63f0230ecb8dfa04395b49142c",
                    "name": "Dummy Sampler 1-3"
                    "id": "ddb1b74c3f9f21baac105072fbd95e879a946f47e23e40d7c00565a99acacd7d",
                    "name": "Dummy Sampler 8-5"
                    "id": "5322c068c11819ca569e53f83db83ee0c7de04f131f5163d67071cb1697cce49",
                    "name": "Dummy Sampler 9-1"
                    "id": "778b52e53a9424f23a05b4702455800f338e8990d5cfdf01606ea25eb1d6dcfc",
                    "name": "Dummy Sampler 9-2"
        "request_id": "5f4ffd4318af4"


    Start a Test

    Start a Test

    curl '' \
        -X POST \
        -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
        --user 'api_key_id:api_key_secret'

    API Explorer: /tests/{testId}/start

    To start a preconfigured load test, you need to know the testId of a created and configured test. The sample code executes a test with a testId of 1234567. Use the testId of the actual test to start in place of the 1234567.

    If you do not know the ID of the test to start, use List Tests to return a list of your created tests.

    Start a Tests Parameters


    Start a Test Request Attributes

    Start a Test Start a Test POST Body (JSON)

        "isDebugRun": false


    Start a Test Response Attributes

    Response 202 Accepted

        "api_version": 4,
        "error": null,
        "result": {
            "id": 12345678,
            "name": "V4 Remote Control Test",
            "userId": 123456,
            "publicToken": null,
            "ended": null,
            "lastUpdate": null,
            "delayedStartReady": false,
            "runnerUserId": 123456,
            "charges": [],
            "usage": null,
            "maxUsers": null,
            "type": null,
            "passed": null,
            "canControlRampup": null,
            "targetThreads": null,
            "parallelTestsInWorkspace": 1,
            "parallelTestsInAccount": 1,
            "isSandbox": null,
            "isPrivateData": false,
            "executionMode": null,
            "creatorClientId": "gui",
            "executorClientId": "api",
            "importedAt": null,
            "secondsPerLabelDoc": 60,
            "taurusRemoteControlProperties": null,
            "labelsCollectionSuffix": "_17_12",
            "locations": [
            "scenariosMapping": [
                    "id": "7955907f886baf352a5dd51d04f91b5c209e9af71fb2f035a785614601f3ffd7",
                    "name": "default-scenario-1234567",
                    "test": null,
                    "isEndUserExperience": false
            "isDebugRun": false,
            "executions": [
                    "concurrency": 20,
                    "holdFor": "19m",
                    "rampUp": "1m",
                    "steps": 0,
                    "throughput": 5,
                    "locations": {
                        "us-east-1": 20
                    "locationsPercents": {
                        "us-east-1": 100
                    "executor": "jmeter",
                    "scenario": "default-scenario-1234567"
            "concurrency": 20,
            "useV4Pipeline": true,
            "terminatedAt": null,
            "shutdownAt": null,
            "jupyterToken": null,
            "jupyterHeartbeat": null,
            "jupyterHost": null,
            "jupyterPort": null,
            "jupyterNotebook": null,
            "v4IndexerCollection": "{\"execution\":[1],\"execution:1\":[\"r-v4-5c7d64f8c95cf\"],\"session:1\":[\"r-v4-5c7d64f8c95cf\"],\"location:1\":[\"us-east-1\"]}",
            "buildId": null,
            "isSelenium": false,
            "isExternal": null,
            "rpsCompatible": true,
            "remoteControlCompatible": true,
            "hasMonitoringData": null,
            "shouldSendReportEmail": false,
            "hasDaggerData": false,
            "kinesisStream": "prod-grn_v4pipeline_input",
            "properties": [
                    "pairs": [
                            "key": "SampleName",
                            "value": "MySampler1"
                    "testId": 1234567,
                    "locations": [
                    "scenarios": [
                    "pairs": [
                            "key": "blazemeter.throughput",
                            "value": 5
                    "testId": 1234567,
                    "locations": [
                    "scenarios": [
            "created": 1551721720,
            "updated": 1551721720,
            "note": null,
            "testCollectionId": null,
            "testId": 1234567,
            "projectId": 123456,
            "scheduleHistoryRecordId": null,
            "jupyterShipId": null,
            "sessionsId": [
            "functionalSummary": null,
            "thresholds": [
                    "thresholds": [
                            "field": "responseTime.avg",
                            "label": "ALL",
                            "op": "gt",
                            "stopTestOnViolation": false,
                            "value": "1000",
                            "isEmpty": false
                    "ignoreRampup": false,
                    "ignoreRampupTime": null,
                    "slidingWindow": false,
                    "testId": 1234567

    For the full details of all the attributes for the test run response, you can visit The Master Object.

    Start a Multi Test

    Start a Multi Test

    curl '' \
        -X POST \
        -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
        --user 'api_key_id:api_key_secret'

    API Explorer: /multi-tests/{collectionId}/start

    To start a preconfigured load test, you need to know the collectionId of a created and configured test. The sample code executes a test with a collectionId of 12345678. Use the collectionId of the actual test to start in place of the 12345678.

    If you do not know the ID of the test to start, use List Multi Tests to return a list of your created tests.

    Start a Multi Test Parameters


    Start a Multi Test Response Attributes

    Response 202 Accepted

        "api_version": 4,
        "error": null,
        "result": {
            "id": 12345678,
            "name": "March_08_9:49 AM - Multi Test",
            "userId": 123456,
            "publicToken": null,
            "ended": null,
            "lastUpdate": null,
            "delayedStartReady": false,
            "runnerUserId": 123456,
            "charges": [],
            "usage": null,
            "maxUsers": null,
            "type": null,
            "passed": null,
            "canControlRampup": null,
            "targetThreads": null,
            "parallelTestsInWorkspace": 1,
            "parallelTestsInAccount": 1,
            "isSandbox": null,
            "isPrivateData": false,
            "executionMode": null,
            "creatorClientId": "gui",
            "executorClientId": "gui",
            "importedAt": null,
            "secondsPerLabelDoc": 60,
            "taurusRemoteControlProperties": null,
            "labelsCollectionSuffix": "_17_12",
            "locations": [
            "scenariosMapping": [
                    "id": "f7cebdaa474a27fc93dcff0fd3d97bd116c1f867a6f17639f0fc197eec1f4e5a",
                    "name": "default-scenario-1234567",
                    "test": "New Dummy Test V4 2",
                    "isEndUserExperience": false
                    "id": "420248ab89308dba84fc4c15c70f537cdfc938ff4dbe1dd83a7bfe2be32d2a1a",
                    "name": "default-scenario-2345678",
                    "test": "Parallel Controller Script V4",
                    "isEndUserExperience": false
            "isDebugRun": false,
            "executions": [
                    "concurrency": 20,
                    "holdFor": "19m",
                    "rampUp": "1m",
                    "steps": 0,
                    "locations": {
                        "us-east-1": 20
                    "locationsPercents": {
                        "us-east-1": 100
                    "executor": "jmeter",
                    "testId": 1234567,
                    "scenario": "default-scenario-1234567"
                    "concurrency": 20,
                    "holdFor": "19m",
                    "rampUp": "1m",
                    "steps": 0,
                    "locations": {
                        "us-east-1": 20
                    "locationsPercents": {
                        "us-east-1": 100
                    "executor": "jmeter",
                    "testId": 2345678,
                    "scenario": "default-scenario-2345678"
            "concurrency": 40,
            "useV4Pipeline": true,
            "terminatedAt": null,
            "shutdownAt": null,
            "jupyterToken": null,
            "jupyterHeartbeat": null,
            "jupyterHost": null,
            "jupyterPort": null,
            "jupyterNotebook": null,
            "v4IndexerCollection": "{\"execution\":[1],\"execution:1\":[\"r-v4-5c828f01e093c\",\"r-v4-5c828f01e6d6d\"],\"session:1\":[\"r-v4-5c828f01e093c\",\"r-v4-5c828f01e6d6d\"],\"location:1\":[\"us-east-1\"]}",
            "buildId": null,
            "isSelenium": false,
            "isExternal": null,
            "rpsCompatible": false,
            "remoteControlCompatible": false,
            "hasMonitoringData": null,
            "shouldSendReportEmail": true,
            "hasDaggerData": false,
            "kinesisStream": "prod-grn_v4pipeline_input",
            "properties": null,
            "created": 1552060161,
            "updated": 1552060161,
            "note": null,
            "testCollectionId": 12345678,
            "testId": null,
            "projectId": 123456,
            "scheduleHistoryRecordId": null,
            "jupyterShipId": null,
            "sessionsId": [
            "functionalSummary": null,
            "thresholds": [
                    "thresholds": [],
                    "ignoreRampup": false,
                    "ignoreRampupTime": null,
                    "slidingWindow": false,
                    "testId": 1234567
                    "thresholds": [],
                    "ignoreRampup": false,
                    "ignoreRampupTime": null,
                    "slidingWindow": false,
                    "testId": 2345678

    For the full details of all the attributes for the test run response, you can visit The Master Object.

    Stop a Test Run

    You can stop the execution of tests launched by the Start a Test command using the test's masterId and the stop API command (preferred method) or the terminate API command.


    Stop an Active Test

    curl '' \
        -X POST \
        -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
        --user 'api_key_id:api_key_secret'

    API Explorer: /masters/{masterId}/stop

    To stop the active master (or test report) of a given test run gracefully (by signaling to JMeter to close the session), POST the masterId to the stop command (you need to know the masterId of the active session to stop). All test files will be archived and uploaded to the Logs report. The sample code stops the master with a masterId of 12345678. Use the actual masterId in place of 12345678.

    Response 202 Accepted

      "api_version": 4,
      "error": null,
      "result": [
          "session_id": "r-v4-5abc8b5ad54bb",
          "result": "stopping"



    Terminate Servers Running a Master

    curl '' \
        -X POST \
        -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
        --user 'api_key_id:api_key_secret'

    API Explorer: /masters/{masterId}/terminate

    To terminate a master (or test report), POST the masterId to the terminate command (you need to know the masterId of the running test). There will be no archiving or uploading of test files to the Log report (all test files will be lost). The sample code stops the master with a masterId of 12345678. Use the actual masterId in place of the 12345678.

    Response 202 Accepted

        "api_version": 4,
        "error": null,
        "result": [
                "sessions_ids": [
                "result": "Terminating"


    Stop All Masters of a Test

    Stop All Masters of a Test

    curl '' \
        -X POST \
        -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
        --user 'api_key_id:api_key_secret'

    API Explorer: /tests/{testId}/stop

    To stop all active masters of a test, POST the testId to the /tests/{testId}/stop API. The sample code stops all tests with a testId of 1234567. Use the testId of the actual test to stop in place of the 1234567.

    To find the testId, you can either use the UI (see Get the testId) or the response from the test creation call (see Create a Test).

    Stop All Masters of a Test Response Attributes

    Response 202 Accepted

        "api_version": 4,
        "error": null,
        "result": [
                "session_id": "r-v4-5c7d8a611c7df",
                "result": "Stopping"
                "session_id": "r-v4-5c7d8a55a745e",
                "result": "Stopping"


    Track Status of a Test Run

    Track Status of a Test Run

    curl '' \
        --user 'api_key_id:api_key_secret'

    API Explorer: /masters/{masterId}/status

    To obtain the present status of a test run, use its masterId and the status endpoint. This endpoint returns the real-time status of a test during its start, run, and stopping phases. Use the endpoint without any parameters (other than authentication) to return a list of all events of INFO status 200 and above. The sample code returns the status of a test run with the masterId of 17462719. Use the actual masterId in place of the 17462719.

    Track Status of a Test Run Parameters


    Track Status of a Test Run Response Attributes

    Response 200 OK

        "api_version": 4,
        "error": null,
        "result": {
            "id": 12345678,
            "progress": 140,
            "status": "ENDED",
            "jmeterLogSummary": [],
            "jmeterLogTypeSummary": [],
            "sessions": [
                    "id": "r-v4-5f50ecd1568ef",
                    "name": "Assertions in V4",
                    "fileName": "my-script.jmx",
                    "status": "ENDED",
                    "progress": 140,
                    "readyStatus": {
                        "servers": [
                                "server_id": "3924139065929978424",
                                "server_type": "console"
                        "plannedServersCount": 1,
                        "isDelayedStart": false
                    "locationId": "us-east4-a",
                    "dedicatedIpsEnabled": false,
                    "overrideLocationId": null
            "statuses": {
                "pending": 0,
                "booting": 0,
                "downloading": 0,
                "ready": 0,
                "ended": 100
            "isDataAvailable": true,
            "events": [
                    "t": 1599142726,
                    "from": 0,
                    "source": "system",
                    "message": "Status changed to ENDED (140)",
                    "level": "INFO",
                    "session_id": "r-v4-5f50ecd1568ef"
                    "t": 1599142726,
                    "from": -6,
                    "source": "system",
                    "message": "Terminate command sent",
                    "level": "INFO",
                    "session_id": "r-v4-5f50ecd1568ef"
                    "t": 1599142725,
                    "from": -6,
                    "source": "system",
                    "message": "Status changed to TAURUS_IMAGE_DONE (136)",
                    "level": "INFO",
                    "session_id": "r-v4-5f50ecd1568ef"
                    "t": 1599142725,
                    "from": -6,
                    "source": "system",
                    "message": "Taurus completed (Exit: 0)",
                    "level": "INFO",
                    "session_id": "r-v4-5f50ecd1568ef"
                    "t": 1599142725,
                    "from": -6,
                    "source": "system",
                    "message": "0 seconds until process run completion",
                    "level": "INFO",
                    "session_id": "r-v4-5f50ecd1568ef"
                    "t": 1599142725,
                    "from": -6,
                    "source": "system",
                    "message": "Finished file upload",
                    "level": "INFO",
                    "session_id": "r-v4-5f50ecd1568ef"
                    "t": 1599142724,
                    "from": -6,
                    "source": "system",
                    "message": "Artifacts zip files generated [/tmp/artifacts/, /tmp/artifacts/]",
                    "level": "INFO",
                    "session_id": "r-v4-5f50ecd1568ef"
                    "t": 1599142723,
                    "from": -6,
                    "source": "system",
                    "message": "Zipping path /tmp/artifacts",
                    "level": "INFO",
                    "session_id": "r-v4-5f50ecd1568ef"
                    "t": 1599142723,
                    "from": -6,
                    "source": "system",
                    "message": "Zipping artifacts into file /tmp/artifacts/",
                    "level": "INFO",
                    "session_id": "r-v4-5f50ecd1568ef"
                    "t": 1599142722,
                    "from": -6,
                    "source": "system",
                    "message": "Moving file /tmp/artifacts/effective.json",
                    "level": "INFO",
                    "session_id": "r-v4-5f50ecd1568ef"
                    "t": 1599142722,
                    "from": -6,
                    "source": "system",
                    "message": "Moving file /tmp/artifacts/jetlag.log",
                    "level": "INFO",
                    "session_id": "r-v4-5f50ecd1568ef"
                    "t": 1599142722,
                    "from": -6,
                    "source": "system",
                    "message": "Moving file /tmp/artifacts/cloud-launcher.log",
                    "level": "INFO",
                    "session_id": "r-v4-5f50ecd1568ef"
                    "t": 1599142722,
                    "from": -6,
                    "source": "system",
                    "message": "Moving file /tmp/artifacts/network_checking.log",
                    "level": "INFO",
                    "session_id": "r-v4-5f50ecd1568ef"
                    "t": 1599142722,
                    "from": -6,
                    "source": "system",
                    "message": "Moving file /tmp/artifacts/jetlag-download.log",
                    "level": "INFO",
                    "session_id": "r-v4-5f50ecd1568ef"
                    "t": 1599142722,
                    "from": -6,
                    "source": "system",
                    "message": "Moving file /tmp/artifacts/effective.yml",
                    "level": "INFO",
                    "session_id": "r-v4-5f50ecd1568ef"
                    "t": 1599142722,
                    "from": -6,
                    "source": "system",
                    "message": "Moving file /tmp/artifacts/merged.json",
                    "level": "INFO",
                    "session_id": "r-v4-5f50ecd1568ef"
                    "t": 1599142722,
                    "from": -6,
                    "source": "system",
                    "message": "Moving file /tmp/artifacts/final-overrides.yml",
                    "level": "INFO",
                    "session_id": "r-v4-5f50ecd1568ef"
                    "t": 1599142722,
                    "from": -6,
                    "source": "system",
                    "message": "Moving file /tmp/artifacts/exported.jetlag.ldjson",
                    "level": "INFO",
                    "session_id": "r-v4-5f50ecd1568ef"
                    "t": 1599142722,
                    "from": -6,
                    "source": "system",
                    "message": "Zipping artifacts into file /tmp/artifacts/",
                    "level": "INFO",
                    "session_id": "r-v4-5f50ecd1568ef"
                    "t": 1599142722,
                    "from": -6,
                    "source": "system",
                    "message": "Zipping path /tmp/artifacts/admin",
                    "level": "INFO",
                    "session_id": "r-v4-5f50ecd1568ef"
                    "t": 1599142722,
                    "from": -6,
                    "source": "system",
                    "message": "Admin artifacts zip files generated [/tmp/artifacts/, /tmp/artifacts/]",
                    "level": "INFO",
                    "session_id": "r-v4-5f50ecd1568ef"
                    "t": 1599142721,
                    "from": -6,
                    "source": "system",
                    "message": "Collecting atop.binlog - saving to log file",
                    "level": "INFO",
                    "session_id": "r-v4-5f50ecd1568ef"
                    "t": 1599142721,
                    "from": -6,
                    "source": "system",
                    "message": "Moving admin artifacts and creating zip",
                    "level": "INFO",
                    "session_id": "r-v4-5f50ecd1568ef"
                    "t": 1599142721,
                    "from": -6,
                    "source": "system",
                    "message": "Moving file /tmp/artifacts/taurus-custom-config.yml",
                    "level": "INFO",
                    "session_id": "r-v4-5f50ecd1568ef"
                    "t": 1599142721,
                    "from": -6,
                    "source": "system",
                    "message": "Moving file /tmp/artifacts/merged.yml",
                    "level": "INFO",
                    "session_id": "r-v4-5f50ecd1568ef"
                    "t": 1599142721,
                    "from": -6,
                    "source": "system",
                    "message": "File /tmp/artifacts/taurus-base-config.yml not found on disk",
                    "level": "WARNING",
                    "session_id": "r-v4-5f50ecd1568ef"
                    "t": 1599142721,
                    "from": -6,
                    "source": "system",
                    "message": "Moving file /tmp/artifacts/jetpack-download.log",
                    "level": "INFO",
                    "session_id": "r-v4-5f50ecd1568ef"
                    "t": 1599142721,
                    "from": -6,
                    "source": "system",
                    "message": "File /tmp/artifacts/taurus_start.log not found on disk",
                    "level": "WARNING",
                    "session_id": "r-v4-5f50ecd1568ef"
                    "t": 1599142721,
                    "from": -6,
                    "source": "system",
                    "message": "Moving file /tmp/artifacts/jetpack.log",
                    "level": "INFO",
                    "session_id": "r-v4-5f50ecd1568ef"
                    "t": 1599142721,
                    "from": -6,
                    "source": "system",
                    "message": "Moving file /tmp/artifacts/",
                    "level": "INFO",
                    "session_id": "r-v4-5f50ecd1568ef"
                    "t": 1599142720,
                    "from": -6,
                    "source": "system",
                    "message": "Starting cloud shutdown",
                    "level": "INFO",
                    "session_id": "r-v4-5f50ecd1568ef"
                    "t": 1599142720,
                    "from": -6,
                    "source": "system",
                    "message": "Status changed to TAURUS_BZT_DONE (135)",
                    "level": "INFO",
                    "session_id": "r-v4-5f50ecd1568ef"
                    "t": 1599142720,
                    "from": -6,
                    "source": "system",
                    "message": "Process cleanup completed",
                    "level": "INFO",
                    "session_id": "r-v4-5f50ecd1568ef"
                    "t": 1599142720,
                    "from": -6,
                    "source": "system",
                    "message": "Running process cleanup",
                    "level": "INFO",
                    "session_id": "r-v4-5f50ecd1568ef"
                    "t": 1599142711,
                    "from": -6,
                    "source": "system",
                    "message": "Status changed to TERMINATING (130)",
                    "level": "INFO",
                    "session_id": "r-v4-5f50ecd1568ef"
                    "t": 1599139123,
                    "from": null,
                    "source": "system",
                    "message": "Status changed to DATA_RECEIVED (100)",
                    "level": "INFO",
                    "session_id": "r-v4-5f50ecd1568ef"
                    "t": 1599139103,
                    "from": -6,
                    "source": "system",
                    "message": "Status changed to TAURUS_ENGINE_INIT (71)",
                    "level": "INFO",
                    "session_id": "r-v4-5f50ecd1568ef"
                    "t": 1599139103,
                    "from": -6,
                    "source": "system",
                    "message": "Status changed to TAURUS_ENGINE_READY (90)",
                    "level": "INFO",
                    "session_id": "r-v4-5f50ecd1568ef"
                    "t": 1599139090,
                    "from": -6,
                    "source": "system",
                    "message": "Jetpack: Starting jetpack...",
                    "level": "INFO",
                    "session_id": "r-v4-5f50ecd1568ef"
                    "t": 1599139090,
                    "from": -6,
                    "source": "system",
                    "message": "Jetpack: Version 5.0.1",
                    "level": "INFO",
                    "session_id": "r-v4-5f50ecd1568ef"
                    "t": 1599139086,
                    "from": -6,
                    "source": "system",
                    "message": "Jetpack: Download process completed",
                    "level": "INFO",
                    "session_id": "r-v4-5f50ecd1568ef"
                    "t": 1599139086,
                    "from": -6,
                    "source": "system",
                    "message": "Jetpack: Downloading skipped (",
                    "level": "INFO",
                    "session_id": "r-v4-5f50ecd1568ef"
                    "t": 1599139084,
                    "from": -6,
                    "source": "system",
                    "message": "Jetlag: Download process completed",
                    "level": "INFO",
                    "session_id": "r-v4-5f50ecd1568ef"
                    "t": 1599139084,
                    "from": -6,
                    "source": "system",
                    "message": "Jetlag: Skip download ()",
                    "level": "INFO",
                    "session_id": "r-v4-5f50ecd1568ef"
                    "t": 1599139084,
                    "from": -6,
                    "source": "system",
                    "message": "Running command: atop ('-a', '-w', '/tmp/artifacts/admin/atop.binlog', '15')",
                    "level": "INFO",
                    "session_id": "r-v4-5f50ecd1568ef"
                    "t": 1599139080,
                    "from": -6,
                    "source": "system",
                    "message": "verify_ssl value: ",
                    "level": "INFO",
                    "session_id": "r-v4-5f50ecd1568ef"
                    "t": 1599139080,
                    "from": -6,
                    "source": "system",
                    "message": "Downloading the custom configuration file from",
                    "level": "INFO",
                    "session_id": "r-v4-5f50ecd1568ef"
                    "t": 1599139080,
                    "from": -6,
                    "source": "system",
                    "message": "Status changed to INIT_SCRIPT (50)",
                    "level": "INFO",
                    "session_id": "r-v4-5f50ecd1568ef"
                    "t": 1599139080,
                    "from": -6,
                    "source": "system",
                    "message": "Cloud-launcher is running in a Linux environment - setting iptables",
                    "level": "INFO",
                    "session_id": "r-v4-5f50ecd1568ef"
                    "t": 1599139080,
                    "from": -6,
                    "source": "system",
                    "message": "Running BZT...",
                    "level": "INFO",
                    "session_id": "r-v4-5f50ecd1568ef"
                    "t": 1599139079,
                    "from": -6,
                    "source": "system",
                    "message": "Data is not a yaml. Closing original config file as empty.",
                    "level": "INFO",
                    "session_id": "r-v4-5f50ecd1568ef"
                    "t": 1599139079,
                    "from": -6,
                    "source": "system",
                    "message": "Downloading the configuration file from",
                    "level": "INFO",
                    "session_id": "r-v4-5f50ecd1568ef"
                    "t": 1599139079,
                    "from": -6,
                    "source": "system",
                    "message": "Getting base configuration from configuration file and additional configuration from the custom configuration",
                    "level": "INFO",
                    "session_id": "r-v4-5f50ecd1568ef"
                    "t": 1599139078,
                    "from": -6,
                    "source": "system",
                    "message": "Running Taurus update",
                    "level": "INFO",
                    "session_id": "r-v4-5f50ecd1568ef"
                    "t": 1599139078,
                    "from": -6,
                    "source": "system",
                    "message": "Prepare: Verify file path /usr/local/bztcloud",
                    "level": "INFO",
                    "session_id": "r-v4-5f50ecd1568ef"
                    "t": 1599139078,
                    "from": -6,
                    "source": "system",
                    "message": "Prepare: file path created",
                    "level": "INFO",
                    "session_id": "r-v4-5f50ecd1568ef"
                    "t": 1599139078,
                    "from": -6,
                    "source": "system",
                    "message": "Starting Taurus Cloud - Cloud Launcher",
                    "level": "INFO",
                    "session_id": "r-v4-5f50ecd1568ef"
                    "t": 1599139078,
                    "from": -6,
                    "source": "system",
                    "message": "Testing Operation System: ***linux***",
                    "level": "INFO",
                    "session_id": "r-v4-5f50ecd1568ef"
                    "t": 1599139078,
                    "from": -6,
                    "source": "system",
                    "message": "[Init Info: Before init variables]                     \n\t\t\t\t\t\t\toriginal_config:                     \n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tcustom_config:                     \n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tEVENTS_URL:                     \n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tFILE_NAME: my-script.jmx                     \n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tSCRIPT_TYPE: jmeter                     \n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tINSTANCE ID: None",
                    "level": "INFO",
                    "session_id": "r-v4-5f50ecd1568ef"
                    "t": 1599139078,
                    "from": -6,
                    "source": "system",
                    "message": "Session id is set",
                    "level": "INFO",
                    "session_id": "r-v4-5f50ecd1568ef"
                    "t": 1599139078,
                    "from": -6,
                    "source": "system",
                    "message": "Starting Taurus update",
                    "level": "INFO",
                    "session_id": "r-v4-5f50ecd1568ef"
                    "t": 1599139078,
                    "from": -6,
                    "source": "system",
                    "message": "Taurus update complete",
                    "level": "INFO",
                    "session_id": "r-v4-5f50ecd1568ef"
                    "t": 1599139078,
                    "from": -6,
                    "source": "system",
                    "message": "[Init Info: After init variables]                     \n\t\t\t\t\t\t\toriginal_config:                     \n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tcustom_config:                     \n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tEVENTS_URL:                     \n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tFILE_NAME: my-script.jmx                     \n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tSCRIPT_TYPE: jmeter                     \n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tINSTANCE ID: None",
                    "level": "INFO",
                    "session_id": "r-v4-5f50ecd1568ef"
                    "t": 1599139078,
                    "from": -6,
                    "source": "system",
                    "message": "Running blacklist check",
                    "level": "INFO",
                    "session_id": "r-v4-5f50ecd1568ef"
                    "t": 1599139078,
                    "from": -6,
                    "source": "system",
                    "message": "Blacklist check completed (Check: 0)",
                    "level": "INFO",
                    "session_id": "r-v4-5f50ecd1568ef"
                    "t": 1599139077,
                    "from": -6,
                    "source": "system",
                    "message": "Prepare: file path created",
                    "level": "INFO",
                    "session_id": "r-v4-5f50ecd1568ef"
                    "t": 1599139077,
                    "from": -6,
                    "source": "system",
                    "message": "Prepare: Verify file path /usr/local/taurus-cloud/files",
                    "level": "INFO",
                    "session_id": "r-v4-5f50ecd1568ef"
                    "t": 1599139077,
                    "from": -6,
                    "source": "system",
                    "message": "Prepare: file path created",
                    "level": "INFO",
                    "session_id": "r-v4-5f50ecd1568ef"
                    "t": 1599139077,
                    "from": -6,
                    "source": "system",
                    "message": "Prepare: Verify file path /tmp/artifacts/admin",
                    "level": "INFO",
                    "session_id": "r-v4-5f50ecd1568ef"
                    "t": 1599139077,
                    "from": -6,
                    "source": "system",
                    "message": "Prepare: file path created",
                    "level": "INFO",
                    "session_id": "r-v4-5f50ecd1568ef"
                    "t": 1599139077,
                    "from": -6,
                    "source": "system",
                    "message": "Prepare: Verify file path /tmp/artifacts",
                    "level": "INFO",
                    "session_id": "r-v4-5f50ecd1568ef"
                    "t": 1599139077,
                    "from": -6,
                    "source": "system",
                    "message": "Prepare: file path created",
                    "level": "INFO",
                    "session_id": "r-v4-5f50ecd1568ef"
                    "t": 1599139077,
                    "from": -6,
                    "source": "system",
                    "message": "Prepare: Verify file path /usr/local",
                    "level": "INFO",
                    "session_id": "r-v4-5f50ecd1568ef"
                    "t": 1599139077,
                    "from": -6,
                    "source": "system",
                    "message": "Prepare: Preparing test launcher environment",
                    "level": "INFO",
                    "session_id": "r-v4-5f50ecd1568ef"
                    "t": 1599139029,
                    "from": 0,
                    "source": "system",
                    "message": "Status changed to PREPARING_PROVISIONING (14)",
                    "level": "INFO",
                    "session_id": "r-v4-5f50ecd1568ef"
                    "t": 1599139026,
                    "from": 0,
                    "source": "system",
                    "message": "Status changed to PREPARING_PROVISIONING (14)",
                    "level": "INFO",
                    "session_id": "r-v4-5f50ecd1568ef"
                    "t": 1599139026,
                    "from": 0,
                    "source": "system",
                    "message": "Status changed to CONFIGURING_DEPENDENCIES (10)",
                    "level": "INFO",
                    "session_id": "r-v4-5f50ecd1568ef"
        "request_id": "5f51086221649"


    Test Results

    Retrieve test results using the masters endpoint. The following topics provide information on using the API to retrieve high level overviews, gather summary results, request statistics, error statistics, threshold statistics, time-series data, custom time-series data and retrieving logs.

    Master Details

    Master Details

    curl '' \
        --user 'api_key_id:api_key_secret'

    API Explorer: /masters/{masterId}

    The high-level summary includes the following data:

    The pass/failure status of the master is represented as a boolean value ("true" for pass, "false" for fail) that follows the attribute "passed". The sample code shows a "passed" master of a test. If no failure criteria were specified, the entire key/value pair would simply be omitted from the response, and the Pass/Fail status displayed in the UI would say "Not Set".

    To learn more about how to set failure criteria, visit the article Test Failure Criteria. For a more detailed breakdown of Test Failure Criteria, check out the threshold statistics section.

    The sample code retrieves data for a masterId of 12345678. Use the actual masterId in place of 12345678.

    Master Details Response Attributes

    Response 200 OK

        "api_version": 4,
        "error": null,
        "result": {
            "id": 12345678,
            "name": "Full Test Example",
            "userId": 123456,
            "publicToken": "i4QiExnJ7Sz6RXsmeJWmKGoq4mZEepU9k5ZPSDwnLlQVn8PF19",
            "ended": 1599076624,
            "lastUpdate": 1599075313,
            "delayedStartReady": true,
            "runnerUserId": 123456,
            "charges": [],
            "maxUsers": 20,
            "created": 1599075175,
            "updated": 1599077683,
            "note": "This is a note",
            "passed": true,
            "parallelTestsInWorkspace": 1,
            "parallelTestsInAccount": 1,
            "isPrivateData": false,
            "creatorClientId": "gui",
            "executorClientId": "gui",
            "secondsPerLabelDoc": 60,
            "labelsCollectionSuffix": "_17_12",
            "isDebugRun": false,
            "locations": [
            "scenariosMapping": [
                    "id": "62efbba7487d22dc23663844121493c09a1ac48b71c4a30d6c30cc97610c7ece",
                    "name": "default-scenario-1234567",
                    "test": "Full Test Example",
                    "isEndUserExperience": false
                    "id": "a554ead1bb83b8a545cd841054cb3d0cb346b92b0a5b813652002a4d1a6e7485",
                    "name": "End User Experience for Full Test Example",
                    "test": "Full Test Example",
                    "isEndUserExperience": true
            "executions": [
                    "concurrency": 20,
                    "usersNotConfigured": false,
                    "holdFor": "19m",
                    "durationIsNotConfigured": false,
                    "rampUp": "1m",
                    "steps": 0,
                    "throughput": 10,
                    "locations": {
                        "us-east4-a": 10,
                        "us-east1-b": 10
                    "locationsPercents": {
                        "us-east4-a": 50,
                        "us-east1-b": 50
                    "executor": "jmeter",
                    "scenario": "default-scenario-1234567"
                    "concurrency": 1,
                    "holdFor": "1200s",
                    "durationIsNotConfigured": false,
                    "executor": "selenium",
                    "executionSource": "endUserExperience",
                    "scenario": "End User Experience for Full Test Example"
            "useV4Pipeline": true,
            "isSelenium": false,
            "hasMonitoringData": true,
            "rpsCompatible": false,
            "remoteControlCompatible": true,
            "hasDaggerData": true,
            "hasData": true,
            "shouldUseDaggerReport": true,
            "properties": [
                    "pairs": [
                            "key": "newProperty",
                            "value": "aValue"
                    "testId": 1234567,
                    "locations": [
                    "scenarios": [
                    "pairs": [
                            "key": "blazemeter.throughput",
                            "value": 10
                    "locations": [
                    "scenarios": [
            "dependencies": [
                    "services": [
                            "service": "BlazeDemo",
                            "mock-service": "Entries Mock Service",
                            "mock-service-template": "Blazedemo Entries Template"
            "testId": 1234567,
            "projectId": 123456,
            "sessionsId": [
            "thumbnailUrl": null,
            "hasErrorsPerInterval": true,
            "sessions": [
            "jetpackLabels": [
                    "id": "5a212f0d83b87585c312053aa3d9356faedcd7c83e2e862856bfab3bb352ddb3",
                    "name": "Dummy Sampler 9-4"
                    "id": "2c4c77b439900407b286f4eb33b7160d476a16af900ca18a654ad7e061e47217",
                    "name": "Dummy Sampler 10-5"
                    "id": "99ee3d9fd98eac61d70ba85d8171b972356efa76fe998b762727607bfa44774a",
                    "name": "Dummy Sampler 4-5"
                    "id": "b5c7aed7cd2a308523e7d2847b7815909e864b2fd9c4ea88b00d35adb2ecdfd7",
                    "name": "ALL"
                    "id": "426b8776c5aea18236671c2031b79e03e36ae61e9525274ff37c4abd8cbf402a",
                    "name": "Dummy Sampler 4-3"
                    "id": "de5a49b6043c130e9fd482dfff6e039106c712db6471cf1f41f17b702ae1560b",
                    "name": "Dummy Sampler 6-2"
                    "id": "868ec8f6c10315c31b1c48a07ce3087f7af4c33cbbca2af9f1137e99a87528ad",
                    "name": "Dummy Sampler 10-4"
                    "id": "ecaf89656817ae7dd9c8cc7c9124dfe2af0e7ee8b6c72c62731ca597245e6df5",
                    "name": "Dummy Sampler 3-4"
                    "id": "d26beb176d6172083f44e386db016ffe202064b9473b565dec7faed943579b99",
                    "name": "Dummy Sampler 4-4"
                    "id": "5421f70a20a4cc21671898f969227cf0f7945d8bb64748fe24e97ad8ee12a4bd",
                    "name": "Dummy Sampler 3-3"
                    "id": "0f8344b783b59a723f7b49f7ec569f4c0c4fd860bd3ef1cdf5d8ac8f8b1b5cb5",
                    "name": "Dummy Sampler 1-4"
                    "id": "66c400f522edc78b20cc31742ef1ee72de8e9bd652f119da0a9e619bdcfd5f10",
                    "name": "Dummy Sampler 7-2"
                    "id": "4e55dd94b0687148f4d3fb819da192caf00af1da9ab4e794922ecee2eb9bcca4",
                    "name": "Dummy Sampler 3-5"
                    "id": "6a8331f28925eae87d618fa2a7d34044c8a4640e7f08850d0888737d9e79734d",
                    "name": "Dummy Sampler 5-5"
                    "id": "877e982d386229478e921a65cbbaa84fb1c14e58d5754216372ea07f79fffcce",
                    "name": "Dummy Sampler 4-1"
                    "id": "c5f2e3537e2b7f2fa204abf63de8bc339036b7eee0f9fcb7168995cf3842a04d",
                    "name": "Dummy Sampler 2-5"
                    "id": "e934b78602eea603ed22388d47aa3090ec643c8dcd604a1ded0f21e8b97f84d3",
                    "name": "Dummy Sampler 5-2"
                    "id": "3c62fe114a84758fc274ef77eeda9ba81e0c0de495ff2786da892245ca25d8a4",
                    "name": "Dummy Sampler 7-4"
                    "id": "76b730928743456b46da5cc919aab783cc9780ee49267ab1ea37af9002c48002",
                    "name": "Dummy Sampler 3-1"
                    "id": "774a039661eb7bbf98665e4d3d28d897de8287e38c190400d8eae2a81dbead99",
                    "name": "Dummy Sampler 9-5"
                    "id": "c21cc688dc79cc813588c83720a676308b5713747f01bab1b9ded2729ae87a2e",
                    "name": "Dummy Sampler 9-3"
                    "id": "0656cd0ee5501a550338a725de214239f39aaa90b30cf9d0231f71a01c8f6a2e",
                    "name": "Dummy Sampler 1-2"
                    "id": "585ee62293662d8e2c161c2621efe4e4b7d8e7cd8de5d19699ee943fb7e0d4f9",
                    "name": "Dummy Sampler 2-2"
                    "id": "48fb09b24a0ba3106d2a69267c586cd72b46a6690601cfe981e11dfb364be295",
                    "name": "Dummy Sampler 2-4"
                    "id": "855c41608c960154b1a940db88eb07a6e2ebd670ae17bcf1c9949089645569b1",
                    "name": "Dummy Sampler 7-3"
                    "id": "6ee11a45e8d1a5ff876fbdc353222498de95de841cb4ac54e977507fe117ba37",
                    "name": "Dummy Sampler 1-5"
                    "id": "e1b1583297ba88ea9692c62e653f9e05a117c296d425d28921b0ea0ade936118",
                    "name": "Dummy Sampler 2-3"
                    "id": "c646927269709fd3d09c9119fcc5b759e9e02ee703d22b8380ef4ed9bdbd1496",
                    "name": "Dummy Sampler 5-1"
                    "id": "e6ea544605da60c4de5d5d1c3a47a28c532c6c1e4f58c5747def5224b31eb3e9",
                    "name": "Dummy Sampler 6-1"
                    "id": "0afba9498eb0587a5be28586c9fa0111de1bf3475dbe9618ec75e4f46814de56",
                    "name": "Dummy Sampler 2-1"
                    "id": "c07913d9d35b4071bbf32ceade632e424e173ba0eb616adf5749f613f5596c87",
                    "name": "Dummy Sampler 5-3"
                    "id": "04493fa0833a77105483f32fe2a32e1baca420ea9d6cda52e876010f91b2e087",
                    "name": "Dummy Sampler 6-3"
                    "id": "90a45f6678302659a4ba252cf7169c76663c4a08bd73331b00a6ecd630e8ec03",
                    "name": "Dummy Sampler 8-1"
                    "id": "a33853e884ae4a2f332974875b8f8f0a4521c8c28112e9910b52680582f72dbb",
                    "name": "Dummy Sampler 7-1"
                    "id": "cbd50211d966c8460e31be9a0622aa1ef614c10626c86013edee4b8ffe995d63",
                    "name": "Dummy Sampler 3-2"
                    "id": "6be96150c1e953e08a3a1911d9db6ce1f36946840832ea4d3367c781fd2ac6c0",
                    "name": "Dummy Sampler 1-1"
                    "id": "503a51d46af9a41c84f14c6c0d58bf93c5f28da66fd71356fa6ccd8cdf062b2e",
                    "name": "Dummy Sampler 6-4"
                    "id": "482d2e3c84148a2a549ce24722c15ca49b9fbe0a7b8ecfe9b9600f21f47f2f26",
                    "name": "Dummy Sampler 5-4"
                    "id": "07f8cd6ee5c77a7e8ed1430254f701d6fec3ef0aed713d34816734877b8bc086",
                    "name": "Dummy Sampler 4-2"
                    "id": "d0dd6e4b1eddc8042df773895be292546b71244763b6dbe5f456888d759a0636",
                    "name": "Dummy Sampler 10-2"
                    "id": "73aa5e01278dab139d90c1e9aa23c990382944709cceac06d10cd65a4b831d7f",
                    "name": "Dummy Sampler 6-5"
                    "id": "91132961357b44bcca8cd41ab98e51ea52bb79635a6fbd2ed846793db5327960",
                    "name": "Dummy Sampler 8-2"
                    "id": "598fe62bc04988ae02ee66948b62ce5cb51aea16cfcd790e398f3b176b125543",
                    "name": "Dummy Sampler 8-3"
                    "id": "47687360da0c21b9b8c24a330319e5106eb2212f5ef4d93a4f566cb15284cf81",
                    "name": "Dummy Sampler 7-5"
                    "id": "05370c567029cd96cdd248188806f0f9ea114277ed0ec1fab4b616964dfbba7f",
                    "name": "Dummy Sampler 10-3"
                    "id": "c013b818a253f344d1109bebece47c68eefb8a09e7614ad6665a53faf52bcc5b",
                    "name": "Dummy Sampler 8-4"
                    "id": "6db63263206a77caf33733fa38cca9daa3af616ee02fa331cdf4ef08ff07c20c",
                    "name": "Dummy Sampler 10-1"
                    "id": "8d2c3b33df4519ef590751a725db1ab4f2d8af63f0230ecb8dfa04395b49142c",
                    "name": "Dummy Sampler 1-3"
                    "id": "ddb1b74c3f9f21baac105072fbd95e879a946f47e23e40d7c00565a99acacd7d",
                    "name": "Dummy Sampler 8-5"
                    "id": "5322c068c11819ca569e53f83db83ee0c7de04f131f5163d67071cb1697cce49",
                    "name": "Dummy Sampler 9-1"
                    "id": "778b52e53a9424f23a05b4702455800f338e8990d5cfdf01606ea25eb1d6dcfc",
                    "name": "Dummy Sampler 9-2"
        "request_id": "5f4ffd4318af4"

    See the Master Object for a detailed breakdown of the master object.

    List Masters

    List Masters

    curl '' \
        --user 'api_key_id:api_key_secret'

    API Explorer: /masters

    To obtain a list of all masters (containing every masterId for a test), use the testId and the /masters endpoint. The sample code returns masters with a testId of 1234567. Use the actual testId in place of the 1234567. The response shown includes one masterId ("id": 12345678). Any additional runs of the testId (every masterId) will also be returned in the response.

    List Masters Parameters


    Also see: Pagination and Sorting

    List Masters Response Attributes

    Response 200 OK

        "limit": 10,
        "skip": 0,
        "total": 1,
        "hidden": 0,
        "api_version": 4,
        "error": null,
        "result": [
                "id": 12345678,
                "name": "V4 Remote Control Test",
                "userId": 123456,
                "ended": 1551721953,
                "delayedStartReady": false,
                "runnerUserId": 123456,
                "charges": [],
                "maxUsers": 20,
                "created": 1551721720,
                "updated": 1551721954,
                "passed": true,
                "parallelTestsInWorkspace": 1,
                "parallelTestsInAccount": 1,
                "isPrivateData": false,
                "creatorClientId": "gui",
                "executorClientId": "api",
                "secondsPerLabelDoc": 60,
                "labelsCollectionSuffix": "_17_12",
                "isDebugRun": false,
                "locations": [
                "scenariosMapping": [
                        "id": "7955907f886baf352a5dd51d04f91b5c209e9af71fb2f035a785614601f3ffd7",
                        "name": "default-scenario-6606270",
                        "test": null,
                        "isEndUserExperience": false
                "executions": [
                        "concurrency": 20,
                        "holdFor": "19m",
                        "rampUp": "1m",
                        "steps": 0,
                        "throughput": 5,
                        "locations": {
                            "us-east-1": 20
                        "locationsPercents": {
                            "us-east-1": 100
                        "executor": "jmeter",
                        "scenario": "default-scenario-6606270"
                "useV4Pipeline": true,
                "shutdownAt": 1551721933,
                "isSelenium": false,
                "hasMonitoringData": true,
                "rpsCompatible": true,
                "remoteControlCompatible": true,
                "hasDaggerData": true,
                "properties": [
                        "pairs": [
                                "key": "SampleName",
                                "value": "MySampler1"
                        "testId": 1234567,
                        "locations": [
                        "scenarios": [
                        "pairs": [
                                "key": "blazemeter.throughput",
                                "value": 5
                        "testId": 1234567,
                        "locations": [
                        "scenarios": [
                "testId": 1234567,
                "projectId": 123456,
                "sessionsId": [

    See the Master Object for a detailed breakdown of the master object.

    Update a Master

    Update a Master

    curl '' \
      -X PATCH \
      -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
      --user 'api_key_id:api_key_secret' \
      -d '{"note": "This is a note", "name": "Assertions in V4 - Report Name"}'

    API Explorer: /masters/{masterId}

    To update a test, use PATCH to change the provided configuration for a given test (you need to know the masterId). The sample code updates a master with an ID of 12345678 (the 12345678 is contained in the URL) with a new master name Assertions in V4 - Report Name and a note of This is a note.

    See the Master Object for the attributes that you can modify.

    Update a Master Request Attributes

    Update a Master Update a Master PATCH Body (JSON)

      "note": "This is a note",
      "name": "Assertions in V4 - Report Name"


    Update a Master Response Attributes

    Response 200 OK

        "api_version": 4,
        "error": null,
        "result": {
            "id": 12345678,
            "name": "Assertions in V4 - Report Name",
            "userId": 123456,
            "ended": 1599142726,
            "delayedStartReady": false,
            "runnerUserId": 123456,
            "charges": [],
            "terminateWorkersExecuted": false,
            "maxUsers": 10,
            "hasData": true,
            "passed": true,
            "parallelTestsInWorkspace": 2,
            "parallelTestsInAccount": 2,
            "isPrivateData": false,
            "isQueued": false,
            "creatorClientId": "gui",
            "executorClientId": "gui",
            "secondsPerLabelDoc": 60,
            "labelsCollectionSuffix": "_17_12",
            "locations": [
            "scenariosMapping": [
                    "id": "0b0e1f73f1f3868f9d55c5b597dabb6d482099f7e43fe7d5dd3a520bf074a718",
                    "name": "default-scenario-1234567",
                    "test": "Assertions in V4",
                    "isEndUserExperience": false
            "isDebugRun": false,
            "executions": [
                    "concurrency": 10,
                    "usersNotConfigured": false,
                    "holdFor": "59m",
                    "durationIsNotConfigured": false,
                    "rampUp": "1m",
                    "steps": 0,
                    "locations": {
                        "us-east4-a": 10
                    "locationsPercents": {
                        "us-east4-a": 100
                    "executor": "jmeter",
                    "scenario": "default-scenario-1234567"
            "concurrency": 10,
            "useV4Pipeline": true,
            "v4IndexerCollection": "{\"execution\":[1],\"execution:1\":[\"r-v4-5f50ecd1568ef\"],\"session:1\":[\"r-v4-5f50ecd1568ef\"],\"location:1\":[\"us-east4-a\"]}",
            "isSelenium": false,
            "rpsCompatible": false,
            "remoteControlCompatible": true,
            "hasMonitoringData": true,
            "shouldSendReportEmail": false,
            "shouldUseDaggerReport": true,
            "hasDaggerData": true,
            "kinesisStream": "prod-purp_v4pipeline_input",
            "useJetlag": false,
            "properties": [
                    "pairs": [
                            "key": "myProperty",
                            "value": "aValue"
                    "testId": 1234567,
                    "locations": [
                    "scenarios": [
            "jetpackLabels": [
                    "id": "045c62992049f8457bb198fa752a7e771c0fca4ae8eb4321434565da4e79ac24",
                    "name": "200, failed sample and failed assertion"
                    "id": "f2b5756a9bab9c338cf0c44dde9eda984031035c592f91d8288719c7284845f2",
                    "name": "500 and no assertion"
                    "id": "825fc37144b48edb93cec4ccec42111f9bc53e76a3dba065b667c77afcb207e6",
                    "name": "401 and failed assertion"
                    "id": "890c0b72d2943fb411229ab61aab9ce9ba1c44b60ca86a995c502884c2c23f48",
                    "name": "200, failed sample and no assertion"
                    "id": "b5c7aed7cd2a308523e7d2847b7815909e864b2fd9c4ea88b00d35adb2ecdfd7",
                    "name": "ALL"
                    "id": "c5448e20c2691dc557a8300817badbdc8944dfec39e1416d183c6bc20a2620a7",
                    "name": "200 and failed assertion"
                    "id": "a240fdd4814411a72df79a9cc58ccd899701cfb24c5312e423711095c356bb39",
                    "name": "200 and successfull assertion"
                    "id": "aad2c8fe5349f04f2abcbe2663225ee32a2d58032826b2e3df5c6ac774db0faf",
                    "name": "400 and successfull assertion"
            "dependencies": [
            "env": "",
            "enableFailureCriteria": {
                "7056614": true
            "enableLoadConfiguration": true,
            "created": 1599139024,
            "updated": 1599158139,
            "note": "This is a note",
            "thresholds": [
                    "thresholds": [
                            "field": "responseTime.percentile.90",
                            "label": "200 and successfull assertion",
                            "op": "gt",
                            "stopTestOnViolation": true,
                            "value": "2000",
                            "isEmpty": false
                            "field": "responseTime.avg",
                            "label": "I don't exixt",
                            "op": "lt",
                            "stopTestOnViolation": false,
                            "value": "44",
                            "isEmpty": false
                    "ignoreRampup": true,
                    "fromTaurus": false,
                    "slidingWindow": true,
                    "testId": 1234567
        "request_id": "5f51377b3ea16"

    See the Master Object for a detailed breakdown of the master object.

    Add a Public Token

    Add a Public Token

    curl '' \
        -X POST \
        -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
        --user 'api_key_id:api_key_secret' \
        -d '{"publicToken":null}'

    API Explorer: /masters/{masterId}/public-token

    To create a public token for a given master, you need to know the masterId of a givne master. The sample code creates a public token with a masterId of 12345678. Use the masterId of the actual master you want to add the public token to in place of 12345678.

    Add a Public Token Request Attributes

    Add a Public Token Add a Public Token POST Body (JSON)

        "publicToken": null


    Add a Public Token Response Attributes

    Response 201 Created

        "api_version": 4,
        "error": null,
        "result": {
            "publicToken": "RUSd9VYDPnIW5SmBWDkqRXeovQ5U0XFtwGCLNikkxgELMGSafl",
            "new": false
        "request_id": "5ef2054733d53"


    Delete a Public Token

    Delete a Test

    curl '' \
        -X DELETE \
        --user 'api_key_id:api_key_secret'

    Response 204 No content

    API Explorer: /masters/{masterId}/public-token

    To delete a public token from a master, you need to know the masterId that is using the public token. The sample code deletes a public token for a master with an ID of 12345678. Use the masterId of the actual test to delete in place of the 12345678.

    Summary Statistics

    Summary Statistics

    curl '' \
        --user 'api_key_id:api_key_secret'

    API Explorer: /masters/{masterId}/reports/{reportId}/summary

    To get high level summary statistics, use the masterId and /masters/{masterId}/reports/default/summary endpoint. The sample code returns summary stats for the masterId of 12345678. Use the masterId of the actual test run in place of 12345678.

    The response contains an array that contains the full summary of the master.

    All time values are in milliseconds (ms) and times provided are in Epoch Time.

    Summary Statistics Response Attributes

    Response 200 OK

        "api_version": 4,
        "error": null,
        "result": {
            "summary": [
                    "avg": 125.41050552890562,
                    "bytes": 30524070,
                    "concurrency": 60,
                    "duration": 1200,
                    "durationIsNotConfigured": false,
                    "failed": 93395,
                    "first": 1551801914,
                    "histogram": {
                        "mean": 83
                    "hits": 246613,
                    "id": "ALL",
                    "last": 1551803114,
                    "lb": "ALL",
                    "tp90": 110,
                    "min": 50,
                    "max": 647
            "jmeterLogSummary": [],
            "jmeterLogTypeSummary": [],
            "maxUsers": 60


    Request Statistics

    Request Statistics

    curl '' \
        --user 'api_key_id:api_key_secret'

    API Explorer: /masters/{masterId}/reports/{reportId}/data

    To get high level ("labelName": "ALL") and per label statistics, use the masterId and /masters/{masterId}/reports/aggregatereport/data endpoint. The sample code returns stats for each request with a masterId of 12345678. Use the masterId of the actual master in place of 12345678.

    The response contains an array of objects, one for each request (label) and its corresponding data.

    All time values are in milliseconds (ms).

    Request Statistics Response Attributes

    Response 200 OK

        "api_version": 4,
        "error": null,
        "result": [
                "avgBytes": 3.9289999999999998,
                "avgLatency": 0,
                "avgResponseTime": 607.20296093084858,
                "avgThroughput": 17.647746243739565,
                "duration": 1198,
                "errorsCount": 0,
                "errorsRate": 0,
                "geoMeanResponseTime": null,
                "hasLabelPassedThresholds": null,
                "labelId": "17477542f8114333b731b111206fa6a2cb560645f62f48b74e7a2768d933cb58",
                "labelName": "bzm - Parallel Controller Dummy",
                "90line": 611,
                "95line": 611,
                "99line": 611,
                "maxResponseTime": 619,
                "medianResponseTime": 611,
                "minResponseTime": 600,
                "samples": 21142,
                "stDev": 2.7349000955906688,
                "concurrency": 20
                "avgBytes": 7.5170000000000003,
                "avgLatency": 16.561672462217466,
                "avgResponseTime": 282.59748227898888,
                "avgThroughput": 49.888240200166805,
                "duration": 1199,
                "errorsCount": 0,
                "errorsRate": 0,
                "geoMeanResponseTime": null,
                "hasLabelPassedThresholds": null,
                "labelId": "b5c7aed7cd2a308523e7d2847b7815909e864b2fd9c4ea88b00d35adb2ecdfd7",
                "labelName": "ALL",
                "90line": 611,
                "95line": 611,
                "99line": 611,
                "maxResponseTime": 619,
                "medianResponseTime": 108,
                "minResponseTime": 100,
                "samples": 59816,
                "stDev": 240.23588800646482,
                "concurrency": 40
                "avgBytes": 3.5939999999999999,
                "avgLatency": 25.615478098981228,
                "avgResponseTime": 105.14469669545431,
                "avgThroughput": 32.28213689482471,
                "duration": 1198,
                "errorsCount": 0,
                "errorsRate": 0,
                "geoMeanResponseTime": null,
                "hasLabelPassedThresholds": null,
                "labelId": "6cd7cac6b9903c94dbea09b9973066d5f36c6e1de2cd06c91c853afcd56faff5",
                "labelName": "Dummy Sample",
                "90line": 110,
                "95line": 110,
                "99line": 111,
                "maxResponseTime": 117,
                "medianResponseTime": 105,
                "minResponseTime": 100,
                "samples": 38674,
                "stDev": 3.1836156424647122,
                "concurrency": 20


    Error Statistics

    Error Statistics

    curl '' \
        --user  'api_key_id:api_key_secret'

    API Explorer: /masters/{masterId}/reports/{reportId}/data

    To get statistics for HTTP errors and failed assertions, use the masterId and the /masters/{masterId}/reports/errorsreport/data endpoint. Aggregated statistics are kept for HTTP errors, failed assertions, and failed embedded resources (embedded resources that returned non-200). Errors are HTTP status codes other than 200; however, if a request with status code 200 is still being displayed as an error, visit the article "Why are my HTTP 200 OK counted as errors?" to find out why.

    The sample code returns statistics for items with a masterId of 12345678. Use the actual masterId in place of 12345678.

    Error Statistics Response Attributes

    Response 200 OK

        "api_version": 4,
        "error": null,
        "result": [
                "labelId": "3b6d1bf098957debc57a9e6fc732460ebc922e77571812dda2edb21ea0c80492",
                "errors": [],
                "assertions": [],
                "failedEmbeddedResources": [
                        "rc": "502",
                        "rm": "Bad Gateway",
                        "count": 1
                "urls": [
                        "url": "",
                        "count": 1
                "name": "HTTP Request",
                "_id": "HTTP Request"
                "labelId": "945d56310dfa9763fee02e16874f50997d5e4ae6162e187e9ee80e50e6b7da15",
                "errors": [],
                "assertions": [
                        "name": "Response Assertion",
                        "failureMessage": "Response messaged did not contain \"Dummy\".",
                        "failures": 642
                "failedEmbeddedResources": [],
                "urls": [],
                "name": "Dummy Sample Again",
                "_id": "Dummy Sample Again"
                "labelId": "b5c7aed7cd2a308523e7d2847b7815909e864b2fd9c4ea88b00d35adb2ecdfd7",
                "errors": [
                        "rc": "401",
                        "m": "Unauthorized",
                        "count": 32
                        "rc": "500",
                        "m": "Internal Server Error",
                        "count": 644
                        "rc": "",
                        "m": "Number of samples in transaction : 3, number of failing samples : 1",
                        "count": 32
                        "rc": "401",
                        "m": "Number of samples in transaction : 3, number of failing samples : 1",
                        "count": 32
                        "rc": "404",
                        "m": "NOT FOUND",
                        "count": 643
                "assertions": [
                        "name": "Response Assertion",
                        "failureMessage": "Response code did not contain a 200.",
                        "failures": 643
                        "name": "Response Assertion",
                        "failureMessage": "Response messaged did not contain \"Dummy\".",
                        "failures": 642
                "failedEmbeddedResources": [
                        "rc": "502",
                        "rm": "Bad Gateway",
                        "count": 1
                "urls": [
                        "url": "",
                        "count": 1
                "name": "ALL",
                "_id": "ALL"
                "labelId": "bf3c7ccb0a030c41fc714c6527397e95c1dc25cb4cb733d595c7a6b73f69b7b0",
                "errors": [
                        "rc": "401",
                        "m": "Unauthorized",
                        "count": 32
                "assertions": [],
                "failedEmbeddedResources": [],
                "urls": [],
                "name": "Dummy Transaction 3",
                "_id": "Dummy Transaction 3"
                "labelId": "6cd7cac6b9903c94dbea09b9973066d5f36c6e1de2cd06c91c853afcd56faff5",
                "errors": [
                        "rc": "500",
                        "m": "Internal Server Error",
                        "count": 644
                        "rc": "404",
                        "m": "NOT FOUND",
                        "count": 643
                "assertions": [
                        "name": "Response Assertion",
                        "failureMessage": "Response code did not contain a 200.",
                        "failures": 643
                "failedEmbeddedResources": [],
                "urls": [],
                "name": "Dummy Sample",
                "_id": "Dummy Sample"
                "labelId": "38e581ab346d07c61d6b397b4f9e8900702394fad1ea53cda48ef55406abd26",
                "errors": [
                        "rc": "401",
                        "m": "Number of samples in transaction : 3, number of failing samples : 1",
                        "count": 32
                "assertions": [],
                "failedEmbeddedResources": [],
                "urls": [],
                "name": "Transaction Controller 2",
                "_id": "Transaction Controller 2"
                "labelId": "56c57ad0f920b342b61c12749fccc72d3840e6c9335f1e516ac9cf4a9ba51111",
                "errors": [
                        "rc": "",
                        "m": "Number of samples in transaction : 3, number of failing samples : 1",
                        "count": 33
                "assertions": [],
                "failedEmbeddedResources": [],
                "urls": [],
                "name": "Transaction Controller",
                "_id": "Transaction Controller"
        "request_id": "5ced9f9fd4a6d"


    Thresholds Statistics

    Get Threshold Statistics

    curl '' \
        --user  'api_key_id:api_key_secret'

    API Explorer: /masters/{masterId}/reports/{reportId}

    To get statistics for test failure criteria you set, use the masterId and the /masters/{masterId}/reports/thresholds endpoint. You will find all the details of which criteria you set passed or failed and where (if any) those violations occurred.

    The sample code returns threshold statistics for items with a masterId of 12345678. Use the actual masterId in place of 12345678. Also, to find out which labelId goes with a specific label, you will need to use the APIs in either the High Level Masters Overview or Request Statistics sections.

    Threshold Statistics Response Attributes

    Response 200 OK

        "api_version": 4,
        "error": null,
        "result": {
            "hash": "thresholds",
            "name": "Thresholds",
            "type": "Thresholds",
            "source": "Thresholds",
            "id": "thresholds",
            "master_id": 12345678,
            "dataUrl": "",
            "data": [
                    "id": "5ceda469b72dc531292b8804",
                    "field": "responseTime.percentile.90",
                    "ignoreRampupTime": 60,
                    "labelId": "aa66bf0097386e72c10315745ffed811ae2707b6d48b2fd05df9510615c71158",
                    "op": "gt",
                    "range": 60,
                    "stopTestOnViolation": false,
                    "success": true,
                    "threshold": 500,
                    "created": 1559077993,
                    "updated": 1559077993,
                    "masterId": 12345678,
                    "testId": 1234567,
                    "violations": []
                    "id": "5ceda469b72dc531292b8805",
                    "field": "responseTime.percentile.90",
                    "ignoreRampupTime": 60,
                    "labelId": "f5d6402c5aacbfa32134a0ad31fcc6de5300a9b3966264350bd462b19305ecbb",
                    "op": "gt",
                    "range": 60,
                    "stopTestOnViolation": false,
                    "success": false,
                    "threshold": 1000,
                    "created": 1559077993,
                    "updated": 1559078296,
                    "masterId": 12345678,
                    "testId": 1234567,
                    "violations": [
                            "from": 1559079012,
                            "to": 1559079072,
                            "value": 1967
                            "from": 1559079002,
                            "to": 1559079062,
                            "value": 1967
                            "from": 1559078992,
                            "to": 1559079052,
                            "value": 1967
                            "from": 1559078982,
                            "to": 1559079042,
                            "value": 1959
                            "from": 1559078982,
                            "to": 1559079042,
                            "value": 1959
                            "from": 1559078972,
                            "to": 1559079032,
                            "value": 1959
                    "id": "5ceda469b72dc531292b8806",
                    "field": "responseTime.percentile.90",
                    "ignoreRampupTime": 60,
                    "labelId": "883ced7ab4e8aecee91719becdbdb09916b34dcc1a5ba78a1c3453d4a2eb3006",
                    "op": "gt",
                    "range": 60,
                    "stopTestOnViolation": false,
                    "success": false,
                    "threshold": 4500,
                    "created": 1559077993,
                    "updated": 1559078296,
                    "masterId": 12345678,
                    "testId": 1234567,
                    "violations": [
                            "from": 1559079012,
                            "to": 1559079072,
                            "value": 4959
                            "from": 1559079002,
                            "to": 1559079062,
                            "value": 4959
                            "from": 1559078993,
                            "to": 1559079050,
                            "value": 4959
                            "from": 1559078983,
                            "to": 1559079041,
                            "value": 4959
                            "from": 1559078983,
                            "to": 1559079041,
                            "value": 4959
                    "id": "5ceda469b72dc531292b8807",
                    "field": "responseTime.percentile.90",
                    "ignoreRampupTime": 60,
                    "labelId": "9ed35d26cbb13b431002a72d1614138bbf2ec35afa0c834f82f2898372ed3b33",
                    "op": "gt",
                    "range": 60,
                    "stopTestOnViolation": false,
                    "success": false,
                    "threshold": 1000,
                    "created": 1559077993,
                    "updated": 1559078296,
                    "masterId": 12345678,
                    "testId": 1234567,
                    "violations": [
                            "from": 1559079013,
                            "to": 1559079072,
                            "value": 1095
                            "from": 1559079003,
                            "to": 1559079062,
                            "value": 1095
                            "from": 1559078993,
                            "to": 1559079052,
                            "value": 1095
                            "from": 1559078983,
                            "to": 1559079042,
                            "value": 1095
                            "from": 1559078983,
                            "to": 1559079042,
                            "value": 1095
                            "from": 1559078972,
                            "to": 1559079030,
                            "value": 1087
                            "from": 1559078962,
                            "to": 1559079022,
                            "value": 1087
                            "from": 1559078952,
                            "to": 1559079011,
                            "value": 1087
        "request_id": "5ceda99113e15"


    Time-Series Data

    To draw graphs of key performance indicators (KPIs), first determine which KPIs are available and then retrieve the details for each KPI.

    Determine Available KPIs

    Determine Available KPIs

    curl '' \
        --user 'api_key_id:api_key_secret'

    Response 200 OK

        "api_version": 4,
        "error": null,
        "result": {
            "name": "March_04_3:11 PM - Multi Test",
            "id": 12345678,
            "children": [
                    "id": "Virtual Users",
                    "name": "Virtual Users",
                    "children": [
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                            "children": [
                                    "id": "label/b5c7aed7cd2a308523e7d2847b7815909e864b2fd9c4ea88b00d35adb2ecdfd7/na/avg",
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                                    "fillOpacity": 0.10000000000000001,
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                    "name": "Response Codes",
                    "children": [
                            "id": "b5c7aed7cd2a308523e7d2847b7815909e864b2fd9c4ea88b00d35adb2ecdfd7",
                            "name": "ALL",
                            "children": [
                                    "id": "label/b5c7aed7cd2a308523e7d2847b7815909e864b2fd9c4ea88b00d35adb2ecdfd7/rc/200",
                                    "name": "200",
                                    "labelId": "b5c7aed7cd2a308523e7d2847b7815909e864b2fd9c4ea88b00d35adb2ecdfd7"
                                    "id": "label/b5c7aed7cd2a308523e7d2847b7815909e864b2fd9c4ea88b00d35adb2ecdfd7/rc/404",
                                    "name": "404",
                                    "labelId": "b5c7aed7cd2a308523e7d2847b7815909e864b2fd9c4ea88b00d35adb2ecdfd7"
                            "id": "17477542f8114333b731b111206fa6a2cb560645f62f48b74e7a2768d933cb58",
                            "name": "bzm - Parallel Controller Dummy",
                            "children": [
                                    "id": "label/17477542f8114333b731b111206fa6a2cb560645f62f48b74e7a2768d933cb58/rc/200",
                                    "name": "200",
                                    "labelId": "17477542f8114333b731b111206fa6a2cb560645f62f48b74e7a2768d933cb58"
                            "id": "6cd7cac6b9903c94dbea09b9973066d5f36c6e1de2cd06c91c853afcd56faff5",
                            "name": "Dummy Sample",
                            "children": [
                                    "id": "label/6cd7cac6b9903c94dbea09b9973066d5f36c6e1de2cd06c91c853afcd56faff5/rc/200",
                                    "name": "200",
                                    "labelId": "6cd7cac6b9903c94dbea09b9973066d5f36c6e1de2cd06c91c853afcd56faff5"
                            "id": "4aea54d655e1ea0a0120da7e43da365c7581482cceaa0ad4c53574e14ecbc39e",
                            "name": "Dummy Sample Error",
                            "children": [
                                    "id": "label/4aea54d655e1ea0a0120da7e43da365c7581482cceaa0ad4c53574e14ecbc39e/rc/404",
                                    "name": "404",
                                    "labelId": "4aea54d655e1ea0a0120da7e43da365c7581482cceaa0ad4c53574e14ecbc39e"
                            "id": "6b7fa6973e0e41304cd0343664ab1def48ed9e12b2989dfd18b123d14c5b1201",
                            "name": "Dummy Sample Success",
                            "children": [
                                    "id": "label/6b7fa6973e0e41304cd0343664ab1def48ed9e12b2989dfd18b123d14c5b1201/rc/200",
                                    "name": "200",
                                    "labelId": "6b7fa6973e0e41304cd0343664ab1def48ed9e12b2989dfd18b123d14c5b1201"

    API Explorer: /masters/{masterId}/reports/timeline/kpis

    To retrieve a list containing available key performance indicators (KPIs), use the masterId and the /masters/{masterId}/reports/timeline/kpis endpoint. The sample code returns available KPIs for a masterId of 12345678. Use the masterId of the actual test run in place of the 12345678.

    The response starts with a result that contains the test name. Under that are nested children, starting with the available KPIs (for example, Virtual Users, Hits, Errors, and so on). Within each child is another nested set of children listing the labels available.

    Within the children listing, you will find an id for each label. This is the labelId of the label and will be needed for querying a specific label in Retrieve Time-Series Details.

    Retrieve Time-Series Details

    Retrieve Time-Series Details for 60 Second Intervals

    curl '' \
        -H 'Accept: application/json' \
        --user 'api_key_id:api_key_secret'

    Response 200 OK

        "api_version": 4,
        "error": null,
        "result": [
                "labelId": "b5c7aed7cd2a308523e7d2847b7815909e864b2fd9c4ea88b00d35adb2ecdfd7",
                "labelName": "ALL",
                "label": "ALL",
                "kpis": [
                        "n": 4050,
                        "na": 49,
                        "ts": 1551801900,
                        "t_min": 50,
                        "t_max": 647,
                        "t_avg": 124.12148148148148,
                        "t_pec50": 83,
                        "t_pec90": 109,
                        "t_pec95": 611,
                        "t_pec99": 611,
                        "lt_avg": 23.630123456790123,
                        "by_avg": 123.48592592592593,
                        "n_avg": 67.5,
                        "ct_avg": 2.7385185185185184,
                        "ec_avg": 25.583333333333332,
                        "ec": 1535
                        "n": 12385,
                        "na": 60,
                        "ts": 1551801960,
                        "t_min": 50,
                        "t_max": 615,
                        "t_avg": 125.49882922890593,
                        "t_pec50": 84,
                        "t_pec90": 110,
                        "t_pec95": 607,
                        "t_pec99": 611,
                        "lt_avg": 23.442551473556723,
                        "by_avg": 123.75696406943884,
                        "n_avg": 206.41666666666666,
                        "ct_avg": 2.7489705288655633,
                        "ec_avg": 78.13333333333334,
                        "ec": 4688
                        "n": 12627,
                        "na": 60,
                        "ts": 1551802020,
                        "t_min": 50,
                        "t_max": 615,
                        "t_avg": 125.60932921517383,
                        "t_pec50": 84,
                        "t_pec90": 110,
                        "t_pec95": 607,
                        "t_pec99": 611,
                        "lt_avg": 23.288429555713947,
                        "by_avg": 123.7776193870278,
                        "n_avg": 210.44999999999999,
                        "ct_avg": 2.7457828462817773,
                        "ec_avg": 79.716666666666669,
                        "ec": 4783
                        "n": 12645,
                        "na": 60,
                        "ts": 1551802080,
                        "t_min": 50,
                        "t_max": 611,
                        "t_avg": 125.34045077105576,
                        "t_pec50": 83,
                        "t_pec90": 110,
                        "t_pec95": 607,
                        "t_pec99": 611,
                        "lt_avg": 23.288177145116649,
                        "by_avg": 123.76370106761566,
                        "n_avg": 210.75,
                        "ct_avg": 2.7379201265322264,
                        "ec_avg": 79.799999999999997,
                        "ec": 4788
                        "n": 12658,
                        "na": 60,
                        "ts": 1551802140,
                        "t_min": 50,
                        "t_max": 611,
                        "t_avg": 125.13690946437036,
                        "t_pec50": 83,
                        "t_pec90": 110,
                        "t_pec95": 607,
                        "t_pec99": 611,
                        "lt_avg": 23.211802812450625,
                        "by_avg": 123.75367356612419,
                        "n_avg": 210.96666666666667,
                        "ct_avg": 2.754147574656344,
                        "ec_avg": 79.966666666666669,
                        "ec": 4798
                        "n": 12678,
                        "na": 60,
                        "ts": 1551802200,
                        "t_min": 50,
                        "t_max": 611,
                        "t_avg": 124.95070200347058,
                        "t_pec50": 83,
                        "t_pec90": 110,
                        "t_pec95": 607,
                        "t_pec99": 611,
                        "lt_avg": 23.404716832307933,
                        "by_avg": 123.74727875059158,
                        "n_avg": 211.30000000000001,
                        "ct_avg": 2.7487774096860704,
                        "ec_avg": 80.083333333333329,
                        "ec": 4805
                        "n": 12644,
                        "na": 60,
                        "ts": 1551802260,
                        "t_min": 50,
                        "t_max": 615,
                        "t_avg": 125.45460297374248,
                        "t_pec50": 83,
                        "t_pec90": 110,
                        "t_pec95": 607,
                        "t_pec99": 611,
                        "lt_avg": 23.288516292312558,
                        "by_avg": 123.77348940208795,
                        "n_avg": 210.73333333333332,
                        "ct_avg": 2.7444637772856693,
                        "ec_avg": 79.799999999999997,
                        "ec": 4788
                        "n": 12633,
                        "na": 60,
                        "ts": 1551802320,
                        "t_min": 50,
                        "t_max": 615,
                        "t_avg": 125.50542230665717,
                        "t_pec50": 83,
                        "t_pec90": 110,
                        "t_pec95": 607,
                        "t_pec99": 611,
                        "lt_avg": 23.31647273015119,
                        "by_avg": 123.77297554025172,
                        "n_avg": 210.55000000000001,
                        "ct_avg": 2.7417082244914113,
                        "ec_avg": 79.733333333333334,
                        "ec": 4784
                        "n": 12654,
                        "na": 60,
                        "ts": 1551802380,
                        "t_min": 50,
                        "t_max": 611,
                        "t_avg": 125.33783783783784,
                        "t_pec50": 83,
                        "t_pec90": 110,
                        "t_pec95": 607,
                        "t_pec99": 611,
                        "lt_avg": 23.344792160581633,
                        "by_avg": 123.76576576576576,
                        "n_avg": 210.90000000000001,
                        "ct_avg": 2.7485380116959064,
                        "ec_avg": 79.916666666666671,
                        "ec": 4795
                        "n": 12639,
                        "na": 60,
                        "ts": 1551802440,
                        "t_min": 50,
                        "t_max": 611,
                        "t_avg": 125.45035208481684,
                        "t_pec50": 83,
                        "t_pec90": 110,
                        "t_pec95": 607,
                        "t_pec99": 611,
                        "lt_avg": 23.416488646253658,
                        "by_avg": 123.77735580346547,
                        "n_avg": 210.65000000000001,
                        "ct_avg": 2.7456286098583749,
                        "ec_avg": 79.75,
                        "ec": 4785
                        "n": 12672,
                        "na": 60,
                        "ts": 1551802500,
                        "t_min": 50,
                        "t_max": 615,
                        "t_avg": 124.9704071969697,
                        "t_pec50": 83,
                        "t_pec90": 110,
                        "t_pec95": 607,
                        "t_pec99": 611,
                        "lt_avg": 23.343039772727273,
                        "by_avg": 123.73390151515152,
                        "n_avg": 211.19999999999999,
                        "ct_avg": 2.7489741161616164,
                        "ec_avg": 80.066666666666663,
                        "ec": 4804
                        "n": 12633,
                        "na": 60,
                        "ts": 1551802560,
                        "t_min": 50,
                        "t_max": 615,
                        "t_avg": 125.55608327396502,
                        "t_pec50": 83,
                        "t_pec90": 110,
                        "t_pec95": 607,
                        "t_pec99": 611,
                        "lt_avg": 23.327159027942688,
                        "by_avg": 123.78199952505344,
                        "n_avg": 210.55000000000001,
                        "ct_avg": 2.7436080107654557,
                        "ec_avg": 79.733333333333334,
                        "ec": 4784
                        "n": 12620,
                        "na": 60,
                        "ts": 1551802620,
                        "t_min": 50,
                        "t_max": 615,
                        "t_avg": 125.67812995245642,
                        "t_pec50": 84,
                        "t_pec90": 110,
                        "t_pec95": 607,
                        "t_pec99": 611,
                        "lt_avg": 23.339619651347068,
                        "by_avg": 123.78304278922346,
                        "n_avg": 210.33333333333334,
                        "ct_avg": 2.739540412044374,
                        "ec_avg": 79.63333333333334,
                        "ec": 4778
                        "n": 12635,
                        "na": 60,
                        "ts": 1551802680,
                        "t_min": 50,
                        "t_max": 611,
                        "t_avg": 125.55425405619312,
                        "t_pec50": 83,
                        "t_pec90": 110,
                        "t_pec95": 607,
                        "t_pec99": 611,
                        "lt_avg": 23.330035615354173,
                        "by_avg": 123.78947368421052,
                        "n_avg": 210.58333333333334,
                        "ct_avg": 2.73597150771666,
                        "ec_avg": 79.683333333333337,
                        "ec": 4781
                        "n": 12647,
                        "na": 60,
                        "ts": 1551802740,
                        "t_min": 50,
                        "t_max": 615,
                        "t_avg": 125.38491341820195,
                        "t_pec50": 83,
                        "t_pec90": 110,
                        "t_pec95": 607,
                        "t_pec99": 611,
                        "lt_avg": 23.281252470941727,
                        "by_avg": 123.77117102870245,
                        "n_avg": 210.78333333333333,
                        "ct_avg": 2.7409662370522652,
                        "ec_avg": 79.833333333333329,
                        "ec": 4790
                        "n": 12629,
                        "na": 60,
                        "ts": 1551802800,
                        "t_min": 50,
                        "t_max": 611,
                        "t_avg": 125.57803468208093,
                        "t_pec50": 84,
                        "t_pec90": 110,
                        "t_pec95": 607,
                        "t_pec99": 611,
                        "lt_avg": 23.519043471375404,
                        "by_avg": 123.77607094781851,
                        "n_avg": 210.48333333333332,
                        "ct_avg": 2.7231768152664504,
                        "ec_avg": 79.700000000000003,
                        "ec": 4782
                        "n": 12645,
                        "na": 60,
                        "ts": 1551802860,
                        "t_min": 50,
                        "t_max": 615,
                        "t_avg": 125.40395413206801,
                        "t_pec50": 83,
                        "t_pec90": 110,
                        "t_pec95": 607,
                        "t_pec99": 611,
                        "lt_avg": 23.432344800316329,
                        "by_avg": 123.77271648873072,
                        "n_avg": 210.75,
                        "ct_avg": 2.7523131672597865,
                        "ec_avg": 79.849999999999994,
                        "ec": 4791
                        "n": 12658,
                        "na": 60,
                        "ts": 1551802920,
                        "t_min": 50,
                        "t_max": 611,
                        "t_avg": 125.13722547005847,
                        "t_pec50": 83,
                        "t_pec90": 110,
                        "t_pec95": 607,
                        "t_pec99": 611,
                        "lt_avg": 23.154210775793963,
                        "by_avg": 123.75367356612419,
                        "n_avg": 210.96666666666667,
                        "ct_avg": 2.7559646073629325,
                        "ec_avg": 79.933333333333337,
                        "ec": 4796
                        "n": 12642,
                        "na": 60,
                        "ts": 1551802980,
                        "t_min": 50,
                        "t_max": 611,
                        "t_avg": 125.38071507672836,
                        "t_pec50": 84,
                        "t_pec90": 110,
                        "t_pec95": 607,
                        "t_pec99": 611,
                        "lt_avg": 23.273849074513528,
                        "by_avg": 123.75700047460845,
                        "n_avg": 210.69999999999999,
                        "ct_avg": 2.7387280493592785,
                        "ec_avg": 79.816666666666663,
                        "ec": 4789
                        "n": 12653,
                        "na": 60,
                        "ts": 1551803040,
                        "t_min": 50,
                        "t_max": 611,
                        "t_avg": 125.43183434758555,
                        "t_pec50": 83,
                        "t_pec90": 110,
                        "t_pec95": 607,
                        "t_pec99": 611,
                        "lt_avg": 23.41602781948945,
                        "by_avg": 123.78455702205011,
                        "n_avg": 210.88333333333333,
                        "ct_avg": 2.7469374851813799,
                        "ec_avg": 79.849999999999994,
                        "ec": 4791
                        "n": 2566,
                        "na": 60,
                        "ts": 1551803100,
                        "t_min": 50,
                        "t_max": 611,
                        "t_avg": 129.64068589243959,
                        "t_pec50": 83,
                        "t_pec90": 110,
                        "t_pec95": 607,
                        "t_pec99": 611,
                        "lt_avg": 23.415042868277474,
                        "by_avg": 124.70693686671864,
                        "n_avg": 42.766666666666666,
                        "ct_avg": 2.7127825409197195,
                        "ec_avg": 16,
                        "ec": 960
                "requestedKpi": "na"

    API Explorer: /masters/{masterId}/kpi-values

    To retrieve time-series details, use the masterId, the KPI values, and the /masters/{masterId}/kpi-values endpoint with the following query parameters. The sample code returns time-series details for a masterId of 12345678 for the determined available KPI label/b5c7aed7cd2a308523e7d2847b7815909e864b2fd9c4ea88b00d35adb2ecdfd7/na/avg. Use the actual masterId in place of the 12345678 and the determined KPI in place of the label/b5c7aed7cd2a308523e7d2847b7815909e864b2fd9c4ea88b00d35adb2ecdfd7/na/avg. See the KPI Values Query Parameters for more details on how to setup the parameters for this API.

    The response starts with a result that contains the label Id and Name, at minimum. Under that is an array of objects, listing the KPI values in intervals of one second at minimum. No matter which metric is requested, the response will always display n, na, and ts. ts is the timestamp, in seconds, given in UNIX Epoch time. Visit this Epoch and Unix Timestamp Converter Tool to convert between the timestamp and human readable dates.

    KPI Values Query Parameters


    Concatenation for ID

    For this parameter, you need to build the parameter label/labelId/kpi/statistic:

    For example: id=label/b5c7aed7cd2a308523e7d2847b7815909e864b2fd9c4ea88b00d35adb2ecdfd7/na/avg Response Code 200 Example: id=label/b5c7aed7cd2a308523e7d2847b7815909e864b2fd9c4ea88b00d35adb2ecdfd7/rc/200

    This must be url-encoded for it to run. The / is %2F when url-encoded, so the following example is how it would look when included in the API: id=label%2Fb5c7aed7cd2a308523e7d2847b7815909e864b2fd9c4ea88b00d35adb2ecdfd7%2Fna%2Favg

    Legend for KPIs

    Attribute Description Supported Statistics
    n Hits avg
    na Active Users avg
    ec Errors (error count) avg
    t Response time avg, min, max, pec50, pec90, pec95, pec99
    lt Latency avg
    by Bytes avg
    rc Response code xxx

    Legend for Statistics

    Attribute Description Supported KPIs
    avg Average n, na, ec, t, lt, by
    min Minimum t
    max Maximum t
    pec50 Median t
    pec90 90% Max Response t
    pec95 95% Max Response t
    pec99 99% Max Response t
    xxx Response Code xxx rc

    Inject Custom Time Series Data

    Inject Custom Time Series Data

    curl '' \
        -X POST \
        -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
        --user 'api_key_id:api_key_secret' \
        -d '{"intervals": [{"_id": {"masterId": 12345678,"metricPath": "Lion King|Simba","ts": 1518429953},"kpis": [{"value": 300,"ts": 1518429953}],"profileName": "Movies"},{"_id": {"masterId": 12345678,"metricPath": "Lion King|Mufasa","ts": 1518429953},"kpis": [{"value": 200,"ts": 1518429953}],"profileName": "Movies"},{"_id": {"masterId": 12345678,"metricPath": "The Little Mermaid|Ariel","ts": 1518429953},"kpis": [{"value": 743,"ts": 1518429953}],"profileName": "Movies"},{"_id": {"masterId": 12345678,"metricPath": "The Little Mermaid|Ursula","ts": 1518429953},"kpis": [{"value": 40,"ts": 1518429953}],"profileName": "Movies"}]}'

    API Explorer: /data/timeseries

    You can inject your own time-series data into the test results in real time or after the test. Once injected, the data will appear in the Timeline Report in the BlazeMeter UI and be available for retrieval via the API just like any other time-series data in the test results.

    The example provided adds new KPIs Lion King|Simba, Lion King|Mufasa, The Little Mermaid|Ariel, and The Little Mermaid|Ursula to the masterId of 12345678 under the profileName of Movies.

    The kpis array only contains a single data point for each KPI above, but you can add as many of these as necessary to add that data to your Timeline Report (up to 1 second intervals). The same is true for the meterPath values (as it is in the intervals array), as you can add as many of these as you need. When using this API, replace the masterId of 12345678 with your id, the metricPath values with the ones that describe the KPI data you are passing, and the profileName of Movies to your preferred name.

    Inject Custom Time Series Attributes

    Inject Custom Time Series Data Inject Custom Time Series Data POST (JSON)

      "intervals": [
          "_id": {
            "masterId": 12345678,
            "metricPath": "Lion King|Simba",
            "ts": 1518429953
          "kpis": [
              "value": 300,
              "ts": 1518429953
          "profileName": "Movies"
          "_id": {
            "masterId": 12345678,
            "metricPath": "Lion King|Mufasa",
            "ts": 1518429953
          "kpis": [
              "value": 200,
              "ts": 1518429953
          "profileName": "Movies"
          "_id": {
            "masterId": 12345678,
            "metricPath": "The Little Mermaid|Ariel",
            "ts": 1518429953
          "kpis": [
              "value": 743,
              "ts": 1518429953
          "profileName": "Movies"
          "_id": {
            "masterId": 12345678,
            "metricPath": "The Little Mermaid|Ursula",
            "ts": 1518429953
          "kpis": [
              "value": 40,
              "ts": 1518429953
          "profileName": "Movies"

    Response 200 OK

        "api_version": 4,
        "error": null,
        "result": [
                    "_id": {
                        "masterId": 12345678,
                        "metricPath": "Lion King|Simba",
                        "ts": 1518429953
                    "kpis": [
                            "value": 300,
                            "ts": 1518429953
                    "profileName": "Movies"
                    "_id": {
                        "masterId": 12345678,
                        "metricPath": "Lion King|Mufasa",
                        "ts": 1518429953
                    "kpis": [
                            "value": 200,
                            "ts": 1518429953
                    "profileName": "Movies"
                    "_id": {
                        "masterId": 12345678,
                        "metricPath": "The Little Mermaid|Ariel",
                        "ts": 1518429953
                    "kpis": [
                            "value": 743,
                            "ts": 1518429953
                    "profileName": "Movies"
                    "_id": {
                        "masterId": 12345678,
                        "metricPath": "The Little Mermaid|Ursula",
                        "ts": 1518429953
                    "kpis": [
                            "value": 40,
                            "ts": 1518429953
                    "profileName": "Movies"


    Retrieve Logs

    Retrieve Logs

    curl '' \
        --user 'api_key_id:api_key_secret'

    API Explorer: /sessions/{sessionId}/reports/{reportId}

    To get high level summary statistics, use the sessionId and /sessions/{sessionId}/reports/logs endpoint. The sample code returns the logs created for the sessionId of r-v4-5c7e9d133be89. Use the sessionId of the actual test run in place of r-v4-5c7e9d133be89.

    The response contains an array that contains the full list of files genearated by the session.

    Retrieve Logs Response Attributes

    Response 200 OK

        "api_version": 4,
        "error": null,
        "result": {
            "hash": "logs",
            "name": "Logs",
            "type": "Logs",
            "source": "",
            "id": "logs",
            "session_id": "r-v4-5c7e9d133be89",
            "dataUrl": "",
            "data": [
                    "title": "artifacts",
                    "filename": "",
                    "dataUrl": "",
                    "tailDataUrl": ""
                    "title": "bzt",
                    "filename": "bzt.log",
                    "dataUrl": "",
                    "tailDataUrl": ""
                    "title": "cloud-launcher",
                    "filename": "cloud-launcher.log",
                    "dataUrl": "",
                    "tailDataUrl": false
                    "title": "jmeter",
                    "filename": "jmeter.log",
                    "dataUrl": "",
                    "tailDataUrl": ""
            "location": "us-east4-a",
            "locationId": "us-east4-a",
            "overrideLocationId": null


    Test Results Advanced Settings

    For the Summary Statistics, Requests Statistics, Error Statistics, Threshold Statistics and Time-Series Data you have options to narrow down the view of data to 1 or more scenarios, 1 or more locations, and/or a time range.

    Test Results By Scenario

    Get Request Stats Data By Scenario

    curl '[]=f7cebdaa474a27fc93dcff0fd3d97bd116c1f867a6f17639f0fc197eec1f4e5a' \
        --user 'api_key_id:api_key_secret'

    Response 200 OK

        "api_version": 4,
        "error": null,
        "result": [
                "avgBytes": 3.5939999999999999,
                "avgLatency": 25.615478098981228,
                "avgResponseTime": 105.14469669545431,
                "avgThroughput": 32.28213689482471,
                "duration": 1198,
                "errorsCount": 0,
                "errorsRate": 0,
                "geoMeanResponseTime": null,
                "hasLabelPassedThresholds": null,
                "labelId": "b5c7aed7cd2a308523e7d2847b7815909e864b2fd9c4ea88b00d35adb2ecdfd7",
                "labelName": "ALL",
                "90line": 110,
                "95line": 110,
                "99line": 111,
                "maxResponseTime": 117,
                "medianResponseTime": 105,
                "minResponseTime": 100,
                "samples": 38674,
                "stDev": 3.1836156424647122,
                "concurrency": 20
                "avgBytes": 3.5939999999999999,
                "avgLatency": 25.615478098981228,
                "avgResponseTime": 105.14469669545431,
                "avgThroughput": 32.28213689482471,
                "duration": 1198,
                "errorsCount": 0,
                "errorsRate": 0,
                "geoMeanResponseTime": null,
                "hasLabelPassedThresholds": null,
                "labelId": "6cd7cac6b9903c94dbea09b9973066d5f36c6e1de2cd06c91c853afcd56faff5",
                "labelName": "Dummy Sample",
                "90line": 110,
                "95line": 110,
                "99line": 111,
                "maxResponseTime": 117,
                "medianResponseTime": 105,
                "minResponseTime": 100,
                "samples": 38674,
                "stDev": 3.1836156424647122,
                "concurrency": 20

    To narrow down the data based on a given scenario, you will want to include the scenarios[] parameter for the scenario (or scenarios) you are interested in. This will require you to gather the scenarioId by using the High Level Overview API (you will need a masterId) or from Start a Test API response (you will need a testId).

    Test Results by Location

    Get Request Stats Data by Location

    curl '[]=us-east-1' \
        -H 'Accept: application/json' \
        --user 'api_key_id:api_key_secret'

    Response 200 OK

        "api_version": 4,
        "error": null,
        "result": [
                "avgBytes": 3.5939999999999999,
                "avgLatency": 25.615478098981228,
                "avgResponseTime": 105.14469669545431,
                "avgThroughput": 32.28213689482471,
                "duration": 1198,
                "errorsCount": 0,
                "errorsRate": 0,
                "geoMeanResponseTime": null,
                "hasLabelPassedThresholds": null,
                "labelId": "b5c7aed7cd2a308523e7d2847b7815909e864b2fd9c4ea88b00d35adb2ecdfd7",
                "labelName": "ALL",
                "90line": 110,
                "95line": 110,
                "99line": 111,
                "maxResponseTime": 117,
                "medianResponseTime": 105,
                "minResponseTime": 100,
                "samples": 38674,
                "stDev": 3.1836156424647122,
                "concurrency": 20
                "avgBytes": 3.5939999999999999,
                "avgLatency": 25.615478098981228,
                "avgResponseTime": 105.14469669545431,
                "avgThroughput": 32.28213689482471,
                "duration": 1198,
                "errorsCount": 0,
                "errorsRate": 0,
                "geoMeanResponseTime": null,
                "hasLabelPassedThresholds": null,
                "labelId": "6cd7cac6b9903c94dbea09b9973066d5f36c6e1de2cd06c91c853afcd56faff5",
                "labelName": "Dummy Sample",
                "90line": 110,
                "95line": 110,
                "99line": 111,
                "maxResponseTime": 117,
                "medianResponseTime": 105,
                "minResponseTime": 100,
                "samples": 38674,
                "stDev": 3.1836156424647122,
                "concurrency": 20

    To narrow down the data based on a given location, you will want to include the locations[] parameter for the location (or locations) you are interested in. This will require you to gather the location Id by using the High Level Overview API (you will need a masterId) or from Start a Test API response (which requires a testId).

    Test Results by Time Range

    Get Request Stats Data by Time Range

    curl '' \
        -H 'Accept: application/json' \
        --user 'api_key_id:api_key_secret'

    Response 200 OK

        "api_version": 4,
        "error": null,
        "result": [
                "labelId": "4aea54d655e1ea0a0120da7e43da365c7581482cceaa0ad4c53574e14ecbc39e",
                "errors": [
                        "rc": "404",
                        "m": "NOT FOUND",
                        "count": 19057
                "assertions": [],
                "failedEmbeddedResources": [],
                "urls": [],
                "name": "Dummy Sample Error",
                "_id": "Dummy Sample Error"
                "labelId": "b5c7aed7cd2a308523e7d2847b7815909e864b2fd9c4ea88b00d35adb2ecdfd7",
                "errors": [
                        "rc": "404",
                        "m": "NOT FOUND",
                        "count": 19057
                "assertions": [],
                "failedEmbeddedResources": [],
                "urls": [],
                "name": "ALL",
                "_id": "ALL"

    To narrow down the data based on a given time range, you will want to include the to and from parameters for the time range (using Epoch time) you are interested in. This will require you to know get the start and stop times (in Epoch) by using the Summary Statistics API (you will need a masterId).

    Shared Folders

    If you have files that are used across multiple tests, then using shared folders will reduce the need to re-upload files every time. For more information on what shared folders are and when to use them, you can visit the Uploading Files to Shared Folders.

    The Folder Object

    The Folder Object

        "api_version": 4,
        "error": null,
        "result": {
            "id": "5b7dc9c6c7dc9739167b23c8",
            "name": "ApiTest",
            "deleable": false,
            "created": 1534970310,
            "workspaceId": 123429,
            "files": [
                    "lastModified": 1588606663,
                    "name": "Dummy.jmx",
                    "size": 18111,
                    "link": "",
                    "linkExpire": 1593031685
                    "lastModified": 1585685174,
                    "name": "colors.csv",
                    "size": 286,
                    "link": "",
                    "linkExpire": 1593031685
                    "lastModified": 1585685142,
                    "name": "hello.txt",
                    "size": 192,
                    "link": "",
                    "linkExpire": 1593031685
        "request_id": "5ef26a85751d4"


    Create a Shared Folder

    Create a Shared Folder

    curl '' \
        -X POST \
        -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
        --user 'api_key_id:api_key_secret' \
        -d '{"name":"New_folder","workspaceId":123456}'

    API Explorer: /folders

    To create a shared folder:

    1. Create the folder object with a POST to the folders endpoint (see sample code).
    2. Capture the folderId returned as id from the response.
    3. Upload files (such as scripts, data files or YAML Taurus configuration files) by using the folderId and the code explained in the Upload or Update Files to Shared Folder section.

    Create a Shared Folder Request Attributes

    Create a Shared Folder Create a Shared Folder POST Body (JSON)

        "name": "New_folder",
        "workspaceId": 123456


    Create a Shared Folder Response Attributes

    Response 201 Created

        "api_version": 4,
        "error": null,
        "result": {
            "id": "5ef276272e71f800b53bfa95",
            "name": "New_folder",
            "deletable": true,
            "hidden": false,
            "created": 1592948263,
            "workspaceId": 123456
        "request_id": "5ef27626deeb2"

    To see a breakdown of the attributes, please see The Folder Object section.

    List Shared Folders

    List Shared Folders

    curl '' \
        --user 'api_key_id:api_key_secret'

    API Explorer: /folders

    To get the list of shared folders, you will need the workspaceId for where the shared folder is held. The example code on the right returns the list of the first 10 folders in workspace 123456. The id in the response contains the folderId of the shared folder, which you will need to upload files to that shared folder.

    List Shared Folders Parameters


    Also see: Pagination and Sorting

    List Shared Folders Response Attributes

    Response 200 OK

        "limit": 10,
        "skip": 0,
        "total": 12,
        "hidden": 0,
        "api_version": 4,
        "error": null,
        "result": [
                "id": "5b7dc9c6c7dc9739167b23c8",
                "name": "ApiTest",
                "created": 1534970310,
                "workspaceId": 123429
                "id": "58e29fd7ca293bbb5c05776f",
                "name": "Data",
                "created": 1491247063,
                "workspaceId": 123429
                "id": "5b44cdc346f49fcf707b23cb",
                "name": "IncludeController",
                "created": 1531235779,
                "workspaceId": 123429
                "id": "5af99e54014f377771e48270",
                "name": "JAR_Files",
                "created": 1526308436,
                "workspaceId": 123429
                "id": "5aba6168e2c1af58757b251b",
                "name": "Selenium",
                "created": 1522164072,
                "workspaceId": 123429
                "id": "594bfc8f67f3bf98257b23ce",
                "name": "TCMS_Data",
                "created": 1498152079,
                "workspaceId": 123429
                "id": "5af06f1d014f371f2b7b23c7",
                "name": "TaurusV4",
                "created": 1525706525,
                "workspaceId": 123429
                "id": "58e29fceaf1098fb3e185c11",
                "name": "Test",
                "created": 1491247054,
                "workspaceId": 123429
                "id": "5a023e063d71f4060b214518",
                "name": "TestAPI",
                "created": 1510096390,
                "workspaceId": 123429
                "id": "5b96c41fad67294528f03df8",
                "name": "TestDeleteFiles",
                "created": 1536607263,
                "workspaceId": 123429

    To see a breakdown of the attributes, please see The Folder Object section.

    Shared Folder Details

    Shared Folder Details

    curl '' \
        --user 'api_key_id:api_key_secret'

    API Explorer: /folders/{folderId}

    To get the details of a shared folder, you will need the folderId. The example code on the right returns the details of the shared folder with the folderId of 5b96c41fad67294528f03df8. Use the actual ID value for the shared folder to return the details of that shared folder.

    Shared Folder Details Parameters


    Shared Folder Details Response Attributes

    Response 200 OK

        "limit": 10,
        "skip": 0,
        "total": 12,
        "hidden": 0,
        "api_version": 4,
        "error": null,
        "result": [
                "id": "5b7dc9c6c7dc9739167b23c8",
                "name": "ApiTest",
                "created": 1534970310,
                "workspaceId": 123429
                "id": "58e29fd7ca293bbb5c05776f",
                "name": "Data",
                "created": 1491247063,
                "workspaceId": 123429
                "id": "5b44cdc346f49fcf707b23cb",
                "name": "IncludeController",
                "created": 1531235779,
                "workspaceId": 123429
                "id": "5af99e54014f377771e48270",
                "name": "JAR_Files",
                "created": 1526308436,
                "workspaceId": 123429
                "id": "5aba6168e2c1af58757b251b",
                "name": "Selenium",
                "created": 1522164072,
                "workspaceId": 123429
                "id": "594bfc8f67f3bf98257b23ce",
                "name": "TCMS_Data",
                "created": 1498152079,
                "workspaceId": 123429
                "id": "5af06f1d014f371f2b7b23c7",
                "name": "TaurusV4",
                "created": 1525706525,
                "workspaceId": 123429
                "id": "58e29fceaf1098fb3e185c11",
                "name": "Test",
                "created": 1491247054,
                "workspaceId": 123429
                "id": "5a023e063d71f4060b214518",
                "name": "TestAPI",
                "created": 1510096390,
                "workspaceId": 123429
                "id": "5b96c41fad67294528f03df8",
                "name": "TestDeleteFiles",
                "created": 1536607263,
                "workspaceId": 123429

    To see a breakdown of the attributes, please see The Folder Object section.

    Update a Shared Folder

    Update a Shared Folder

    curl '' \
        -X PATCH \
        -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
        --user 'api_key_id:api_key_secret' \
        -d '{"folderId":"5b7dc9c6c7dc9739167b23c8","data":{"deletable":true}}'

    API Explorer: /folders/{folderId}

    To update a shared folder, you need to know the folderId. The sample code updates a shared folder with an ID of 5b96c41fad67294528f03df8 to make the files in the shared folder deletable. Use the actual ID value for the shared folder to update it.

    Update a Shared Folder Request Attributes

    Update a Shared Folder Update a Shared Folder PATCH Body (JSON)

      "folderId": "5b7dc9c6c7dc9739167b23c8",
      "data": {
        "deletable": true


    Update a Shared Folder Response Attributes

    Response 200 OK

        "api_version": 4,
        "error": null,
        "result": {
            "id": "5b7dc9c6c7dc9739167b23c8",
            "name": "ApiTest",
            "deletable": true,
            "created": 1534970310
        "request_id": "5ef2700d7c817"

    To see a breakdown of the attributes, please see The Folder Object section.

    Upload or Update Files to Shared Folder

    To upload or update an asset file, first get a signed URL, and then use it to upload the file.

    If you are a private cloud user, please see this link for the steps for uploading data files to a shared folder.

    Get Signed URL for Folder

    Upload or Update Files to Shared Folder Get Signed URL for Folder

    curl '' \
      -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
      --user 'api_key_id:api_key_secret'

    Response 200 OK

        "api_version": 4,
        "error": null,
        "result": ""

    API Explorer: folders/{folderId}/s3/sign

    First, use the folderId and fileName to get a signed URL, which will later be used to upload the specified file to the test. The sample code returns a URL for a folderId of 5b7dc9c6c7dc9739167b23c8 and a fileName of colors.csv. Replace colors.csv with the actual file name, and 5b7dc9c6c7dc9739167b23c8 with your folderId.

    Upload File to Signed URL for Folder

    Upload or Update Files to Shared Folder Upload File to Signed URL for Folder

    curl '' \
      -X PUT \
      -H 'Content-Type: application/octet-stream' \
      --data-binary '@/my/path/to/colors.csv'

    Response 200 OK

    Once you have obtained the signed URL (in result above), construct a PUT request with the file as your body. Use the following template for the file path and name:

    '@*path to file*/*file*.*ext*'

    In the example to the right, replace @/my/path/to/colors.csv with the actual path and file name.

    To update the contents of an uploaded file, repeat the same two-step operation (GET signed url, PUT to signed url given). Be sure to upload the updated file using the same file name.

    Shared Folder File Requirements

    The file naming requirements, limitations on file content, file size and impact of uploaded files on start time remain the same as the single test.

    List Shared Folder Files

    List Shared Folder Files

    curl '' \
        --user 'api_key_id:api_key_secret'

    API Explorer: /folders

    To get the list of shared folder files, you will need the folderId. The example code on the right returns the list of the files in the shared folder with folderid of 5b96c41fad67294528f03df8. Use the actual ID value for the shared folder to get the list of files from that shared folder.

    List Shared Folder Files Parameters


    List Shared Folder Files Response Attributes

    Response 200 OK

        "api_version": 4,
        "error": null,
        "result": {
            "id": "5b7dc9c6c7dc9739167b23c8",
            "name": "ApiTest",
            "deleable": false,
            "created": 1534970310,
            "workspaceId": 123456,
            "files": [
                    "lastModified": 1588606663,
                    "name": "Dummy.jmx",
                    "size": 18111,
                    "link": "",
                    "linkExpire": 1593031685
                    "lastModified": 1585685174,
                    "name": "colors.csv",
                    "size": 286,
                    "link": "",
                    "linkExpire": 1593031685
                    "lastModified": 1585685142,
                    "name": "hello.txt",
                    "size": 192,
                    "link": "",
                    "linkExpire": 1593031685
        "request_id": "5ef26a85751d4"

    To see a breakdown of the attributes, please see The Folder Object section.

    Delete Shared Folder File

    Delete Shared Folder File

    curl '' \
        -X POST \
        -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
      --user 'api_key_id:api_key_secret' \
      -d '{"fileName":"MyTest.jmx"}'

    API Explorer: /folders/{folderId}/delete-file

    To delete an uploaded file from a shared folder, you need to know the folderId and the filename. The sample code deletes the file, MyTest.jmx, from the shared folder with an ID of 5b96c41fad67294528f03df8. Replace MyTest.jmx with the actual file name and 5b96c41fad67294528f03df8 with your folderId.

    Delete Shared Folder File Request Attributes

    Delete Shared Folder File Delete Shared Folder File POST Body (JSON)

        "fileName": "MyTest.jmx"


    Delete Shared Folder File Response Attributes

    Response 200 OK

        "api_version": 4,
        "error": null,
        "result": true

    Delete a Shared Folder

    Delete a Shared Folder

    curl '' \
        -X DELETE \
        --user 'api_key_id:api_key_secret'

    Response 204 No content

    API Explorer: /folders/{folderId}

    To delete a shared folder, you need to know the folderId. The sample code deletes a shared folder with an ID of 5b96c41fad67294528f03df8. Use the folderId of the actual shared folder to delete in place of the 5b96c41fad67294528f03df8.


    API explorer: /credentials

    BlazeMeter supports authenticating integrated apps with a user name/password combination or by using temporary access tokens.

    Authenticate Credentials with User Name and Password

    Authenticate with User Name and Password

    curl '' \
        -X POST \
        -H 'accept: application/json' \
        -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
        -d '{"type":"appdynamics","name":"user1","credentials":{"applicationName":"test-application","controllerHost":"","controllerPort":"443","accountName":"gracehopper","userName":"gracehopper","accountPassword":"5531vvp0jq6a","useAccessToken":false},"workspaceId":1234567}'

    Authenticate integrated apps using user name and account password ("Access Key").

    Authenticate with User Name and Password Request Attributes

    Authenticate with User Name and Password Authenticate with User Name and Password POST Body (JSON)

      "type": "appdynamics",
      "name": "user1",
      "credentials": {
          "applicationName": "test-application",
          "controllerHost": "",
          "controllerPort": "443", 
          "accountName": "gracehopper",
          "useAccessToken": "false"
      "workspaceId": 1234567


    Authenticate Credentials with Access Token

    Authenticate with Access Token

    curl '' \
        -X POST \
        -H 'accept: application/json' \
        -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
        -d '{"type":"appdynamics","name":"token1","credentials":{"applicationName":"test-application","controllerHost":"","controllerPort":"443","accessToken":"eyJraWQiOiJiNWJlYmZlOC03ODkwLTRkZDMtYjdjYS1lMDgxNDQwZjI5ZWQiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.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.x22DC81Dlk_mi2PGpR2ek_a86hCtGe2f7wdrXO4LAgc","useAccessToken":true},"workspaceId":1234567}'

    Authenticate integrated apps using a temporary access token.

    Authenticate with Access Token Request Attributes

    Authenticate with Access Token Authenticate with Access Token POST Body (JSON)

      "type": "appdynamics",
      "name": "user1",
      "credentials": {
          "applicationName": "test-application",
          "controllerHost": "",
          "controllerPort": "443", 
          "accessToken": "eyJraWQiOiJiNWJlYmZlOC03ODkwLTRkZDMtYjdjYS1lMDgxNDQwZjI5ZWQiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.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.x22DC81Dlk_mi2PGpR2ek_a86hCtGe2f7wdrXO4LAgc",
          "useAccessToken": "true"
      "workspaceId": 1234567


    Test Scheduler

    The test scheduler API will allow you to assign a cron schedule to your test to have it run on a schedule. You can read more about this feature in this article.

    The Schedule Object

    The Schedule Object

        "api_version": 4,
        "error": null,
        "result": {
            "id": "5c83ec4a7b12f573685c5f36",
            "cron": "0 0 * * 1-5",
            "nextRun": 1553126400,
            "enabled": false,
            "type": "testRun",
            "created": 1552149578,
            "updated": 1553117534,
            "testCollectionId": 12345678,
            "createdById": 123456,
            "lastUpdatedById": 123456,
            "nextExecutions": [
        "request_id": "5ef3b1640a13a"


    Create a Schedule

    You can find the information for creating a schedule for a test and multi test.

    Create a Schedule for Test

    Create a Schedule Create a Schedule for Test

    curl '' \
        -X POST \
      -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
      --user 'api_key_id:api_key_secret' \
      -d '{"cron":"0 0 * * 1-5","testId":1234567}'

    API Explorer: /schedules

    To schedule a test, you need the testId of the test you want to run on a schedule and build a cron string for the desired run schedule. For the sample code on the right, testId 1234567 has been scheduled with the cron schedule of 0 0 * * 1-5 (this schedule will run at midnight every Monday-Friday). To schedule your test, replace the testId 1234567 with the testId of your test and the cron attribute with your desired cron schedule.

    Create a Schedule for Test Request Attributes

    Create a Schedule Create a Schedule for Test POST Body (JSON)

        "cron": "0 0 * * 1-5",
        "testId": 1234567


    Create a Schedule for Test Response Attributes

    Response 201 Created

        "api_version": 4,
        "error": null,
        "result": {
            "id": "5c83e5610bd29075e16b2794",
            "cron": "0 0 * * 1-5",
            "nextRun": 1552262400,
            "enabled": true,
            "type": "testRun",
            "created": 1552147809,
            "updated": 1552147809,
            "testId": 1234567,
            "createdById": 123456

    To see a breakdown of the attributes, please see The Schedule Object section.

    Create a Schedule for Multi Test

    Create a Schedule Create a Schedule for Multi Test

    curl '' \
        -X POST \
        -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
      --user 'api_key_id:api_key_secret' \
      -d '{"cron":"0 0 * * 1-5","testCollectionId":12345678}'

    API Explorer: /schedules

    To schedule a test, you need the collectionId of the test you want to run on a schedule and build a cron string for the desired run schedule. For the sample code on the right, collectionId 10027459 has been scheduled with the cron schedule of 0 0 * * 1-5 (this schedule will run at midnight every Monday-Friday). To schedule your test, replace the collectionId 10027459 with the collectionId of your test and the cron attribute with your desired cron schedule.

    Create a Schedule for Multi Test Request Attributes

    Create a Schedule Create a Schedule for Multi Test POST Body (JSON)

        "cron": "0 0 * * 1-5",
        "testCollectionId": 12345678


    Create a Schedule for Multi Test Response Attributes

    Response 201 Created

        "api_version": 4,
        "error": null,
        "result": {
            "id": "5c83ec4a7b12f573685c5f36",
            "cron": "0 0 * * 1-5",
            "nextRun": 1552262400,
            "enabled": true,
            "type": "testRun",
            "created": 1552149578,
            "updated": 1552149578,
            "testCollectionId": 12345678,
            "createdById": 123456

    To see a breakdown of the attributes, please see The Schedule Object section.

    Update Schedule

    Update Schedule

    curl '' \
      -X PATCH \
      -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
      --user 'api_key_id:api_key_secret' \
      -d '{"enabled":false}'

    API Explorer: /schedules/{scheduleId}

    To update a schedule, use PATCH to change the provided configuration for a given schedule (you need to know the scheduleId). The sample code updates a schedule with an ID of 5c83e5610bd29075e16b2794 to not run by setting enabled to false. The sample code updates the schedule created in the Create a Schedule for Test section.

    Update Schedule Request Attributes

    Update Schedule Update Schedule PATCH Body (JSON)

      "enabled": false


    Update Schedule Response Attributes

    Response 200 OK

        "api_version": 4,
        "error": null,
        "result": {
            "id": "5c83e5610bd29075e16b2794",
            "cron": "0 0 * * 1-5",
            "nextRun": 1552262400,
            "enabled": false,
            "type": "testRun",
            "created": 1552147809,
            "updated": 1552150058,
            "testId": 1234567,
            "createdById": 123456,
            "lastUpdatedById": 123456

    See the The Schedule Object for a full breakdown of the attributes.

    List Schedules

    List Schedules

    curl '' \
        --user 'api_key_id:api_key_secret'

    API Explorer: /schedules

    To return a list of test schedules, an accountId, a projectId, a workspaceId, a collectionId, OR a testId is required. The sample code returns a list for items with a workspaceId of 123456. Use the actual ID values for the project, workspace, collection, or test to return the list of test schedules.

    You can return a list specifying either a projectId, a workspaceId, a collectionId, a testId, or any combination of the workspace, project, and either testId or collectionId. The returned list contains each test schedule's scheduleId (shows up as id in the response) and configuration.

    List Schedules Parameters


    Also see: Pagination and Sorting

    List Schedules Response Attributes

    Response 200 OK

        "limit": 10,
        "skip": 0,
        "total": 2,
        "hidden": 0,
        "api_version": 4,
        "error": null,
        "result": [
                "id": "5c83e5610bd29075e16b2794",
                "cron": "0 0 * * 1-5",
                "nextRun": 1552262400,
                "enabled": false,
                "type": "testRun",
                "created": 1552147809,
                "updated": 1552150058,
                "testId": 6658400,
                "createdById": 344260,
                "lastUpdatedById": 344260
                "id": "5c83ec4a7b12f573685c5f36",
                "cron": "0 0 * * 1-5",
                "nextRun": 1552262400,
                "enabled": true,
                "type": "testRun",
                "created": 1552149578,
                "updated": 1552149578,
                "testCollectionId": 10027459,
                "createdById": 344260

    To see a breakdown of the attributes, please see The Schedule Object section.

    Schedule Details

    Schedule Details

    curl '' \
        --user 'api_key_id:api_key_secret'

    API Explorer: /schedules/{scheduleId}

    To return the details of a test schedule, a scheduleId is required. The sample code returns the details of the schedule with a scheduleId of 5c83ec4a7b12f573685c5f36. Use the actual ID value for the test schedule to return the details of that test schedule.

    Schedule Details Parameters


    Schedule Details Response Attributes

    Response 200 OK

        "api_version": 4,
        "error": null,
        "result": {
            "id": "5c83ec4a7b12f573685c5f36",
            "cron": "0 0 * * 1-5",
            "nextRun": 1553126400,
            "enabled": false,
            "type": "testRun",
            "created": 1552149578,
            "updated": 1553117534,
            "testCollectionId": 12345678,
            "createdById": 123456,
            "lastUpdatedById": 123456,
            "nextExecutions": [
        "request_id": "5ef3b1640a13a"

    To see a breakdown of the attributes, please see The Schedule Object section.

    List Schedule History

    List Schedule History

    curl '' \
        --user 'api_key_id:api_key_secret'

    API Explorer: /schedules/history

    To return a list of test schedules, an accountId, a projectId, a workspaceId, a collectionId, a testId, OR a scheduleId is required. The sample code returns a list for schedule history for a testId of 1234567. Use the actual ID values for the project, workspace, collection, test, or schedule to return the history of your schedules.

    You can return a schedule history specifying either a projectId, a workspaceId, a collectionId, a testId, or any combination of the workspace, project, and either testId or collectionId or scheduleId. The returned list contains the schedule history of the test runs that meet the parameters provided.

    List Schedule History Parameters


    Also see: Pagination and Sorting

    List Schedule History Response Attributes

    Response 200 OK

        "limit": 10,
        "skip": 0,
        "total": 1,
        "hidden": 0,
        "api_version": 4,
        "error": null,
        "result": [
                "id": "5c83f8919fee716a488b4567",
                "runAt": 1552152723,
                "success": true,
                "name": "My New Test",
                "scheduleId": "5c83f8840bd290041e05351d",
                "scheduleType": "testRun",
                "scheduleCronExpression": "32 17 * * 6",
                "projectId": 123456,
                "workspaceId": 123429,
                "accountId": 123456,
                "testId": 1234567,
                "masterId": 12345678,
                "created": 1552152721,
                "updated": 1552152723


    Delete a Schedule

    Delete a Schedule

    curl '' \
        -X DELETE \
      --user 'api_key_id:api_key_secret'

    Response 204 No content

    API Explorer: /schedules/{scheduleId}

    To delete a test schedule, you need to know the scheduleId. The sample code deletes a test schedule with an ID of 5c83f8667ffbc232772ad363. Use the scheduleId of the actual test schedule to delete in place of the 5c83f8667ffbc232772ad363.

    Private Locations

    When you create a private location, you are creating a private-location object configured with specific parameters. You can read more about what private locations are in this article.

    Once you have created a private location, you will get a harborId, the unique identifier for a private location, and this private location can contain multiple agents (represented by shipIds).

    You will need the workspaceId(s) for your workspace (or workspaces) and the accountId as it is required as part of the creation process.

    You will also need to make sure that you have account admin access or manager workspace access for the API Key that you use, as they are the only users that can create and change private locations.

    The Private Location Object

    **The Private Location Object

        "api_version": 4,
        "error": null,
        "result": {
            "id": "5b0323b3c648be3b4c7b23c8",
            "name": "Example Private Location",
            "userId": 123456,
            "consoleXms": 1024,
            "consoleXmx": 4096,
            "engineXms": 1024,
            "engineXmx": 4096,
            "threadsPerEngine": 1000,
            "slots": 1,
            "type": "large",
            "disabled": false,
            "hidden": false,
            "created": 1526932403,
            "updated": 1593104036,
            "accountId": 123456,
            "shipsId": [
                    "$oid": "5dd841d46c6cd5b0064fa941"
            "workspacesId": [
            "funcIds": [
            "ships": [
                    "id": "5dd841d46c6cd5b0064fa941",
                    "name": "Example Agent",
                    "address": "",
                    "publicIpAddress": "",
                    "disabled": false,
                    "state": "idle",
                    "lastHeartBeat": 1593113786,
                    "lastCommandOutput": "",
                    "isLocked": false,
                    "installedVersion": "3.5.14",
                    "hostInfo": {
                        "diskSpace": {
                            "/tmp": {
                                "present": true,
                                "freeSpace": 20941426688,
                                "freePercent": 50.399999999999999
                        "platform": [
                        "containerManager": {
                            "type": "DockerManager",
                            "usingDockerRegistry": true,
                            "info": {
                                "operatingSystem": "Ubuntu 16.04.5 LTS",
                                "operatingSystemType": "linux",
                                "memory": 8364474368,
                                "cpus": 2,
                                "dockerRootDir": "/var/lib/docker",
                                "dockerVersion": "18.09.1",
                                "images": [
                                        "Containers": -1,
                                        "Created": 1592135649,
                                        "Id": "sha256:51742f8148452b6a430d36f2e48d282e1d14adc21f816abb8d807989e1d6a116",
                                        "Labels": null,
                                        "ParentId": "",
                                        "RepoDigests": null,
                                        "RepoTags": [
                                        "SharedSize": -1,
                                        "Size": 6057428244,
                                        "VirtualSize": 6057428244
                                        "Containers": -1,
                                        "Created": 1591189045,
                                        "Id": "sha256:b2437a3424f204ced0d50248d0730bd77d91524e2c25b607b1a86ac7a9f3714d",
                                        "Labels": null,
                                        "ParentId": "",
                                        "RepoDigests": [
                                        "RepoTags": [
                                        "SharedSize": -1,
                                        "Size": 52096988,
                                        "VirtualSize": 52096988
                                        "Containers": -1,
                                        "Created": 1590781539,
                                        "Id": "sha256:b599a4dff82d23ee0105080a783e5cc9d1eff950eb22f9e9a16c6b14f7ecae7d",
                                        "Labels": null,
                                        "ParentId": "",
                                        "RepoDigests": [
                                        "RepoTags": [
                                        "SharedSize": -1,
                                        "Size": 372896323,
                                        "VirtualSize": 372896323
                                        "Containers": -1,
                                        "Created": 1590781538,
                                        "Id": "sha256:5e37add71f0f3a48527c46a08278b3b17530443e2b7ff8426b50340c6a7ed6bd",
                                        "Labels": null,
                                        "ParentId": "",
                                        "RepoDigests": [
                                        "RepoTags": [
                                        "SharedSize": -1,
                                        "Size": 349876453,
                                        "VirtualSize": 349876453
                                        "Containers": -1,
                                        "Created": 1589900192,
                                        "Id": "sha256:2d59cc77c273988b10f90eb62d2cee5fec0d7ac40f307e11093bfd2dd0828be1",
                                        "Labels": null,
                                        "ParentId": "",
                                        "RepoDigests": [
                                        "RepoTags": [
                                        "SharedSize": -1,
                                        "Size": 357829202,
                                        "VirtualSize": 357829202
                                        "Containers": -1,
                                        "Created": 1589893087,
                                        "Id": "sha256:44d6f361eef7b27849186dac0680783b9870017f353700b1e8379eb20046640b",
                                        "Labels": null,
                                        "ParentId": "",
                                        "RepoDigests": [
                                        "RepoTags": [
                                        "SharedSize": -1,
                                        "Size": 879555522,
                                        "VirtualSize": 879555522
                                        "Containers": -1,
                                        "Created": 1583919985,
                                        "Id": "sha256:e61377ea370bc7a01ac1547cc34c1afb7ba88e04c8a8d2c8fa13b808b2c225d7",
                                        "Labels": null,
                                        "ParentId": "",
                                        "RepoDigests": null,
                                        "RepoTags": [
                                        "SharedSize": -1,
                                        "Size": 5579810429,
                                        "VirtualSize": 5579810429
                    "isAutoUpdate": true,
                    "hasJetlag": true,
                    "hasJetpack": true,
                    "useMasterFiles": true,
                    "uptime": 18661425,
                    "portRange": "5000-5556",
                    "baseUrl": "",
                    "hasProxy": false,
                    "verifySSL": true,
                    "created": 1574453716,
                    "updated": 1593113786,
                    "updaterStatus": {
                        "status": "success",
                        "lastUpdateCheck": 1593112089,
                        "nextUpdateCheck": 1593115689
                    "ts": 1593113786
        "request_id": "5ef4fcbdb6300"


    The Server Object

    The Server Object

        "api_version": 4,
        "error": null,
        "result": {
            "id": "5dd841d46c6cd5b0064fa941",
            "name": "New Agent Check",
            "address": "",
            "publicIpAddress": "",
            "disabled": false,
            "state": "idle",
            "lastHeartBeat": 1593113721,
            "lastCommandOutput": "",
            "isLocked": false,
            "installedVersion": "3.5.14",
            "hostInfo": {
                "diskSpace": {
                    "/tmp": {
                        "present": true,
                        "freeSpace": 20941471744,
                        "freePercent": 50.399999999999999
                      "/var/lib/docker": {
                      "present": false
                      "/home/blazemeter": {
                        "present": true,
                        "freeSpace": 70525837312
                "platform": [
                "containerManager": {
                    "type": "DockerManager",
                    "usingDockerRegistry": true,
                    "info": {
                        "operatingSystem": "Ubuntu 16.04.5 LTS",
                        "operatingSystemType": "linux",
                        "memory": 8364474368,
                        "cpus": 2,
                        "dockerRootDir": "/var/lib/docker",
                        "dockerVersion": "18.09.1",
                        "images": [{
                                "Containers": -1,
                                "Created": 1592135649,
                                "Id": "sha256:51742f8148452b6a430d36f2e48d282e1d14adc21f816abb8d807989e1d6a116",
                                "Labels": null,
                                "ParentId": "",
                                "RepoDigests": null,
                                "RepoTags": [
                                "SharedSize": -1,
                                "Size": 6057428244,
                                "VirtualSize": 6057428244
                                "Containers": -1,
                                "Created": 1591189045,
                                "Id": "sha256:b2437a3424f204ced0d50248d0730bd77d91524e2c25b607b1a86ac7a9f3714d",
                                "Labels": null,
                                "ParentId": "",
                                "RepoDigests": [
                                "RepoTags": [
                                "SharedSize": -1,
                                "Size": 52096988,
                                "VirtualSize": 52096988
                                "Containers": -1,
                                "Created": 1590781539,
                                "Id": "sha256:b599a4dff82d23ee0105080a783e5cc9d1eff950eb22f9e9a16c6b14f7ecae7d",
                                "Labels": null,
                                "ParentId": "",
                                "RepoDigests": [
                                "RepoTags": [
                                "SharedSize": -1,
                                "Size": 372896323,
                                "VirtualSize": 372896323
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                                "Created": 1590781538,
                                "Id": "sha256:5e37add71f0f3a48527c46a08278b3b17530443e2b7ff8426b50340c6a7ed6bd",
                                "Labels": null,
                                "ParentId": "",
                                "RepoDigests": [
                                "RepoTags": [
                                "SharedSize": -1,
                                "Size": 349876453,
                                "VirtualSize": 349876453
                                "Containers": -1,
                                "Created": 1589900192,
                                "Id": "sha256:2d59cc77c273988b10f90eb62d2cee5fec0d7ac40f307e11093bfd2dd0828be1",
                                "Labels": null,
                                "ParentId": "",
                                "RepoDigests": [
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                                "SharedSize": -1,
                                "Size": 357829202,
                                "VirtualSize": 357829202
                                "Containers": -1,
                                "Created": 1589893087,
                                "Id": "sha256:44d6f361eef7b27849186dac0680783b9870017f353700b1e8379eb20046640b",
                                "Labels": null,
                                "ParentId": "",
                                "RepoDigests": [
                                "RepoTags": [
                                "SharedSize": -1,
                                "Size": 879555522,
                                "VirtualSize": 879555522
                                "Containers": -1,
                                "Created": 1583919985,
                                "Id": "sha256:e61377ea370bc7a01ac1547cc34c1afb7ba88e04c8a8d2c8fa13b808b2c225d7",
                                "Labels": null,
                                "ParentId": "",
                                "RepoDigests": null,
                                "RepoTags": [
                                "SharedSize": -1,
                                "Size": 5579810429,
                                "VirtualSize": 5579810429
            "isAutoUpdate": true,
            "hasJetlag": true,
            "hasJetpack": true,
            "useMasterFiles": true,
            "uptime": 18661360,
            "portRange": "5000-5556",
            "baseUrl": "",
            "hasProxy": false,
            "verifySSL": true,
            "created": 1574453716,
            "updated": 1593113721,
            "updaterStatus": {
                "status": "success",
                "lastUpdateCheck": 1593112089,
                "nextUpdateCheck": 1593115689,
                "lastUpdate": 1551225507
            "ts": 1593113721
        "request_id": "5ef4fc79c353d"


    Create a Private Location

    Create a Private Location

    curl '' \
        -X POST \
        -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
        --user 'api_key_id:api_key_secret' \
        -d '{"consoleXms":1024,"consoleXmx":4096,"engineXms":1024,"engineXmx":4096,"name":"My Private Location","slots":1,"threadsPerEngine":1000,"type":"large","overrideCPU":2,"overrideMemory":4096,"accountId":123456,"workspacesId":[123456]}'

    API Explorer: /private-locations

    The steps for creating a private location are as follows:

    1. Create the private-locations object with the Create a Private Location API.
    2. Capture the harborId returned as id from the response.
    3. Add agent(s) to the private location by using the harborId, which is explained in the Create an Agent section.
    4. Capture the shipId returned as id from the response.
    5. Generate the docker run command using the shipId, which is explained in Generate Docker Command section.
    6. Go to step 5 of the Agent installation article and follow the reamining steps to complete the agent installation.

    Create a Dedicated Private Location Request Attributes

    The following JSON sample provides a more readable version of the content contained in the above curl example. This example represents the attributes and values contained in the -d flag of the curl example.

    Create a Private Location Create a Dedicated Private Location POST Body (JSON)

      "consoleXms": 1024,
      "consoleXmx": 4096,
      "engineXms": 1024,
      "engineXmx": 4096,
      "name": "My Private Location",
      "slots": 1,
      "threadsPerEngine": 1000,
      "type": "large",
      "overrideCPU": 2,
      "overrideMemory": 4096,
      "accountId": 123456,
      "workspacesId": [


    Create a Dedicated Private Location Response Attributes

    Response (Dedicated) 201 Created

        "api_version": 4,
        "error": null,
        "result": {
            "id": "5d1641a21726d36d4632fd34",
            "name": "My Private Location",
            "userId": 123456,
            "consoleXms": 1024,
            "consoleXmx": 4096,
            "engineXms": 1024,
            "engineXmx": 4096,
            "threadsPerEngine": 1000,
            "slots": 1,
            "type": "large",
            "funcIds": [
            "hidden": false,
            "overrideCPU": 2,
            "overrideMemory": 4096,
            "created": 1561739682,
            "updated": 1561739682,
            "accountId": 123456,
            "workspacesId": [
            "ships": []
        "request_id": "5d1641a1c3fd1"

    To see a breakdown of the attributes, please see The Private Location Object section.

    Create a Shared Private Location Request Attributes

    Create a Private Location Create a Shared Private Location POST Body (JSON)

      "consoleXms": 1024,
      "consoleXmx": 4096,
      "engineXms": 1024,
      "engineXmx": 4096,
      "name": "My Private Location",
      "slots": 5,
      "threadsPerEngine": 1000,
      "type": "small",
      "overrideCPU": 1,
      "overrideMemory": 4096,
      "accountId": 123456,
      "workspacesId": [


    Create a Shared Private Location Response Attributes

    Response (Shared) 201 Created

        "api_version": 4,
        "error": null,
        "result": {
            "id": "5d1641a21726d36d4632fd34",
            "name": "My Private Location",
            "userId": 123456,
            "consoleXms": 1024,
            "consoleXmx": 4096,
            "engineXms": 1024,
            "engineXmx": 4096,
            "threadsPerEngine": 1000,
            "slots": 5,
            "type": "large",
            "funcIds": [
            "hidden": false,
            "overrideCPU": 1,
            "overrideMemory": 4096,
            "created": 1561739682,
            "updated": 1561739682,
            "accountId": 123456,
            "workspacesId": [
            "ships": []
        "request_id": "5d1641a1c3fd1"

    To see a breakdown of the attributes, please see The Private Location Object section.

    Create an Agent

    Create an Agent

    curl '' \
        -X POST \
        -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
        --user 'api_key_id:api_key_secret' \
        -d '{"name":"My Agent","address":""}'

    API Explorer: /private-locations/{harborId}/servers

    To create an agent, POST the provided configuration (you will need to know the harborId). The sample code adds an agent to a private location with a harborId of 5d1641a21726d36d4632fd34 (the 5d1641a21726d36d4632fd34 is contained in the URL) with a new agent name My Agent and using an IP of in the address attribute. To use this API, replace the harborId of 5d1641a21726d36d4632fd34 with your harborId and give the name attribute a name of your choosing and, optionally, the IP of your machine.

    Create an Agent Request Attributes

    The following JSON sample provides a more readable version of the content contained in the above curl example. This example represents the attributes and values contained in the -d flag of the curl example.

    Create an Agent Create an Agent POST Body (JSON)

      "name": "My Agent",
      "address": ""


    Create an Agent Response Attributes

    Response 201 Created

        "api_version": 4,
        "error": null,
        "result": {
            "id": "5d2657219583d81adc3778b4",
            "name": "My Agent",
            "address": "",
            "state": "empty",
            "hasJetlag": false,
            "created": 1562793761,
            "updated": 1562793761,
            "ts": null
        "request_id": "5d265720cf008"

    To see a breakdown of the attributes, please see The Server Object section.

    Generate Docker Command

    Generate Docker Command

    curl '' \
        -X POST \
        -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
        --user 'api_key_id:api_key_secret'

    API Explorer: /private-locations/{harborId}/ships/{shipId}/docker-command

    To generate a Docker command, you will need to know the harborId and shipId. The sample code generates a docker run command for the agent with shipId of 5d2657219583d81adc3778b4 and the private location with harborId of 5d1641a21726d36d4632fd34. To use this API, replace the harborId of 5d1641a21726d36d4632fd34 with your harborId and the shipId of 5d2657219583d81adc3778b4 with your shipId.

    Generate Docker Command Response Attributes

    Response 200 OK

        "api_version": 4,
        "error": null,
        "result": {
            "dockerCommand": "docker run -d --env HARBOR_ID=5d1641a21726d36d4632fd34 --env SHIP_ID=5d2657219583d81adc3778b4 --env AUTH_TOKEN=3be47b20b76e228283899b482d55db7fb0f3bffac6f07fa6bbb10ddb5bcbcc8c --name=bzm-crane-5d2657219583d81adc3778b4 --restart=on-failure -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock -w /usr/src/app/ -v /tmp:/tmp --net=host blazemeter/crane python agent/"
        "request_id": "5d265c1c0594e"


    Add a Workspace to Private Location

    Add a Workspace to Private Location

    curl '' \
        -X POST \
        -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
        --user 'api_key_id:api_key_secret' \
        -d '{"workspaceId": 234567}'

    API Explorer: /private-locations/{harborId}/add-workspace

    To create a workspace to your private location, you will need to know the harborId and the worksapceId. The sample code adds workspaceId of 234567 to a private location with a harborId of 5d1641a21726d36d4632fd34 (the 5d1641a21726d36d4632fd34 is contained in the URL). To use this API, replace the harborId of 5d1641a21726d36d4632fd34 with your harborId and give the workspaceId of a workspace you want to add.

    Add a Workspace to Private Location Request Attributes

    The following parameters are the parameters used to create a private location

    The following JSON sample provides a more readable version of the content contained in the above curl example. This example represents the attributes and values contained in the -d flag of the curl example.

    Add a Workspace to Private Location Add a Workspace to Private Location POST Body (JSON)

        "workspaceId": 234567


    Add a Workspace to Private Location Response Attributes

    Response 201 Created

        "api_version": 4,
        "error": null,
        "result": {
            "id": "5d1641a21726d36d4632fd34",
            "name": "My Private Location",
            "userId": 123456,
            "consoleXms": 1024,
            "consoleXmx": 4096,
            "engineXms": 1024,
            "engineXmx": 4096,
            "threadsPerEngine": 1000,
            "slots": 1,
            "type": "large",
            "hidden": false,
            "created": 1562854534,
            "updated": 1562854573,
            "accountId": 123456,
            "shipsId": [
                    "$oid": "5d2657219583d81adc3778b4"
            "workspacesId": [
            "ships": [
                    "id": "5d2657219583d81adc3778b4",
                    "name": "My Agent",
                    "address": "",
                    "state": "empty",
                    "hasJetlag": false,
                    "created": 1561739682,
                    "updated": 1562854544,
                    "ts": null
        "request_id": "5d2744ad525c5"

    To see a breakdown of the attributes, please see The Private Location Object section.

    List Private Locations

    List Private Locations

    curl '' \
        --user 'api_key_id:api_key_secret'

    API Explorer: /private-locations

    To return a list of created private locations, an accountId or a workspaceId is required. The sample code returns a list of private locations within an accountId of 123456 and a workspaceId of 123456. Use the actual ID values for the account or workspace to return the list of its private locations.

    You can return a list specifying either a accountId, a workspaceId, or both. The returned list contains each private location's harborId (shows up as id in the response) and configuration.

    List Private Locations Parameters


    Also see: Pagination and Sorting

    List Private Locations Response Attributes

    Response 200 OK

        "limit": 10,
        "skip": 0,
        "total": 2,
        "hidden": 0,
        "api_version": 4,
        "error": null,
        "result": [
                "id": "5db9c5640634d626d0665efc",
                "name": "Example Private Location",
                "userId": 123456,
                "consoleXms": 1024,
                "consoleXmx": 4096,
                "engineXms": 1024,
                "engineXmx": 4096,
                "threadsPerEngine": 300,
                "slots": 5,
                "type": "small",
                "funcIds": [
                "hidden": false,
                "disabled": false,
                "created": 1572455780,
                "updated": 1572539142,
                "accountId": 123456,
                "shipsId": [
                        "$oid": "5db9c5ad71996f2cd40898b3"
                        "$oid": "5dbb081245137a19771c8253"
                "workspacesId": [
                "ships": [
                        "id": "5db9c5ad71996f2cd40898b3",
                        "name": "New Agent",
                        "address": "",
                        "publicIpAddress": "",
                        "state": "idle",
                        "lastHeartBeat": 1572539183,
                        "lastCommandOutput": "",
                        "isLocked": false,
                        "installedVersion": "3.1.17-1526",
                        "hostInfo": {
                            "diskSpace": {
                                "/tmp": {
                                    "present": true,
                                    "freeSpace": 70527119360
                                "/var/lib/docker": {
                                    "present": false
                                "/home/blazemeter": {
                                    "present": true,
                                    "freeSpace": 70527119360
                            "containerManager": {
                                "type": "DockerManager",
                                "usingDockerRegistry": false,
                                "info": {
                                    "operatingSystem": "Ubuntu 16.04.6 LTS",
                                    "operatingSystemType": "linux",
                                    "memory": 7836102656,
                                    "cpus": 2,
                                    "dockerRootDir": "/var/lib/docker",
                                    "dockerVersion": "19.03.4",
                                    "images": [
                                            "Containers": -1,
                                            "Created": 1572528902,
                                            "Id": "sha256:2c5bf36dbce6ee135018cf6464c8d279d19e6c58b599c0996fa8743e871eaee9",
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                                            "Id": "sha256:80bd52151d5cd55cf1cd8bd64e6d959195a2759734eef3aab3aa9965963adc50",
                                            "Labels": null,
                                            "ParentId": "",
                                            "RepoDigests": null,
                                            "RepoTags": [
                                            "SharedSize": -1,
                                            "Size": 1450140743,
                                            "VirtualSize": 1450140743
                                            "Containers": -1,
                                            "Created": 1572456004,
                                            "Id": "sha256:162a133de9627a628b231349e28d341d4c36a466be76c5ab0e91555997b1ffe7",
                                            "Labels": null,
                                            "ParentId": "",
                                            "RepoDigests": null,
                                            "RepoTags": [
                                            "SharedSize": -1,
                                            "Size": 1419334668,
                                            "VirtualSize": 1419334668
                                            "Containers": -1,
                                            "Created": 1572455968,
                                            "Id": "sha256:e579437c8f0c793f5af786a24c9e53409da0a03b34ebef4f902a2d299e1b8e0a",
                                            "Labels": null,
                                            "ParentId": "",
                                            "RepoDigests": null,
                                            "RepoTags": [
                                            "SharedSize": -1,
                                            "Size": 1439905832,
                                            "VirtualSize": 1439905832
                        "isAutoUpdate": true,
                        "hasJetlag": true,
                        "hasJetpack": true,
                        "useMasterFiles": true,
                        "uptime": 616003,
                        "baseUrl": "",
                        "hasProxy": false,
                        "verifySSL": true,
                        "created": 1572455853,
                        "updated": 1572539183,
                        "updaterStatus": {
                            "status": "success",
                            "lastUpdateCheck": 1572536148,
                            "nextUpdateCheck": 1572539748,
                            "lastUpdate": 1572528902
                        "ts": 1572539183
        "request_id": "5dbb0b48f06fa"

    To see a breakdown of the attributes, please see The Private Location Object section.

    Private Location Details

    Private Location Details

    curl '' \
        --user 'api_key_id:api_key_secret'

    API Explorer: /private-locations/{harborId}

    To return the details of a private location, a harborId is required. The sample code returns the details of the private location with a harborId of 5db9c5640634d626d0665efc. Use the actual ID values for the private locations to return the details of its private location.

    Private Location Details Response Attributes

    Response 200 OK

        "limit": 10,
        "skip": 0,
        "total": 2,
        "hidden": 0,
        "api_version": 4,
        "error": null,
        "result": [
                "id": "5db9c5640634d626d0665efc",
                "name": "Example Private Location",
                "userId": 123456,
                "consoleXms": 1024,
                "consoleXmx": 4096,
                "engineXms": 1024,
                "engineXmx": 4096,
                "threadsPerEngine": 300,
                "slots": 5,
                "type": "small",
                "funcIds": [
                "hidden": false,
                "disabled": false,
                "created": 1572455780,
                "updated": 1572539142,
                "accountId": 123456,
                "shipsId": [
                        "$oid": "5db9c5ad71996f2cd40898b3"
                        "$oid": "5dbb081245137a19771c8253"
                "workspacesId": [
                "ships": [
                        "id": "5db9c5ad71996f2cd40898b3",
                        "name": "New Agent",
                        "address": "",
                        "publicIpAddress": "",
                        "state": "idle",
                        "lastHeartBeat": 1572539183,
                        "lastCommandOutput": "",
                        "isLocked": false,
                        "installedVersion": "3.1.17-1526",
                        "hostInfo": {
                            "diskSpace": {
                                "/tmp": {
                                    "present": true,
                                    "freeSpace": 70527119360
                                "/var/lib/docker": {
                                    "present": false
                                "/home/blazemeter": {
                                    "present": true,
                                    "freeSpace": 70527119360
                            "containerManager": {
                                "type": "DockerManager",
                                "usingDockerRegistry": false,
                                "info": {
                                    "operatingSystem": "Ubuntu 16.04.6 LTS",
                                    "operatingSystemType": "linux",
                                    "memory": 7836102656,
                                    "cpus": 2,
                                    "dockerRootDir": "/var/lib/docker",
                                    "dockerVersion": "19.03.4",
                                    "images": [
                                            "Containers": -1,
                                            "Created": 1572528902,
                                            "Id": "sha256:2c5bf36dbce6ee135018cf6464c8d279d19e6c58b599c0996fa8743e871eaee9",
                                            "Labels": null,
                                            "ParentId": "",
                                            "RepoDigests": null,
                                            "RepoTags": [
                                            "SharedSize": -1,
                                            "Size": 164849267,
                                            "VirtualSize": 164849267
                                            "Containers": -1,
                                            "Created": 1572456591,
                                            "Id": "sha256:2f483a78ff30833b3041ff0bc153d44e22fa32d399ee52c17039e0173ee0aab5",
                                            "Labels": null,
                                            "ParentId": "",
                                            "RepoDigests": null,
                                            "RepoTags": [
                                            "SharedSize": -1,
                                            "Size": 140327991,
                                            "VirtualSize": 140327991
                                            "Containers": -1,
                                            "Created": 1572456586,
                                            "Id": "sha256:9196998214abb796f7087746246135d17b076ea877fd10882ee379d3591e27e5",
                                            "Labels": null,
                                            "ParentId": "",
                                            "RepoDigests": null,
                                            "RepoTags": [
                                            "SharedSize": -1,
                                            "Size": 1456486511,
                                            "VirtualSize": 1456486511
                                            "Containers": -1,
                                            "Created": 1572456554,
                                            "Id": "sha256:3d18e73cb7b0ff57095e5445ec16a75b668c822e86c1ea286b4f5681c6a395cf",
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                                            "ParentId": "",
                                            "RepoDigests": null,
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                                            "VirtualSize": 5579810429
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                                            "Created": 1572456436,
                                            "Id": "sha256:c4eb412e5798c44da65ecb3158be3542e33cab266289e0294bbf7ec8802d65d8",
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                                            "VirtualSize": 1414052702
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                                            "Id": "sha256:f2b81d8b717f86bf43d0292f7799cc66c6961a34406bf0a8c2486dad9c270ee0",
                                            "Labels": null,
                                            "ParentId": "",
                                            "RepoDigests": null,
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                                            "Size": 599224295,
                                            "VirtualSize": 599224295
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                                            "Id": "sha256:956e58859917127603d91b6a0a41033e203bf8a67f8287b9f348f32c1ddc4da6",
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                                            "ParentId": "",
                                            "RepoDigests": null,
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                                            "VirtualSize": 1411259801
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                                            "Id": "sha256:229f8d1f721a87f879ab2914b601661ccdf54e6cf199545be2ae7906989d5aea",
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                                            "RepoDigests": null,
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                                            "VirtualSize": 1414549206
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                                            "Created": 1572456328,
                                            "Id": "sha256:4b972899d53e4e810fc405995584a1eb492f06630e001b343db07e2e1b73f598",
                                            "Labels": null,
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                                            "RepoDigests": null,
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                                            "Id": "sha256:3499ac54e173d86a670678f6c939d50db95f7a9acc408408d35dbf3571755c43",
                                            "Labels": null,
                                            "ParentId": "",
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                                            "VirtualSize": 349033017
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                                            "Created": 1572456287,
                                            "Id": "sha256:741a0dfb03a60b2a92c7919ad2917061a81b0ce18f80b205458f1305cda2ef66",
                                            "Labels": null,
                                            "ParentId": "",
                                            "RepoDigests": null,
                                            "RepoTags": [
                                            "SharedSize": -1,
                                            "Size": 1417551431,
                                            "VirtualSize": 1417551431
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                                            "Id": "sha256:7acc33b007cdfa24b43f9b472ce8609edac67bd0489d1c65ae4d4c60df5873cc",
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                                            "ParentId": "",
                                            "RepoDigests": null,
                                            "RepoTags": [
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                                            "Created": 1572456106,
                                            "Id": "sha256:5cc41950e3e7151227ba092c99461ddac2c0775159c4c71169bf3327b410af88",
                                            "Labels": null,
                                            "ParentId": "",
                                            "RepoDigests": null,
                                            "RepoTags": [
                                            "SharedSize": -1,
                                            "Size": 1463143595,
                                            "VirtualSize": 1463143595
                                            "Containers": -1,
                                            "Created": 1572456072,
                                            "Id": "sha256:50ec6f7ad24d01e9e181314951f72b945483cfb89720174682eb93a3c500f59e",
                                            "Labels": null,
                                            "ParentId": "",
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                                            "RepoTags": [
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                                            "VirtualSize": 1457708938
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                                            "Created": 1572456036,
                                            "Id": "sha256:80bd52151d5cd55cf1cd8bd64e6d959195a2759734eef3aab3aa9965963adc50",
                                            "Labels": null,
                                            "ParentId": "",
                                            "RepoDigests": null,
                                            "RepoTags": [
                                            "SharedSize": -1,
                                            "Size": 1450140743,
                                            "VirtualSize": 1450140743
                                            "Containers": -1,
                                            "Created": 1572456004,
                                            "Id": "sha256:162a133de9627a628b231349e28d341d4c36a466be76c5ab0e91555997b1ffe7",
                                            "Labels": null,
                                            "ParentId": "",
                                            "RepoDigests": null,
                                            "RepoTags": [
                                            "SharedSize": -1,
                                            "Size": 1419334668,
                                            "VirtualSize": 1419334668
                                            "Containers": -1,
                                            "Created": 1572455968,
                                            "Id": "sha256:e579437c8f0c793f5af786a24c9e53409da0a03b34ebef4f902a2d299e1b8e0a",
                                            "Labels": null,
                                            "ParentId": "",
                                            "RepoDigests": null,
                                            "RepoTags": [
                                            "SharedSize": -1,
                                            "Size": 1439905832,
                                            "VirtualSize": 1439905832
                        "isAutoUpdate": true,
                        "hasJetlag": true,
                        "hasJetpack": true,
                        "useMasterFiles": true,
                        "uptime": 616003,
                        "baseUrl": "",
                        "hasProxy": false,
                        "verifySSL": true,
                        "created": 1572455853,
                        "updated": 1572539183,
                        "updaterStatus": {
                            "status": "success",
                            "lastUpdateCheck": 1572536148,
                            "nextUpdateCheck": 1572539748,
                            "lastUpdate": 1572528902
                        "ts": 1572539183
        "request_id": "5dbb0b48f06fa"

    To see a breakdown of the attributes, please see The Private Location Object section.

    Update a Private Location

    Update a Private Location

    curl '' \
        -X PATCH \
        -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
        --user 'api_key_id:api_key_secret' \
        -d '{"name":"My Private Location"}'

    API Explorer: /private-locations/{harborId}

    To update a private location, you will need to know the harborId. The sample code updates a private location with a harborId of 5b0323b3c648be3b4c7b23c8 with a new private location name My Private Location. To use this API, replace the harborId of 5b0323b3c648be3b4c7b23c8 with your harborId and change the name attribute a name of your choosing.

    Update a Private Location Request Attributes

    The following JSON sample provides a more readable version of the content contained in the above curl example. This example represents the attributes and values contained in the -d flag of the curl example.

    Update a Private Location Update a Private Location PATCH Body (JSON)

      "name":"My Private Location"


    Update a Private Location Response Attributes

    Response 201 Created

        "api_version": 4,
        "error": null,
        "result": {
            "id": "5d1641a21726d36d4632fd34",
            "name": "My Private Location",
            "userId": 123456,
            "consoleXms": 1024,
            "consoleXmx": 4096,
            "engineXms": 1024,
            "engineXmx": 4096,
            "threadsPerEngine": 1000,
            "slots": 1,
            "type": "large",
            "funcIds": [
            "hidden": false,
            "overrideCPU": 2,
            "overrideMemory": 4096,
            "created": 1561739682,
            "updated": 1561739682,
            "accountId": 123456,
            "workspacesId": [
            "ships": []
        "request_id": "5d1641a1c3fd1"

    To see a breakdown of the attributes, please see The Private Location Object section.

    List Agents

    List Agents

    curl '' \
        --user 'api_key_id:api_key_secret'

    API Explorer: /private-locations/{harborId}/servers

    To return a list of created agents, a harborId is required. The sample code returns a list of agents within a harborId of 5db9c5ad71996f2cd40898b3. Use the actual ID value for the private location to return the list of its agents.

    The returned list contains each agent's shipId (shows up as id in the response) and configuration.

    List Agents Response Attributes

    Response 200 OK

        "api_version": 4,
        "error": null,
        "result": [
                "id": "5db9c5ad71996f2cd40898b3",
                "name": "New Agent",
                "address": "",
                "publicIpAddress": "",
                "state": "idle",
                "lastHeartBeat": 1572550685,
                "lastCommandOutput": "",
                "isLocked": false,
                "created": 1572455853,
                "updated": 1572550685,
                "hostInfo": {
                    "diskSpace": {
                        "/tmp": {
                            "present": true,
                            "freeSpace": 70525837312
                        "/var/lib/docker": {
                            "present": false
                        "/home/blazemeter": {
                            "present": true,
                            "freeSpace": 70525837312
                    "containerManager": {
                        "type": "DockerManager",
                        "usingDockerRegistry": false,
                        "info": {
                            "operatingSystem": "Ubuntu 16.04.6 LTS",
                            "operatingSystemType": "linux",
                            "memory": 7836102656,
                            "cpus": 2,
                            "dockerRootDir": "/var/lib/docker",
                            "dockerVersion": "19.03.4",
                            "images": [
                                    "Containers": -1,
                                    "Created": 1572528902,
                                    "Id": "sha256:2c5bf36dbce6ee135018cf6464c8d279d19e6c58b599c0996fa8743e871eaee9",
                                    "Labels": null,
                                    "ParentId": "",
                                    "RepoDigests": null,
                                    "RepoTags": [
                                    "SharedSize": -1,
                                    "Size": 164849267,
                                    "VirtualSize": 164849267
                                    "Containers": -1,
                                    "Created": 1572456591,
                                    "Id": "sha256:2f483a78ff30833b3041ff0bc153d44e22fa32d399ee52c17039e0173ee0aab5",
                                    "Labels": null,
                                    "ParentId": "",
                                    "RepoDigests": null,
                                    "RepoTags": [
                                    "SharedSize": -1,
                                    "Size": 140327991,
                                    "VirtualSize": 140327991
                                    "Containers": -1,
                                    "Created": 1572456586,
                                    "Id": "sha256:9196998214abb796f7087746246135d17b076ea877fd10882ee379d3591e27e5",
                                    "Labels": null,
                                    "ParentId": "",
                                    "RepoDigests": null,
                                    "RepoTags": [
                                    "SharedSize": -1,
                                    "Size": 1456486511,
                                    "VirtualSize": 1456486511
                                    "Containers": -1,
                                    "Created": 1572456554,
                                    "Id": "sha256:3d18e73cb7b0ff57095e5445ec16a75b668c822e86c1ea286b4f5681c6a395cf",
                                    "Labels": null,
                                    "ParentId": "",
                                    "RepoDigests": null,
                                    "RepoTags": [
                                    "SharedSize": -1,
                                    "Size": 5579810429,
                                    "VirtualSize": 5579810429
                                    "Containers": -1,
                                    "Created": 1572456436,
                                    "Id": "sha256:c4eb412e5798c44da65ecb3158be3542e33cab266289e0294bbf7ec8802d65d8",
                                    "Labels": null,
                                    "ParentId": "",
                                    "RepoDigests": null,
                                    "RepoTags": [
                                    "SharedSize": -1,
                                    "Size": 1414052702,
                                    "VirtualSize": 1414052702
                                    "Containers": -1,
                                    "Created": 1572456406,
                                    "Id": "sha256:f2b81d8b717f86bf43d0292f7799cc66c6961a34406bf0a8c2486dad9c270ee0",
                                    "Labels": null,
                                    "ParentId": "",
                                    "RepoDigests": null,
                                    "RepoTags": [
                                    "SharedSize": -1,
                                    "Size": 599224295,
                                    "VirtualSize": 599224295
                                    "Containers": -1,
                                    "Created": 1572456392,
                                    "Id": "sha256:956e58859917127603d91b6a0a41033e203bf8a67f8287b9f348f32c1ddc4da6",
                                    "Labels": null,
                                    "ParentId": "",
                                    "RepoDigests": null,
                                    "RepoTags": [
                                    "SharedSize": -1,
                                    "Size": 1411259801,
                                    "VirtualSize": 1411259801
                                    "Containers": -1,
                                    "Created": 1572456361,
                                    "Id": "sha256:229f8d1f721a87f879ab2914b601661ccdf54e6cf199545be2ae7906989d5aea",
                                    "Labels": null,
                                    "ParentId": "",
                                    "RepoDigests": null,
                                    "RepoTags": [
                                    "SharedSize": -1,
                                    "Size": 1414549206,
                                    "VirtualSize": 1414549206
                                    "Containers": -1,
                                    "Created": 1572456328,
                                    "Id": "sha256:4b972899d53e4e810fc405995584a1eb492f06630e001b343db07e2e1b73f598",
                                    "Labels": null,
                                    "ParentId": "",
                                    "RepoDigests": null,
                                    "RepoTags": [
                                    "SharedSize": -1,
                                    "Size": 1467895980,
                                    "VirtualSize": 1467895980
                                    "Containers": -1,
                                    "Created": 1572456295,
                                    "Id": "sha256:3499ac54e173d86a670678f6c939d50db95f7a9acc408408d35dbf3571755c43",
                                    "Labels": null,
                                    "ParentId": "",
                                    "RepoDigests": null,
                                    "RepoTags": [
                                    "SharedSize": -1,
                                    "Size": 349033017,
                                    "VirtualSize": 349033017
                                    "Containers": -1,
                                    "Created": 1572456287,
                                    "Id": "sha256:741a0dfb03a60b2a92c7919ad2917061a81b0ce18f80b205458f1305cda2ef66",
                                    "Labels": null,
                                    "ParentId": "",
                                    "RepoDigests": null,
                                    "RepoTags": [
                                    "SharedSize": -1,
                                    "Size": 1417551431,
                                    "VirtualSize": 1417551431
                                    "Containers": -1,
                                    "Created": 1572456254,
                                    "Id": "sha256:7acc33b007cdfa24b43f9b472ce8609edac67bd0489d1c65ae4d4c60df5873cc",
                                    "Labels": null,
                                    "ParentId": "",
                                    "RepoDigests": null,
                                    "RepoTags": [
                                    "SharedSize": -1,
                                    "Size": 1456797479,
                                    "VirtualSize": 1456797479
                                    "Containers": -1,
                                    "Created": 1572456220,
                                    "Id": "sha256:fc74752e5c679ea92c9c8debb8a51fc25950535fab78ae9ae7494dbc80aa2e56",
                                    "Labels": null,
                                    "ParentId": "",
                                    "RepoDigests": null,
                                    "RepoTags": [
                                    "SharedSize": -1,
                                    "Size": 5116339960,
                                    "VirtualSize": 5116339960
                                    "Containers": -1,
                                    "Created": 1572456106,
                                    "Id": "sha256:5cc41950e3e7151227ba092c99461ddac2c0775159c4c71169bf3327b410af88",
                                    "Labels": null,
                                    "ParentId": "",
                                    "RepoDigests": null,
                                    "RepoTags": [
                                    "SharedSize": -1,
                                    "Size": 1463143595,
                                    "VirtualSize": 1463143595
                                    "Containers": -1,
                                    "Created": 1572456072,
                                    "Id": "sha256:50ec6f7ad24d01e9e181314951f72b945483cfb89720174682eb93a3c500f59e",
                                    "Labels": null,
                                    "ParentId": "",
                                    "RepoDigests": null,
                                    "RepoTags": [
                                    "SharedSize": -1,
                                    "Size": 1457708938,
                                    "VirtualSize": 1457708938
                                    "Containers": -1,
                                    "Created": 1572456036,
                                    "Id": "sha256:80bd52151d5cd55cf1cd8bd64e6d959195a2759734eef3aab3aa9965963adc50",
                                    "Labels": null,
                                    "ParentId": "",
                                    "RepoDigests": null,
                                    "RepoTags": [
                                    "SharedSize": -1,
                                    "Size": 1450140743,
                                    "VirtualSize": 1450140743
                                    "Containers": -1,
                                    "Created": 1572456004,
                                    "Id": "sha256:162a133de9627a628b231349e28d341d4c36a466be76c5ab0e91555997b1ffe7",
                                    "Labels": null,
                                    "ParentId": "",
                                    "RepoDigests": null,
                                    "RepoTags": [
                                    "SharedSize": -1,
                                    "Size": 1419334668,
                                    "VirtualSize": 1419334668
                                    "Containers": -1,
                                    "Created": 1572455968,
                                    "Id": "sha256:e579437c8f0c793f5af786a24c9e53409da0a03b34ebef4f902a2d299e1b8e0a",
                                    "Labels": null,
                                    "ParentId": "",
                                    "RepoDigests": null,
                                    "RepoTags": [
                                    "SharedSize": -1,
                                    "Size": 1439905832,
                                    "VirtualSize": 1439905832
                "hasJetlag": true,
                "ts": 1572550685
        "request_id": "5dbb382ca437f"

    To see a breakdown of the attributes, please see The Server Object section.

    Agent Details

    Agent Details

    curl '' \
        --user 'api_key_id:api_key_secret'

    API Explorer: /private-locations/{harborId}/servers/{shipId}

    To return the details of an agent, a harborId and a shipId is required. The sample code returns the details of the agent with a harborId of 5db9c5640634d626d0665efc and a shipId of 5db9c5640634d626d0665efc. Use the actual ID values for the private location and agent to return the details of the agent.

    Agent Details Response Attributes

    Response 200 OK

        "api_version": 4,
        "error": null,
        "result": {
            "id": "5da78c8240055536a5297345",
            "name": "New Centos Agent",
            "address": "",
            "publicIpAddress": "",
            "state": "detached",
            "lastHeartBeat": 1572275227,
            "lastCommandOutput": "",
            "isLocked": false,
            "installedVersion": "3.1.15-1514",
            "hostInfo": {
                "diskSpace": {
                    "/tmp": {
                        "present": true,
                        "freeSpace": 88910917632
                    "/var/lib/docker": {
                        "present": false
                    "/home/blazemeter": {
                        "present": true,
                        "freeSpace": 88910917632
                "containerManager": {
                    "type": "DockerManager",
                    "usingDockerRegistry": false,
                    "info": {
                        "operatingSystem": "CentOS Linux 7 (Core)",
                        "operatingSystemType": "linux",
                        "memory": 7672881152,
                        "cpus": 2,
                        "dockerRootDir": "/var/lib/docker",
                        "dockerVersion": "19.03.4",
                        "images": [
                                "Containers": -1,
                                "Created": 1571261948,
                                "Id": "sha256:a86d5359539a74870ef1e1d27014522c583dba3f7fb36d08f4ebe3c03400a5dd",
                                "Labels": null,
                                "ParentId": "",
                                "RepoDigests": null,
                                "RepoTags": [
                                "SharedSize": -1,
                                "Size": 5579810429,
                                "VirtualSize": 5579810429
                                "Containers": -1,
                                "Created": 1571261816,
                                "Id": "sha256:2d84898fc32397cb934eec3b1de9fe5ddb06a3ed58de18435850259b31272589",
                                "Labels": null,
                                "ParentId": "",
                                "RepoDigests": null,
                                "RepoTags": [
                                "SharedSize": -1,
                                "Size": 599224295,
                                "VirtualSize": 599224295
                                "Containers": -1,
                                "Created": 1571261802,
                                "Id": "sha256:f78b261dc02cbedebeaa0be0a61e8c39170dd7d3c19c19139859f8cc3f9bbbdc",
                                "Labels": null,
                                "ParentId": "",
                                "RepoDigests": null,
                                "RepoTags": [
                                "SharedSize": -1,
                                "Size": 164849267,
                                "VirtualSize": 164849267
                                "Containers": -1,
                                "Created": 1571261797,
                                "Id": "sha256:65059e5c63d8d77571d6ef02f89b1d54d439cef040851da349d5e6aca68ba01d",
                                "Labels": null,
                                "ParentId": "",
                                "RepoDigests": null,
                                "RepoTags": [
                                "SharedSize": -1,
                                "Size": 1410761196,
                                "VirtualSize": 1410761196
                                "Containers": -1,
                                "Created": 1571261761,
                                "Id": "sha256:d0de7e20f9ebad580979ec296edc90b5a79374b6007b7cc3375128fbca198ac5",
                                "Labels": null,
                                "ParentId": "",
                                "RepoDigests": null,
                                "RepoTags": [
                                "SharedSize": -1,
                                "Size": 349033017,
                                "VirtualSize": 349033017
                                "Containers": -1,
                                "Created": 1571261737,
                                "Id": "sha256:84a22bc8c2dcc63c31c4c60b526ddd87a44f3beb79b4c9d3358c2c07751a84ae",
                                "Labels": null,
                                "ParentId": "",
                                "RepoDigests": null,
                                "RepoTags": [
                                "SharedSize": -1,
                                "Size": 5115062238,
                                "VirtualSize": 5115062238
                                "Containers": -1,
                                "Created": 1571261635,
                                "Id": "sha256:220e832427b069a1011e2f73370725c7f755a51a0b1149691af03d30fb4a0967",
                                "Labels": null,
                                "ParentId": "",
                                "RepoDigests": null,
                                "RepoTags": [
                                "SharedSize": -1,
                                "Size": 136891718,
                                "VirtualSize": 136891718
                                "Containers": -1,
                                "Created": 1571261626,
                                "Id": "sha256:65debd84b2d95ddc61e57080484c2c4eb8b80b22d629e8c6e146ade588cdf0f3",
                                "Labels": null,
                                "ParentId": "",
                                "RepoDigests": null,
                                "RepoTags": [
                                "SharedSize": -1,
                                "Size": 1393006212,
                                "VirtualSize": 1393006212
            "isAutoUpdate": true,
            "hasJetlag": true,
            "hasJetpack": true,
            "useMasterFiles": true,
            "uptime": 1013843,
            "baseUrl": "",
            "hasProxy": false,
            "verifySSL": true,
            "created": 1571261570,
            "updated": 1593180006,
            "updaterStatus": {
                "status": "success",
                "lastUpdateCheck": 1572273500,
                "nextUpdateCheck": 1572277100
            "ts": 1572275227
        "request_id": "5ef5fff2b6387"

    To see a breakdown of the attributes, please see The Agent Object section.

    Update an Agent

    Update an Agent

    curl '' \
        -X PATCH \
        -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
        --user 'api_key_id:api_key_secret' \
        -d '{"name":"My New Agent"}'

    API Explorer: /private-locations/{harborId}/servers/{shipId}

    To update an agent, you will need to know the harborId and the shipId. The sample code adds an agent to a private location with a harborId of 5b0323b3c648be3b4c7b23c8 and an agent with the shipId of 5d2657219583d81adc3778b4 with a new agent name My Agent. To use this API, replace the harborId of 5b0323b3c648be3b4c7b23c8 with your harborId, replace the shipId of 5d2657219583d81adc3778b4 with your shipId and give the name attribute a name of your choosing and, optionally, the IP of your machine.

    Update an Agent Request Attributes

    The following JSON sample provides a more readable version of the content contained in the above curl example. This example represents the attributes and values contained in the -d flag of the curl example.

    Update an Agent Update an Agent PATCH Body (JSON)

      "name": "My New Agent"


    Update an Agent Response Attributes

    Response 201 Created

        "api_version": 4,
        "error": null,
        "result": {
            "id": "5d2657219583d81adc3778b4",
            "name": "My New Agent",
            "address": "",
            "state": "empty",
            "hasJetlag": false,
            "created": 1562793761,
            "updated": 1562793761,
            "ts": null
        "request_id": "5d265720cf008"

    To see a breakdown of the attributes, please see The Server Object section.

    Private Location Image Versions

    Private Location Image Versions

    curl '' \
        --user 'api_key_id:api_key_secret'

    API Explorer: /private-locations/{harborId}/ships/{shipId}/versions

    To return a list of the latest image versions, a harborId and a shipId is required. The sample code returns a list of images available within a harborId of 5db9c5ad71996f2cd40898b3 and shipId of 5b0323b9c85b7cbd587b23c7. Use the actual ID value for the private location and agent to return the list of the current image versions.

    Private Location Image Versions Response Attributes

    Response 200 OK

        "api_version": 4,
        "error": null,
        "result": {
            "resources": {
                "apmDockerImage": {
                    "dockerTag": "apm-image",
                    "type": "dockerImage",
                    "url": "",
                    "version": "1.3.0-826",
                    "imageRelativePath": "blazemeter/apm",
                    "validHarborTypes": [
                "blazemeter/crane": {
                    "dockerTag": "blazemeter/crane",
                    "type": "dockerImage",
                    "url": "",
                    "version": "3.1.18-1532",
                    "imageRelativePath": "blazemeter/crane",
                    "validHarborTypes": [
                "engineDockerImage": {
                    "dockerTag": "blazemeter",
                    "type": "dockerImage",
                    "url": "",
                    "version": "1.4.1-92",
                    "imageRelativePath": "blazemeter/v3",
                    "blacklist": [
                    "validHarborTypes": [
                "taurusEngineDockerImage": {
                    "dockerTag": "taurus-cloud",
                    "type": "dockerImage",
                    "url": "",
                    "version": "1.17.5-1053",
                    "imageRelativePath": "blazemeter/v4",
                    "validHarborTypes": [
                "blazemeter/proxy-recorder": {
                    "dockerTag": "blazemeter/proxy-recorder",
                    "type": "dockerImage",
                    "url": "",
                    "version": "1.10.1-850",
                    "imageRelativePath": "blazemeter/proxy-recorder",
                    "validHarborTypes": [
                "blazemeter/sv-bridge": {
                    "dockerTag": "blazemeter/sv-bridge",
                    "type": "dockerImage",
                    "url": "",
                    "version": "0.1.0",
                    "imageRelativePath": "blazemeter/sv-bridge",
                    "validHarborTypes": [
                "blazemeter/service-mock": {
                    "dockerTag": "blazemeter/service-mock",
                    "type": "dockerImage",
                    "url": "",
                    "version": "0.2.4-11",
                    "imageRelativePath": "blazemeter/service-mock",
                    "validHarborTypes": [
                "blazemeter/charmander/firefox/65": {
                    "dockerTag": "blazemeter/charmander/firefox_65.0.2",
                    "type": "dockerImage",
                    "url": "",
                    "version": "2.1.0-266",
                    "imageRelativePath": "blazemeter/charmander/firefox_65.0.2",
                    "validHarborTypes": [
                "blazemeter/charmander/chrome/69": {
                    "dockerTag": "blazemeter/charmander/chrome_69.0.3497.92",
                    "type": "dockerImage",
                    "url": "",
                    "version": "2.1.0-266",
                    "imageRelativePath": "blazemeter/charmander/chrome_69.0.3497.92",
                    "validHarborTypes": [
        "request_id": "5dc1d999e6c24"


    Delete a Workspace in Private Location

    Delete a Workspace in Private Location

    curl '' \
        -X DELETE \
        -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
        --user 'api_key_id:api_key_secret'

    Response 204 No content

    API Explorer: /private-locations/{harborId}/workspaces/{workspaceId}

    To delete a workspace from a private location, DELETE the provided configuration (you will need the harborId and workspaceId). The sample code deletes the workspaceId of 234567 from the private location with harborId of 5d1641a21726d36d4632fd34. To use this API, replace the workspaceId of 234567 with your workspaceId and replace the harborId of 5d1641a21726d36d4632fd34 with your harborId.

    Delete an Agent

    Delete an Agent

    curl '' \
        -X DELETE \
        -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
        --user 'api_key_id:api_key_secret'

    Response 204 No Content

    API Explorer: /private-locations/{harborId}/servers/{shipId}

    To delete an agent, DELETE the provided configuration (you will need the harborId and shipId). The sample code deletes the shipId of 5d2657219583d81adc3778b4 from the private location with harborId of 5d1641a21726d36d4632fd34. To use this API, replace the shipId of 5d2657219583d81adc3778b4 with your shipId and replace the harborId of 5d1641a21726d36d4632fd34 with your harborId.

    Delete a Private Location

    Delete a Private Location

    curl '' \
        -X DELETE \
        -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
        --user 'api_key_id:api_key_secret'

    Response 204 No Content

    API Explorer: /private-locations/{harborId}

    To delete a private location, DELETE the provided configuration (you will need the harborId). The sample code deletes the private location with harborId of 5d1641a21726d36d4632fd34. To use this API, replace the harborId of 5d1641a21726d36d4632fd34 with your harborId.


    This section contains additional details you may find useful as you progress in your use of the BlazeMeter API beyond typical use cases.


    Setting Pagination through Tests

    curl '' \
          -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
          --user 'api_key_id:api_key_secret'

    Response 200 OK

        "limit": 2,
        "skip": 10,
        "total": 450,
        "hidden": 0,
        "api_version": 4,
        "error": null,
        "result": [
                "id": 1234567,
                "name": "Test 2",
                "isNewTest": true,
                "userId": 123456,
                "created": 1550767182,
                "updated": 1550767182,
                "creatorClientId": "gui",
                "overrideExecutions": [
                        "concurrency": 20,
                        "executor": "",
                        "holdFor": "19m",
                        "locations": {
                            "us-east-1": 20
                        "locationsPercents": {
                            "us-east-1": 100
                        "rampUp": "1m",
                        "steps": 0
                "executions": [
                        "concurrency": 20,
                        "holdFor": "19m",
                        "rampUp": "1m",
                        "steps": 0,
                        "locations": {
                            "us-east-1": 20
                        "locationsPercents": {
                            "us-east-1": 100
                        "scenario": "default-scenario"
                "shouldSendReportEmail": false,
                "projectId": 123456,
                "lastUpdatedById": 123456,
                "configuration": {
                    "type": "taurus",
                    "executionType": "taurusCloud",
                    "threads": 500,
                    "testMode": "",
                    "plugins": {
                        "jmeter": {
                            "version": "auto"
                        "thresholds": {
                            "thresholds": [],
                            "ignoreRampup": false,
                            "slidingWindow": false
                "id": 2345678,
                "name": "My Test",
                "isNewTest": true,
                "userId": 123456,
                "lastRunTime": 1550710526,
                "created": 1550702524,
                "updated": 1550714475,
                "creatorClientId": "gui",
                "overrideExecutions": [
                        "concurrency": 60000,
                        "executor": "jmeter",
                        "holdFor": "30m",
                        "locations": {
                            "us-east-1": 60000
                        "locationsPercents": {
                            "us-east-1": 100
                        "rampUp": "30m",
                        "steps": 0
                "executions": [
                        "concurrency": 60000,
                        "holdFor": "30m",
                        "rampUp": "30m",
                        "steps": 0,
                        "locations": {
                            "us-east-1": 60000
                        "locationsPercents": {
                            "us-east-1": 100
                        "executor": "jmeter",
                        "scenario": "default-scenario-6630973"
                "shouldSendReportEmail": false,
                "projectId": 123456,
                "lastUpdatedById": 123456,
                "configuration": {
                    "type": "taurus",
                    "canControlRampup": false,
                    "targetThreads": 300,
                    "executionType": "taurusCloud",
                    "scriptType": "jmeter",
                    "threads": 300,
                    "filename": "Dummy.jmx",
                    "testMode": "",
                    "plugins": {
                        "jmeter": {
                            "version": "auto"
                        "thresholds": {
                            "thresholds": [],
                            "ignoreRampup": false,
                            "slidingWindow": false

    Control the pagination of returned results using the skip and limit parameters.

    The sample code sets pagination for items with a projectId of 123456. Use the actual ID values of the project or workspace to update their pagination.


    Setting Pagination through Tests

    curl '[]=-updated' \
          -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
          --user 'api_key_id:api_key_secret'

    Response 200 OK

        "limit": 10,
        "skip": 0,
        "total": 2,
        "hidden": 0,
        "api_version": 4,
        "error": null,
        "result": [
                "id": 6776178,
                "name": "Dynatrace APM Test - Copy",
                "isNewTest": true,
                "userId": 344260,
                "created": 1555365941,
                "updated": 1555365941,
                "creatorClientId": "gui",
                "overrideExecutions": [
                        "concurrency": 20,
                        "executor": "jmeter",
                        "holdFor": "19m",
                        "locations": {
                            "us-east-1": 20
                        "locationsPercents": {
                            "us-east-1": 100
                        "rampUp": "1m",
                        "steps": 0
                "executions": [
                        "concurrency": 20,
                        "holdFor": "19m",
                        "rampUp": "1m",
                        "steps": 0,
                        "locations": {
                            "us-east-1": 20
                        "locationsPercents": {
                            "us-east-1": 100
                        "executor": "jmeter",
                        "scenario": "default-scenario-6776177"
                "shouldSendReportEmail": false,
                "projectId": 169410,
                "configuration": {
                    "type": "taurus",
                    "canControlRampup": false,
                    "targetThreads": 500,
                    "executionType": "taurusCloud",
                    "scriptType": "jmeter",
                    "threads": 500,
                    "filename": "Dummy.jmx",
                    "testMode": "",
                    "plugins": {
                        "jmeter": {
                            "version": "auto",
                            "consoleArgs": "",
                            "enginesArgs": ""
                        "thresholds": {
                            "thresholds": [],
                            "ignoreRampup": false,
                            "slidingWindow": false
                "id": 6728358,
                "name": "Taurus YAML Configuration Test",
                "isNewTest": true,
                "userId": 344260,
                "lastRunTime": 1553625706,
                "created": 1553625654,
                "updated": 1553627839,
                "creatorClientId": "gui",
                "overrideExecutions": [],
                "executions": [
                        "concurrency": 5,
                        "holdFor": "180s",
                        "rampUp": "1s",
                        "locations": {
                            "us-east-1": 1
                        "locationsWeighted": true,
                        "executor": "jmeter",
                        "scenario": "simple"
                "shouldSendReportEmail": false,
                "projectId": 169410,
                "lastUpdatedById": 344260,
                "configuration": {
                    "type": "taurus",
                    "dedicatedIpsEnabled": false,
                    "executionType": "taurusCloud",
                    "scriptType": "taurus",
                    "threads": 500,
                    "filename": "Dummy.yml",
                    "testMode": "",
                    "plugins": {
                        "jmeter": {
                            "version": "auto",
                            "consoleArgs": "",
                            "enginesArgs": ""
                        "thresholds": {
                            "thresholds": [],
                            "ignoreRampup": false,
                            "slidingWindow": false

    Control the sort of returned results using the sort[] parameter.

    Use sort[] to set the attribute you want to sort the response with. The attributes to focus on are updated, created, or name. If you place just the attribute as is (i.e. name), it will sort from least to greatest, or alphabetical order. If you want the opposite behavior, you can add a - before the attribute (i.e. -name). For example, to sort by updated from newest to oldest, set sort[]=-updated

    The sample code sets the sorting for items with a projectId of 123456 by most recently updated to oldest update.

    Private Cloud

    Private Cloud users will have a slightly different experience when using the BlazeMeter APIs. These differences include the base URL that is used, API differences for specific cases, and some differences in the response.

    Using APIs in a Private Cloud Environment

    Private Cloud Environment Example

    curl '' \
        -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
        --user 'api_key_id:api_key_secret'

    Response 200 OK

      "api_version": 4,
      "error": null,
      "result": {
        "id": 123456,
        "email": "",
        "access": 1522676762,
        "login": 1521724222,
        "firstName": "my",
        "lastName": "name",
        "timezone": 0,
        "enabled": true,
        "roles": [

    The majority of the APIs present in this documentation will work the same as they do in the public version, with the main difference being the base URL that is used. Instead of, users will need to use the internal URL used to access the Private Cloud instance.

    In the example provided, the Private Cloud instance uses the URL of We replace the URL with the internal URL and then run the API using that uRL. This will then return a response in the same manner as it would in the public cloud.

    Upload or Update Data Files in Private Cloud

    Upload or Update Data Files in Private Cloud

    curl '' \
        -X POST \
        -F 'file=@/my/path/to/colors.csv' \
        --user 'api_key_id:api_key_secret'

    Response 200 OK

      "result": {
        "collectionType": "multiV4", 
        "created": 1563825326, 
        "creatorClientId": "gui", 
        "dataFiles": [], 
        "description": null, 
        "draftId": null, 
        "filesToSplit": [], 
        "id": 12345678, 
        "items": null, 
        "kpiTrackingData": null, 
        "lastRunTime": null, 
        "lastUpdatedById": 123456, 
        "masters": [], 
        "migratedFromTestCollectionId": null, 
        "migratedToTestId": null, 
        "name": "July_22_2:55 PM - Multi Test", 
        "note": null, 
        "oldVersionId": null, 
        "projectId": 123456, 
        "shouldSendReportEmail": true, 
        "testsForExecutions": [
            "executions": [
                "concurrency": 25, 
                "executor": "jmeter", 
                "holdFor": "19m", 
                "locations": {
                  "harbor-5d2cecc61391a8f318703bd5": 25
                "locationsPercents": {
                  "harbor-5d2cecc61391a8f318703bd5": 100
                "rampUp": "1m", 
                "scenario": "default-scenario-6936475", 
                "steps": 0, 
                "testId": 1234567
            "overrideExecutions": [
                "concurrency": 25, 
                "executor": "jmeter", 
                "holdFor": "19m", 
                "locations": {
                  "harbor-5d2cecc61391a8f318703bd5": 25
                "locationsPercents": {
                  "harbor-5d2cecc61391a8f318703bd5": 100
                "rampUp": "1m", 
                "steps": 0
            "testId": 1234567
            "executions": [
                "concurrency": 20, 
                "executor": "jmeter", 
                "holdFor": "19m", 
                "locations": {
                  "harbor-5d2cecc61391a8f318703bd5": 20
                "locationsPercents": {
                  "harbor-5d2cecc61391a8f318703bd5": 100
                "rampUp": "1m", 
                "scenario": "default-scenario-6952118", 
                "steps": 0, 
                "testId": 2345678
            "overrideExecutions": [
                "concurrency": 20, 
                "executor": "jmeter", 
                "holdFor": "19m", 
                "locations": {
                  "harbor-5d2cecc61391a8f318703bd5": 20
                "locationsPercents": {
                  "harbor-5d2cecc61391a8f318703bd5": 100
                "rampUp": "1m", 
                "steps": 0
            "testId": 2345678
        "underMigration": null, 
        "updated": 1563825332, 
        "userId": 123456, 
        "v4MigratedDate": null

    API Explorer: /collections/{collectionId}/files/data

    To upload a data file asset to a multi test, POST the file to the collectionId (you need to know the collectionId of the created multi test). Use the following template for the file path and name:

    curl -X POST -F 'file=@path to file/file.ext' ...

    The sample code uploads a file (@/my/path/to/colors.csv) to a multi test with an ID of 10033948. Replace @/my/path/to/colors.csv with the actual path and file name and 10033948 with your collectionId.

    To update the contents of an uploaded file, repeat the same operation (upload the updated file using the same file name).

    Upload or Update Files to Shared Folders in Private Cloud

    Upload or Update Files to Shared Folders in Private Cloud

    curl '' \
        -X POST \
        -F 'file=@/my/path/to/colors.csv' \
        --user 'api_key_id:api_key_secret'

    Response 200 OK

      "created": 1563395827, 
      "files": [], 
      "id": "5d2f86f30cfb1d84717bf4a3", 
      "name": "myFolder", 
      "workspaceId": 123456

    API Explorer: /folders/{folderId}/files

    To upload a file asset to a shared folder, POST the file to the folderId (you need to know the folderId of the folder). Use the following template for the file path and name:

    curl -X POST -F 'file=@path to file/file.ext' ...

    The sample code uploads a file (@/my/path/to/colors.csv) to a folder with an ID of 5d2f86f30cfb1d84717bf4a3. Replace @/my/path/to/colors.csv with the actual path and file name and 5d2f86f30cfb1d84717bf4a3 with your folderId.

    To update the contents of an uploaded file, repeat the same operation (upload the updated file using the same file name).

    Private Cloud Functionalities

    This list of functionalities supported in private cloud.


    Private Location Appendix

    List of Private Location Functionalities

    Private Locations gives you the option of choosing which functionalities you want to use with your private location. Below is the list of support functionalities.

    Functionality Description
    performance This adds the Performance functionality to the private location.
    functionalApi This adds the API Testing functionality to the private location.
    proxyRecorder This adds the Proxy Recorder functionality to the private location.
    mockServices This adds the Mock Services functionality to the private location.

    Shared Type Only

    This adds the GUI Functional functionality to the private location. See here for the list of supported browsers.
    sv-bridge This adds the Service Virtualization Bridge functionality to the private location.

    List of GUI Functional Browsers

    This list of browsers should be included in the funcIds if you include functionalGui as part of your private locations functionalities.


    List of Private Location Images

    Below is a full list of all the private locations images available.


    Performance Locations

    List of Google Cloud Locations

    The following table contains the locationIds for all the cloud locations in Google Cloud provided by BlazeMeter.

    Location ID Location Name
    asia-east1-a Asia East (Taiwan, Google)
    asia-northeast1-a Asia Northeast (Japan, Google)
    asia-northeast2-a Japan (Osaka, Google)
    asia-south1-a Asia South (Mumbai, Google)
    asia-southeast1-a Asia Southeast (Singapore, Google)
    australia-southeast1-a Australia (Sydney, Google)
    europe-west1-b EU West (Belgium, Google)
    europe-west2-a EU West (London, Google)
    europe-west3-a EU West (Frankfurt, Google)
    europe-west4-b EU West (Netherlands, Google)
    northamerica-northeast1-a Canada East (Montreal, Google)
    southamerica-east1-a Brazil (Sao Paulo, Google)
    us-central1-a US Central (Iowa, Google)
    us-east1-b US East (South Carolina, Google)
    us-east4-a US East (Virginia, Google)
    us-west1-a US West (Oregon, Google)
    us-west2-a US West (California, Google)

    List of Amazon AWS Cloud Locations

    The following table contains the locationIds for all the cloud locations in AWS provided by BlazeMeter.

    Location ID Location Name
    ap-northeast-1 Asia Pacific (Tokyo, AWS)
    ap-northeast-2 Asia Pacific (Seoul, AWS)
    ap-south-1 Asia Pacific (Mumbai, AWS)
    ap-southeast-1 Asia Pacific (Singapore, AWS)
    ap-southeast-2 Australia (Sydney, AWS)
    ca-central-1 Canada (Central, AWS)
    eu-central-1 EU Central (Frankfurt, AWS)
    eu-west-1 EU West (Ireland, AWS)
    eu-west-2 EU West (London, AWS)
    eu-west-3 EU West (Paris, AWS)
    sa-east-1 South America (Sao Paulo, AWS)
    us-east-1 US East (Virginia, AWS)
    us-east-2 US East (Ohio, AWS)
    us-west-1 US West (N. California, AWS)
    us-west-2 US West (Oregon, AWS)

    List of Microsoft Azure Cloud Locations

    The following table contains the locationIds for all the cloud locations in Azure provided by BlazeMeter.

    Location ID Location Name
    azure-ap-northeast-1 Korea Central (Seoul, Azure)
    azure-ap-northeast-2 Korea South (Busan, Azure)
    azure-brazil-south-1 Brazil South (Sao Paulo, Azure)
    azure-central-asia-1 Central India (Pune, Azure)
    azure-central-asia-2 West India (Mumbai, Azure)
    azure-central-asia-3 South India (Chennai, Azure)
    azure-central-ca Canada Central (Toronto, Azure)
    azure-central-us-1 US Central (Iowa, Azure)
    azure-east-asia-1 East Asia (Hong Kong, Azure)
    azure-east-au-1 Australia East (New South Wales, Azure)
    azure-east-ca Canada East (Quebec City, Azure)
    azure-east-us-1 US East (Virginia, Azure)
    azure-east-us-2 US East 2 (Virginia, Azure)
    azure-eu-west-2 UK South (London, Azure)
    azure-eu-west-3 UK West (Cardiff, Azure)
    azure-japan-east-1 Japan East (Tokyo, Azure)
    azure-japan-west-1 Japan West (Osaka, Azure)
    azure-north-central-us-1 US North Central (Illinois, Azure)
    azure-north-europe-1 EU North (Ireland, Azure)
    azure-south-central-us-1 US South Central (Texas, Azure)
    azure-southeast-asia-1 Southeast Asia (Singapore, Azure)
    azure-southeast-au-1 Australia Southeast (Victoria, Azure)
    azure-us-west-central US West Central (Wyoming, Azure)
    azure-west-europe-1 EU West (Netherlands, Azure)
    azure-west-us-1 US West (California, Azure)
    azure-west-us-2 US West 2 (Washington, Azure)

    Private Locations Location ID

    When wanting to add a private location to your test, you will need to get the harborId for the private location you want and use the following format as the location ID:



    This section covers the various terms that are used throughout the APIs discussed.

    Account ID

    This is the unique identifier of an account. It is used in the following APIs:

    It is found through the BlazeMeter URL, using the following example:{account ID}...

    The number that comes after accounts in the example above is the Account ID.

    Collection ID

    This is the unique identifier of a multi test. It is used in the following APIs:

    It is found in the response of the following APIs:

    For another method for finding this value, visit this article.


    The Taurus Term used to describe the number of concurrent users to run the test with. It is used in the following APIs:

    It is found in the response of the following APIs:


    The Taurus Term used to describe the execution type for a test (i.e. JMeter, Selenium, Gatling, etc.). It is used in the following APIs:

    It is found in the response of the following APIs:

    Folder ID

    This is the unique identifier of the shared folder. It is used in the following APIs:

    It is found in the response of the following APIs:

    Harbor ID

    This is the unique identifier of the private location. It is used in the following APIs:

    It is found in the response of the following APIs:

    For another method of finding this value, visit this article.


    The Taurus Term to describe the length of time the test will run at the full concurrency settings. It is used in the following APIs:

    It is found in the response of the following APIs:

    Label ID

    This is the unique identifier of a label in a master (or test report). It is used in the following APIs:

    It is found in the response of the following APIs:

    Location ID

    This is the unique identifier for a cloud location or a private location. See the Performance Locations section for more details. It is used in the following APIs:

    It is found in the response of the following APIs:

    For another method for finding this value, visit this article.

    Master ID

    This is the unique identifier that identifies a test run. It is used in the following APIs:

    It is found in the response of the following APIs:

    For another method for finding this value, visit this article.

    Project ID

    This is the unique identifier that identifies a given project. It is used in the following APIs:

    It is found in the response of the following APIs:

    For another method for finding this value, visit this article.


    The Taurus Term to describe the time it takes to ramp up to the full concurrency set. It is used in the following APIs:

    It is found in the response of the following APIs:

    Scenario ID

    This is the unique identifier that identifies a scenario in a test run. It is used in the following APIs:

    It is found in the response of the following APIs:

    For another method for finding this value, visit this article.

    Schedule ID

    This is the unique identifier that identifies a scheduled test run. It is used in the following APIs:

    It is found in the response of the following APIs:

    Session ID

    This is the unique identifier that identifies a session in a test run. It is used in the following APIs:

    It is found in the response of the following APIs:

    For another method for finding this value, visit this article.

    Ship ID

    This is the unique identifier of an agent within a private location. It is used in the following APIs:

    It is found in the response of the following APIs

    For another method of finding this value, visit this article.


    The Taurus Term for describing the number of steps the rampup will use (i.e. setting this to 3 will make the ramp up increase 3 times during the ramp up period). It is used in the following APIs:

    It is found in the response of the following APIs:

    Test ID

    This is the unique identifier that identifies a test. It is used in the following APIs:

    It is found in the response of the following APIs:

    For another method for finding this value, visit this article.

    User ID

    This is the unique identifier that identifies a user. It is used in the following APIs:

    It is found in the response of the following APIs:

    Workspace ID

    This is the unique identifier that identifies a workspace. It is used in the following APIs:

    It is found in the response of the following APIs:

    For another method for finding this value, visit this article.