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Home Functional Performance Mock Services API Monitoring Test Data
  • Introduction
  • Basics
  • Authentication Process
  • API Resources
  • Tests
  • Steps
  • Environments
  • Schedules
  • Results
  • Metrics
  • Regions
  • Account
  • Buckets
  • Teams
  • Integrations
  • Agents
  • Role Based Access Control
  • Usage
  • Introduction

    Welcome to the API Monitoring section of the BlazeMeter API reference! This section will cover the APIs used for creating, updating, and running API monitoring tests and environments, as well as getting the test results, handling test schedules, and handling administration on your account.

    The Runscope API provides access to data in your API Monitoring account. This document describes how to authenticate to the API and the resources available. If you have any problems using the Runscope API contact us at

    This API reference uses the following conventions for your convenience:


    Request Format

    All requests to the API are sent over HTTPS and use the following base URL:

    Response Format

    Responses are returned as JSON data in the following format (see the right for example).

         "data": { ... } or [ ... ],
         "meta": { ... },
         "error": { ... } or null

    Response Attributes

    Attribute Description
    data Contains the actual response information for the resource you are accessing. It will either be a JSON object or JSON array depending on what the resource returns.
    meta Contains other extra information about the response. This could include paging information for lists, warnings/errors information, links to other resources, etc.
    error Contains information if the there was an error with your request. This includes a longer description, error codes, and links to more information in our docs. If the request was successful, the error attribute's value will be set to null.


    All requests to the API require a valid OAuth 2 access token. You can generate an access token using the Web Authorization Flow or use the one that is automatically created for your account when creating a new application. Read the full Authentication docs for details.

    To make request an authenticated request to the Runscope API send the Authorization header with the access token value:

    Authorization: Bearer <access_token>

    Content-Type Header

    For API resources where JSON object data is sent in the request body, the 'Content-Type' header is required.

    When sending data in the request body, send the data type in the 'Content-Type' header:

    Content-Type: application/json


    Check out the Resource Guide to learn more about each API resource.

    Authentication Process

    The Runscope API uses OAuth 2.0 for authentication. OAuth2 is a protocol that lets applications ask for authorization to an API Monitoring account without getting their password. Access tokens can be limited to specific types of data, and can be revoked by the user at any time.


    To use the API, you must first create an Application.

    Applications must have a name, website URL, and callback URL. Once you create an application you'll be given a Client ID and a Client Secret to use in the authorization flow.

    When you create the application, we automatically authorize your own account for it and generate an access_token for your own use. This makes it easy to start using the API for personal use without building a web flow.

    To build applications that access data on other API Monitoring Accounts, you will need to send users through the Web Application Flow.

    Web Application Flow

    Step 1: Redirect to Authorization Dialog

    Authorize URL

    curl ''

    Response 302 Found


    To begin the OAuth flow, redirect a user to the Authorize URL.

    Authorize URL Parameters


    Available Scopes


    The user will be presented with the following confirmation screen:

    After clicking Authorize, they will be redirected to you Callback URL.

    Step 2: We Request Your Callback URL

    Sample Callback URL Request (Authorization Granted)

    curl ''

    Once the app has been authorized, Runscope will redirect the user back to your Callback URL with an authorizaton code included in a code URL parameter. If the user declines to authorize your app, a redirect to your Callback URL will be issued with a error=access_denied URL parameter.

    Authorization Codes are only valid for a short time, you must exhange the code for an access token with 60 seconds or you will have to send the user through the authorization flow again.

    Step 3: Exchange Code for Access Token

    Access Token URL

    curl '' \ -X POST \ -H 'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded' \ -d 'client_id=12345678-1234-1234-1234-1234567890ab&client_secret=12345678-1234-1234-1234-1234567890ab&code=12345678-1234-1234-1234-1234567890ab&grant_type=authorization_code&redirect_uri='

    Response 200 OK


    You may now use this code to retrieve an Access Token from the Access Token URL.

    We will return a response with an access_token. This access token may be stored and used until the user revokes access to your application.

    Access Token Parameters


    API Resources


    Root URL

    curl ''

    Response 200 OK

        "data": {
            "bucket_list_url": "",
            "current_account_url": ""
        "meta": {
            "status": "success"

    The root resource returns an object with links to other resources.

    Root Response Attributes


    Other Resources



    Create and view the details for tests within a bucket.

    Test List

    Test List

    curl '<bucket_key>/tests'

    Response 200 OK

        "data": [
                "created_at": 1438828991,
                "created_by": {
                    "email": "",
                    "name": "Grace Hopper",
                    "id": "4ee15ecc-7fe1-43cb-aa12-ef50420f2cf9"
                "default_environment_id": "1eeb3695-5d0f-467c-9d51-8b773dce29ba",
                "description": "An internal API!",
                "name": "My Service",
                "id": "9b47981a-98fd-4dac-8f32-c05aa60b8caf"
        "error": null,
        "meta": {
            "status": "success"

    A list of all the tests for this bucket.

    Test List Request Parameters


    Creating Tests

    Creating Tests Single Test

    curl '<bucket_key>/tests' \
        -X POST \
        -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
        -H 'Authorization: Bearer <access_token>' \
        -d '{"name": "Sample Name","description": "My test description"}'

    The following JSON sample provides a more readable version of the content contained in the above curl example. This example represents the attributes and values contained in the -d flag of the curl example.

    Creating Tests Sample POST Body(JSON) for Single Test

        "name": "Sample Name",
        "description": "My test description"

    Creating Tests Multiple Tests

    curl '<bucket_key>/tests' \
        -X POST \
        -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
        -H 'Authorization: Bearer <access_token>' \
        -d '[{"name": "Sample Name #1","description": "My test description #1"},{"name": "Sample Name #2","description": "My test description #2"}]'

    The following JSON sample provides a more readable version of the content contained in the above curl example. This example represents the attributes and values contained in the -d flag of the curl example.

    Creating Tests Sample POST Body(JSON) for Multiple Tests

            "name": "Sample Name #1",
            "description": "My test description #1"
            "name": "Sample Name #2",
            "description": "My test description #2"

    Create one or more tests in this bucket.

    Creating Tests Data Attributes

    Response 201 CREATED

        "data": {
            "created_at": 1438832081,
            "created_by": {
                "email": "",
                "name": "Grace Hopper",
                "id": "4ee15ecc-7fe1-43cb-aa12-ef50420f2cf9"
            "default_environment_id": "a50b63cc-c377-4823-9a95-8b91f12326f2",
            "description": null,
            "environments": [
                    "emails": {
                        "notify_all": false,
                        "notify_on": "all",
                        "notify_threshold": 1,
                        "recipients": []
                    "initial_variables": {
                        "base_url": ""
                    "integrations": [
                            "description": "Pagerduty Account",
                            "integration_type": "pagerduty",
                            "id": "53776d9a-4f34-4f1f-9gff-c155dfb6692e"
                    "name": "Test Settings",
                    "parent_environment_id": null,
                    "preserve_cookies": false,
                    "regions": [
                    "remote_agents": [],
                    "script": "",
                    "test_id": "626a024c-f75e-4f57-82d4-104fe443c0f3",
                    "id": "a50b63cc-c377-4823-9a95-8b91f12326f2",
                    "verify_ssl": true,
                    "webhooks": null
            "last_run": null,
            "name": "Sample Name",
            "schedules": [],
            "steps": [
                    "assertions": [
                            "comparison": "is_equal",
                            "source": "response_status",
                            "value": 200
                    "auth": {},
                    "body": "",
                    "form": {},
                    "headers": {},
                    "method": "GET",
                    "note": "",
                    "step_type": "request",
                    "url": "",
                    "id": "53f8e1fd-0989-491a-9f15-cc055f27d097",
                    "variables": []
            "trigger_url": "",
            "id": "626a024c-f75e-4f57-82d4-104fe443c0f3"
        "error": null,
        "meta": {
            "status": "success"


    Test Detail

    Test Detail

    curl '<bucket_key>/tests/<test_id>' \
        -H 'Authorization: Bearer <access_token>'

    Retrieve the details of a given test by ID.

    Test Detail Response Attributes

    Response 200 OK

        "data": {
            "created_at": 1438832081,
            "created_by": {
                "email": "",
                "name": "Grace Hopper",
                "id": "4ee15ecc-7fe1-43cb-aa12-ef50420f2cf9"
            "default_environment_id": "a50b63cc-c377-4823-9a95-8b91f12326f2",
            "description": null,
            "environments": [
                    "emails": {
                        "notify_all": false,
                        "notify_on": "all",
                        "notify_threshold": 1,
                        "recipients": []
                    "initial_variables": {
                        "base_url": ""
                    "integrations": [
                            "description": "Pagerduty Account",
                            "integration_type": "pagerduty",
                            "id": "53776d9a-4f34-4f1f-9gff-c155dfb6692e"
                    "name": "Test Settings",
                    "parent_environment_id": null,
                    "preserve_cookies": false,
                    "regions": [
                    "remote_agents": [],
                    "script": "",
                    "test_id": "626a024c-f75e-4f57-82d4-104fe443c0f3",
                    "id": "a50b63cc-c377-4823-9a95-8b91f12326f2",
                    "verify_ssl": true,
                    "webhooks": null
            "last_run": null,
            "name": "Sample Name",
            "schedules": [],
            "steps": [
                    "assertions": [
                            "comparison": "is_equal",
                            "source": "response_status",
                            "value": 200
                    "auth": {},
                    "body": "",
                    "form": {},
                    "headers": {},
                    "method": "GET",
                    "note": "",
                    "step_type": "request",
                    "url": "",
                    "id": "53f8e1fd-0989-491a-9f15-cc055f27d097",
                    "variables": []
            "trigger_url": "",
            "id": "626a024c-f75e-4f57-82d4-104fe443c0f3"
        "error": null,
        "meta": {
            "status": "success"


    Starting a Test Run

    To programmatically initiate a test run, use a Trigger URL.

    Modifying Tests

    Modifying Tests

    curl '<bucket_key>/tests/<test_id>' \
        -X PUT \
        -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
        -H 'Authorization: Bearer <access_token>' \
        -d '{"name": "Sample Name","description": "My test description"}'

    Modify a test's name, description, default environment and its steps. To modify other individual properties of a test, make requests to the steps, environments, and schedules subresources of the test.

    Modifying Tests Data Attributes

    The following JSON sample provides a more readable version of the content contained in the above curl example. This example represents the attributes and values contained in the -d flag of the curl example. The PUT body for the request must be a JSON-encoded object with following parameters, parameters omitted will not be modified.

    Modifying Tests Sample PUT Body(JSON)

        "name": "Sample Name",
        "description": "My test description"

    Response 200 OK

        "data": {
            "created_at": 1438832081,
            "created_by": {
                "email": "",
                "name": "Grace Hopper",
                "id": "4ee15ecc-7fe1-43cb-aa12-ef50420f2cf9"
            "default_environment_id": "a50b63cc-c377-4823-9a95-8b91f12326f2",
            "description": null,
            "environments": [
                    "emails": {
                        "notify_all": false,
                        "notify_on": "all",
                        "notify_threshold": 1,
                        "recipients": []
                    "initial_variables": {
                        "base_url": ""
                    "integrations": [
                            "description": "Pagerduty Account",
                            "integration_type": "pagerduty",
                            "id": "53776d9a-4f34-4f1f-9gff-c155dfb6692e"
                    "name": "Test Settings",
                    "parent_environment_id": null,
                    "preserve_cookies": false,
                    "regions": [
                    "remote_agents": [],
                    "script": "",
                    "test_id": "626a024c-f75e-4f57-82d4-104fe443c0f3",
                    "id": "a50b63cc-c377-4823-9a95-8b91f12326f2",
                    "verify_ssl": true,
                    "webhooks": null
            "last_run": null,
            "name": "Sample Name",
            "schedules": [],
            "steps": [
                    "assertions": [
                            "comparison": "is_equal",
                            "source": "response_status",
                            "value": 200
                    "auth": {},
                    "body": "",
                    "form": {},
                    "headers": {},
                    "method": "GET",
                    "note": "",
                    "step_type": "request",
                    "url": "",
                    "id": "53f8e1fd-0989-491a-9f15-cc055f27d097",
                    "variables": []
            "trigger_url": "",
            "id": "626a024c-f75e-4f57-82d4-104fe443c0f3"
        "error": null,
        "meta": {
            "status": "success"


    Deleting Tests

    Deleting Tests

    curl '<bucket_key>/tests/<test_id>' \
        -X DELETE \
        -H 'Authorization: Bearer <access_token>'

    Response 204 NO CONTENT

    Delete a test, including all steps, schedules, test-specific environments and results.

    List Revisions

    List Revisions

    curl '<bucket_key>/tests/<test_id>/revisions' \
        -H 'Authorization: Bearer <access_token>'

    Response 200 OK

        "error": null,
        "meta": {
            "status": "success"
        "data": {
            "test_revisions": [
                    "uuid": "afaeb32b-2114-4b01-b67c-c8b7720e3e64",
                    "timestamp": 1681825927.81,
                    "item_type": "radar_test",
                    "author_uuid": "a4b266a5-ec1a-4928-8790-86290ff5c1e4",
                    "author_name": "Jane Doe",
                    "author_email": "",
                    "organization_id": "8c7b00de-a962-4037-aa07-2cc294a32afd",
                    "bucket_key": "wyleuxihrgtg",
                    "source": "dashboard"
            "env_revisions": {
                "e4e1cc35-9f0f-404e-9022-cab37c3beae1": [
                        "uuid": "e4e1cc35-9f0f-404e-9022-cab37c3beae1",
                        "timestamp": 1681821157.06,
                        "item_type": "environment",
                        "author_uuid": "a4b266a5-ec1a-4928-8790-86290ff5c1e4",
                        "author_name": "Jane Doe",
                        "author_email": "",
                        "organization_id": "8c7b00de-a962-4037-aa07-2cc294a32afd",
                        "bucket_key": "wyleuxihrgtg",
                        "source": "dashboard"

    Returns a list of revisions for a test and its environments.


    Modify the steps for a given test.

    Adding Test Steps

    Add steps to a test by POSTing a type-specific payload to the Test Steps resource. There are several types of test steps available:

    Request Step

    Adding Request Step

    curl '<bucket_key>/tests/<test_id>/steps' \
        -X POST \
        -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
        -H 'Authorization: Bearer <access_token>' \
        -d '{"step_type":"request","method":"POST","url":"","body":"{ \"hello\": \"world\" }",assertions": [{"source":"response_status","comparison":"equal_number","value": 200}],"variables":[{"name":"source_ip","property":"origin","source":"response_json"}],"auth": {"username":"authBasicUsername","auth_type":"basic","password":"authBasicPassword"},"headers": {"Content-Type": ["application/json"],"Accept": [*/*"]},"scripts": ["log(\"This is a sample post-response script\");","log(\"This is a second sample post-response script\");"],"before_scripts": ["log(\"This is a sample pre-request script\");","log(\"This is a second sample pre-request script\");"],"note":"get example data"}'

    The POST body must be a JSON object.

    Adding Request Steps Request Attributes

    The following JSON sample provides a more readable version of the content contained in the above curl example. This example represents the attributes and values contained in the -d flag of the curl example.

    Adding Request Step Sample POST Body(JSON) for Request Step

        "step_type": "request",
        "method": "POST",
        "url": "",
        "body": "{ \"hello\": \"world\" }",
        "assertions": [
                "source": "response_status", 
                "comparison": "equal_number", 
                "value": 200
        "variables": [
                "name": "source_ip",
                "property": "origin",
                "source": "response_json"
        "auth": {
            "username": "authBasicUsername",
            "auth_type": "basic",
            "password": "authBasicPassword"
        "headers": {
            "Content-Type": [
            "Accept": [
        "scripts": [
            "log(\"This is a sample post-response script\");",
            "log(\"This is a second sample post-response script\");"
        "before_scripts": [
            "log(\"This is a sample pre-request script\");",
            "log(\"This is a second sample pre-request script\");"
        "skipped": false,
        "note": "get example data"

    Response 201 CREATED

        "data": {
            "created_at": 1438832081,
            "created_by": {
                "email": "",
                "name": "Grace Hopper",
                "id": "4ee15ecc-7fe1-43cb-aa12-ef50420f2cf9"
            "default_environment_id": "a50b63cc-c377-4823-9a95-8b91f12326f2",
            "description": null,
            "environments": [
                    "emails": {
                        "notify_all": false,
                        "notify_on": "all",
                        "notify_threshold": 1,
                        "recipients": []
                    "initial_variables": {
                        "base_url": ""
                    "integrations": [
                            "description": "Pagerduty Account",
                            "integration_type": "pagerduty",
                            "id": "53776d9a-4f34-4f1f-9gff-c155dfb6692e"
                    "name": "Test Settings",
                    "parent_environment_id": null,
                    "preserve_cookies": false,
                    "regions": [
                    "remote_agents": [],
                    "script": "",
                    "test_id": "626a024c-f75e-4f57-82d4-104fe443c0f3",
                    "id": "a50b63cc-c377-4823-9a95-8b91f12326f2",
                    "verify_ssl": true,
                    "webhooks": null
            "last_run": null,
            "name": "Sample Name",
            "schedules": [],
            "steps": [
                    "assertions": [
                            "comparison": "is_equal",
                            "source": "response_status",
                            "value": 200
                    "auth": {},
                    "body": "",
                    "form": {},
                    "headers": {},
                    "method": "GET",
                    "note": "",
                    "step_type": "request",
                    "url": "",
                    "id": "53f8e1fd-0989-491a-9f15-cc055f27d097",
                    "variables": []
            "trigger_url": "",
            "id": "626a024c-f75e-4f57-82d4-104fe443c0f3"
        "error": null,
        "meta": {
            "status": "success"

    The following parameters can be set on the request step, and these are formatted the same as the test detail response output.


    Pause Step

    Adding Pause Step

    curl '<bucket_key>/tests/<test_id>/steps' \
        -X POST \
        -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
        -H 'Authorization: Bearer <access_token>' \
        -d '{"step_type": "pause","duration": 5}'

    The POST body must be a JSON object.

    Adding Pause Steps Request Attributes

    The following parameters can be set on the pause step, and these are formatted the same as the test detail response output.


    Condition Step

    Adding Condition Step

    curl '<bucket_key>/tests/<test_id>/steps' \
        -X POST \
        -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
        -H 'Authorization: Bearer <access_token>' \
        -d '{"step_type":"condition","left_value":"{{user_id}}","comparison":"equal","right_value":"12345","steps": [{"assertions": [{"comparison":"equal_number","source":"response_status","value": 200}],"method":"GET","step_type":"request","url":""}]}'

    The POST body must be a JSON object.

    Adding Condition Steps Request Attributes

    The following JSON sample provides a more readable version of the content contained in the above curl example. This example represents the attributes and values contained in the -d flag of the curl example.

    Adding Condition Step Sample POST Body(JSON) for Condition Step

        "step_type": "condition",
        "left_value": "{{user_id}}",
        "comparison": "equal",
        "right_value": "12345",
        "steps": [
                "assertions": [
                        "comparison": "equal_number",
                        "source": "response_status",
                        "value": 200
                "method": "GET",
                "step_type": "request",
                "url": ""

    Response 201 CREATED

        "data": {
            "created_at": 1438832081,
            "created_by": {
                "email": "",
                "name": "Grace Hopper",
                "id": "4ee15ecc-7fe1-43cb-aa12-ef50420f2cf9"
            "default_environment_id": "a50b63cc-c377-4823-9a95-8b91f12326f2",
            "description": null,
            "environments": [
                    "emails": {
                        "notify_all": false,
                        "notify_on": "all",
                        "notify_threshold": 1,
                        "recipients": []
                    "initial_variables": {
                        "base_url": ""
                    "integrations": [
                            "description": "Pagerduty Account",
                            "integration_type": "pagerduty",
                            "id": "53776d9a-4f34-4f1f-9gff-c155dfb6692e"
                    "name": "Test Settings",
                    "parent_environment_id": null,
                    "preserve_cookies": false,
                    "regions": [
                    "remote_agents": [],
                    "script": "",
                    "test_id": "626a024c-f75e-4f57-82d4-104fe443c0f3",
                    "id": "a50b63cc-c377-4823-9a95-8b91f12326f2",
                    "verify_ssl": true,
                    "webhooks": null
            "last_run": null,
            "name": "Sample Name",
            "schedules": [],
            "steps": [
                    "assertions": [
                            "comparison": "equal_number",
                            "source": "response_status",
                            "value": 200
                    "method": "GET",
                    "step_type": "request",
                    "url": ""
            "trigger_url": "",
            "id": "626a024c-f75e-4f57-82d4-104fe443c0f3"
        "error": null,
        "meta": {
            "status": "success"

    The following parameters can be set on the condition step, and these are formatted the same as the test detail response output.


    Ghost Inspector Step

    Adding Ghost Inspector Step

    curl '<bucket_key>/tests/<test_id>/steps' \
        -X POST \
        -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
        -d '{"step_type":"ghost-inspector","integration_id":"c6f2aa66-ed7e-4faf-a05d-5da7416da3ee","suite_id":"55c3b3b3fdac93101d808ca5","test_id":"55c3b3dbfdac93101d808ca6","is_custom_start_url": false,"start_url":"","assertions": [{"comparison":"equal","property":"data.passing","source":"response_json","value":"true"}],"variables": [{"name":"screenshot_url","property":"data.screenshot.small.defaultUrl","source":"response_json"}]}'

    The POST body must be a JSON object.

    Adding Ghost Inspector Steps Data Attributes

    The following JSON sample provides a more readable version of the content contained in the above curl example. This example represents the attributes and values contained in the -d flag of the curl example.

    Adding Ghost Inspector Step Sample POST Body(JSON) for Ghost Inspector Step

        "step_type": "ghost-inspector",
        "integration_id": "c6f2aa66-ed7e-4faf-a05d-5da7416da3ee",
        "suite_id": "55c3b3b3fdac93101d808ca5",
        "test_id": "55c3b3dbfdac93101d808ca6",
        "is_custom_start_url": false,
        "start_url": "",
        "assertions": [
                "comparison": "equal",
                "property": "data.passing",
                "source": "response_json",
                "value": "true"
        "variables": [
                "name": "screenshot_url",
                "property": "data.screenshot.small.defaultUrl",
                "source": "response_json"

    Response 201 CREATED

        "data": {
            "created_at": 1438832081,
            "created_by": {
                "email": "",
                "name": "Grace Hopper",
                "id": "4ee15ecc-7fe1-43cb-aa12-ef50420f2cf9"
            "default_environment_id": "a50b63cc-c377-4823-9a95-8b91f12326f2",
            "description": null,
            "environments": [
                    "emails": {
                        "notify_all": false,
                        "notify_on": "all",
                        "notify_threshold": 1,
                        "recipients": []
                    "initial_variables": {
                        "base_url": ""
                    "integrations": [
                            "description": "Pagerduty Account",
                            "integration_type": "pagerduty",
                            "id": "53776d9a-4f34-4f1f-9gff-c155dfb6692e"
                    "name": "Test Settings",
                    "parent_environment_id": null,
                    "preserve_cookies": false,
                    "regions": [
                    "remote_agents": [],
                    "script": "",
                    "test_id": "626a024c-f75e-4f57-82d4-104fe443c0f3",
                    "id": "a50b63cc-c377-4823-9a95-8b91f12326f2",
                    "verify_ssl": true,
                    "webhooks": null
            "last_run": null,
            "name": "Sample Name",
            "schedules": [],
            "steps": [
                    "step_type": "ghost-inspector",
                    "integration_id": "c6f2aa66-ed7e-4faf-a05d-5da7416da3ee",
                    "suite_id": "55c3b3b3fdac93101d808ca5",
                    "test_id": "55c3b3dbfdac93101d808ca6",
                    "is_custom_start_url": false,
                    "start_url": "",
                    "assertions": [
                            "comparison": "equal",
                            "property": "data.passing",
                            "source": "response_json",
                            "value": "true"
                    "variables": [
                            "name": "screenshot_url",
                            "property": "data.screenshot.small.defaultUrl",
                            "source": "response_json"
            "trigger_url": "",
            "id": "626a024c-f75e-4f57-82d4-104fe443c0f3"
        "error": null,
        "meta": {
            "status": "success"

    The following parameters can be set on the ghost inspector step, and these are formatted the same as the test detail response output.


    Subtest Step

    Adding Subtest Step

    curl '<bucket_key>/tests/<test_id>/steps' \
        -X POST \
        -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
        -H 'Authorization: Bearer <access_token>' \
        -d '{"step_type":"request","method":"POST","url":"","body":"{ \"hello\": \"world\" }",assertions": [{"source":"response_status","comparison":"equal_number","value": 200}],"variables":[{"name":"source_ip","property":"origin","source":"response_json"}],"auth": {"username":"authBasicUsername","auth_type":"basic","password":"authBasicPassword"},"headers": {"Content-Type": ["application/json"],"Accept": [*/*"]},"scripts": ["log(\"This is a sample post-response script\");","log(\"This is a second sample post-response script\");"],"before_scripts": ["log(\"This is a sample pre-request script\");","log(\"This is a second sample pre-request script\");"],"note":"get example data"}'

    The POST body must be a JSON object.

    Adding Subtest Steps Data Attributes

    The following JSON sample provides a more readable version of the content contained in the above curl example. This example represents the attributes and values contained in the -d flag of the curl example.

    Adding Subtest Step Sample POST Body(JSON) for Subtest Step

        "step_type": "subtest",
        "test_uuid": "c6f2aa66-ed7e-4faf-a05d-5da7416da3ee",
        "environment_uuid": "d6f2aa66-ed7e-4faf-a05d-5da7416da3ef",
        "bucket_key": "fd1qy7w2l7ka",
        "assertions": [
                "source": "response_status",
                "comparison": "equal_number",
                "value": 200
        "variables": [
                "name": "regionRunFrom",
                "property": "region",
                "source": "response_json"
        "params": [
                "name": "foo",
                "value": "{{bar}}"

    Response 201 CREATED

        "data": {
            "created_at": 1438832081,
            "created_by": {
                "email": "",
                "name": "Grace Hopper",
                "id": "4ee15ecc-7fe1-43cb-aa12-ef50420f2cf9"
            "default_environment_id": "a50b63cc-c377-4823-9a95-8b91f12326f2",
            "description": null,
            "environments": [
                    "emails": {
                        "notify_all": false,
                        "notify_on": "all",
                        "notify_threshold": 1,
                        "recipients": []
                    "initial_variables": {
                        "base_url": ""
                    "integrations": [
                            "description": "Pagerduty Account",
                            "integration_type": "pagerduty",
                            "id": "53776d9a-4f34-4f1f-9gff-c155dfb6692e"
                    "name": "Test Settings",
                    "parent_environment_id": null,
                    "preserve_cookies": false,
                    "regions": [
                    "remote_agents": [],
                    "script": "",
                    "test_id": "626a024c-f75e-4f57-82d4-104fe443c0f3",
                    "id": "a50b63cc-c377-4823-9a95-8b91f12326f2",
                    "verify_ssl": true,
                    "webhooks": null
            "last_run": null,
            "name": "Sample Name",
            "schedules": [],
            "steps": [
                    "step_type": "subtest",
                    "test_uuid": "c6f2aa66-ed7e-4faf-a05d-5da7416da3ee",
                    "environment_uuid": "d6f2aa66-ed7e-4faf-a05d-5da7416da3ef",
                    "bucket_key": "fd1qy7w2l7ka",
                    "assertions": [
                            "source": "response_status",
                            "comparison": "equal_number",
                            "value": 200,
                    "variables": [
                            "name": "regionRunFrom",
                            "property": "region",
                            "source": "response_json",
                    "params": [
                            "name": "foo",
                            "value": "{{bar}}",
            "trigger_url": "",
            "id": "626a024c-f75e-4f57-82d4-104fe443c0f3"
        "error": null,
        "meta": {
            "status": "success"

    The following parameters can be set on the subtest step, and these are formatted the same as the test detail response output.


    Defining Assertions

    Defining Assertions for Status Code

    Defining Assertion for Status Code Sample POST Body(JSON) for Status Code == 200

    "assertions": [
            "source": "response_status", 
            "comparison": "equal_number", 
            "value": 200

    Defining Assertions for Element Contains Text

    Defining Assertion for Element Contians Text Sample POST Body(JSON) for JSON element 'address' contains the text "avenue"

    "assertions": [
            "source": "response_json", 
            "property": "address", 
            "comparison": "contains", 
            "value": "avenue"

    Defining Assertions for Response Time

    Defining Assertions for Response Time Sample POST Body(JSON) for Response Time is faster than 1 second.

    "assertions": [
            "source": "response_time", 
            "comparison": "is_less_than", 
            "value": 1000

    Assertions allow you to specify success criteria for a given request, Ghost Inspector, subtest, or condition step. Each assertion is defined by a source, property, comparison, and value.

    Assertion Sources List


    Assertion Comparisons List


    Defining Variables

    Defining Variables

    Defining Variables Sample POST Body(JSON) to set {{myUserId}} to the value of JSON element 'user_id'

    "variables": [
            "source": "response_json", 
            "property": "user_id", 
            "name": "myUserId"

    Variables allow you to extract data from request, subtest, and Ghost Inspector steps for use in subsequent steps in the test. Similar to Assertions, each variable is defined by a name, source, and property.

    Variable Sources List


    Defining Authentication

    Defining Authentication with Basic Auth

    Defining Authentication with Basic Auth Sample POST Body(JSON) with Basic Auth

    "auth": {
            "auth_type": "basic",
            "username": "authBasicUsername",
            "password": "authBasicPassword"

    Defining Authentication with OAuth 1.0

    Defining Authentication with OAuth 1.0 Sample POST Body(JSON) with OAuth 1.0 with signature type set to Authorization header. Other accepted values for signature_type are: body and query

    "auth": {
            "auth_type": "oauth_1",
            "access_token": "accessToken",
            "consumer_secret": "consumerSecret",
            "signature_type": "auth_header",
            "consumer_key": "consumerKey",
            "token_secret": "tokenSecret"

    Defining Authentication with Client Certificate

    Defining Authentication with Client Certificate Sample POST Body(JSON) to set {{myUserId}} with Client Certificate auth

    "auth": {
            "auth_type": "client_certificate"

    The authentication property allows you to define the authentication method for your requests. We currently support Basic, OAuth 1.0a, and Client Certificate. If you want to use OAuth2, we recommend using subtest steps, and you can find more information about it in this blog post. The type of authentication is defined in the auth_type property, and each method requires different properties. You can find them in these following examples.

    Changing Step Order

    Changing Step Order

    curl '<bucket_key>/tests/<test_id>/steps' \
        -X PUT
        -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
        -H 'Authorization: Bearer <access_token>' \
        -d '["f6b09ca8-0803-478f-9919-d4ddc66db006","839a5dff-dad3-4693-90a3-dcaba462514a"]'

    The following JSON sample provides a more readable version of the content contained in the above curl example. This example represents the attributes and values contained in the -d flag of the curl example.

    Changing Step Order Sample POST Body(JSON) for Changing Step Order

    curl '<bucket_key>/tests/<test_id>/steps' \
        -X PUT
        -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
        -H 'Authorization: Bearer <access_token>' \
        -d '["f6b09ca8-0803-478f-9919-d4ddc66db006",{"id":"c6f2aa66-ed7e-4faf-a05d-5da7416da3ee","steps":["53f8e1fd-0989-491a-9f15-cc055f27d097","626a024c-f75e-4f57-82d4-104fe443c0f3"]},"839a5dff-dad3-4693-90a3-dcaba462514a"]'

    The following JSON sample provides a more readable version of the content contained in the above curl example. This example represents the attributes and values contained in the -d flag of the curl example.

    Changing Step Order with Condition Sample PUT Body(JSON) for Changing Step Order with Condition

            "id": "c6f2aa66-ed7e-4faf-a05d-5da7416da3ee",
            "steps": [

    The body of the PUT request should contain an ordered list of id's of the test step for the test. If any id's are omitted the request will fail. If the test contains a Condition, you must provide the step and its embedded steps in the form of an object like:
    { "id": "your_condition_id", "steps": ["your_embeded_step_id_1",...]}

    Test Step Detail

    Changing Step Order

    curl '<bucket_key>/tests/<test_id>/steps/<step_id>' \
        -H 'Authorization: Bearer <access_token>'

    Response 200 OK

        "data": {
            "assertions": [
                    "comparison": "is_null",
                    "source": "response_json"
            "auth": {},
            "body": "",
            "form": {},
            "headers": {},
            "method": "GET",
            "note": "this is step 1",
            "step_type": "request",
            "url": "",
            "id": "f6b09ca8-0803-478f-9919-d4ddc66db006",
            "variables": []
        "error": null,
        "meta": {
            "status": "success"

    Get the details of a single test step for a given API test.

    Modifying Test Steps

    Modifying Test Steps

    curl '<bucket_key>/tests/<test_id>/steps/<step_id>' \
        -X PUT \
        -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
        -H 'Authorization: Bearer <access_token>' \
        -d '{"method":"GET","url":"","assertions": [{"source":"response_status","comparison":"equal_number","value": 200}],"variables": [{"name":"source_ip","property":"origin","source":"response_json"}],"note":"get example data"}'

    The same JSON Body for adding a Test Step can be used to modify an existing step.

    The following JSON sample provides a more readable version of the content contained in the above curl example. This example represents the attributes and values contained in the -d flag of the curl example.

    Modifying Test Steps Sample POST Body(JSON) for Modifying Test Steps

        "method": "GET",
        "url": "",
        "assertions": [
                "source": "response_status", 
                "comparison": "equal_number", 
                "value": 200
        "variables": [
                "name": "source_ip",
                "property": "origin",
                "source": "response_json"
        "note": "get example data"

    Update the details of a single test step for a given API test.

    Delete Test Step

    Delete Test Step

    curl '<bucket_key>/tests/<test_id>/steps/<step_id>' \
        -X DELETE \
        -H 'Authorization: Bearer <access_token>'

    Response 204 NO CONTENT

    Delete a step from a test.


    Retrieve details for shared and test-specific environments.

    Test Environment List

    Test Environment List

    curl '<bucket_key>/tests/<test_id>/environments' \
        -H 'Authorization: Bearer <access_token>'

    Get the details of the environments for a test.

    Test Environment List Response Attributes

    Response 200 OK

        "auth": {
            "password": "password",
            "username": "username",
            "auth_type": "basic"
        "emails": {
            "notify_all": false,
            "notify_on": "all",
            "notify_threshold": null,
            "recipients": [
                    "email": "",
                    "name": "Grace Hopper",
                    "id": "4ee15ecc-7fe1-43cb-aa12-ef50420f2cf9"
        "initial_variables": {
            "my_variable": "some value",
            "one more": "values"
        "integrations": [],
        "name": "Remote Settings",
        "parent_environment_id": null,
        "preserve_cookies": false,
        "regions": [
        "retry_on_failure": false,
        "stop_on_failure": false,
        "remote_agents": [
                "name": "",
                "uuid": "141d4dbc-1e41-401e-8067-6df18501e9ed"
        "script": "var a = \"asdf\";\nlog(\"OK\");",
        "test_id": null,
        "id": "f8007150-0052-482c-9d52-c3ea4042e0f5",
        "verify_ssl": true,
        "client_certificate": "",
        "webhooks": [


    Create Test Environment

    Create Test Environment

    curl '<bucket_key>/tests/<test_id>/environments' \
        -X POST \
        -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
        -H 'Authorization: Bearer <access_token>' \
        -d '{"auth": {"password":"password","username":"username","auth_type":"basic"},"emails": {"notify_all": false,"notify_on":"all","notify_threshold": null,"recipients": [{"email":"","name":"Grace Hopper","id":"4ee15ecc-7fe1-43cb-aa12-ef50420f2cf9"}]},"initial_variables": {"my_variable":"some value","one more":"values"},"integrations": [],"name":"Remote Settings","parent_environment_id": null,"preserve_cookies": false,"regions": ["us1","jp1"],"retry_on_failure": false,"stop_on_failure": false,"remote_agents": [{"name":"","uuid":"141d4dbc-1e41-401e-8067-6df18501e9ed"}],"script":"var a = \"asdf\";\nlog(\"OK\");","verify_ssl": true,"client_certificate":"","webhooks": ["",""]}'

    The following JSON sample provides a more readable version of the content contained in the above curl example. This example represents the attributes and values contained in the -d flag of the curl example.

    Create Test Environment Sample POST Body(JSON) for Create Test Environment

        "auth": {
            "password": "password",
            "username": "username",
            "auth_type": "basic"
        "emails": {
            "notify_all": false,
            "notify_on": "all",
            "notify_threshold": null,
            "recipients": [
                    "email": "",
                    "name": "Grace Hopper",
                    "id": "4ee15ecc-7fe1-43cb-aa12-ef50420f2cf9"
        "initial_variables": {
            "my_variable": "some value",
            "one more": "values"
        "integrations": [],
        "name": "Remote Settings",
        "parent_environment_id": null,
        "preserve_cookies": false,
        "regions": [
        "retry_on_failure": false,
        "stop_on_failure": false,
        "remote_agents": [
                "name": "",
                "uuid": "141d4dbc-1e41-401e-8067-6df18501e9ed"
        "script": "var a = \"asdf\";\nlog(\"OK\");",
        "verify_ssl": true,
        "client_certificate": "",
        "webhooks": [

    Response 201 CREATED

        "auth": {
            "password": "password",
            "username": "username",
            "auth_type": "basic"
        "emails": {
            "notify_all": false,
            "notify_on": "all",
            "notify_threshold": null,
            "recipients": [
                    "email": "",
                    "name": "Grace Hopper",
                    "id": "4ee15ecc-7fe1-43cb-aa12-ef50420f2cf9"
        "initial_variables": {
            "my_variable": "some value",
            "one more": "values"
        "integrations": [],
        "name": "Remote Settings",
        "parent_environment_id": null,
        "preserve_cookies": false,
        "regions": [
        "retry_on_failure": false,
        "stop_on_failure": false,
        "remote_agents": [
                "name": "",
                "uuid": "141d4dbc-1e41-401e-8067-6df18501e9ed"
        "script": "var a = \"asdf\";\nlog(\"OK\");",
        "test_id": null,
        "id": "f8007150-0052-482c-9d52-c3ea4042e0f5",
        "verify_ssl": true,
        "client_certificate": "",
        "webhooks": [

    Create a new test environment by POSTing a JSON body with the environment details.

    Note: There is a limit of 100 local (test-specific) environments per bucket. The API call will fail once the limit is exceeded.

    Shared Environment List

    Test Environment List

    curl '<bucket_key>/environments' \
        -H 'Authorization: Bearer <access_token>'

    Response 200 OK

        "auth": {
            "password": "password",
            "username": "username",
            "auth_type": "basic"
        "emails": {
            "notify_all": false,
            "notify_on": "all",
            "notify_threshold": null,
            "recipients": [
                    "email": "",
                    "name": "Grace Hopper",
                    "id": "4ee15ecc-7fe1-43cb-aa12-ef50420f2cf9"
        "initial_variables": {
            "my_variable": "some value",
            "one more": "values"
        "integrations": [],
        "name": "Remote Settings",
        "parent_environment_id": null,
        "preserve_cookies": false,
        "regions": [
        "retry_on_failure": false,
        "stop_on_failure": false,
        "remote_agents": [
                "name": "",
                "uuid": "141d4dbc-1e41-401e-8067-6df18501e9ed"
        "script": "var a = \"asdf\";\nlog(\"OK\");",
        "test_id": null,
        "id": "f8007150-0052-482c-9d52-c3ea4042e0f5",
        "verify_ssl": true,
        "client_certificate": "",
        "webhooks": [

    Get the details of the shared environments for a bucket.

    Create Shared Environment

    Create Test Environment

    curl '<bucket_key>/environments' \
        -X POST \
        -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
        -H 'Authorization: Bearer <access_token>' \
        -d '{"auth": {"password":"password","username":"username","auth_type":"basic"},"emails": {"notify_all": false,"notify_on":"all","notify_threshold": null,"recipients": [{"email":"","name":"Grace Hopper","id":"4ee15ecc-7fe1-43cb-aa12-ef50420f2cf9"}]},"initial_variables": {"my_variable":"some value","one more":"values"},"integrations": [],"name":"Remote Settings","parent_environment_id": null,"preserve_cookies": false,"regions": ["us1","jp1"],"retry_on_failure": false,"stop_on_failure": false,"remote_agents": [{"name":"","uuid":"141d4dbc-1e41-401e-8067-6df18501e9ed"}],"script":"var a = \"asdf\";\nlog(\"OK\");","verify_ssl": true,"client_certificate":"","webhooks": ["",""]}'

    The following JSON sample provides a more readable version of the content contained in the above curl example. This example represents the attributes and values contained in the -d flag of the curl example. See the example POST body for creating a Test Environment.

    Create Test Environment Sample POST Body(JSON) for Create Test Environment

        "auth": {
            "password": "password",
            "username": "username",
            "auth_type": "basic"
        "emails": {
            "notify_all": false,
            "notify_on": "all",
            "notify_threshold": null,
            "recipients": [
                    "email": "",
                    "name": "Grace Hopper",
                    "id": "4ee15ecc-7fe1-43cb-aa12-ef50420f2cf9"
        "initial_variables": {
            "my_variable": "some value",
            "one more": "values"
        "integrations": [],
        "name": "Remote Settings",
        "parent_environment_id": null,
        "preserve_cookies": false,
        "regions": [
        "retry_on_failure": false,
        "stop_on_failure": false,
        "remote_agents": [
                "name": "",
                "uuid": "141d4dbc-1e41-401e-8067-6df18501e9ed"
        "script": "var a = \"asdf\";\nlog(\"OK\");",
        "verify_ssl": true,
        "client_certificate": "",
        "webhooks": [

    Response 201 CREATED

        "auth": {
            "password": "password",
            "username": "username",
            "auth_type": "basic"
        "emails": {
            "notify_all": false,
            "notify_on": "all",
            "notify_threshold": null,
            "recipients": [
                    "email": "",
                    "name": "Grace Hopper",
                    "id": "4ee15ecc-7fe1-43cb-aa12-ef50420f2cf9"
        "initial_variables": {
            "my_variable": "some value",
            "one more": "values"
        "integrations": [],
        "name": "Remote Settings",
        "parent_environment_id": null,
        "preserve_cookies": false,
        "regions": [
        "retry_on_failure": false,
        "stop_on_failure": false,
        "remote_agents": [
                "name": "",
                "uuid": "141d4dbc-1e41-401e-8067-6df18501e9ed"
        "script": "var a = \"asdf\";\nlog(\"OK\");",
        "test_id": null,
        "id": "f8007150-0052-482c-9d52-c3ea4042e0f5",
        "verify_ssl": true,
        "client_certificate": "",
        "webhooks": [

    Create a new test environment.

    Note: There is a limit of 100 shared environments per bucket. The API call will fail once the limit is exceeded.

    Environment Detail

    Test Environment Detail

    curl '<bucket_key>/test/<test_id>/environments/<environment_id>' \
        -H 'Authorization: Bearer <access_token>'

    Shared Environment Detail

    curl '<bucket_key>/environments/<environment_id>' \
        -H 'Authorization: Bearer <access_token>'

    Response 200 OK

        "auth": {
            "password": "password",
            "username": "username",
            "auth_type": "basic"
        "emails": {
            "notify_all": false,
            "notify_on": "all",
            "notify_threshold": null,
            "recipients": [
                    "email": "",
                    "name": "Grace Hopper",
                    "id": "4ee15ecc-7fe1-43cb-aa12-ef50420f2cf9"
        "initial_variables": {
            "my_variable": "some value",
            "one more": "values"
        "integrations": [],
        "name": "Remote Settings",
        "parent_environment_id": null,
        "preserve_cookies": false,
        "regions": [
        "retry_on_failure": false,
        "stop_on_failure": false,
        "remote_agents": [
                "name": "",
                "uuid": "141d4dbc-1e41-401e-8067-6df18501e9ed"
        "script": "var a = \"asdf\";\nlog(\"OK\");",
        "test_id": null,
        "id": "f8007150-0052-482c-9d52-c3ea4042e0f5",
        "verify_ssl": true,
        "client_certificate": "",
        "webhooks": [

    Get the details of a single test environment or shared envionment.

    Modify Environment

    Modify Environment

    curl '<bucket_key>/tests/<test_id>/environments/<environment_id>' \
        -X PUT \
        -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
        -H 'Authorization: Bearer <access_token>' \
        -d '{"auth": {"password":"password","username":"username","auth_type":"basic"},"emails": {"notify_all": false,"notify_on":"all","notify_threshold": null,"recipients": [{"email":"","name":"Grace Hopper","id":"4ee15ecc-7fe1-43cb-aa12-ef50420f2cf9"}]},"initial_variables": {"my_variable":"some value","one more":"values" },"integrations": [],"name":"Remote Settings","parent_environment_id": null,"preserve_cookies": false,"regions": ["us1","jp1"],"retry_on_failure": false,"stop_on_failure": false,"remote_agents": [{"name":"","uuid":"141d4dbc-1e41-401e-8067-6df18501e9ed"}],"script":"var a = \"asdf\";\nlog(\"OK\");","script_library": ["1a3eb343-4666-4056-bf3d-5e9693be86cd"],"verify_ssl": true,"client_certificate":"","webhooks": ["",""]}'

    Modify Shared Environment

    curl '<bucket_key>/environments/<environment_id>' \
        -X PUT \
        -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
        -H 'Authorization: Bearer <access_token>' \
        -d '{"auth": {"password":"password","username":"username","auth_type":"basic"},"emails": {"notify_all": false,"notify_on":"all","notify_threshold": null,"recipients": [{"email":"","name":"Grace Hopper","id":"4ee15ecc-7fe1-43cb-aa12-ef50420f2cf9"}]},"initial_variables": {"my_variable":"some value","one more":"values" },"integrations": [],"name":"Remote Settings","parent_environment_id": null,"preserve_cookies": false,"regions": ["us1","jp1"],"retry_on_failure": false,"stop_on_failure": false,"remote_agents": [{"name":"","uuid":"141d4dbc-1e41-401e-8067-6df18501e9ed"}],"script":"var a = \"asdf\";\nlog(\"OK\");","script_library": ["1a3eb343-4666-4056-bf3d-5e9693be86cd"],"verify_ssl": true,"client_certificate":"","webhooks": ["",""]}'

    The following JSON sample provides a more readable version of the content contained in the above curl example. This example represents the attributes and values contained in the -d flag of the curl example. See the example POST body for creating a Test Environment.

    Modify Environment Sample PUT Body(JSON) for Modify Test Environment

        "auth": {
            "password": "password",
            "username": "username",
            "auth_type": "basic"
        "emails": {
            "notify_all": false,
            "notify_on": "all",
            "notify_threshold": null,
            "recipients": [
                    "email": "",
                    "name": "Grace Hopper",
                    "id": "4ee15ecc-7fe1-43cb-aa12-ef50420f2cf9"
        "initial_variables": {
            "my_variable": "some value",
            "one more": "values"
        "integrations": [],
        "name": "Remote Settings",
        "parent_environment_id": null,
        "preserve_cookies": false,
        "regions": [
        "retry_on_failure": false,
        "stop_on_failure": false,
        "remote_agents": [
                "name": "",
                "uuid": "141d4dbc-1e41-401e-8067-6df18501e9ed"
        "script": "var a = \"asdf\";\nlog(\"OK\");",
        "script_library": [
        "verify_ssl": true,
        "client_certificate": "",
        "webhooks": [

    Response 200 OK

        "auth": {
            "password": "password",
            "username": "username",
            "auth_type": "basic"
        "emails": {
            "notify_all": false,
            "notify_on": "all",
            "notify_threshold": null,
            "recipients": [
                    "email": "",
                    "name": "Grace Hopper",
                    "id": "4ee15ecc-7fe1-43cb-aa12-ef50420f2cf9"
        "initial_variables": {
            "my_variable": "some value",
            "one more": "values"
        "integrations": [],
        "name": "Remote Settings",
        "parent_environment_id": null,
        "preserve_cookies": false,
        "regions": [
        "retry_on_failure": false,
        "stop_on_failure": false,
        "remote_agents": [
                "name": "",
                "uuid": "141d4dbc-1e41-401e-8067-6df18501e9ed"
        "script": "var a = \"asdf\";\nlog(\"OK\");",
        "test_id": null,
        "id": "f8007150-0052-482c-9d52-c3ea4042e0f5",
        "verify_ssl": true,
        "client_certificate": "",
        "webhooks": [

    Update the details of an test environment by making a PUT request with a JSON body of the environment details. The full environment details will need to be provided, not just the updated configuration.

    Delete an Environment

    Delete Environment

    curl '<bucket_key>/environments/<environment_id>' \
        -X DELETE \
        -H 'Authorization: Bearer <access_token>'

    Response 204 NO CONTENT

    Delete an environment.


    Retrieve and modify a test's schedules.

    Test Schedule List

    Test Schedule List

    curl '<bucket_key>/tests/<test_id>/schedules' \
        -H 'Authorization: Bearer <access_token>'

    Get the list of schedules for a test.

    Test Schedule List Response Attributes

    Response 200 OK

        "data": [
                "environment_id": "1eeb3695-5d0f-467c-9d51-8b773dce29ba",
                "interval": "1h",
                "note": "Staging Environment",
                "id": "084e6df7-9165-46d2-9e1c-b87ccfc53d18"
                "environment_id": "5e70db57-7485-4ca9-bb4d-482416993ddd",
                "interval": "5m",
                "note": "Production Monitoring",
                "id": "c60e5a78-0dbd-493a-9e99-9a8282935d0c"
        "error": null,
        "meta": {
            "status": "success"


    Schedule Details

    Schedule Details

    curl '<bucket_key>/test/<test_id>/schedules/<schedule_id>' \
        -H 'Authorization: Bearer <access_token>'

    Get the details of a single test schedule.

    Schedule Details Response Attributes

    Response 200 OK

        "data": {
                "environment_id": "1eeb3695-5d0f-467c-9d51-8b773dce29ba",
                "interval": "1h",
                "note": "Staging Environment",
                "id": "084e6df7-9165-46d2-9e1c-b87ccfc53d18"
        "error": null,
        "meta": {
            "status": "success"


    Create Schedule

    Create Schedule v1

    curl '<bucket_key>/tests/<test_id>/schedules' \
        -X POST \
        -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
        -H 'Authorization: Bearer <access_token>' \
        -d '{"environment_id": "951b681e-0a16-44ab-acfb-505a0a8564e9","interval": "1d","note": "Once a day schedule"}'

    Create Schedule v0

    curl '<bucket_key>/tests/<test_id>/schedules' \
        -X POST \
        -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
        -H 'Authorization: Bearer <access_token>' \
        -d '{"environment_id": "951b681e-0a16-44ab-acfb-505a0a8564e9","interval": "1d","note": "Once a day schedule"}'

    Create one or more tests in this bucket.

    Important! This API's current version is v1. When using v0, repeating a create schedule request after a schedule is created will update the details of that particular schedule.

    Create Schedule Request Attributes

    The following JSON sample provides a more readable version of the content contained in the above curl example. This example represents the attributes and values contained in the -d flag of the curl example.

    Create Schedule Sample POST Body(JSON) for Create Schedule

        "environment_id": "951b681e-0a16-44ab-acfb-505a0a8564e9",
        "interval": "1d",
        "note": "Once a day schedule"

    Response 201 CREATED

        "data": {
                "environment_id": "1eeb3695-5d0f-467c-9d51-8b773dce29ba",
                "interval": "1h",
                "note": "Staging Environment",
                "id": "084e6df7-9165-46d2-9e1c-b87ccfc53d18"
        "error": null,
        "meta": {
            "status": "success"


    Modify Schedule

    Modify Schedule

    curl '<bucket_key>/tests/<test_id>/schedules/<schedule_id>' \
        -X PUT \
        -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
        -H 'Authorization: Bearer <access_token>' \
        -d '{"environment_id": "1eeb3695-5d0f-467c-9d51-8b773dce29ba","interval": "5m","note": "Production Monitoring Schedule"}'

    Update the details of a single schedule by making a PUT request with a JSON body to the schedule details resource. Updating a schedule will cause the test to execute starting at the time of the request on the given interval.

    Modify Schedule Data Attributes

    The following JSON sample provides a more readable version of the content contained in the above curl example. This example represents the attributes and values contained in the -d flag of the curl example.

    Modify Schedule Sample PUT Body(JSON) for Modify Schedule

        "environment_id": "1eeb3695-5d0f-467c-9d51-8b773dce29ba",
        "interval": "5m",
        "note": "Production Monitoring Schedule"

    Response 200 OK

        "data": {
                "environment_id": "1eeb3695-5d0f-467c-9d51-8b773dce29ba",
                "interval": "1h",
                "note": "Staging Environment",
                "id": "084e6df7-9165-46d2-9e1c-b87ccfc53d18"
        "error": null,
        "meta": {
            "status": "success"


    Delete Test Schedule

    Delete Test Schedule

    curl '<bucket_key>/tests/<test_id>/schedules/<schedule_id>' \
        -X DELETE \
        -H 'Authorization: Bearer <access_token>'

    Response 204 NO CONTENT

    Delete (or stop) a schedule.


    Retrieve details for API Tests and results in a given bucket.

    The APIs include the following details:

    In the summary section:

    For each subtest in a test (subtest details):

    When using a Test with Subtests as a Test Suite, you can get details about the Parent Test (the Test Suite) and also details about each Subtests (the individual Tests in a Test Suite).

    When a Test fails with a Remote Agent Expired error, the result indicates the reason for the failure accordingly.

    Test Result List

    Test Result List

    curl '<bucket_key>/tests/<test_id>/results' \
        -H 'Authorization: Bearer <access_token>'

    A list of all results for a given test, including results and those currently in progress.

    Test Result List Request Parameters

    Response 200 OK

        "data": [
                "agent": null,
                "assertions_defined": 2,
                "assertions_failed": 0,
                "assertions_passed": 2,
                "bucket_key": "6knqwmwvqpzr",
                "finished_at": 1406061608.506811,
                "region": "us1",
                "requests_executed": 1,
                "result": "pass",
                "scripts_defined": 2,
                "scripts_failed": 0,
                "scripts_passed": 2,
                "started_at": 1406036406.68105,
                "test_run_id": "0aa48464-f89e-4596-8d60-79bc678d313f",
                "parent_test_uuid": "b4b0595a-9064-4c36-ac5b-efeeb69583a2",
                "test_run_url": "",
                "test_id": "db4cc896-2804-4520-ad06-0caf3bf216a8",
                "variables_defined": 2,
                "variables_failed": 0,
                "variables_passed": 2,
                "environment_id": "abcdc896-2804-4520-ad06-0caf3bf216a8",
                "environment_name": "My Test Environment"
                "run_by": "John Doe"
                "subtests_count": 0,
                "subtests_passed": 0,
                "subtests_failed": 0,
                "subtests_others": 0,
                "agent_expired": false,
                "subtest_detail": {
                    "name": null,
                    "note": null,
                    "result": null,
                    "test_uuid": null,
                    "test_run_uuid": null,
                    "test_run_url": null,
                    "started_at": null,
                    "finished_at": null
        "error": null


    Test Result Detail

    Test Result Detail

    curl '<bucket_key>/tests/<test_id>/results/<test_run_id>' \
        -H 'Authorization: Bearer <access_token>'

    Latest Test Result Detail

    curl '<bucket_key>/tests/<test_id>/results/latest' \
        -H 'Authorization: Bearer <access_token>'

    Retrieve the details of a given test run by ID.

    Test Result Detail Response Attributes

    Response 200 OK

        "meta": {
            "status": "success"
        "data": {
            "requests": [
                    "url": null,
                    "method": null,
                    "uuid": "3efa15de-9282-4f53-9291-2d14eaf50116",
                    "result": null,
                    "variables": null,
                    "assertions": null,
                    "scripts": null,
                    "assertions_defined": null,
                    "assertions_passed": null,
                    "assertions_failed": null,
                    "variables_defined": null,
                    "variables_passed": null,
                    "variables_failed": null,
                    "scripts_defined": null,
                    "scripts_passed": null,
                    "scripts_failed": null,
                    "timings": null
                    "url": "",
                    "method": "GET",
                    "uuid": "eac758ec-8b32-4235-ab70-9120f2176e38",
                    "result": "pass",
                    "variables": [
                            "result": "pass",
                            "source": "json",
                            "property": "deck_id",
                            "name": "deck_id",
                            "value": "8i3go9itqhbf",
                            "error": null
                    "assertions": [
                            "result": "pass",
                            "source": "status_code",
                            "property": null,
                            "comparison": "equals_number",
                            "target_value": 200,
                            "actual_value": "200",
                            "error": null
                            "result": "pass",
                            "source": "response_time_ms",
                            "property": null,
                            "comparison": "less_than",
                            "target_value": "500",
                            "actual_value": "439.0",
                            "error": null
                            "result": "pass",
                            "source": "json",
                            "property": "remaining",
                            "comparison": "equals_number",
                            "target_value": "52",
                            "actual_value": "52",
                            "error": null
                    "scripts": [],
                    "assertions_defined": 3,
                    "assertions_passed": 3,
                    "assertions_failed": 0,
                    "variables_defined": 1,
                    "variables_passed": 1,
                    "variables_failed": 0,
                    "scripts_defined": 0,
                    "scripts_passed": 0,
                    "scripts_failed": 0,
                    "timings": {
                        "dns_lookup_ms": 11.345386505126953,
                        "dial_ms": 2.6960372924804688,
                        "send_headers_ms": 10.195255279541016,
                        "send_body_ms": 0.0019073486328125,
                        "wait_for_response_ms": 425.7347583770752,
                        "receive_response_ms": 0.06461143493652344
                    "url": "",
                    "method": "GET",
                    "uuid": "ef556c3d-d9b7-4afc-af83-6bd8e4a43299",
                    "result": "pass",
                    "variables": [
                            "result": "pass",
                            "source": "json",
                            "property": "cards[0].code",
                            "name": "first_card_code",
                            "value": "AD",
                            "error": null
                            "result": "pass",
                            "source": "json",
                            "property": "cards[1].code",
                            "name": "second_card_code",
                            "value": "JH",
                            "error": null
                    "assertions": [
                            "result": "pass",
                            "source": "status_code",
                            "property": null,
                            "comparison": "equals_number",
                            "target_value": 200,
                            "actual_value": "200",
                            "error": null
                            "result": "pass",
                            "source": "response_time_ms",
                            "property": null,
                            "comparison": "less_than",
                            "target_value": "500",
                            "actual_value": "238.0",
                            "error": null
                            "result": "pass",
                            "source": "json",
                            "property": "remaining",
                            "comparison": "equals_number",
                            "target_value": "50",
                            "actual_value": "50",
                            "error": null
                    "scripts": [],
                    "assertions_defined": 3,
                    "assertions_passed": 3,
                    "assertions_failed": 0,
                    "variables_defined": 2,
                    "variables_passed": 2,
                    "variables_failed": 0,
                    "scripts_defined": 0,
                    "scripts_passed": 0,
                    "scripts_failed": 0,
                    "timings": {
                        "dns_lookup_ms": 6.918907165527344,
                        "dial_ms": 2.307415008544922,
                        "send_headers_ms": 9.010791778564453,
                        "send_body_ms": 0.002384185791015625,
                        "wait_for_response_ms": 225.95882415771484,
                        "receive_response_ms": 0.064849853515625
                    "url": "",
                    "method": "GET",
                    "uuid": "cd3bab6a-2abf-441c-bdf5-1d8fd4d37c0e",
                    "result": "pass",
                    "variables": [],
                    "assertions": [
                            "result": "pass",
                            "source": "status_code",
                            "property": null,
                            "comparison": "equals_number",
                            "target_value": 200,
                            "actual_value": "200",
                            "error": null
                            "result": "pass",
                            "source": "response_time_ms",
                            "property": null,
                            "comparison": "less_than",
                            "target_value": "500",
                            "actual_value": "239.0",
                            "error": null
                            "result": "pass",
                            "source": "json",
                            "property": "piles.discard.remaining",
                            "comparison": "equals_number",
                            "target_value": "2",
                            "actual_value": "2",
                            "error": null
                    "scripts": [],
                    "assertions_defined": 3,
                    "assertions_passed": 3,
                    "assertions_failed": 0,
                    "variables_defined": 0,
                    "variables_passed": 0,
                    "variables_failed": 0,
                    "scripts_defined": 0,
                    "scripts_passed": 0,
                    "scripts_failed": 0,
                    "timings": {
                        "dns_lookup_ms": 9.076356887817383,
                        "dial_ms": 2.7964115142822266,
                        "send_headers_ms": 10.895490646362305,
                        "send_body_ms": 0.001430511474609375,
                        "wait_for_response_ms": 224.6863842010498,
                        "receive_response_ms": 0.05817413330078125
                    "url": "",
                    "method": "GET",
                    "uuid": "786a296f-56f9-414a-b21c-c85dde52f028",
                    "result": "pass",
                    "variables": [],
                    "assertions": [
                            "result": "pass",
                            "source": "status_code",
                            "property": null,
                            "comparison": "equals_number",
                            "target_value": 200,
                            "actual_value": "200",
                            "error": null
                            "result": "pass",
                            "source": "response_time_ms",
                            "property": null,
                            "comparison": "less_than",
                            "target_value": "500",
                            "actual_value": "244.0",
                            "error": null
                            "result": "pass",
                            "source": "json",
                            "property": "piles.discard.remaining",
                            "comparison": "equals_number",
                            "target_value": "2",
                            "actual_value": "2",
                            "error": null
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                    "assertions_defined": 3,
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                    "variables_defined": 0,
                    "variables_passed": 0,
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                    "timings": {
                        "dns_lookup_ms": 9.302854537963867,
                        "dial_ms": 3.0939579010009766,
                        "send_headers_ms": 9.891033172607422,
                        "send_body_ms": 0.0016689300537109375,
                        "wait_for_response_ms": 230.18383979797363,
                        "receive_response_ms": 0.06842613220214844
            "assertions_defined": 12,
            "assertions_passed": 12,
            "assertions_failed": 0,
            "bucket_key": "koa6ctwsgx9k",
            "started_at": 1639677275.7,
            "variables_defined": 3,
            "variables_passed": 3,
            "variables_failed": 0,
            "finished_at": 1639677286.6,
            "requests_executed": 4,
            "agent": null,
            "scripts_defined": 0,
            "scripts_passed": 0,
            "scripts_failed": 0,
            "result": "pass",
            "test_id": "4912dd0e-4522-49fa-9bc1-ffa20821a6d6",
            "test_run_id": "7d0236a0-469d-4b2a-b882-64acd2cb685f",
            "parent_test_uuid": "7abab89c-2a2d-4600-badc-44a75b60e5ad",
            "source": "scheduled",
            "region": "au1",
            "test_run_url": "",
            "environment_id": "d925b6b4-3aa3-4220-8a3b-7437f24f647c",
            "environment_name": "Prod Settings",
            "run_by": "Jane Doe",
            "subtests_count": 0,
            "subtests_passed": 0,
            "subtests_failed": 0,
            "subtests_others": 0,
            "agent_expired": false,
            "subtest_detail": {
                "name": null,
                "note": null,
                "result": null,
                "test_uuid": null,
                "test_run_uuid": null,
                "test_run_url": null,
                "started_at": null,
                "finished_at": null
        "error": null


    Test Result Step Detail

    Test Result Step Detail

    curl '<bucket_key>/tests/<test_id>/results/<test_run_id>/steps/<step_id>' \
        -H 'Authorization: Bearer <access_token>'

    Retrieve the HTTP request and response details of a given test step within a test run by ID. Supported step types are request and incoming request (pauses, Ghost Inspector and conditional steps are not supported).

    Test Step Result Detail Response Attributes

    Response 200 OK

        "data": {
            "bucket_key": "vnms9d3tgg4u",
            "uuid": "7a8daf40-60ea-44d8-9b4c-4695b76f3a1d",
            "request": {
                "body": "",
                "body_encoding": "plaintext",
                "headers": {
                    "Accept": [
                    "Accept-Encoding": [
                        "gzip, deflate, compress"
                    "Host": [
                    "User-Agent": [
                "host": "",
                "method": "GET",
                "params": {},
                "path": "/",
                "scheme": "https",
                "timestamp": 1368828807.918586
            "response": {
                "body": "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>\n<TwilioResponse><Versions page=\"0\" numpages=\"1\" pagesize=\"50\" total=\"2\" start=\"0\" end=\"1\" uri=\"/\" firstpageuri=\"\" previouspageuri=\"\" nextpageuri=\"\" lastpageuri=\"\"><Version><Name>2008-08-01</Name><Uri>/2008-08-01</Uri><SubresourceUris><Accounts>/2008-08-01/Accounts</Accounts></SubresourceUris></Version><Version><Name>2010-04-01</Name><Uri>/2010-04-01</Uri><SubresourceUris><Accounts>/2010-04-01/Accounts</Accounts></SubresourceUris></Version></Versions></TwilioResponse>\n",
                "body_encoding": "plaintext",
                "headers": {
                    "Content-Length": [
                    "Content-Type": [
                "reason": "OK",
                "size_bytes": 511,
                "status": 200,
                "timestamp": 1368828808.555258
        "meta": {
            "status": "success"



    Retrieve the metrics shown on the API Monitoring dashboard of a given test by ID.

    Test Metrics

    A list of metrics for a given test, including average response time, success ratio, and overall changes in performance compared to the previous time period.

    Test Metrics

    curl '<bucket_key>/tests/<test_id>/metrics' \
        -H 'Authorization: Bearer <access_token>'

    Response 200 OK


    This API returns an array of test response times with an interval of minutes/hours/days, depending on the timeframe filter you use when making the request. Each response time object contains the success_ratio (between 0.0, all fails, to 1.0, all passes), timestamp in Unix format, and avg_response_time_ms properties.

    The response also includes two objects: this_time_period, which includes the average response time in milliseconds of all the data points that fall within the 50th, 95th, and 99th percentile, and change_from_last_period, which includes the difference in response time for the same percentiles. For example, if you have the property response_time_99th_percentile: 43.91291 in this_time_period, that means that the average response time of 99% of your tests fall at or under 43.9ms, and 1% fall above.

    You can use those values to have a better idea if your tests have been getting slower, consistent, or faster, as time progresses.

    Test Metrics Request Parameters



    Regions List

    curl '' \
        -H 'Authorization: Bearer <access_token>'

    Response 200 OK

        "data": {
            "regions": [
                    "region_code": "us1",
                    "location": "US East (Northern Virginia)",
                    "service_provider": "Amazon Web Services",
                    "hostname": ""
        "meta": {
            "status": "success"

    Information about the available service regions that you can use to send requests through Runscope.



    curl ''

    Information about the authorized account.

    Account Response Attributes

    Response 200 OK

        "data": {
            "name": "Grace Hopper", 
            "uuid": "4ee15ecc-7fe1-43cb-aa12-ef50420f2cf9", 
            "email": "", 
            "teams": [
                    "uuid": "1234abcd-7fe1-43cb-aa12-ef50420f2cf9",
                    "name": "Amazing Grace"
        "meta": {
            "status": "success"



    Retrieve details for the buckets available to the authorized account. If the account belongs to multiple teams, buckets for all the teams the belong to are accessible.

    Bucket List

    Bucket List

    curl '' \
        -H 'Authorization: Bearer <access_token>'

    Response 200 OK

        "data": [
                "auth_token": null,
                "default": false,
                "key": "z20co0kgljjk",
                "name": "Lucky Notebook",
                "team": {
                    "name": "Personal Team",
                    "uuid": "7a7a0917-91d7-43ef-b8f4-fe31762167e0"
                "verify_ssl": true
                "auth_token": null,
                "default": false,
                "key": "ov2f2tqifoov",
                "auth_token": "7n7n0917-91q7-43rs-o8s4-sr31762167r0",
                "name": "Mobile Apps",
                "team": {
                    "name": "Mobile Team",
                    "uuid": "7a7a0917-91d7-43ef-b8f4-fe31762167e0"
                "verify_ssl": true
        "meta": {
            "status": "success"

    These bucket keys may be used to make requests through BlazeMeter API Monitoring to capture API data on behalf of the authorized account. Authenticated buckets are only returned if you are authorized with the bucket:auth_token scope.

    Bucket Detail

    Test Result Detail v1

    curl '<bucket_key>' \
        -H 'Authorization: Bearer <access_token>'

    Test Result Detail v0

    curl '<bucket_key>' \
        -H 'Authorization: Bearer <access_token>'

    Retrieve the details of a given bucket by key.

    Note: The list_utilizations_gt attribute is available with Runscope API v1 or higher. For more information, see the Bucket Utilization API documentation.

    Bucket Detail Response Attributes

    Response 200 OK

        "data": {
            "auth_token": null,
            "default": false,
            "key": "ov2f2tq1floq",
            "name": "Mobile Apps",
            "team": {
                "name": "Mobile Team",
                "uuid": "7a7a0917-91d7-43ef-b8f4-fe31762167e0"
            "verify_ssl": true,
            "locations_utilization_%": {
                "remote": 82,
                "US California": 86, 
                "US Iowa": 90
        "meta": {
            "status": "success"


    Bucket Custom Emails

    Bucket Custom Emails List

    curl '<bucket_key>/custom-emails' \
        -H 'Authorization: Bearer <access_token>'

    You can configure email notifications so that test results are sent to custom email addresses (non-member emails, external emails, or distribution list emails).

    Important! In order to add a custom email address, you first need to whitelist its email domain. See Team Email Domains for details.

    Response 200 OK

        "meta": {
            "status": "success"
        "data": [
                "uuid": "a250d664-10bb-4520-98f1-ae706e37050a",
                "custom_email": "",
                "description": "custom email 1",
                "bucket_key": "q4nomk5x1yk7",
                "team_uuid": "576cdce0-c0f6-4d0e-bf49-6ff75604b783",
                "created_by": "92f70ebd-d8cc-47d8-bddb-0f1da1e6c8ca",
                "created_at": 1617176809
                "uuid": "c6aefe9b-eb98-4438-b7f3-cdfa8128d289",
                "custom_email": "",
                "description": "custom email 2",
                "bucket_key": "q4nomk5x1yk7",
                "team_uuid": "576cdce0-c0f6-4d0e-bf49-6ff75604b783",
                "created_by": "92f70ebd-d8cc-47d8-bddb-0f1da1e6c8ca",
                "created_at": 1617176809
                "uuid": "f7de248a-4f3f-4412-8514-26b80512d7f3",
                "custom_email": "",
                "description": "custom email 3",
                "bucket_key": "q4nomk5x1yk7",
                "team_uuid": "576cdce0-c0f6-4d0e-bf49-6ff75604b783",
                "created_by": "92f70ebd-d8cc-47d8-bddb-0f1da1e6c8ca",
                "created_at": 1617176809
        "error": null

    Add Custom Email to Bucket

    Add Custom Email to Bucket

    curl '<bucket_key>/custom-emails' \
        -X POST \
        -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
        -H 'Authorization: Bearer <access_token>' \
        -d '{"team_uuid": "Mandatory Team UUID argument","email": "Mandatory Email ID argument","description": "Optional description argument","created_by": "Optional user UUID"}'

    Response 200 OK

    "error": null,
    "meta": {
    "status": "success"

    Delete Custom Email from Bucket

    Delete Custom Email from Bucket

    curl '<bucket_key>/custom-emails' \
        -X DELETE \
        -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
        -H 'Authorization: Bearer <access_token>' \
        -d '{"email": "Mandatory Email ID argument"}'

    Response 204 NO CONTENT

    "error": "Email is not part of the bucket q4nomk5x1yk7",
    "meta": {
    "status": "error"

    Creating a Bucket

    Creating a Bucket

    curl '' \
        -X POST \
        -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
        -H 'Authorization: Bearer <access_token>'

    Create a new test environment by POSTing a JSON body with the environment details.

    Creating a Bucket Request Parameters


    Creating a Bucket Response Attributes

    Response 201 CREATED

        "data": {
            "auth_token": null,
            "default": false,
            "key": "ov2f2tq1floq",
            "name": "Mobile Apps",
            "team": {
                "name": "Mobile Team",
                "uuid": "7a7a0917-91d7-43ef-b8f4-fe31762167e0"
            "verify_ssl": true
        "meta": {
            "status": "success"


    Deleting a Bucket

    Deleting a Bucket

    curl '<bucket_key>' \
        -X DELETE \
        -H 'Authorization: Bearer <access_token>'

    Response 204 NO CONTENT

    Delete a bucket by key. Note: You cannot delete the default bucket on an account.


    The /teams endpoints allow you to:

    Team Members List

    Team Members List

    curl '<team_id>/people' \
        -H 'Authorization: Bearer <access_token>'

    Teams Response Attributes

    Response 200 OK

            "name": "Grace Hopper",
            "created_at": "Wed, 14 Aug 2019 19:53:48 -0000",
            "id": "4ee15ecc-7fe1-43cb-aa12-ef50420f2cf9",
            "last_login_at": "Thu, 21 Nov 2019 15:22:00 -0000",
            "role_name": "User Group",
            "email": "",
            "uuid": "4ee15ecc-7fe1-43cb-aa12-ef50420f2cf9",
            "name": "Ada Lovelace",
            "created_at": "Sun, 14 Apr 2019 13:07:23 -0000",
            "id": "84fa0764-ba80-4f0e-8e33-1ad12280f3f1",
            "last_login_at": "Tue, 04 Feb 2020 09:47:32 -0000",
            "role_name": "User Group",
            "email": "",
            "uuid": "84fa0764-ba80-4f0e-8e33-1ad12280f3f1"


    Look Up User

    Look Up User Details

    curl '<team_id>/people/<email>' \
        -H 'Authorization: Bearer <access_token>'

    Returns user details associated with an email.

    Response 200 OK

        "meta": {
            "status": "success"
        "data": {
            "id": "d24561e8-5331-4168-933e-bc24a0d9e30a",
            "uuid": "d24561e8-5331-4168-933e-bc24a0d9e30a",
            "name": "User9090",
            "email": "",
            "created_at": 1660800577,
            "role_name": "Administrator"
        "error": null

    Look Up Groups in Team

    Look Up Groups in Team

    curl '<team_id>/groups' \
        -H 'Authorization: Bearer <access_token>'

    Return the list of groups within a team.

    Response 200 OK

        "error": null,
        "meta": {
            "status": "success"
        "data": [
                "name": "Group1",
                "uuid": "6ee0c1d0-ca65-4eaa-92d2-aa6e0a0324a0"
                "name": "Group2",
                "uuid": "469301f2-c525-45d2-8e89-09ddeb46853e"

    Look Up Group Membership

    Look Up User's Group Membership

    curl '<team_id>/people/<email>/groups ' \
        -H 'Authorization: Bearer <access_token>'

    Returns a user's membership in groups within the specified team, using their email and team_id.

    Response 200 OK

        "meta": {
            "status": "success"
        "data": [{
            "uuid": "651afb6c-af35-4c2c-9e19-ec0637e44e3f",
            "name": "Group1"
            "team_uuid": "c3bdc553-d214-405f-bc30-78561a8c0aeb",
        "error": null

    Invite User

    Invite Users to Team

    curl '<team_id>/invite' \
        -X POST \
        -H 'Authorization: Bearer <access_token>' \
        -d '{"emails": ["", ""], "role_uuid":"e90f9a7d-9611-46a8-bb4d-80d77e6be1f1",
      "group_uuids": ["d9d4ba85-8d41-4e71-905e-d6a68ff08801","d35499f7-db48-4ebc-ab04-0ae2019bfba5"]}'

    Invite users to the team and assign role and group(s) to them.

    Response 201 OK

        "error": null,
        "meta": {
            "status": "success"
        "data": {
            "successes": [
            "errors": []


    Remove User

    Remove User from Team

    curl '<team_id>/people/<email>' \
        -X DELETE \
        -H 'Authorization: Bearer <access_token>'

    Remove a user from a team.


    The API call will not remove user/users under the following conditions:

    Response 204 DELETED

    Team Email Domains

    Team Email Domains List

    curl '<team_id>/email-domains' \
        -H 'Authorization: Bearer <access_token>'

    You can view and add custom email domains to email notification domain whitelist.

    Response 200 OK

        "meta": {
            "status": "success"
        "data": {
            "team_uuid": "e54c1b37-895f-434c-86f3-4606a49242af",
            "email_whitelist_domains": ",,",
            "updated_by": "92f70ebd-d8cc-47d8-bddb-0f1da1e6c8ca",
            "updated_at": 1617129570
        "error": null

    Update Whitelist Domains

    Insert or Update Whitelist Domains

    curl '<team_id>/email-domains' \
        -X POST \
        -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
        -H 'Authorization: Bearer <access_token>' \
        -d '{"domainNames": "domain name(s) (separated by comma) argument"}'

    Insert or update whitelisted domains.

    Response 200 OK

        "error": null,
        "meta": {
            "status": "success"


    List 3rd-party connected services associated with a given team.

    Team Integrations List

    Team Integrations List

    curl '<team_id>/integrations' \
        -H 'Authorization: Bearer <access_token>'

    Response 200 OK

            "description": "PagerDuty: Production Alerts",
            "type": "pagerduty",
            "uuid": "cf95026e-8951-4ae1-83a7-699243678490"
            "description": "Slack: #api-tests channel, send message on failed test runs",
            "type": "slack",
            "uuid": "12014ba3-f5d7-448f-8740-f5ca2f498674"

    Integrations Response Attributes



    List currently connected agents associated with a given team.

    Team Agents List

    Team Agents List

    curl '<team_id>/agents'

    Agents Response Attributes

    Response 200 OK

        "meta": {
            "status": "success"
        "data": [
                "version": "go-radar-agent v0.27",
                "agent_id": "79f50f9a-dc4b-403b-8006-fb198356eb95",
                "name": "Grace-Hopper-Macbook.local",
                "team_id": "3343w43-9343434",
                "install_dir": "/opt/bzm/agent",
                "hostname": "server A",
                "host_os": "CentOS 8"
        "error": null


    Role Based Access Control

    Assign, modify, or un-assign a built-in or custom role to/from a user or team group.

    Available Permissions


    Note: Users with “Manage Private Buckets” permission can access all the private buckets of the organization without creating a Group.

    List Roles

    Test Environment List

    curl '<team_id>/roles' \
        -H 'Authorization: Bearer <access_token>'

    Response 200 OK

        "name": "Read-only Members",
        "permissions": [
        "uuid": "6c591177-a19d-41d8-a74e-05ad350c472f"

    Get the list of the roles in a team.

    Returns the details of the roles in a given team.

    Create Role

    Create Role

    curl '<team_id>/roles' \
        -X POST \
        -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
        -H 'Authorization: Bearer <access_token>' \
        -d '{"name": "Viewer","permissions": ["team:people:view"]}'

    The following JSON sample provides a more readable version of the content contained in the above curl example. This example represents the attributes and values contained in the -d flag of the curl example.

    Create Role Sample POST Body(JSON) for Create Role

        "name": "Viewer",
        "permissions": [

    Response 201 CREATED

        "data": {
            "name": "Viewer",
            "permissions": [
            "uuid": "f8ad39e1-053b-4bce-b0f1-1564df7b5c9f"
        "error": null,
        "meta": {
            "status": "success"

    Create a new role by POSTing a JSON body with the role details.

    Returns the details of the new role.

    Create Role Request Attributes


    Role Details

    Role Details

    curl '<team_uuid>/roles/<role_id>' \
        -H 'Authorization: Bearer <access_token>'

    Retrieve the details of a given role by ID.

    Returns a single role resource.

    Role Details Response Attributes

    Response 200 OK

        "data": {
            "name": "Viewer",
            "permissions": [
            "uuid": "f8ad39e1-053b-4bce-b0f1-1564df7b5c9f"
        "error": null,
        "meta": {
            "status": "success"


    Modify Role

    Modify Role

    curl '<team_id>/roles/<role_id>' \
        -X PUT \
        -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
        -H 'Authorization: Bearer <access_token>' \
        -d '{"permissions":["team:people:view","team:usage:view","bucket:tests:view","team:secrets:view"]}'

    The following JSON sample provides a more readable version of the content contained in the above curl example. This example represents the attributes and values contained in the -d flag of the curl example. See the example POST body for creating a role.

    Modify Role Sample PUT Body(JSON) for Modify Role

        "permissions": [

    Response 200 OK

        "data": {
            "name": "Viewer",
            "permissions": [
            "uuid": "f8ad39e1-053b-4bce-b0f1-1564df7b5c9f"
        "error": null,
        "meta": {
            "status": "success"

    Update the permissions of a role by making a PUT request with a JSON body of the environment details.

    Returns the updated details of the role.

    Delete a Role

    Delete Role

    curl '<team_id>/roles/<role_id>' \
        -X DELETE \
        -H 'Authorization: Bearer <access_token>'

    Response 204 NO CONTENT

    Delete a role.

    Returns a 204 if the role is successfully deleted.

    Assign Role

    Assign Role

    curl '<team_id>/people' \
        -X PUT \
        -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
        -H 'Authorization: Bearer <access_token>' \
        -d '{"role_uuid":"5d5435cf-5f9f-47a8-bbd3-2de7bc213758","user_uuids":["9512d659-32c3-4c21-9128-55168fa4e306","a3f5fdc2-049a-451a-8934-b20fd82733af"]}'

    The following JSON sample provides a more readable version of the content contained in the above curl example. This example represents the attributes and values contained in the -d flag of the curl example. See the example POST body for creating a role.

    Assign Role Sample PUT Body(JSON) for Assign Role

        "role_uuid": "5d5435cf-5f9f-47a8-bbd3-2de7bc213758",
        "user_uuids": [

    Response 200 OK

    Assign a role to a list of team members (by ID) by making a PUT request with a JSON body of the environment details.

    Returns a 200 in case of success.

    Create a Group

    Create a Group

    curl '<team_id>/groups' \
        -X POST \
        -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
        -H 'Authorization: Bearer <access_token>' \
        -d '{"name": "My New Team Group"}'

    Create a new group by POSTing a JSON body with the role details.

    Returns the details of the new group.

    Create Group Request Attributes

    The following JSON sample provides a more readable version of the content contained in the above curl example. This example represents the attributes and values contained in the -d flag of the curl example.

    Create a Group Sample POST Body(JSON) for Create a Group

        "name": "My New Team Group"

    Response 201 CREATED

        "data": {
            "bucket_keys": null,
            "name": "My New Team Group",
            "user_count": 0,
            "users": null,
            "uuid": "5011528b-4a90-47ba-ab13-9437c8f828b8"
        "error": null,
        "meta": {
            "status": "success"


    Group Details

    Group Details

    curl '<team_id>/groups/<group_id>' \
        -H 'Authorization: Bearer <access_token>'

    Retrieve the details of a given group by ID.

    Returns a single group resource.

    Group Details Response Attributes

    Response 200 OK

        "data": {
            "bucket_keys": [
            "name": "My New Team Group",
            "user_count": 1,
            "users": [
                    "email": "",
                    "name": "Hyunji Kim",
                    "uuid": "c146cfcc-686a-42b6-97e9-3d4f3c3a3493"
            "uuid": "5011528b-4a90-47ba-ab13-9437c8f828b8"
        "error": null,
        "meta": {
            "status": "success"


    Modify Group

    Modify Group

    curl '<team_id>/groups/<group_id>' \
        -X PUT \
        -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
        -H 'Authorization: Bearer <access_token>' \
        -d '{"bucket_keys":["rtedbn4shvno","clnhxhzt78zv"],"user_uuids":["9512d659-32c3-4c21-9128-55168fa4e306","a3f5fdc2-049a-451a-8934-b20fd82733af"]}'

    The following JSON sample provides a more readable version of the content contained in the above curl example. This example represents the attributes and values contained in the -d flag of the curl example.

    Modify Group Sample PUT Body (JSON) for Modify Group

        "bucket_keys": [
        "user_uuids": [

    Response 200 OK

        "data": {
            "bucket_keys": [
            "name": "My New Team Group",
            "user_count": 1,
            "users": [
                    "email": "",
                    "name": "Hyunji Kim",
                    "uuid": "c146cfcc-686a-42b6-97e9-3d4f3c3a3493"
            "uuid": "5011528b-4a90-47ba-ab13-9437c8f828b8"
        "error": null,
        "meta": {
            "status": "success"

    Update the bucket keys and/or users in a team group by making a PUT request with a JSON body of the group details.

    Returns the updated details of the group.

    Delete a Group

    Delete Group

    curl '<team_id>/groups/<group_id>' \
        -X DELETE \
        -H 'Authorization: Bearer <access_token>'

    Response 204 NO CONTENT

    Delete a group.

    Returns a 204 if the group is successfully deleted.


    Get the usage for a specific bucket or team.

    Bucket Request Count

    Bucket Request Count

    curl '<bucket_key>/requests' \
        -H 'Authorization: Bearer <access_token>'

    This endpoint will fetch the request usage metrics that were executed by all the tests of the given bucket by key for the last day, by default.

    Bucket Request Count Query Parameters


    Bucket Request Count Response Attributes

    Response 200 OK

        "meta": {
            "status": "success"
        "data": {
            "requests_count": 3063237,
            "bucket_key": "61ti2ptvktsg",
            "from_date": "2019-11-14",
            "to_date": "2019-11-15"
        "error": null


    Team Request Count

    Team Request Count

    curl '<team_id>/requests' \
        -H 'Authorization: Bearer <access_token>'

    This endpoint will fetch the request usage metrics that were executed by all the tests of the given team for the last day, by default.

    Team Request Count Query Parameters


    Team Request Count Response Attributes

    Response 200 OK

      "meta": {
        "status": "success"
      "data": {
        "team_uuid": "3c7112ad-ff92-4d54-83c5-2d088706116e",
        "requests_count": 1817949,
        "from_date": "2019-11-14",
        "to_date": "2019-11-15",
        "creator_name": "Sam Aybar",
        "creator_email": "",
        "creator_id": "5d859a7d-8a97-4c8a-b4b8-b2125ea0fb00",
        "buckets": [
            "requests_count": 1622360,
            "bucket_key": "61ti2ptvktsg",
            "from_date": "2019-11-14",
            "to_date": "2019-11-15"
            "requests_count": 181307,
            "bucket_key": "bobnzrp9z8ub",
            "from_date": "2019-11-14",
            "to_date": "2019-11-15"
            "requests_count": 12796,
            "bucket_key": "zqcah3ebn1ku",
            "from_date": "2019-11-14",
            "to_date": "2019-11-15"
            "requests_count": 928,
            "bucket_key": "h0op5nyvkt91",
            "from_date": "2019-11-14",
            "to_date": "2019-11-15"
            "requests_count": 547,
            "bucket_key": "b0vjn2xjjkol",
            "from_date": "2019-11-14",
            "to_date": "2019-11-15"
            "requests_count": 10,
            "bucket_key": "iqt75w0wd989",
            "from_date": "2019-11-14",
            "to_date": "2019-11-15"
            "requests_count": 1,
            "bucket_key": "x28c0km6c21g",
            "from_date": "2019-11-14",
            "to_date": "2019-11-15"
            "requests_count": 0,
            "bucket_key": "ljwc8zc1aeda",
            "from_date": "2019-11-14",
            "to_date": "2019-11-15"
      "error": null
